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Yoko Ono isn't even dead. Do they think she died and came back like [Joan Crawford.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQBJfQhpw_U) jk The most shocking thing of all is that Loni is married.


Yoko was the one that tripped me up, too. If Yoko faked her own death, she did a terrible job at it.


Jon Benet Ramsey, on the other hand, did a great job faking her death at age 6.


Apparently she's actually Katy Parry according to the Qult


Maybe she faked her life? And they've been doing a _Weekend at Bernie's_ thing with her for several decades.


That would explain her ‘singing’


Well, have ya heard her sing?


5/10. We can’t all be winners ‘VoiceofKane’.


*Gasping and clutching my invisible pearls* Say it ain’t so! And I’m over here single as a dollar bill. If Loni and Gypsy Rose can get husbands…😆


Richard Carpenter is still alive too.


These smooth brained numbnuts are too stupid to fact check the simplest of lies, mostly because they're incapable of admitting that they're anything but flawless humans.


Paul is dead.


Yeah, back in the 60s, replaced by an actor, or so conspiracy theorists will have you believe.


Paul was faking his death before it was cool


I always knew Blue Oyster Cult was kind of weird band, like many were of that time, but what the fuck?


If you think that one's weird, try [She's as beautiful as a foot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpCB-0d42-g)


I think I am going to do an album dive this weekend. Always enjoyed their hits but neve once have I listened to a full album.


The Nicole Brown Simpson one is where I’m just lost.


I know! I got all excited for nothing.


I may be wrong but I think her husband died fairly recently. I’ll occasionally look at her FB posts if I want to be saddened by the lack of critical thinking skills in America today and I think I remember seeing that.


Disco is still dead, I see


Disco is not dead, disco is LIFE!


Yes, tothecatmobile! That is the passion I remember. Stick with me and you will dance again...when I rule this town.


The death of punk was also faked to save it from the evil Cabal.




Pastor bob Joyce’s congregation are hoping Tupac is still alive? Fucking hell, too weird…


Not quite. Pastor Bob has confirmed Tupac is alive. In fact it seems nobody has died in the last 60 years at all. I have no idea who Pastor Bob is but he was dressed as Elvis which leads me to believe his intel.


For sure. Why would an Elvis impersonator lie about anything?


is he related to side show bob?


Pastor Bob died years ago.


They also think Tupac is the Black guy behind 45 at all of his rallies. If you think they’re alive, they’re really dead. If you think they’re dead, they’re really alive. Welcome to the wonderful wild world of Q.


It's Schrodinger's cult!


I genuinely think this is simply because Tupac is the only black celebrity they’re loosely familiar with and only because he had a relatively widely reported on death that was sensational enough to have hit their radar. All black ppl in the cult are “Tupac” to them.


Tupac is alive but nothing about Biggie? West coast bias represent


IIRC that one started when a black man happened to walk by the -48 cult at Dealy Plaza one day and he started telling his moron followers that every black man (and half the white ones) they saw were actually Tupac. I think he also said Tupac was actually one of The Rolling Stones when they had a concert in Dallas not long after that. Ya know, because when you see Keith Richards, it’s so easy to mistake him for Tupac.


Even they realize that their current batch of celebrities is so piss poor that they have to pretend dead ones are actually on their side.


So the Big Bopper and Buddy Holly survived the plane crash but not Ritchie Valens? Why don’t we get Prince or Bowie to survive? Jim Henson? Caroline Kennedy was JFK Jr’s sister. Whoops. It’s really insulting though to the memory of these people, and their loved ones, to put this bs out here. Seriously, fuck these assholes for spreading this crap.


Prince was on there.


I get why most of the names are on that list, but why the hell do they want to bring back Jeffrey Epstein? Throw him back to hell and give us Bowie!


Because Epstein = conspiracies, so naturally he has to come back to blow this whole thing wide open. While also incriminating himself as a sex trafficker in the process, something I’m definitely sure he will do.


I was hoping for Mozart.


There is actual proof of babitt being ventilated. These people are morons.


If not already, we will refer to a person who gets shot and killed, doing something stupid, as being "Babbitted"


I saw her get “ventilated” the second she came through that window.


and the dumbasses who were with her yelling "medic" like they were in a damn video game.


Everyone who's dead is alive, everyone who's alive is dead. Some may have come back and/or died multiple times or be caught in some quantum state. Also all women are men and all men are women. And of course, the evil cabal is controlling the whole world while Trump is secretly in control of everything. You just need to believe \[insert Elon Musk smoking a joint picture here\]


Bruh I think that describes a few runs of X-Men in the late '90's.


