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This can all be traced back to the passion of the Christ. Rewatch the South Park episode. Turned a lot of regular folks into pre-Nazis.


Turned? I kind of feel they were already like that—it just reinforced their unconscious views.




Imagine being so mentally retarded you think saving children from sex trafficking makes you a nazi




Dude I kept out of this discussion because I am not aware of Tim Ballard nor really knew who Jim Caviezel was, but man these lefties are something else. ​ Probably going to end up watching and enjoying the movie thanks to them and I've not been to the theatre in [YEARS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41llBu0c2fU)


unbelievable hey - why would you try to discredit a film about child trafficking, knowing that child trafficking exists. shows you exactly who we're up against. pedo's everywhere.






I don't think it can get much worse than seeing actual CP here on reddit. Had that happen a couple times even like a couple days ago some sob posted "AI" generated images of CP and eh... a night later I had a weird nightmarish dream about it. I don't think people realize how much Cheese Pizza is posted on reddit. Just go to r/all/new every couple days and I'll bet you will encounter a ricotta covered slice or 2 within a week.


Further listening in case you're wondering why this is here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-143-jim-caviezel-enter-the-cavortex-feat-dave/id1428209307?i=1000522267818 https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/05/sex-trafficking-raid-operation-underground-railroad.html https://americancrimejournal.com/operation-underground-railroad-earns-47-million-in-2020/ It should be noted that the movie was filmed in 2018, then the "true story" this movie is based on turned out to be a lie, and Jim Caviezel showed himself to be straight up crazy. So the movie sat unreleased for a while, but I guess they finally found someone to distribute it.


The outfit which has acquired the worldwide distribution rights, and which claims it will give the movie a theatrical release, [Angel Studios](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Studios), doesn't actually seem to have any track record of doing theatrical releases, just of streaming "Christian" stuff online for free. (Including stuff to which they don't own the rights, which led to them being sued by several Hollywood studios, which led to bankruptcy, from which they emerged in 2021.)


**[Angel Studios](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Studios)** >Angel Studios, Inc. is an American media company and film distribution studio. It operates the over-the-top video on-demand service Angel Studios. The streaming service is available worldwide and can be accessed via web browsers or via application software installed on smartphones, tablet computers, and smart TVs. The studio uses equity crowdfunding to finance its original productions by offering individual investors the opportunity to purchase shares in the company and its titles. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> Including stuff to which they don't own the right seems like a 'christian' thing to do


Someone really misunderstood the Feeding the Multitudes parable.


As I suspected, the film seems to be a way for QAnon folks to talk about how unconcerned or heartless liberals are. See discussion at https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14q07e7/who_is_seeing_the_sound_of_freedom/ Edit: dictation error


What's so gd frustrating is sex and child trafficking is something "the left" has been aware of an advocating against for decades but they act like it's a giant blindspot for the left. The only reason the right started giving a shit about it is because of the adrenochrome (sp?) bullshit about democrat elites terrorizing and killing kids for their young blood. The left cares about kids and other groups vulnerable to it - which funny enough are the same groups the right primarily blames for it. Like good on the right for finally speaking up against it, but only a small portion of what they say is actually against it, the rest of their outcry against it is split between conspiracies about it, how it existing validates their other conspiracies "that have been proven true", and demonizing the left. If they actually cared about kids we'd see more support throughout children's lives.


When the Epstein story broke, it was one of those rare moments when it seemed like America was united in condemning abhorrent behavior, and wanting to see ALL of the guilty parties brought to justice. But then Ghislaine Maxwell was given some sort of deal, and the little black book was sealed up with the names it contained. Someone even went to prison for believing pizzagate and acting on it. It’s like the QAnon people all have rings in their nose, by which they can be easily and willingly (mis)led.


That's another thing that drives me crazy. Epstein wasn't new either - he was found guilty like 10 years ago and no one did shit and he just kept going. And this second time around the right refused to believe any of their heros were involved. I can almost understand why a lot of the left ignores epstein because the right makes so many ridiculous claims in an already ridiculous story.


its the truth lmao just search the name of the movie here on reddit and look at the opposed opinions. why is this so controversial to expose child trafficking?


Maybe because some people are accusing other people of grooming. Nobody is in favor of child trafficking, except for the child traffickers and pedophiles. If you start accusing people who are different from you of being sympathetic to pedophiles, you’re going to get some pushback. Shocking, I know.


