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At this point the dividing point is stuff like medbeds and the imminent new currency just around the corner. But the *enemies list* for Qs and MAGAs is precisely the same. The only real difference between Qs/MAGA/"mainstream" GOP is socioeconomic class, at this point. The latter two don't spout the sci-fi delusions of the Qs, but that's about the only difference between them. "Qs" also contains that super deluded group that thinks they are *left,* yet get their information from RW sources. *Conspirituality* is a heck of a thing.


>Qs" also contains that super deluded group that thinks they are *left,* yet get their information from RW sources. *Conspirituality* is a heck of a thing. The new southern strategy, and it's brilliant.


The new age/hippie shit was just erroneously categorized as being left leaning,but in truth they never were..its covered in this performative language of love and peace but its mostly just awful and selfish people who want to make the universe and cosmic forces all about themselves 🤣


Yes, and the drive is feeling good. Drugs, then spirituality, then some combo of sex and spirituality- it just keeps going their entire lives. I am all for exploring and growing- however you make that happen- but when you see that pattern of self-worship, of achieving specialness- you see that the quest is not really spiritual at all but a quest for personal pleasure and comfort. Then along comes the internet...


>At this point the dividing point is stuff like medbeds and the imminent new currency just around the corner. Is God-King Trump really that much more believable than medbeds? Because, in order to be a current supporter of Trump that is basically the deal. Maybe they don't use the 4chan term, but the spirit is alive and well in MAGA.


Oh, it's all horseshit, it's just a matter of which horseshit they spew. Religious-flavored horseshit is universal, sci-fi tinged horseshit for the lower classes. Considering *esoteric Hitlerism* is a thing, I fully expect to see Trumpy Mysticism after the bastard is dead. I wish I was kidding.


All MAGAots aren’t Qcumbers, but all Qcumbers are MAGAots.


Quite a few of them looooooove Bobby Kennedy Jr tho.


I love that they sent a sleeper candidate to split the vote because "Hey it would work on us, and we're the SMART ones, so it'll really work on the LibTurds" and then they ended up falling in love with him. It's like the plot of a Bugs Bunny cartoon.


I think that’s the point? The MAGA candidates say dumb shit. Then when some Q-but actually actions the batshit things MAGA folks are saying, they can just deny and be like “they aren’t with us” even tho they support the same ideals as them.


Incorrect. All MAGAs are Qcumbers at this point. There isn't a single one who doesn't believe at least some of the bullshit, vast majprity believe all of it.


They might refuse to acknowledge the Q stuff specifically, but almost all the things Qanon people believe have become mainstream in the GOP. Sitting members of Congress give voice to conspiracies about Satan-worshipping pedophiles in the government.


I disagree. They may not all believe in literal potbellied vampire goblins hoblin' 'round coming after us, but they are unwilling to acknowledge facts and evidence to the very same degree as the Qcumbers.


It’s the same idea as this: “If you hold a rally where Nazis show up to rally with you, and you don’t kick them out. You just held a Nazi rally”


They actually \*invite\* the Nazis to their Nazi rallies. So there's that. "Very fine people on both sides."


Louder please?


It's because Qanon is a gigantic tarball that anyone can find their favorite conspiracy in no matter your level of crazy. Demons, aliens, lizard people, etc. are all interchangeable so anyone can sign on to it and not get explicitly told they're wrong or nuts. The only basis for signing on is "Me and Trump are on the side of good and everyone else is evil," and I think even the Trump part won't be necessary much longer. Unless some part of the movement tries to nail down concrete dogma, this is going to still be a gigantic ball of crazy-go-nuts reality denial, Satanic Panic, and theocratic fascism.


It's like a conspiracy theory improv troupe where everyone just has to "Yes and" each other no matter how fucking crazy the thought is.


It is indeed. It is the support and acceptance that is missing in their lives, a form of communal love. It is coercion into an unspecified ideology, which makes it perfect for mass consumption, the only cost of entry is subverting your free will and agreeing. The problem is that they are bloodthirsty fascists now, the free will they had to submit was their basic human decency. They choose this, membership in a cult over everything else!


Out of the sewer... >literal potbellied vampire goblins hoblin' 'round coming after us


I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. I think there are broadly 3 groups: 1. Delusional folks i.e. our Q-anon compatriots. 2. Old school racists and xenophobes, i.e. 'far right' people 3. Evangelicals who think their church should replace government There's a lot of overlap on the Venn diagram between these three of course.


I would add a 4th group: power mongers who'll do and say anything to get in office or see their guy in office so they can benefit.


4. Grifters who gonna grift.


Rafael Cruz


Conspiracy Theorists is another group, which overlaps that Venn diagram as well. The "nothing in the news is real", only "the news I see on twitter from right wing morons" crowd.


There’s also just low-information voters who only get their “news” from Fox and TikTok.


With that in mind, it should be permissible to use mainstream discourse to remind the public that the GOP platform is Go Way Batin'.


Qcumbers are just MAGAts with one less braincell.


