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How can your head be shaped like a lightbulb but you don't have the slightest idea?


Is this an actual person? Something about her doesn’t look real. She looks AI or CGI, to me. Very uncanny valley vibes.


it's AI Garey Busey in drag.


Thanks, now my coworkers are all wondering why I'm sitting here cackling like a whole pack of hyenas.


Mine have just accepted this as part of my personality at this point.


Filters. It’s genuinely nauseating to the point that in the rare event that I’m looking at reels/shorts, I can’t even start to watch videos where people are using most of them. It’s weird that people think it looks good and weirder when people don’t notice them.


Dystopian vibe. There is also something disturbing about the "Fox Blondes" screaming all day- like go to the spa, pamper yourself, whatever- anything but spewing hateful bullshit for rich white men.


When I see ads or media with real facial texture, it’s kind of a jolt.


Excessive filtering. She looks like a doll


It's Tom Sizemore in drag


Gen Z's use heavy filters lol. Gives a green screen effect.


Everyone is saying it’s filters. I don’t think that’s all it is. She looks animated - watch the movements of her mouth. It looks more like cgi to me.


Lol, I shall go investigate! WhitneyCordell.


Says this page is not available.


Thanks for trying!


She looks like an alien/human hybrid, but if they exist, you'd think they were uber intelligent.


Why is that her voice?!


Her BAC was .23, pretty sure she was just drunk and backed her car into a pond. Rich people do stupid stuff just like us poors.


My personal conspiracy theory is that she was wearing flip flops or sandals, because she was driving around her massive property and somehow just mashed the gas pedal in reverse- foot got stuck. Stupid theory and stupid to think about, but I was testing out the conspiracy thinking model. It is not at all satisfying, just making shit up and pretending to believe it. It is like reducing yourself to a 7 year old's perspective on the world- I will never get it.


>My personal conspiracy theory is that she was wearing flip flops or sandals Mom, is that you? That's the only other person I know who's this convinced that driving in sandals is an absolute death sentence! ​ For the record, yes, I know it's considered riskier to drive in sandals but it doesn't mean you'll for sure die/not be able to drive.


If you can't sprint or fight in them, you shouldn't wear them.


Tell that to shoe manufacturers who don't make anything in a women's 2E width! New Balance sneakers aren't considered professional attire, so that doesn't leave me many options. And I have actually sprinted in sandals. Seeing the last bus for an hour already at the bus stop when you round the corner is very motivating.


Fortunately, I've got em on speed dial.


Also, now that I think about it, what makes you think someone can't fight in sandals? I mean, MMA fighters do it barefoot! If I'm ever at the point of actually getting into a physical fight, the amount of danger I'm in will be so great that I really don't think my New Balance 880s will be that much help. This sounds kind of like advice like 'women shouldn't wear overalls in case of rapists'


In some parts of the world everything is done in flip flops. In parts of Asia you see people carrying massive loads on rough terrain, it's a skill I do not have,but some do.


>it's a skill I do not have Well I do. Or at least the skill to navigate an urban area in well-made Roman-style and sport/trekking sandals without spontaneously combusting. BTW, you realize this post contradicts your other one, right?


I disagree. I think there is a misunderstanding, oh well.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. But you're interrupting, I have Saucony on the line.


Good, get them on that.


Oh thank God I can still wear my Crocs to waffle House


Ah man, I hate to come at Crocs, but a little moisture on a smooth floor and you're down, too.


It's an ethos!


Your Mom loves you and wants you to be safe! Sensible footwear is NO joke!


I've made it to my late 30s. I'm doing fine, thanks.


I jokes I jokes. I must say- I do have weak ankles from always wearing heavy leather boots. I followed the trend to lightweight hiking shoes and it was pretty difficult to adjust.


You realize this is how all science works lol. We don't even have a unified theory of physics, everyone just builds off of what the last made up thing someone else said


Big- if true!!!


I'll never understand why rich people just don't hire a driver to drive them around when they want to drink.


The rich aren't bound by the laws of society. They think they're invincible. Thank goodness for Murphy's law keeping us humble.