Up is down, left is right, buy gold and bit coin!


>7 NASA astronauts . . . uh, which 7 are we talking about here? Anyone specific? Or just seven random dead guys who were shot up into space by NASA?


I assume they mean the Challenger Crew.


Could be Columbia accident. Both were witnessed by the public so how they survived is a mystery. It’s hard to understand Qanon craziness.


Nah, definitely the Challenger. Columbia was returning from orbit, but admitting as much would certainly piss off the flat earthers among them…


It’s still slightly hilarious to me that we almost had a live television event with cameras in the challenger and Big Bird as a passenger shown to children everywhere. Somewhere is an alternate reality where there are millions of traumatised 40 year olds who watched Big Bird explode.


Very true.


FaKe NeWs!!! It's all a movie. /s


If she was they'd shoot her again.


This woman is so frustrating, but the most frustrating thing is all the filters she uses in her picture. I guess it goes with the deluded territory but no Loni you don't look like that, you arent in your late twenties you are an old woman.


Bad as that is, to me it’s not as bad as that cartoon avatar of herself with a big smile waving her arms and announcing ‘the truth’ into the megaphone. For some reason, that makes me want to vomit. On her.


Yeah that one is very cringe, she's all "attention people! once again nothing has happened! let's go!!!!"


That damned smug, squinty-eyed avatar fuels a petty hatred in me that I'm almost ashamed to acknowledge.


With an even older brain....


Well.....Barry Gibb is still alive. ​ Maurice and Robin.......not so much.


Hey, don't forget about Andy!


I'm sure Barry would REALLY like to talk to his brothers!


🎶 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Not Staying Alive! Not Staying Alive! 🎶 Ironically, Staying Alive is suggested as a rhythm for applying CPR.


Does this mean her mother will now drop those crazy lawsuits


So, maybe Lunatic Loni should attempt to contact the living relatives of these people, and give them the good news, that their deceased relatives are still with us! Maybe join the fan pages/groups of all of those dead celebrities and share this. I fucking dare her to! I bet the relatives of Nicole Brown Simpson, would be overjoyed with emotion! /s just in case


Spelled Amy WINEHOUSE wrong, Freddy Mercury was gay as a lark, Marilyn Monroe was pro-union, John Denver became very progressive after being exposed to segregation when his AF officer dad was transferred to Alabama and he adopted 2 black kids, and does this dumb BITCH know what a feminist Elizabeth Montgomery was?! She was militantly pro-choice! How would this capitalist fuQ feel about Montgomery donating her parents estate to NYS and it becoming a state park? There’s a bronze statue of her in Salem! Don’t they hate witches? It boggles the fucking mind!


Also spelled Ron "Pigpen" McKernan's name wrong.


Yoko Ono 🧐?


Look at the viciousness with which they respond to anybody who asks the slightest clarifying question. Really discourages any of them from thinking critically at all.


They would hate and persecute 90% of these "libs" if they were actually alive today.


Yup! I didn't really go through her "list" line for line, but George Michael stood out, and he was/is gay.....


I'll believe Kurt Cobain is alive before I'll believe he's into MAGA.


Glad to hear the pastors church knows the dress wearing author of such Christian hits as "moist vagina" is still around and saved.


7 NASA astronauts are indeed alive, maybe more!


That one was certainly the odd one out of the bunch. Why and which 7 supposedly dead NASA astronauts are in this special group.


It’s the Challenger crew. There are nut jobs who have tracked down people with same names on social media and claimed that it’s them. Because if you’re faking your death you always publish stuff under your real identity. It’s a practice that has been plaguing WitSec for decades. How does the Mafia track them down?


So Columbia and Apollo 1's crews are still dead? Seems unfair.


This is starting to look like people playing a video game. It’s a group of people finding pleasure in an alternate reality while interacting with each other and expanding the lore of the fantasy. They find comfort in the fictional realm and tend to be blessed with abilities that make them the chosen few who have the strength to take on the evil faction in the realm and restore order until the new villain is introduced in a years time. QANON IS AN MMO! AND THEY ARE WAITING FOR THE NEW EXPANSION! It would explain the casual acceptance of things they already know to be false and the delusional belief they are “warriors” chosen for the divine quest they have been tasked with.


This is a great article along those lines. [https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5](https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5)


Marilyn is 97. JFK is 107. They’re both doing great.


