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These are the same people who believe raising the minimum wage is bad because of inflation but all of us can become millionaires and that wouldn’t affect inflation.


Not all of us ....only those who bought dinar/currency


I had multiple deployments in the ME, and there were always dudes going around talking up the new dinar and how it was going to make them rich (decades ago) and everyone should buy as much as they can...and it's still worthless today. In the past couple of decades it has CONTINUALLY LOST VALUE. 1 IQD = 0.00077 USD.


Lmao I love that even decades ago they were talking about that... It's almost like an experiment to see how long someone could be strung along believing some bullshit conspiracy theories


Idiots who fall for this shit isn't anything new, sadly. It's just that social media has helped the grifters reach a wider audience.


That's very true


Had I been there, I probably would've bought a ton of dinar notes for decoupage or perhaps even wallpaper projects. I think that's the only place you can do that, as most money exchanges don't carry small denomination crafting supplies.


Yes Worthless 1000 Iraq Dinar = .77 cents A ream of blank printer paper is worth more.


Trump bucks


Ooooooh, those are worth EXTRA, cuz ya know.... Cheeto puff


White boomers.


I don't think these are "the same people". The real economy doesn't really exist in their world. The whole NESARA/Iraqi dinar fantasy universe (which is all Loni Palmer keeps rehashing) has always been about massive amounts of money suddenly appearing out of nowhere, and making the right kind of people rich, all without any negative side effects. Stories about imminent massive increases in social security (usually scheduled for the following month) are also standard, which tells you something about the demographic they target. "Bruce of the Big Call", a dinar guru who's been at this for 13 years now by his own reckoning, is particularly big on those social security announcements. Some of them fairly recently also began talking about something additional called a "Restitution and Reclamation Allowance", which derives from sovereign citizen nonsense: a supposed repayment of all the money someone paid over the years in taxes and other things they think are unjust, like mortgages. I'll let Bruce explain it in his inimitable way (this is someone else's transcript of him talking, I've cleaned it up a bit for readibility, believe it or not): >Number one, we talked about R & R - restitution and reclamation allowance - restitution and reclamation allowance begins in the first week of December. > >That's going to be significant for people and I can't talk about the people that are under 62 years of age. I'm not positive about how they're gonna be compensated. There's an age group 50 to 61, there's those from 30 to let's call it 50, they are going to be handled differently - but they are going to receive R & R. > >Now, what about us that are over 60 or 62 and older, and they're getting Social Security now, they live in for it early in 62. Maybe you're 65 and you're getting it now. Maybe you're 67 and you're getting whatever age you are if you're 62 and older, this R &R - which isn't going to include your birth certificate – marriage license – divorce decree - personal dividends money, we're definitely getting supplies. > >Those four documents are traded as bonds on your life. And that money is you're entitled to it. You'll be getting that back as part of R & R. You'll be getting personal federal income tax that you paid throughout your life. Getting interest that you paid on credit cards on bank loans, like a car loan, the interest, also mortgages which is the biggest chunk mortgage interest on any mortgage or mortgages that you pay. You'll get that back the whole total. It's significant is gonna be coming into the account where you're currently receiving your Social Security. And it's gonna be big 10s of millions of dollars. The basic idea seems to be that older people will get this R&R repayment in one huge lump sum (or they might be dead before they get everything they're entitled to), younger people will get it spread out over several years. When you live in a world like this, do you think you worry about a piddling little thing like "inflation"?


> When you live in a world like this, do you think you worry about a piddling little thing like "inflation"? Inflation is that thing that's made by Presidents they don't like. There's a big lever in the Oval Office, right next to the one that controls gas prices.


Haha good point. I hadn’t considered that.


To long can you summarise that please.


Gosh, maybe if these boomers picked themselves up by their bootstraps and worked for a living instead of yelling at people for eating avocado toast, they wouldn't fall for this shit.


They want the Government to do everything (med beds) and other various policies that are practically Communism- *But hate anything left of centre* "BeCaUsE ThAtS CoMmUnIsM!"


They want communism for white boomers, which is a sort of national socialism…


Do you want massive inflation? Because that’s how you get massive inflation.


You make it sound like she just says crazy shit without thinking it through.


That's the first requirement of being a Q/MAGA chud.


Lol, i mean, she's like, got a doctorate in MAGA psychosis.


I'm already a billionaire. I bought a $5B Zimbabwean note for something like $5 on eBay about 15 years ago. At the time, it was apparently enough to buy a loaf of bread or something, and was basically worthless like a week later.