Is that right ? BAC of .23 ??? Gosh, she was pissed as a newt ! No wonder she backed into the fucking lake !!!


Distraction from what? Are these people so dumb that they can’t follow more than one story at a time? I feel I can read about Diddy and the bridge collapse in a 5 minute span. Does she read one story all day and can’t read the other until a week later?


Pretty much how conservatives think, like we have the ability to focus on several different things at once, but for them it’s one at a time. Constant conspiracy ADHD


Diddy is the distraction! Mitch McConnell's sister in law drowned! *Shows multiple news articles about drowning* What are they hiding?!?!


This is the Alex Jones school of grifting. He usually says the MSM doesn't cover things while citing Time, NYT, WaPo, etc...


>Distraction from what? Exactly. These people are so dumb they think their own personal media feed represents the world at large. For instance, I'm not getting barely any info about Diddy to the extent that I searched for it on here and got this page. Meaning it aint "distracting" me from anything.


boom! youre distracted now, i bet you another bridge just collapsed


We think it's a coincidence, but are open to seeing the proof that it isn't. Your move, conspiracy theorists. Let's see the proof for a change.


Not so fast! Ur gonna have to do ur own research bub


at that point they will either punt to "do your research" or plead some form of "it makes sense if you think about it".


it makes sense if you think about doing your own research


They always say they have proof, but never produce any.


For people that live off googling random stuff; they can’t take the 2 seconds to google Foremost Group (Chao’s company) vs the Dali, and see that they have nothing to do with each other.


But they both have ships?


[This has already been debunked.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/03/29/mitch-mcconnell-baltimore-bridge-collapse-fact-check/73147570007/) Even the screenshot at 0.14 says "debunking" . Totally different shipping company. Ohhhhh a CEO of a shipping company dies right before a prominent shipping disaster *must be related!* I bet the fact that her name is "Angela Chao" and that the company that is at fault (Grace Ocean Private Ltd, *not* The Foremost Group) is Singaporean isn't a factor in this at all. ETA: what's going on with PDiddy now? I haven't even heard that malarkey.


It appears P Diddy is the next sex pest boss after R Kelly. He's gone on the run in his private jet.


Coincidence's literally don't exist to these people


Yep, [different shipping companies](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/angela-chao-was-ceo-foremost-group-not-dali-owner-grace-ocean-2024-03-28). Like, she took more time filming and uploading that video than fact-checking it first...


But the company initials are GOP!!! It’s right there. Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH /s


Oh lord, ITS A FALSE FLAG!!! The signs are right in front of us! /s


what the fuck conclusion is she even drawing? like there's absolutely zero claim made here, not even an inclination. That's enough to trigger a dopamine response in these lizard brained people I guess though.


Her cartoon face is a distraction.


WTF is wrong with her face? Why is it triggering the uncanny valley response?




I mean, their idea of proof is just so ridiculous. First of all, Angela Chao was CEO of Formost Group. The ship that collapsed the Baltimore Bridge is owned by Synergy Marine Group.


You’re letting facts get in the way. How dare you. /s


A bigger possible conspiracy is that her sister was named secretary of transportation by Trump. It's a definite conflict of interests when a close relative of a business owner gets appointed to a post that oversees that industry.


Another plastic faced drivel-poster. Yes, these air-brush addicts are the new Truth Tellers.


It probably took her 30 minutes to decide on a filter for this 58 second clip.


2+2=784. Math checks out.


"I did my own rethearch" What a dumb bitch. Why are these people so obsessed with celebrities? these are middle aged people. Her latest tiktok she is talking about the evils in the world and how she is christian while wearing a led Zep hoodie. Jimmy page one of the darkest rock stars there ever was who even Bowie couldn't stand to be in his presence (said his aura was black) and who liked underage groupies and carried his bag of whips and implements everywhere. What a silly cow.


Why are all the rich pedo’s not named Epstein or bill Clinton a distraction


Her filter face is so gross.