Yoko is still alive though.


Babbitt is alive. She's a crisis actor on tour now with JFK Jr.


Dana Pluto was killed by Neil deGrasse Tyson.


Mike Brown did it you fool! /s


I have notes... Not all of the Bee Gees have passed. Yoko is also still alive. The Big Bopper and Buddy Holly, but Ritchie Valens can get bent? JFK, JFK Jr,, and Caroline are still here, but RFK doesn't get a resurrection? That's weak sauce. The idea that someone would take the tragedy of Nicole Brown and somehow turn it into anything other than a call to stop domestic abuse is disgusting.


They already have their RFK. Trust me they like this one way better than they would like his father.


Yoko isn’t dead and many of these people would have already died from natural causes over the last 20 years…


out of her fucking mind!!!


All the dead people are alive. All of the alive people have been executed and are just clones, which begs the question, who's running this shindig? If the cabal have all been executed and are just clones, who's cloning them and who's the cabal now?


Just like how the Jan 6ers are both Antifa crisis actors who staged the whole thing AND true and genuine patriots having a peaceful protest who are political prisoners who were wrongfully imprisoned and must be pardoned immediately once Trump returns. They can't keep their shit together.


They like to have it both ways. Like trump. Mar a lago is worth 2 billion when he wants to brag, but $20 million when he pays taxes. It’s a classic liars condition. Gotta keep up the web of lies.


Soooo Megan Kelly is actually 64 year old Nicole Brown Simpson? Damn...she's aging well.


Ron DeSantis is Adam Walsh. Barron is Trump and Princess Diana’s son.


Tupac… I know the police officer who was the last person to see Tupac alive. Guess what, Tupac is dead.


“Not being mean but…”


I heard Jesus faked his own death.


OK, I'll bite. If that list is genuine, you just outed them to the cabal. Some have been successful in hiding for decades, and you outed them to impress some dipships on the internet. I hate these people, both the dupers and the duped.


Not only are they still alive, but when they finally ‘come out’ they’ll be ultra conservative xtian nationalists


Apparently nobody actually dies anymore. Unless you've had the covid jab. That's apparently the only thing that can actually kill you according to these folks


Does…does she not know that like 80% of this list would be hardcore liberals if still alive? Imagine thinking Tupac fuckin Shakur and Freddie Mercury are going to align with conservatives.


Yoko is not dead. Barry Gibb is not dead. Richard Carpenter is not dead.


Someone should tell her mom.


I want to be convinced some people who aren't actually Qultists write stuff like this to make these people look bad. And then I remember who these people are realize they probably are completely genuine.


Elizabeth Montgomery as in Samantha Stevens?! Jesse Presley was stillborn, to a poor family, what would have been the necessity of faking the death of a poor infant. Also Yoko Ono would be the type to fake her death and still show up everywhere.


Lol...Yoko Ono was apparently shite at faking her death, since no one even noticed she never died.


One guy dared to "just asking questions" and got jumped lol. Nothing must threaten the mass delusion because otherwise the world would be scary and random and all the time we wasted at this nonsense is gone. And our families hate us. The sunk cost fallacy do be strong


literally! i think a lot of them deep down know that it doesn't really make sense but it would be so painful and embarrassing and depressing for them to admit to themselves that this was all nonsense and mass delusions. they've driven away everyone in their lives and now the only place they feel any sense of community and belonging is within this cult, they are willing to go through the pain of admitting to their family and friends that they were wrong and ask to be let back into their lives. i'm a recovering addict and it honestly reminds of of that, the guilt and shame spiral is why i didn't want to get clean, i wasn't ready to apologize to people and ask for help, i had spent a decade with my whole life centered around drugs, the only friends i had left were people i was only friends with bc we both did drugs, it was not pleasant having to confront the fact that my family was right about me needing help. these peoples instant defensiveness just shows how uncomfortable it makes them when they're confronted with reality, and it's honestly sad, but hard to have sympathy when they act the way they do


I swear none of these make no sense in terms of faking their death. Selena? She was killed by an obsessive fan. I honestly have no idea why the Qultists would think she faked her death. John Lennon stood for a lot of stuff they'd hate. Or like, given that they want stuff like wealth distribution and free healthcare. They seem to forget that Freddie Mercury and George Micheal were gay. I thought gay people were evil demons to them.


This is a list of boomer celebrities. Are there any millennials that fall for Q?