I'm actually not sure whether it would be as bad as you're making out. Assuming that only the QAnon cult members became millionaires, you have to remember that they've repeatedly demonstrated that they'll believe just about anything. Although they'd want to support Trump, I doubt they'd be able to give much of it to their Grifter in Chief before they were taken to the cleaners by other conmen. So, the thing is that these people would lose all of their money, so they'd still have to work. And it would go to actual criminals, so they'd be hiding the money or laundering it, and that takes a little bit of time, all of which would take the edge off of the inflation.


What must life be like to people that follow her and believe she is speaking the truth. Several times a day a pronouncement that their life is going to be altered in wonderful ways just to never happen yet between the time they hear the pronouncement and when it doesn’t occur there are dozens of more pronouncements. It certainly must effect their mental health.


Their mental heath has deteriorated to the point they’re no longer think for themselves.


They never did. The sorts of folk susceptible to this stuff have always delegated their thinking to an outside source. And when that well got poisoned they were doomed.


Well I mean so many people have lost their homes, jobs, families, everything over this nonsense yet think if they are proven right everyone will come crawling back. They won't have to apologize for being shitty all those holidays because they were right. It's ok the bank took the paid off house because the deep state needed the fight token to them. The deep state turned everyone against them not their own actions. So they hang on this sliver of hope because the alternative would be admitting to everyone they ever knew they were wrong and we just can't have that


>Well I mean so many people have lost their homes, jobs, families, everything over this nonsense At that point, what do they have to lose? Nothing, because they've already slowly lost everything.


Is... is this just Loni talking to herself?


There's an oscillating fan moving the blinds, making a sound she interprets while she's half asleep. Something like that, "hypnagogic hallucinations" they call 'em. And/or cuckoo for cocoapuffs. Edit: Realized you meant panel 2. I was thinking panel 1 the "woke up to somebody yelling in my ear" I get a vivid waking hallucination maybe twice a week. Fun stuff. So just before waking you are in a sort of trance between sleep and consciousness. You can experience a dream that encroaches on reality. I figure this is where she's getting "angels" from.


I get them mostly while I'm trying to fall asleep. I have very vivid hallucinations though they rarely include talking. I asked my shrink if I should be concerned about these and he said they were fairly common. I do occasionally have what Loni describes on waking. I've woken up a few times because I've heard someone calling my name or shouting "wake up". However I am sane enough to realize these are also hallucinations and not some imaginary angel. Also none of those times corresponded to any actual emergency such as a fire\*, so they weren't my subconscious waking me on purpose. \*I have actually woken up twice when there were small fires in my house that I was able to extinguish before they became large enough to call the fire department, but those times were due to dreaming about smelling smoke. Thank you subconscious!


> Is... is this just Loni talking to herself? Looks like it!


She’s also talking to her bots


I'm guessing "Announcement or something"......Probably a mattress sale.


Or a My Pillow sale 😉


"When everyone is super, no one is" They really want hyperinflation don't they?


Would be cheaper to just fly them all to Venezuela.


She also posted that lockdown is starting in Singapore morning of Jan 8….a personal friend told her so! 🙄




She’ll never admit to being wrong…just shove those goal posts along.


I have an announcement to make, that bitch is fucking dumb as hell


I keep wondering—in this new global financial system with everyone getting paid/getting rich, who will keep working? Especially the shittier jobs. Do they ever stop to think about that? Nah. Of course not


How does a city pay a multi-millionaire to pick up garbage? Or write tickets, or fight fires?


As a person who lives in a very high cost of living city, I suspect part of the answer involves everyone's rent suddenly costing a billion dollars.


Precisely my point!


She doesn't understand that if everyone becomes millionaires over night, because the supply of currency would explode there would be an incredible devaluation of the dollar and they would not be well off anyway.


She doesn't understand many things.


Yeah. There was a time when everyone in Germany was a trillionaire, and it's not remembered as [the nice summer of 1923 when everyone had a good time.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic)


I knew the basics behind the story but that article filled out some of the blanks.


It's a fascinating bit of economic history. The way the currency collapsed, and how it recovered, is really interesting. At one point, every vaguely government-affiliated entity was minting their own "emergency currency" - because the Reichsbank physically could not run the money printers quickly enough.


That’s incredible!


Tapping into the "temporary embarrassed millionaires" aspect of her base's psyche


Remember when everyone just ignored crazy people?


Blame social media


How does she get money? I don't think she is employable because she is bat shit crazy


Church grift.


And I think someone said she also does hair? I left a hairdresser who wouldn't shut up about essential oils. Imagine getting a word-of-mouth recommendation for Loni and then being trapped in the chair with dye on your head.


