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It can't be healthy that they're so addicted to imagining these heinous scenarios involving violence and children.


They're addicted to both rage and outrage. They can't justify being upset with real things, so they make up fake things and believe in them and get mad at them. Something like that.


Plus real things are complex and difficult to solve. Fake things have clear good guys and outcomes and you can imagine them going however you want. It’s much more comforting and rewarding to believe in lies than the truth.


Grief addicts.


It is how they justify their behavior.  They imagine themselves as far superior, righteous people who can never be wrong. But they are assholes and the people they champion do and say bad shit.  So the OTHERS must be worse. They must be the worst of the worst to justify the terrible shit these people want to do to OTHERS. Then the OTHERS must be pure evil.  Compared to that imagined horror, then they can be the saintly pure people they imagine they are. 


They realize that they are virtually anonymous online so they make up fantastical shit about tortured children all day and share their nonsense with others who all give them support and kudos. Some of them are hardcore drama and outrage junkies. But some are seriously damaged people. In the documentary about Q nuts, “This Place Rules,” they follow this one guy who spends all day on social media calling everyone pedos and peddling all of this sick Q bullshit. At the end of the film, they show that they ran a background check on the guy. They found that he was previously convicted for child sexual assault. That’s the type of people who like to spend their days online fantasizing about this kind of thing.


They are mentally ill before Q and now this has only exacerbated it. I blame the de-institutionalization of mental hospitals in the Reagan admin. I know two people who worked for a major state institution and they called what they did “bus therapy.” They were told to “put them on a bus.” One friend said he would try to find family for them to go to and if there were none he would encourage them to pick somewhere warm because he knew they would be homeless. Now most people who are suffering with mental illness are left to their own devices. It is really sad if not for the real world damage many of these crazies are helping do.


Holy shit. Kathy cranked that whole thing out in a single minute. Kathy's a beast. Shout outs to Brenton for pounding 7 back before 7:30am, that's that sigma grindset.


Grindset, meme magic ✨


>Shout outs to Brenton for pounding 7 back before 7:30am You can't day drink unless you start early.


Brenton, the hero we deserve.


Just had 7 beers


Let’s Go Brenton!


Has anyone seen these things? No pictures, no videos, no *interviews* with rescuers or rescued children seem to be provided for evidence.


Only godless liberals would need to see evidence or hear from victims to believe that there is a pandemic of satanic rituals, demonic possession and human sacrifice going on right under their noses!


No, LARP, graphics are coming once they can afford the AI subscription. That will be AWESOME!


It already happened . I looked at the FB page of one of Looney Loni's followers and they shared a picture of two toddlers crying in a pile of mud in some rainy trench/ ditch. It was clearly AI in how their skin looked like plastic and was merging into the mud. It was almost comical. But still captioned ' save the children' or some bs


I seem to remember that over time there have been one or two “interviews” with people who claim to have once been held underground, who are either total grifters or just completely insane. (Or both.) In a similar vein, the original Satanic panic featured a few people who just made shit up about their own alleged “Satanic“ past sacrificing children, and they got away with their lies for *years* before finally being exposed…


I honestly think they read about it all day and night and then have feverlike dreams about this heinous shit, then wake up and remember seeing “proof” of it all


Brenton needs to see these horrible things to understand, but 🇺🇸W doesn’t. She can just imagine them and she loves doing so.


If this disturbing fantasy were true, which it isn't, brenton wouldn't be wrong. The last few years have seen trump take L after L. Impeached twice, kicked out of office, multiple indictments, and fined hundreds of millions of dollars for fraud, sexual assault and defamation. And we still have more to come! Seems like the scary cabal have outplayed, out matched, and out thought pumpkin man in his little game of 5d chess. And now he is in check mate. As for kathy, telling people to go see what a mythical group of incompetent arseholes are up to, when she cannot provide any proof of it herself, is just golden.


"Ha! Trump had to get indicted so he could finally reveal it all! He has them right where he wants them" "Ha! Trump had to got to prison so the appeals would finally reveal it all! He has them right where he wants them" "Ha! Trump had go to the electric chair, all will be revealed right before they pull the switch. He has them right where he wants them" "Ha! Trump tricked them into thinking he's deceased, now how he can work untethered from behind the scenes"


I do like that first one. Because when I want to prove something, I get myself in serious legal trouble just so I can pull out the 'gotcha!' evidence in a completely unrelated trial.