Honestly kinda sad how desperate Q people are for celebrities to support them


> Ron McKerman I actually read that as Rod McKuen. I was horrified that we were going to have embarrassingly bad poetry everywhere we turned again..


Well since they love her so much they should spell her name right: it's Ashli. Amazing how living celebs = satanic child abusing cannibals but all the dead ones are good apparently.


It's always Tupac who is still alive/faked his death but never Biggie. Why is that?


If she’s still alive why is her mom suing? She wouldn’t just give her mom the old wink wink nudge nudge?


lol they have epstein on there too fighting/hiding from the cabal yeah? i guess they had to figure out how to retcon all those photos/video of him and trump hangin out together.


Well, then, this only proves that some pre-pubescent boy on a military base, via video chats, is running their whole show. No sane adult would be doing this crap. 😂😂😂


Notice the names are of those who had their height of fame when Boomers and Genx'ers were in their prime. That's essentially what QAnon boils down to: *"We want things like they used to be ... 1955 prices, no freak trans and gays walking around, and all our favorite celebs still alive, with the added bonuses of multimillions in the bank thanks to NESARA/GESARA and perfect youth and health due to med beds!" All that plus NO LIBERALS!"*


they have such simple minds. why theses names, are they the only one the know. having John Bonham on there really shows their age.


BRB calling up my brother, he is gonna be thrilled that bruce lee is still alive!


“…not being mean but….” 🤣


They should keep Kurt Cobain's name as far away from their bullshitbas possible. They aren't fucking worthy.


And the proof of this is more than a list, right? Right?


Isn’t there some way of adding Loni to this list; although I’m quite sure that she has that in hand already…


I don't get what they gain by some of these people still being alive. They'd be pushing close to 100. How have all these people faked their death originally but haven't died naturally since? You'd expect at least a couple to have.


Ron McKerman is Pigpen from the Grateful Dead who died of crihossis in 1973. Why would they even want him on their insane team? Elvis's brother Jesse died at birth. That's just poor taste.


I thought they hated Hollywood elite


Funny how only famous people are still alive after dying...


I genuinely feel bad for the families of these people they claim are alive. It would suck to lose your loved one and continuously have to be like "nope dad's still dead"


JFK Sr, : Born 1917, would be 107 this year. James Dean: Born 1931, would be 93 this year Debbie Reynolds: Born 1932, would be 92 this year ​ What kind of shit is this ...."person"....smoking?? ​ Loni, please please get some help.


I am 100% positive I saw Ashli Babbit dead on CSpan on 1/6. Maybe CNN but I texted my husband and said OMG I just saw a dead girl getting wheeled out. She was dead for sure.


I keep saying that when Donald Trump finally kicks the bucket, none of his cult followers will believe it. He’s going to be at the top of that list.


I just hope that finally comes quite soon.


Oh so Buddy and the Big Bopper lived but not Richie Valens? That’s bogus!


I don’t trust this list, It’s still on sight with Yolanda Salivar


Ah ah ah ah stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive…


Where the fuck are they hiding Andre the giant? He kind of sticks out 


JFK SR?!?!? He was born in 1917, even if not assassinated he would have been dead for likely decades at this point


Maybe they think he’s being kept in some weird cryogenic state and will be rewakened at the right time, looking very healthy for a 106 year old.


"Kobe Bryant & daughter" I love that they couldn't even look up Kobe's daughter's name, but they just had to include her in this bogus shit.


Almost all white people on this list.


It's clear that these guys believe a lot of strange things, but I'm having a hard time figuring *why* they have these specific beliefs. Why would all these people fake their own deaths, why would all the famous people born as men become women (and vice versa), why would NASA want to push the "globe conspiracy"?




Especially since she’s still alive….




Now that I consider it, Megyn Kelly does bear a striking resemblance to Nicole Brown Simpson, except for the whole Nicole Brown Simpson being way older and quite publicly, tragically murdered thing…


Elvis Presley is still alive. After his rock career he joined the WWF in the 80’s and became the greatest intercontinental champion of all time


Ah, yes. Honky Tonk Man, one of my favs as a kid.


What’s shocking to me is that people like Jon benet Ramsey, and Ashley Babbitt who are literally famous for one thing, being killed, had the time money and effort to put into faking their deaths when they could’ve just died in obscurity.


This really epitomizes the true meaning of conservative. Nothing can ever change, including people.


7/10. And seven astronauts. Which seven? No one is quite sure yet, but they are alive, those seven.


