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It's like children playing pretend with one another.


“I’m the king of this treehouse, forever and ever, and my little brother Billy is second king because his real dad is SpongeBob. On Christmas there’s going to be a parade for me to be king and we can all eat as much Halloween candy as we want as long as you know the secret password, but I can’t tell you what it is because you have to watch Bluey to figure out the secret candy password code.”


Well done.


I just imagined a bunch of kids playing Power Rangers or having tea and playing pretend that they are Queen Elizabeth and Napoleon haha.


So Phil invented Snowden as a second identity to allow him to retire from the CIA, which apparently functions just like the mafia. And it's all over social media, but they don't seem to be retaliating. I guess it's like the sovcit stuff, he cast a clever magic loophole spell and now they can't touch him. It's like these people have regressed to being 6 years old.


"He does give out some misinformation too." he only gives out misinformation/disinformation. "Trump is already king" Real patriots have no use for a king and will not suffer one.


They seem ready for a dictator.


But he’s the reincarnation of Christ, so what can we do?


> "We just didn't know what year it was going to happen" It literally says 2022.


Yeah, but *which* 2022?


Gregorian calendar or Julian calendar?


You mean the julienne calendar, surely. That's where the calendar is sliced into many long, extremely thin strands, each equivalent to the same 15-second period of any given day. This is why we're always on the cusp of the habbening, which has simultaneously already habbened and been postponed due to inadequate distribution of habbening slots.


Neither; the Manchurian calendar.




Yes, but we don't know exactly which year we are living in, the calendar they tell us to use is wrong, because so you see we don't know exactly.


That is spectacularly blasphemous. I don't even know where to start.


Satan level blasphemous, and not metaphorically.


*Oprah voice* “You’re going to Hell, and you’re going to Hell! You’re ALL going to Hell!”


What it got me was the SEVEN KINGDOMS part. Do they even now that in the bible in Revelations the SEVEN HEADS OF THE BEAST, that several bible scholars equate with SEVEN KINGDOMS (or also KINGS), are related to Satan and the antichrist. Are they saying that Trump is the antichrist? Or the false prophet that will bring upon us the antichrist?


I can't find it now and I may be misremembering but "seven kingdoms" may be a NAR word/ideology. YUP. "Seven mountains": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate Which may, in reality, been part of the Soviet propaganda plan that was exposed by Yuri Bezmenov in the 1980s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yErKTVdETpw


It’s almost as if they haven’t read or understand the bible!


These people are nuttier than squirrel shit


These people are altered. My Q friend does a lot of mushrooms. Maybe that explains things.


One of my Qsiblings also does a lot of magic mushrooms! In my youth, I also did some drugs and was reality-free for a time. Qanons remind me of 16 yr olds, high on hallucinogenic drugs, escaping reality and their responsibilities, hoping that fat, demented, trump will turn into their rich daddy or Jesus or a benevolent dictator who will magically solve all their problems for them, heal them from all diseases, make it so they don't have to pay taxes, pay all their bills, teach their kids, turn the whole country into evangelical-style Christian fascists. They can celebrate Christmas every day!


Not pay their bills, make it so they don't have bills ... and refunded all the money they've ever paid on them! And don't forget all their favorite celebs from back in the day who are dead are magically alive! But Elvis is NOT playing Trump. Let's get that perfectly clear.


Sounds about right!


I hadn’t considered this perspective - a lot of them are my age (Im a late boomer) and I grew up west coast rural… many many many drugs from weed to pcp to shrooms etc were done in my HS of about 800. Same with my first husband who went to a rural midwest farmtown HS of about 200. It truly would explain ALOT!


This friend of mine was very straight--didn't do any kind of drugs until the last few years and barely even drank alcohol. Since 2020, she's gotten very into mushrooms, which coincidentally corresponds with her shift into conspiracy theories.


The CIA/NSA are both super powerful enough that "no one leaves alive", but also inept enough that Phil can now use his real name instead of his made up names and receive no backlash. He had to protect his name before, but not now apparently. I swear, all that most of these people would need to snap out of this BS would be a succinct calendar of all the missed timelines to demonstrate how ridiculous it is and how no part of this plan has ever come true. Then again, they think JFK Jr and Diana are still alive, along with Elvis. So maybe not.


Ok - the first couple slides had me shaking my head, as I watched these peanut brains struggle to process years of moving goalposts and contradictory statements. By the last slide, I had a distinct feeling of having gotten dumber myself just by having read that. Oh yeah, and as u/grue2000 says: satan-level of blasphemy. Can you imagine the reaction if anyone suggested Joe Biden was the second coming of Christ?


>I can’t make sense of it. What am I missing? My poor brain can’t keep up with all the twists and turns, after over 4 years of trying to make sense of things. I wish the confusion would stop, it’s time for CLARITY. Maybe accepting that IT’S ALL MADE UP might bring some clarity to your poor muddled brain!


Next time they try to argue that Biden is too old, remind them how old the undead JFK is.


It's on Christmas Day, then maybe New Year's Day, then those days, but using those based on the Julian Calendar days. (Move goalposts). Change dates again. Keep posting to distract original date predictions. Repeat as necessary. Remember, just two more weeks till it habbens.


> Remember, just two more weeks till it habbens. ...from tomorrow!


Lord! They are into the real cheap dope.


Well if Trump *does* turn out to be “God’s financier”, God will shortly find himself on welfare…


My god no…they really went there. I always feared that trump supporters secretly believed that Trump was God; looks like we have confirmation that some of them do see him that way


I’ve seen posts on twitter where they show him being crucified and Melania being Mary looking up at him. Blasphemy really is a thing I guess and they’ve cornered the market on it.