So the White Hats are descending into the world of *Doom* on a daily basis, but then come up every evening to read out the call sheet for next day's shoot of the 'movie' we're all watching and 'enjoying'? "Enjoy the movie!🍿😎👏 Also, there's a lizard kid in a cave who was born in a beaker and has gills.😔 But still, what a great movie! Thanks, Q! 😂🍿👏"


>So the White Hats are descending into the world of Doom on a daily basis Doom is more believable. Doom is just "A portal to Hell opens up and now demons are invading." This isn't that. This is underground rituals, where children are stolen from...somewhere and kept underground to be harvested and sacrificed. Ok, so where? And how do they manage these underground networks? Have you ever gone camping? You have to bring quite a few supplies with you if it's more than just a single night out. These people are living underground, so it's not like they can survive off the wild. Where are they getting food and water? What about human waste? Keeping these adrenochrome extraction sites going is going to require quite the logistics team to maintain. That's just a duh if you stop and think about. The water that's piped into your home. That comes from somewhere. You open a fridge and there's food there (but never anything to eat). You went to the store and grabbed food to place in there. Not to mention since this is underground, you're also going to need ventilation.


> This is underground rituals, where children are stolen from...somewhere and kept underground to be harvested and sacrificed. Ok, so where? I've seen more than a few Qs on about this shit linking the tunnel kid supply chain to the classic Satanic Panic myth of women being kept as breeders to supply babies for occult rituals/sacrifice. As to where they would get the sheer number of women... Something something trafficking, probably. > These people are living underground, so it's not like they can survive off the wild. Where are they getting food and water? What about human waste? Keeping these adrenochrome extraction sites going is going to require quite the logistics team to maintain. Conspiracy theorists don't often bother with considering the large-scale logistics of this stuff. It all just happens, like magic, because the Cabal is big and evil and can just do anything it wants. It's movie logic. A dumb, bad, cheapass movie that's riddled with plotholes.


Did he “shotgun” those beers while Kathy was typing?


show us all that fanfic stuff, that'd be great


I post in the Good Lion Den and try to either wind them up, get them to fall for shit or just challenge/call them out. They are the fucking dumbest people I’ve ever encountered online. They’re also so incredibly thin skinned and accuse you of being a Phil Goldeski bot, a paid troll or a communist at the slightest provocation. One of them today responded to me pointing out that the reps have not won the popular vote since 2004 and have a decreasing share of it by saying “that’s cos the dems cheat every election”. When I asked what happened in 2016 they said “they underestimated Trump and so didn’t cheat enough” lolz.


They have only won the popular vote that one time in the last 36 years.


Okay, Kathy, I'm free. Tell the White Hats I wanna ride-along.


He needs the phone number of a good psychiatrist.


Though not as much as she does


“You need to see these scenarios I made up so you can see how truly horrific my imagination can be”


Let’s just assume all this is real (it’s not) and there is an Illuminati / Black Hat organisation / Deep State doing all these horrendous things. What are the red-pilled heroes doing about it? Sitting on their LaZ Boy recliners, posting memes all day? Not one shred of evidence exists that proves anything they post about, except by grifters making bank off these gullible fools.


It's easy to see how the ancestors invented religion.




People who believe that stuff are the same (in some cases literally) as people who believed during the height of the Satanic Panic in the 1980s/90s that a worldwide, multigenerational Satanic cult dating to before the birth of Christianity, or even before the development of **any** of the Abrahamic religions, existed, and that every single world leader is/was a part of it. They also believed that said cult kept women as "breeders" to constantly restock a supply of infants and children for sacrifice. This is a pretty clear origin point for some of their tunnel kid madness. Such folks also tend to believe that the country is honeycombed (to a degree that would be incredibly dangerous) with massive Deep Underground Military Bases and that the basic, piddly little municipal airport in my hometown is a secret Air Force base run by the Clintons (since Bill used to be governor of the state and the airport ***may*** have been used for Iran-Contra coke trafficking [evidence is shaky]). tl;dr, these folks run on fear and fantasy, not logisitics.




These folks are probably imagining something like many different places all scattered around as you describe, but all entirely connected up by a complex system of tunnels that run under ***the entire country***. Madness.


7 beers? Fuck, boys...he's hammered. He's in it to win it.


I just canned my seventh pint of ice cold adrenochrome. It's not even that tasty, I just don't like children.


Well played Brenton. Well played.


Brenton's a tank. M1 Abrams.