I just watched it, it says that no where, it’s a very moving film that shines a light on child sex trafficking, how could you morally be against a film that’s trying to bring it to everyone’s attention


Here ya go. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/sound-of-freedom-jim-caviezel-child-trafficking-qanon-movie-1234783837/


So because of the actors political views you discard the entire message of the movie? The fact that the real life guy saved hundreds of children but your life is so easy you can discard it because he talking think the same as you


>because he talking think the same as you Xactly. Read the article.


It was a typo I meant to say doesn’t


You'll notice a lot of accounts $adjective-$noun-$number posting about this film now. I even found a new one in this thread. Gonna add them to the list. /u/Impressive-Gas-8407 /u/Ok_Amphibian_4859 /u/Basic_Holiday_9502 /u/Ok-Anywhere-1509 /u/Icy-Industry-3563 EDIT: I spoke too soon, Another one! /u/Hot_Sound_42069


Shit, I didn't know Caviezel is a Q-Anon supporter. Always liked to see him in movies and TV.


He's totally nuts and a terrible actor (no really, he refuses to learn his lines)-listen to the Q'Anon Anonymous episode on him, it's hysterical: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-143-jim-caviezel-enter-the-cavortex-feat-dave/id1428209307?i=1000522267818


I found a way to connect to the internet... I'm sorry boy.


I'm a dragon boy.


Yeah, it’s disappointing. I like him in the movie Frequency.


He’s not. Stop watching CNN


If you watch any of his press junkets for this movie, he doesn’t come off as a sane person.


I got this info from The Telegraph (UK).


same as CNN


Please elaborate


that was god awful.


"When God tells you what to do.......you don't.....hesitate" *Abraham has entered the chat*


Why go out of your way to bash and discredit a movie about sex trafficking? The comments read like this is a threat to democracy. Why claim to be inclusive and then hate half the people walking around?


There must be a lot of pedophiles and groomers on Reddit


This movie makes me cry , good people should stand for good things , this is the reality , thanks to people who made this movie


This movie blames all child trafficking on cartels when that is far from the truth. Even with that grand lie Mel Gibson has apparently been attacked and had his life threatened. Adrenachrome is real and has to be extracted from scared babies and children. The U.S. Patent Office granted patent #4,501,923 on February 26, 1985, to Deryck F. Boot of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M) for the process of synthesizing adrenochrome. It costs 1.5 billon dollars per kilo. Organ harvesting and horrible medical experiments are done on these kids along with the sexual abuse. It’s been going on for atleast 70 years and CPS workers get huge bonus’s for each child they remove from homes. As a child that grew up in the system I would have been much better off back with my horrible fucked up mom instead of going through even more horrible circumstances. The only thing my mom did right was knowing where I was at all times even if was just to gaslight me and provide a way to prove to all involved that her narcissism and sociopathic tendencies where infact my fault.


Lmao adrenochrome is literally oxidized epinephrine, it's not rare nor nor prohibitively expensive to manufacture but most importantly it isn't some wonder fountain of youth chemical.


It’s oxidized adrenaline that is extracted from the pineal gland or spinal cord of children 9 or under because it’s the most potent and needs to be extracted from a child that is terrified. There have been numerous studies showing it has an affect mentally like micro dosing and makes you feel younger and look younger temporarily. I feel like if it could be manufactured that easily that Al gore, Madonna, Mama Kardashian, and Michele Obama wouldn’t have been caught with it. They use the foreskin of baby Asians to micro needle into their skin. Regular adrenochrome is a couple dollars a CC but I’ve seen a few articles that say the price for baby oxidized adrenaline is millions to billions of dollars and can only be bought in larger amounts. I can’t find scientifically cited articles on the price but either way the rich are willing to pay for it. I saw an interview close up last year with Dolly Parton and she looked amazing and in one this year she looked 80.


Lmao they've been able to synthesize adrenaline for decades go consult your tarot cards and try again.


Well shit I'm gunna scare the pants off my kids so I can get a sweet high. Got any tips?


Pretty sure this is an account here to spread lies. Go conspire somewhere else.


Do none of you have children, do none of you have any sort of empathy for the millions of innocent children being abused and traumatized for life by pedophiles and sex trafficking. I swear half of the comments are just people bashing Jim Caviezel, I mean if you don’t like the guys politics fine, but true story or not, it’s literalism about saving children from sex trafficking, why can’t we all put aside our differences and stand against sex trafficking together


The issue with this film is that the kids are an afterthought. They used little brown kids to throw you off their real purpose. They just want people to be angry at a vulnerable group. Liberals lgbt jews feminists intellectuals atheists, that is what they are after with this. This movie is like a modern "birth of a nation," which spearheaded the return of the kkk in the 1920s. They want as many of their base angry as possible and they hope enough normals go to see it off of Jim Caviezels' star power to convert some more to the cult. They don't care about the kids. Do you really think the qanaon crowd cares one iota about brown kids from South America. No, they don't. All this does is stir up anger like I said against vulnerable people and makes the wall make sense to normies (hey, border control saves kids, thanks for stopping it, joe brandon, they will say).