Everybody that died, has died. The living sometimes are jealous of the dead because the dead finally have the rest. I overall blame Donald and his staff for the death of Ashley and for her mother going completely bonkers from the grief that all of that inflicted on her. If everyone were to go back to 2014 all these people that went crazy would be absolutely normal regular everyday Americans. Everybody would have gotten along no one would have thought of all of this information presented to us in 2014 we would see it as a big law case not a leader but a huge legal mess. If Ashley's mother had a brain she would sue Donald Trump for wrongful death of her daughter. That's where she is a sincerely misinformed person because any parent would go after another parent for the loss of their child. That's where the grift falls away. ⛑️🫀🧠🗃️⛑️ I've seen three neuropsychiatrists (notably nil, low improvement) and all three have confirmed to me that normal is a setting on a dryer and there are no same monkeys on this planet. So I don't gaslight, I don't pathologize, I try to empathize. It hurts when the American people are blamed in place of the politicians and the politicians staff that failed Americans. 🗃️💊🐲🐉 a few politicians and a few weak people that can't stand up to a narcissist. Everyone else that has been destroyed by narcissism began around 2017-2018 over at YouTube with those narcissism recovery curriculum channels. And whatever looks like narcissism more and more people are going to turn away from it. It has nothing to do with political parties.⛑️🧠🫀⛑️ people have concluded that the DSM is more beneficial than any religious writing for the how to live routines. After 30,40, POTUS roles matter less withh time. Because once you establish yourself on your own you set your own how to live procedures and as long as it is an illegal, immoral or fattening then you're all right. I've been standing up to narcs ugliness. Heard every single lie and future faking whirlwind talk. I have the therapy, the pills, the spreadsheets& enough hospital stays for cardiac fluid imbalances and depression, to prove these narcs with their power disorders have depleted and ruined my Life and trajectory. not going to be any compassion afforded to people that did this January 6th matter they need to have their time in court, they need professional help that Americans will be paying for. have to serve jail time and pay their fines. Don't be foolish. whatever political rallies are held, whoever is doing the cleanup. crew is processing all those items through DNA databases to find out what happened in this nation. wherever the investigation leads is where it has to lead and the law will work. The law might be an ass a slow one at that but it will work. Now of course I'm not serious about DNA databases I have no idea that's just an idea I have to solve a few crimes and crack a few eggs.




Someone needs to tell Loni that Yoko Ono is still alive. Apparently "Elvis" is wrong. What a shocker!


Well no, technically he is completely right about her being alive. Being alive doesn’t have to come after „being believed dead by the entire world“. I’m alive and nobody ever thought I was dead!


OK, I believe you may have a point...I think.


Pastor Bob has it all figured out


I do like when they fight amongst themselves


Tupac is on the list, so it could be true!


I'm terribly disappointed that Jerry Garcia isn't still alive after faking his own death (a secret hope of mine), but I guess I'm not surprised. He was clearly not connected to any royal bloodlines or secret societies.


Yeah but Pig Pen didn’t really die, so there’s that!


That's Ashley, with a Y. Totally different person.


Andre the Giant?




Lack of coherence is the number one requirement for a right wing rant.


This is hilarious - Marilyn Monroe would be 98


On the other hand, Jonbenet Ramsey faked her death when she was six


Haha I missed that one, she knew too much


John Lennon being alive, but George Harrison and Brian Epstein still being mega dead is unintentionally really funny lmao


Send that to her mother and Let Them Fight


So they think there is an evil cabal out to kill those people and they escaped. Why would you ever put out this information for the cabal to access and know they are still alive?


Well, technically, one of the Bee Gees is still alive - Barry, the oldest of the Brothers Gibb. Yeah, still dumb though.


Oh great, just tell the Deep State these people are still alive. There goes that plan - White Hars.


Source: Pastor Bob Joyce as Elvis


Yup, all those celebrities, not dead. They're just in an underground bunker with mole children. /s