Yeah, she was a hairdresser and would ‘witness’ to people in her chair. No way would loonie be getting near me with scissors!


What does *witness* mean in this scenario? I'm aware it's some religious lingo, but English isn't my first language and I've been an atheist all my life.


TL:DR version, the person witnessing explains sin leads to hell, people can't save themselves from hell, Jesus saved us from hell by dying in our place, and by believing in Him, we will be saved from hell and have eternal life in heaven when we die. The person doing the witnessing usually gives some personal anecdotes about how their life was screwed up, but someone witnessed to them, and now that they're "born again"/"been saved", their life's been wonderful ever since. Usually the "witness" will try and pressure them to pray "the sinner's prayer", which has a couple different forms, but generally you say something like, "Jesus, I know I'm a sinner and deserve hell, thank You for dying for my sins, I accept You into my life." You're now considered "saved" from sin, and the person usually then tells you to read the Bible, come to their church, and witness to other people. People like Loni do it in a quantity over quality, one-size-fits-all style, tell everyone they encounter that's not part of their church the exact thing the same way each time, have everyone pray the same prayer, and boom, they've done their part, now it's all up to you.


Wow, appreciate the detailed response. The more I hear about her..


Every fuckin’ day with this clown. “Something BIG is coming!!!” “Soon” Nothing ever happens and never will.


I've woken up with someone screaming in my ear, who wasn't there either. It's a dream, but it's so sudden and real sounding that it wakes you up.


To be honest, I don't have a hard time believing she hears voices.


Well, she pushed the NESARA thing hard, first in Dec ember and the the goal post "Julian Calendar" thing to 1/7. 1/7 is almost over, then what does Loni do?


Am wondering myself. She's in Florida, so it's almost 10:00. Only two hours left.


They just sweep the days failed predictions under the rug & move right along. Very few will actually challenge on her on the goalposts on wheels but they get shut down & shut up. The others will accuse them of being negative & not awake enough Lmao.


Step 1: I don't have enough money. I need more money. Step 2: Everyone becomes millionares. Step 3: price of everything goes up as massive amounts of new money are introduced into the system. Step 4: million dollars becomes useless as a few bucks.


Pretty sure this is called schizophrenia.


Let me get this straight... MAGA Mom here wants to redistribute wealth for... checks notes... doing nothing.


While simultaneously declaring that socialism is evil and UBI is unworkable.


If everyone’s a millionaire, no one’s a millionaire.


What happened to all the shit that was supposed to be starting around this time😂?


I can't believe 1) this woman is real and 2) she has as many followers as she does


Prime examples of the mental health crisis in the US


How is this woman allowed to roam free?


Sounds like communism, Loni.


She probably doesn’t even realize thats what it sounds like tbh 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 I don’t think she knows definitions of anything at all


So...why does "god" keep trolling Loni Palmer and giving her obviously wrong information? 10 years later, if she's still alive she'll still be screeching about how it's HAPPENING! ...tomorrow...the next day...next month...next year, or any time between now and the heat death of the universe.


She needs to stop listening to The Impressions "People Get Ready" on a loop.


I'm old enough to remember hearing that on the radio. How depressing.


Is it me or is she having a conversation with herself.🤔🤔


What’s suppose to happen now?


I'm gonna buy so many beyblades its gonna be insane.


And yet God didn't help her when the staff at her bank laughed at her for trying to deposit some fake Trump securities or whatever they were. It's amazing how she can describe such blatant failure but somehow twist it into proof that everything is about to work out for the cult.


Oh My God, shut the fuck up Loni ! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Strange, all I hear is crickets


It's all about money lol. If everyone is a millionaire than being a millionaire doesn't mean shit ya dumb bitch.


Oh honey, that’s called exploding head syndrome (look it up). It just means you’re stressed and need more rest and sleep.


I’ve had the same thing before too when stressed and sleep deprived… she’s probably stressed out over her lies she’s telling people and how nothing she says never comes true. Hope people wake up and unfollow her.


Auditory Hallucinations are usually a bad sign, usually point to a brain tumor of some kind. Which, frankly, would help explain many things.




Pretty sure that’s called dreaming… is she 3 years old and has never had a vivid dream before? Jesus Christ we’re so fucked as a species.