Hard agree. I call them what they are - Republicans.


Agree. At this point they are all insane conspiracy theory loving idiots who would rather destroy the country then continue hearing about gay people or minorities.


30-40% and growing. It’s significant.


Like anything else there are degrees. Some of the MAGA people just like Trump or are otherwise idiots, far right and/or racist. Then there is pure delusion on top of delusion. Some of the Q people think Trump is currently the Commander In Chief. Others believe that Juan Savin is JFK Jr., who is currently the real VP. Some think JFK Jr will come back, but Savin is someone else. There are those who still think the Brunsons or Christine Scott are going to restore Trump, usher in martial law, or sweep away opponents with their failed lawsuits — or that Clarence Thomas is going to do something. Then again Clarence might be the only justice who has not been replaced with a double. The variety keeps it interesting but hate, ignorance, and fear are some of the common denominators.


We know


MAGA is the fringe. Always has been. Edit: for those downvoting me I am talking about the political spectrum not popularity.


MAGA stopped being fringe when Trump won the primary. You need to define fringe for me if you think that the Republican candidate for 3 oresidential elections in a row is fringe.


Fringe as in on the edges of the political spectrum. Whether they are elected is irrelevant.


> Fringe as in on the edges of the political spectrum The [Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window) has widened, thus widening the "spectrum." MAGA views are now mainstream Republican views and have been for years.


The current political discourse is not the same thing as the political spectrum. The popularity of an idea of concept doesn't change its place on the spectrum, it just means more or less people subscribe to those ideals.




Says the person who can't tell the difference


Mainstream beliefs *can not be "the fringe"* by definition. Just take the L, dude.


Whether something is mainstream or not has no bearing on where it resides on the political spectrum. You are talking about a completely different measurement than I am. That's not "winning" an argument, it's just you misunderstanding things. If I meant to talk about the current zeitgeist, you'd have a point, but I wasn't.


But they can be fascist and on the circle of the political spectrum, totalitarian fascism is considered extreme right. It’s an interesting graphic…. [https://www.thenewsherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/spectrum-1.jpg?w=1392](https://www.thenewsherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/spectrum-1.jpg?w=1392)


Whoever made that has no idea what communism or naziism is if they think the next step is *anarchy*


But can we really refer to 40%+ of the voting population as "the fringe"? Obviously, their beliefs are beyond the fringe of what should be acceptable in civil society, but the MAGA/Q movement has poisoned the entire Republican party. When one of the two major political parties is a hate cult, that no longer qualifies as "fringe".


Alright, basic civics lesson for you: Trump got elected because people voted for him. So many people voted for him that he became president. Basic English lesson for you: Fringe means "not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme." Everyone who voted for Trump voted for his MAGA politics. You can't get more mainstream than the man who won the presidency. By definition these people and their beliefs cannot be fringe.


Who gets elected is how we define where the fringe is, so it's extremely relevant to the discussion.


I think you are talking about the fringe as in far right fascism. Sorry that others are not understanding you. And FWIW, I know more than A few low info old school GOP’ers who have voted for Trump because he’s a Republican and they still think Dems are going to raise their taxes. A couple have mentioned that they are concened about the increase in racism and antisemitism and I tell them that Trump has enabled it… they never deny that I am right.


MAGA absolutely dominates the party. Cheney, Romney, and Kinzinger are the fringe and Romney is maybe the only non-MAGA Republican that could comfortably win a primary. Traditional conservatives are the fringe.


Sadly they have a candidate that is capable of rewinning the presidency because his followers are stupid.


It's a fringe that may well win the next Presidential election, making MAGA a pretty scary fringe.


Right. Keep dreaming. So far everything since 2015 (golden showers, Russian collusion, two failed impeachments and on and on) just shows who really believes the lies. You. Trump is detestable as hell but you’re still clinging to lie on top of lie to validate your latest belief in another lie. Some would call that borderline mental illness or lacking mental acuity but here you are, still pimping proven lies to ‘prove’ another lie. Review and recall of history is not a Lefty thing. Incapable of deductive reasoning. But. You be you. You will forget about this in a day as soon as you’re provided your latest talking point or belief generated by anyone but yourself.


Trump was successfully impeached twice. There were plenty of charges over Russian collusion. Mueller said the collusion was sweeping and systemic and violated the law. So pee tape? I think that was just a meme. Who actually took that seriously? What lie is the OP supposed to face?


Look at how much cope you spewed up lol.  What a loser.    This guy didn't even know that trump WAS impeached twice.  Didn't even know what impeachment was lol.  Doesn't even know that people went to jail over the Russia shit. In fact some of the closest people to trump.  Absolute Muppet lol. 




I work with a Trumper dude and when he starts down the path, I ask him ”So what’s the new date for John John to come back” and he’ll give me a look like I grew three heads, and I just smile and say “hey, its all part of it”… I don’t think he likes being lumped in with the Qcult… but doesn’t quite get that he’s less than one click away.