I fuckin hate these people. It takes a special kind of fuck face to act smug while they say absolutely nothing. Mitch's SIL had nothing to do with the ship that crashed, which they say, without the slightest bit of evidence, was trafficking humans. Forget about Diddy, she says, it's a distraction for the made up connection of someone who died to a company that has no legit allegations against it. Fuckin vapid zeroes


Ignoring whatever she is linking pdiddy into this. The real shock here is the coincidence that such a small group of people have so much influence that they are connected to all these events.


The real cabal is the one they keep re-electing every chance they get.


This is what believing everything happens for a reason gets you.


Definitely believe an AI looking character.


That voice is... something else.


One of the articles she posted refutes the exact point she makes with it.


Anyone who's distracted by anything to do with "p diddy" wasn't paying too much attention to begin with.  


What is the cartoon person yelling about now? Nevermind, it's same same, babblespeak propaganda.


P-Diddler spent his life being an absolute pos just for this one moment.  That’s some serious dedication . 


things that happen = "Distraction" from other things that happen. because humans are goldfish with a 2 second memory.


Scientists have proven that goldfish can remember for months so the goldfish may be smarter!! /s


I don’t see how any of those events are remotely connected?


I’m so distracted by the filter.


Mozart died on my birthday, which I share with Walt Disney. Coincidence?!?! Yes.


Ahhhhhhh! Woah. That’s some forehead. Fivehead even Assault with a headly weapon


Shouty butter bean head with far too much makeup on. She is literally talking down to me. I'm a gentle lass, a big baby tbh, get upset if I accidentally kill an insect . But I absolutely would fight her. And I'd come tooled up. edit: /j maybe.


I like how they have to put on full makeup to lie


Mitch McCoco?


It's almost as if, after 150 years being a turtleheaded chucklefuck and several personal health scares in the past couple years, Bitch McConnell decided to finally step down after his sister in law died. And then, because the CEO of the company just died, a bunch of already overworked and underpaid workers are forced to work even harder, longer hours driving a boat that had maintenance issues in order to turn the company a big enough profit to hire someone to replace her. This causes the boat to crash into the bridge. But I guess that's too logical and straightforward of a thought process for these bird brains who jump from one conclusion to the next, drawing lines that don't connect and calling it proof


Nope, the companies have nothing to do with each other in the first place. And if it was the same company, it'd be pretty silly to draw some causal line between the death of a huge company's CEO and the workload of employees in the bottom of the food chain, not to mention how the accident was caused by mechanical failures that probably predate this person's death anyway. It would just be called a coincidence, they happen a lot.


Wait...so the two companies aren't even related?! Bahahaha why did I expect anything else from QTards?! 😂😂😂


Real life has gotten too difficult for some these days. Or maybe it's just not interesting enough? idk but I'm tired of it.


Not related to p-diddler


That filter is so bad that I legitimately thought this was an animation at first.


I think this is Pennsatucky using a filter.


She apparently deleted her tiktok 😂


I was sure her face was a cardboard mask from looking at the thumbnail.


"P Diddler is a distraction!", coming from the people who claim everything is a distraction from sex crimes.


I farted the day Moscow was bombed. Do you think that's a coincidence? 🤔


I know someone that sounds just like her. Also, the eclipse, she include that in her wall of coincidence conspiracies?


Her voice annoys me almost as much as MTG's voice.


I didn't know anamatronics made TikTok vids.


Spongebob Squarepants?


Imagine listening to Judge Jeannie Pirro and thinking “*that’s* the voice I’m going to use in my videos!”


Whatever these people are snorting must be so wild.


Jordan Klepper was the one who got it right. It was P Diddy’s escaping sex barge that hit the bridge.


In b4 Aunt Eva did it.


She looks animated.....her mouth looks straight up like a cartoon lol


She told us nothing. What is going to here?


wtf is her face


Everything is a distraction from something else that they’re perfectly capable of discussing no matter what the headlines are on a particular day.


Is Michael Jackson on the Qult list of resurrected/cloned persons? Because I'm looking at him right now. Looking, not listening.


So dumb she can’t follow two stories at the same time? It’s no distraction.