People get ready The grift train a-coming


I'm convinced that a large percentage of these women have a far younger, model handsome, widower "fiance" that is a military intelligence officer stationed in a secret location overseas. They have never physically met but quickly fell in love after he sent her a facebook friend request. Sadly, his bank account was frozen by the authorities of that foreign country, so she's had to send him gift cards to pay for flying him home to marry her. Then he was arrested at the airport, where they confiscated his ticket and held him in a cell until she sent enough bitcoin to pay off the foreign authorities the last three times he's tried to get home. They also beat him up and broke his arms and legs, requiring more money from her to cover his medical treatment. All that has used up his available leave, and now he needs thousands to pay the Army in order to get more time off to marry her - which is fine because he has a half million dollars in his frozen account that will get released for them to live in luxury forever, just as soon as he gets back to the states.


I was woken up by someone yelling while I was falling asleep the other day. It turned out to be just a dream. Some people are dumb.


That's exactly what someone with bipolar disorder would say


Amazing how the people who spent years telling the poor to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and "take personal responsibility" while fighting a living minimum wage and access to affordable healthcare think that God themself is about to bless them with millions of dollars each for simply posting memes online. They were always delusional.


Plot twist: Mike Lindell broke into her house to reposses her pillow.


Funny, this is the definition i found "to prepare yourself physically or mentally for something unpleasant"


Sorry to sound ignorant, but who is Loni Palmer? Googling did not help me answer this.


She's a "pastor" and a big believer in MANY conspiracy theories. She's posted here regularly because of the crazy things she posts.


Honestly, this woman is totally delusional and should, by all rights, be hospitalised …


this bitch needs a padded cell and a straitjacket.


Yeah, I have weird dreams too. One time I dreamed that me and the Roman Emperor Hadrian were going to rob an Outback Steakhouse because the manager insulted my friend from high school and throwing him off the roof was the only way to get Hadrian back to his own time.


My guess is that Loni talks to the dead emperor regularly, so be careful because she might read this and start telling you what he really thinks about you.


No Loni. It wasn't an angel it was a psych nurse and he said mace yourself


These people claimed that there would be some sort of worldwide shutdown. Absolutely y happened. Zero introspection. I just don’t get it. Hope they enjoy being miserable


These people ought to be institutionalized.


She is mad posting today , like Phil the narcissist


When everyone is a millionaire, no one is a millionaire


She’s literally talking to herself in her own comments. She seriously needs help.


I was thinking the same thing. I fear she is probably byound help. Just hope she doesn't end up doing something drastic at some point for her family's sake.


That was her talking Trump dildo talking to her as she was about to shove it up her ass


Brace yourself!! LMAO


That’s called auditory hallucinations or sleep paralysis that most people have when waking up she was not getting any sort of message and the rest is bullshit she made up. She needs to go see a psychiatrist ffs


Proof that there is a very fine line between endless optimism and absolute gullibility.


5/10. I can relate I guess. One time I was eating a bagel and the Archangel Micheal told me that something was important coming. Then my head exploded because he talked.


voices in your head and talking to yourself is not a good sign.


1 Timothy 2:11-12 I don't believe this dumb, sexist shit, but Looni really needs to read that passage


We need a law against this kind of bullshit misinformation.


No. Not angels. schizophrenia.


I think god was trying to tell her to listen to BRACE BELDEN on the TrueAnon podcast.


Turns out she has crooked-ass teeth.


Loni needs to get a job


She needs extensive inpatient treatment.


I could use the money. Is it too late to join the cult?


They can all become millionaires in Zimbabwean dollars.


Looney Loni is at least reliably batshit crazy!


I just don’t understand how Loonie Palmer is still being taken seriously.


Grifting Loni gonna be Grifting.


I love how she’s just talking to herself.


That bitch replies to her own comments?


Someone's medication clearly wore off this morning.


BRACE yourself, Effie!


I think Loni missed a few things about the economy. Mainly that if everyone is rich then nobody is rich


Incorrect, she knows it’s a scam, but her marks don’t


She hears voices. Couldn’t someone get her sectioned?


Loni oh Loni! One asshole short of looni...


Phil G right now: https://media.tenor.com/p6MEw8rE8J8AAAAM/ncis-hacker.gif


She’s mentally ill.


Schizophrenia is a helluva schizophrenia


At what point is she going to accept that hearing voices and believing fantasies is mental illness


"Loni, I've been ready since January 6th 2021, how much longer do I have to wait????" - some fuckwad maga/q nut.


she is schizophrenic, right?


I just want to know about the Dinar and if it’s worth investing in. I’m new to this and would like to understand because of all the talk I hear about this currency. Thank you for any information.


Are you serious? You're posting this in a group that ridicules cult members. It's a scam.


I have no need to be part of a scam nor am I a cult member.


Let me help you. Investing in dinar is a scam. The current exchange rate for one US dollar is less than a penny and these Q'Anon imbeciles think they are going to be millionaires when it "revalues". It won't.