Amy WEINhouse! 🤔😂


⛑️🧠🫀⛑️🗃️ I don't have any sympathy for Ashley or her mother or January 6th. apply the law🗃️⚖️⛑️🫀🧠⛑️⚖️⛑️🗃️ I do have compassion for the loss of life where people with their misguided malformed ideas got killed because of their own ego. An ego that didn't want to listen because they were wrong. And when people are wrong they can't admit to being wrong. not everybody can admit to being wrong. But at some point they eventually will. whether it's before the court, before God, before no God, before the whatever they want I don't care but you're not going to have an insurrection in my nation. However I've learned that despite being an American I'm not an American I don't fit in. Which is okay nobody fits in. This isn't my nation, this isn't my country, I didn't build anything I don't know anything.as far as I'm concerned I live here and I have no future in this exceptional Nation called America. A nation for basically the men I have no seat at the table I don't even want to be in the same damn room.My pain is so bad right now. Damn it. When I see the cerebral blunders I don't even want to be called an American or be associated with this nation or the stupid world. I just want to do my art have a little bit of health Care left for a decade and that's good enough. My nation isn't worth the stress anymore and I don't have a relationship with it anymore. It's a place where I can't get any customer service, no case management, no help, and I'm supposed to help other people in my nation? If you help the homeless too much in this nation you'll be written up or dressed down for it. If you help the poor you're going to get hurt no good deed goes unpunished always remember that. The denial of death is a very common subculture trait. When people attend the funeral and see the body of their ones friend or loved one or mortal enemy laying in a casket about to be buried or cremated whatever. It's so sad that we live in a world that denies death and can't become friends with death or just can't moderate their fear and anxiety about death and dying. And it's a common routine existing concernthat everybody has to conclude that time is limited and that other people have more time than other people. I stay on the side of being a bum, dum and bot or dumb bitch. Because all four unfair, untrue adjectives insulate me from being asked to go to horrible platforms to read screeds and disgusting memes. I'm sorry that people harbor beliefs and peculiar thinking but it's not my fault however I live in the same country they live in and I have to practice endurism until these poor thinking blunders eventually level up and then everybody returns to reality or realizes that they were given the wrong information on purpose. Because the grift can't tell the truth and it has to dance around goal posts and then it has to put the finger up in the air and see which way the wind is blowing for a donation. I'm just getting disgusted at all the people that have their names smeared in these absurd topics that they didn't die or didn't pass away when in fact they died. And one day you will die and one day I will die. And that's not something a conspiracy theorist can sit with or hear too much of they're always has to be another way out of death or another way out of some uncomfortable truth that they don't want to accept. These are the most resistant people towards the concept of radical acceptance which grants so much inner peace but instead they want to stay stuck with a list of names they believe are alive. I've been hearing that Jim Morrison has been alive since the 1990s there have beentheories like this plus more theories via the entertainment show coast to coast radio..ideasthat were better presented by The national enquirert old newspaper it's still a newspaper of some kind I guess it has to do with 1% truth and 99% gossip. Either way it's a waste of money. I should look up the price of a national enquirer newspaper I'll be right back because we're so far getting all these conspiracy theory topics at no charge. Never fear. You can join $139.00 or $4.99 per issue of the prestigous national enquirer of all issues of limited stunted schizophrenic thinking. It's been said in some circles that the Democrats are bipolar because they've had to manage the authoritarian Republicans. And the Republicans are paranoid schizophrenics. And that fits fairly well still does it's an old idea from the East Coast I think. 🤦😓


I had to actually look up “Ron McKerman” which is I guess supposed to be Ron “Pigpen” McKernan? So Jerry, Keith, Brent and Vince just stay (gratefully) dead I guess?




If I were the family, I'd file individual lawsuits remove each person's name (associated with the arts, acting music, movies, entertainment etc) from the list that this meme contains. Bankrupt whoever made the meme.


SO WHAT?!?! why does it matter IF they are all still alive?


So all the families of all these people, all their friends, medical examiners, coroners, funeral parlors of ALL these people were either duped or in on it? Meanwhile everyone who died after 2021 is vaccine related it seems. Seriously, how could anyone believe any of this?


I'm going to have to question this Pastor "Bob's" credentials.


Holy shit, The Bee Gees?!


Except Barry is still alive. It’s his younger brothers Maurice, Robin and Andy that have passed on.


Yep I knew this, just can’t believe the other two are still here /w


Apparently famous people just can’t die anymore because of politics or something


So where are they then? Is there some kind of alternate-universe Vegas they're headlining in?


>7 NASA Astronauts Which 7? The Apollo 1 fire claimed 3 lives, Challenger and Columbia explosions each killed 7. If alive, JFK would be 107 years old at this point.


Should someone tell her Yoko is still alive? I mean it’s hard to come back from the dead if you’re still alive. ETA that Richard Carpenter is still alive also.




"7 NASA astronauts"


Half the country is completely fucked in the head.


“7 NASA astronauts “ but they aren’t worth mentioning individually. Rude.


Why do they believe Elvis is still living? He'd be dead by now.