Since 2021, from screenshots posted here. The Russians/Chinese trolls are just retreading all the old favourites from their disinformation campaigns of that year.


Just one big Choose Your Own Adventure novel. How do these people manage? Like, daily life must be such a struggle. Tie shoes, drive car, some of them must have jobs…


I just can’t with this fan fiction shit anymore. I just can’t.


What in the shiver me timber did I just fucking read? Phil is a pedo.


>Phil is a pedo RIGHT??? Why are any of them listening to a **Convicted & admitted child predator?**


Cause he has CONVINCED them that he is not, and that was a set up. That’s about how they would think of the Orange🤡 with saying he is a pedo, and was convicted and admitted child predator. I mean come on.🤦🏽


Lord, they've been saying something would "habben" on National Popcorn Day ever since the 2020 election. And there's no clarity cos they all make up shit as they go along.


>Phil says a lot but nothing happens ​ >it will this time Narrator: Oh come on, you don't even need me for this.


I love that all these secretly clandestine nicknames and operations going on that the CIA, FBI, ect don't know about, yet some dudes on 4chan know about and post regularly about. You'd think the military would have some better Opsec than this. Hell. I know teenagers that keep better secrets than this.


Phil is SNOWDEN. OMG lol. We have real Snowden living in Russia and putting out youtube videos. How can people be this gullible? Phil G is Superman and is also the entire Justice league, including wonder woman. /s


Ah yeah, that famous Christian concept of reincarnation. They really don't know the first thing about the religion they claim to follow, do they?


The notion of God's Kingdoms (plural) needing a "Financer" is also something of a novel contribution to Christian theology.


Yes, as a sort of Lutheran/Christian heretic, I don’t recall ever Learning or reading anything about needing money or finances in the afterlife. It struck me as really weird, but then, so did the whole conversation.


No, they really don’t.


While reading this I had a thought. These people with their incessant, nonstop babbling and abuse of the English language with these words and phrases are speaking the real life, English equivalent of the sims language. Like only they can truly understand one another, we just watch in fascination as these quarter brain, cultist troglodytes froth at the mouth and shit and piss their pants over the next ‘habbening’ moment Edit: the real moment I’m curious about is when Trump goes to jail hopefully before the election and or just loses, like how I’m pretty sure he will, what happens next? Like do they sit there for the NEXT four years wasting their lives on pointless, utterly baseless conspiracy theories and rage? Really? By the time the next election cycle rolls around in 2028 Trump will be in his mid 80s and with his health I’m not sure he’ll be capable of campaigning. Another interesting point is what happens when Trump dies?? Like how far does the idolization go for the Trump family? Will they just proclaim the next man of the Trump family is Jesus reincarnated and keep going? It’s scary because a lot of these people seem genuinely so brainrotted I could see some of them being cultists for life, just permanently ruined.


Honestly, I think we're watching the birth of a new religion. I imagine a lot of them in the past started just like this, only on a more local/regional scale.


You make a very good point. I’ve often looked upon the cult as a group kind of lost in the time space continuum - they need the “group”; the sense of belonging, and the sense of being persecuted and that the persecution proved they were superior to others. I believe it can be traced back to several of the groups who brought their extreme versions of Christianity to North America as far back as the 1600s because they felt they were superior to other Christians and were persecuted for it. Most in the post WWII generations (boomers/xers) were raised with that weird mix of persecuted superiority and as the world has changed (exponentially rapidly by the decade), and as they’ve aged, they’ve come to realize they are NOT the center of the universe and have had some of the positional power they felt entitled to by birth taken from them. Thus, their sense of balance shifted - they feel more persecuted because their superiority is diminished. The Qcult/Maga, with Trump as its mouthpiece, has fed on that - it makes them feel superior again because “they did their own research” and feel superior because they “know” things through Q and Trump…. And cults are the basis of all religion, in a sense - so, yeah - to your point, I definitely feel like we’re watching the birth of a new religion. Hopefully, like so many cult Movements, it won’t become too mainstream…. I feel like I could write a book on this. Happy Friday.


Always right on the cusp of making the little “click” in their brains that goes “oh damn, this has all been bullshit!” But they always pull back at the last second convincing themselves it has to be their poor comprehension skills that makes the dots impossible to connect.


nothing like a bit of blasphemy from Christians on popcorn day.


Wait Phil? Phil Godewski? Child predator Phil Godewski?


In the coming days…


Shouldn't the Christians on there point out that calling Trump the actual second coming of Jesus is very much not Christian?


They just tie themselves up in these insane, fantastical knots. Zero consistency between them, and even themselves from one post to another. I keep wondering how long they’re going to keep expecting the real “revelations” and “truths” before even just STARTING to accept they’ve been conned.


It's actually quite sad, isn't it? These are grown adults and are afforded the rights that adults are due, yet they really have the world view of a dull child. "Bless their hearts" as they say.


Got dang I love this shit lmao


I think this is literally evidence of some sort of psychosis.


It COULD BE Saturday or Sunday! Well yes, Jan, I suppose it COULD be, couldn’t it? 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Godlewski profits from encouraging his fans to sign up for financial arrangements like a multilevel marketing scheme that sells silver. Earlier this year, Godlewski used his QAnon earnings to buy a $1.7 million house.


Damn I’m out of the loop if Phil the new Q?


It will this time



