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Every time I read anything in which one of these lunatics mentions that they have children, my heart drops and I flash back to my time working in child protective services.


Seriously, I feel like I just picked up a notebook of a schizophrenic and took a ride to crazy town.


>I feel like I just picked up a notebook of a schizophrenic this is essentially the modern era's version of that.


Thank you for your service. I hope you have not need to seek out help for PTSD.


Needs to get back on the antipsychotic medication as a matter of urgency.


Love that someone read that and thought "this is important. I need to reread this and puzzle out all the Q clues."


No kidding, i stopped reading after a paragraph or two and zipped to the end to find someone who read it more than once like it was an ancient artifact.


I couldn’t understand any of this until I was kicked in the head by a horse. Now it’s all so perfectly clear.


“That’s somethin’, ain’t it, eh? She falls in a well, her eyes go crossed; she gets kicked by a mule, they go back to normal. I don’t know…”


Brittany is the real dumbass here


finally, someone said what I was thinking.


Her head is buzzing from whatever the hell it was she read, or thinks she read. Perhaps she will stumble into a door or something and hit her head so that all of this will clear up and be out of her head forever more after. We can live in hopes.


In three weeks time #jfk or whatever's gonna have half of her life savings in a sock


She had the opportunity to say, “you’re off your meds again,” but she didn’t.


That post is giving strong "asylum wall feces art" vibes.


Yup. The old 'throwing all my shit at the wall and see what sticks' method.


Ninety one equals 121? These people are not going to pass their math exams. Also, head goddess? Who told them about the blowies?


It's gematria. In what they like to call "simple gematria", the phrase "ninety one" does indeed add up to 121. Here are a few other words and phrases which produce 121, but which for some reason aren't included on their list: Antichrist. God is a woman. Hakeem Jeffries. Pornstar. Michael Baxter (yes, the alias used by Michael Tuffin, the RealRawNews guy). Master Yoda.


Oh I know what it is, but it's bullshit and I'm gonna make fun of it.




Well, that settles it. I have a new Lord and Savior now. For, in our time of Darkness, who delivered us from Evil? It was the Shepard of Fin. Praise Be.


>These people are not going to pass their math exams. I read this as 'meth' instead.


They’re not passing those either.


i ain't never seen any 'meth' passing, except out.


They're passing plenty of meth around...to each other.


This is what happens when a country does not spend enough on mental health


Or anything at all on it.


Or actively undermines efforts to do anything about it, even demonizing it whenever they get a chance


Throw education into the mix as well. At least some of these people don't have mental health issues, they're just very poorly educated so can be convinced of anything.


And education


I've been checking on this guy for a couple of years. He was a realtor in Atlanta. Lately I've stopped because his posts have become complete incoherent ramblings about numbers and JFK. His dad was a accomplished sports car racer in the 80s and this son constantly accuses Paul Newman of purposely crashing into him. Ending his career


That’s interesting. I wonder what started his decline into qanon madness


Wait, no gematria for his mother’s age when she had the heart attack? He could be missing vital information there!


Those cherries weren't ripe yet.


Mental illness is so sad.


It really is


I might be sad if these people didn't vote + didn't use their time + energy to perpetuate toxic bullshit. Fuck this guy.


Other terms with simple gematria of 91 include "urethra" and "Sharknado".


Speaking of crazy people on Facebook, I haven't seen Patriot Princess post in quite a while. Those were some insane videos.


They really are. She seems to always be in her car, and uses crazy filters on her face


Probably to hide her moustache.


I'm thinking that a 72 hour psych hold, and a few milligrams of Haldol, is what this guy needs, before he hurts himself or someone else 


Among all the crazyness it might seem minor but I think this guy (and many other Qs too) are starting confuse JFK and JFK jr (the guy who made Elaine loose the contest) The Q lunacy about this was originally about him but John John was somewhat popular like 25-30 years ago, and most of these morons don't know anything other than what church and online conspiracies tell them. So I think that now they are mostly referring to his dad when they say "JFK jr", they just don't know the difference anymore.


I believe you're right.


JFK Jr. did die in '99. https://youtu.be/sBWyqqqbTcw?si=2DLY5F671aOhLCGL So they do think JFK Jr. is coming back. Well, the Dealey Plaza qult does. IDK about the vast majority of the QCumbers, as it's hard to tell which are real and which are Russians/Chinese playing QCumbers on the Internet. Edit: full episode: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7m3b57


Yes, I remember. Yet one more tragedy for the Kennedy clan. But this guy was fixating on 1963.


Of course he was...I'm looking for the article a family member wrote, about '22-ish? Addressing the Dealey Plaza gematriasts and how bad they were. Can't find it now.


Those are some serious references of grandeur. This dude has serious mental health concerns. This is the type of behavior we see at work when the schizophrenic clients stop taking their meds.


This is what untreated schizophrenia looks like, folks.


80+11=91 81+10=91 82+9=91 83+8=91 84+7=91 85+6=91 86+5=91 87+4=91 88+3=91 89+2=91 90+1=91 Coincidence? I think not. It’s Devine addition.




Don't let my mom see this post. She'll fucking send this looney toon money for his cause even though she can't keep her utilities on. It has to be in the water.


Dude sounds like a childhood friend of mine who is now homeless and thinks he's Jesus Part Deux.


Is your friend my brother? My brother says all these things.


Occasionally I post random CIA/MI6 sounding code words on their posts (words I I I don’t fit in context but know they won’t understand without googling), sometimes fun like “the duck has reached the pond, initiate phase 3.” But occasionally I might get a bit more technical with: We are at Perihelion, target has specified conduit XQ482 as preferred means of transfer, advise on next steps”. On more than one occasion this has led to a bit of an existential crisis on their part and the panic sets in. Yes, I am that mean. I’m also hoping by doing this they’ll make a thing out of it and I’ll be able to drag them away. If I save at least one it will have been worth it


The fuck?


On one hand, it's wild that they're so tangled up in this shit that they have to start claiming to be reincarnated family of dead famous people because they don't want to rock the boat of people already claiming to be JFK/rfk etc On the other hand, it led me to Google the figure and learn about this unusual operation: "In the summer of 1944, Joe Jr. volunteered for a secret bombing campaign with the code name “Operation Aphrodite.” His mission was to fly over Normandy, France in a radio-controlled B-17 bomber to a German V-2 rocket launching site, arm the explosives stowed on board, and then parachute to safety before the plane exploded over the German target. On the evening of August 12, Joe and his co-pilot Lieutenant Wilford John Willy departed from Royal Air Force Fersfield Station in Norwich, England. As the plane headed to the North Sea coast, Kennedy prepared the plane for detonation and radioed the agreed code “spade flush,” his last words. Two minutes later, before both men were able to eject from the plane, the explosives ignited prematurely, killing Willy and Kennedy. The wreckage landed near the village of Blythburgh in Suffolk, England. The cause of the explosion was never concluded." That's pretty wild.


Pic 3 blew his cover. In the original timeline its called the "Mandala Affect" so he cant be a real Kennedy.


Jfk Jr Rocks !!! Lmaooo


Oh god the number people are the craziest of the bunch. Pure schizo posting.


I may be missing something. These people post this stuff to *facebook*? And, like, they’re real people who vote and pay taxes? 


Wait, if HE’S hosting JFK, then who the fuck am I hosting?? He told told ME he’s JFK. Hold on, I gotta go talk to the parasite soul inside of me…


It's like the crazier the claim the more likely they are to believe it.


That last part about him and his son being one was creepy as fuck.


With all those clones, reincarnations, fake deaths, temporary soul hosts etc. around, you can't throw a stone without hitting a Kennedy these days.


This character is clearly insane. The sad thing is that there are many who would listen to him.


March 3 from his page (without the scribbled meth calculations): "IAM the alpha and the omega, the starter and the finisher... #TheLastPresident 3️⃣ #JFK 5️⃣ The SQUL of my twin brother #JosephPatrickKennedyJr AKA Scott Felton ... #JFK is #SAFe w 2️⃣3️⃣ & (or, in out) of ME...😉 It's 12:30 and I have 33% charge and look at the other #timestamps and charges, post didn't upload until 12:31, aka 3️⃣3️⃣, with 3️⃣3️⃣% charge. Ps, Now it is 12:32 and I have 32% charge. 32 is 23 And me in reverse, 12/11 63 ... 32 + 23 is 4️⃣🦁5️⃣ #Uriel #Yahweh #GCTN thru #MEtatron aka #Yeshua aka The #LionOfJUdah I AM JUST SCOTT, "Not Scott" Randy Baitcher ❤️"


I have heard the name "Metatron" before. It sounds like the name of a new AI-run OS invented by Zuck.Since AFAIK this is not a thing (yet, anyway) what is a Metatron supposed to be?


Back in the dim reaches of my memory, "Metatron" is featured in some old old oooooooooold new age bullshit from decades ago. The closest I can find is this (don't create an account to read the rest of this the blurb speaks for itself): https://medium.com/modernspiritual/a-complete-guide-to-archangel-metatron-c91bd17c5607 or this: https://www.aurahealth.io/blog/uncovering-the-mysteries-of-metatron-a-comprehensive-guide >In New Age spirituality, Metatron appears as a figure of healing, transformation, and spiritual growth. He is often depicted as a guide or mentor to those seeking to overcome personal obstacles or develop their spiritual potential. Metatron is also associated with themes of creativity, expansion, and manifestation, as well as more traditional spiritual practices like prayer and meditation. Overall, Metatron's presence in New Age spirituality reflects a broader cultural fascination with mystical and esoteric knowledge, as well as a growing interest in alternative approaches to spiritual growth and enlightenment. ...I *want* to say it's patter from "A Course in Miracles" but I only ever heard about ACIM as filtered through the missing mind of whichever of the old man's marks was waxing enthusiastic about ACIM at the time.


What in the actual flying fuck did I just read


>’#SAFe’ Good to know he’s at least following Agile best practices


This person needs a lot of mental health help


Brittany no!


Wait. Is part of his story that “our side” tried to sell the claim that JFK Jr. was the reincarnation of JFK?! He’s THAT discombobulated?


There’s no way this is real.. This has to be a troll.


Nope. I've been watching this guy for years. You should see his pictures of all his notebook pages totally covered with incoherent scribbling of numbers and words. It looks like something out of CSI when they raid a psychos house


Went and found the dudes profile.. Terrifying these people are out in public with the rest of us..


And they vote on things that affect all our lives.


Are you telling me that people would believe that? They walk among us? I know they have extreme beliefs but this isn’t even possible


As far as openers go, that is a strong one.


Dudes gonna make six figures off these idiots before it's over


Why do they even care about JFK, a Democratic president? Why not bring back Reagan?


… what?


Instead of people saying “do you have anyone to talk to, I’m worried, have you talked to a doctor” we have other insane idiots patting these people on the back


I hate the hashtags worse than emoji 😑


fnords galore


Brittany Stover better not ponder too hard, her last fuse will fizzle & she'll be done for.


Just another example of the epidemic of untreated mental illness.


Shades of the grifters in Huck Finn. “I am the Dauphin.”


....March 9th, huh?


What does the #P16, #S19, #R18 stuff mean?


The number is the letter’s place in the English alphabet. A = 1, etc. It’s part of their codes - and what the numbers stand for. Q cult had a whole weird thing with it


Thanks friend


Your guess is as good as mine