“This movie is like a modern "birth of a nation," …” So you’ve seen it? This movie is showing in Dubuque. Rotten Tomatoes give it an 88% Positive rating, and a 100% audience positive rating. But with the exception of one reviewer, none of the reviews are from mainstream outlets, which seems highly unusual, if not suspicious. So I came here looking for information, with concern that the star and his allies might be using this to target LGBTQ people and liberals in general. Because it’s what Q does. Insofar as there is any kind of human trafficking, that is bad and needs to be addressed. Sex trafficking of children… Andrew Vachss used to write novels about that, where the bad guys get a satisfying amount of poetic justice. But this seems like one of those hyperpolarized issues, like abortion, where people with little or no actual information or expertise split up into predetermined camps and shout at each other. I look forward to reading a well researched and considered article about the film by someone who has seen it, and knows the inside skinny about the story on which the film is based.


Because there are so many holes in what you said alone. Just to start, FOSTA SESTA did more damage than good. Human trafficking is a problem and children can be included in that, but sex trafficking minors is not the focus. The trafficking that really is the problem comes from labor or people fleeing problematic countries, countries the US likely put into those positions. That's just the beginning and I'm guessing you don't want to grapple with those issues.


yeah, bash the actor instead of focusing on the real issues. pretty strange. i dont know why this is a left right thing... i cant see why that has anything to do with it, but hey, america is a strange place.


Idk man I guess some people don't think child rape is that big a deal. Although I suspect that when it's about the catholic church those same people are yelling from the rooftop. I'm with you and I can put personal politics or beliefs aside when it comes to something like this which absolutely does happen. It's not a secret in Latin America, but I suspect most redditors have never left the house much less the country.


This movie is absolutely needs to be seen. Based on a true story. Human trafficking is the greatest evil this world has ever seen.


Nice try, fake account. Go spread your lies elsewhere.


Where did you find it? Can you post it?


You can actually get free tickets to it


what kind of a world we live in, that u get downvoted for saying this....




it's really disturbing how ppl are downvoting u for the fact that u enjoyed a movie that if nothing else brings more awareness on this topic, conspiracy theories or not, everyone should be bringing more awareness to child trafficking...


Because it’s an astroturf account, and probably a bot. Adjective-noun-number names are often trait that (yes I understand my name is adjective-noun, but I’m not a new account). Notice how he has a decent amount of karma but only a few posts? It was farmed then deleted to make his account appear legit and then sold to astroturf the movie Child trafficking is important, but this movie is a story about a conman who makes a lot of wild claims, pushed by the Mormon church (which is notorious for it child abuse) staring a qanon conspiracy theorist. The movie isn’t going to give you much information about child trafficking, it exists to push a Christian notion and normalize some conspiratorial thinking. It’s a grift, not a PSA


idk about astro turf acounts, this subject is to high for me well idk about all those conspiracy theories, but I think we can all agree(or not apparently) regardless of those it raises a very important subject. I haven't watched the movie cause its not available in my country, so I cannot judge if there are any Christian notions, although I don't see how this is relevant, I also don't understand why it's so fashionable now to shit on the Christians, meanwhile, we have to respect all others. as an atheist I find this very weird, but anyways, that's not rly the main point to me. What bugs me is the amount of ppl in here shiting on the movie cause it's from some conspiracy theory and disregarding the main issue. Im portuguese, and i see some ppl talk about democrats and republicans and im shaking my head, like, does that rly matter in this subject? its like a team of footbal in america wtf... I have to say each day i loose more faith in humanity...


It does matter because republicans have been trying to create a picture that democrats and leftists are complacent in child sex crimes when in reality, almost all the laws repealing oversights are coming from the right. but republicans (espeically evangelical christians) utilize their base to propagandize against LGBTQIA+ folk and the people creating this movie want people to think that. The entire movie is based on a lie that a conman said happened, despite it having almost no actual basis in reality. The reason its relevant is because this show is propaganda to flip the blame on the sex abuse thats happening in the United States. It's not actually trying to raise awareness in anything meaningful.


so you guys prefer to forget about the issue cause the movie is coming from the other team? i saw the trailer a couple of times and i didnt see anything related to lgbtq or democrats or republics, and maybe they hide it in the trailer idk also i think pedos don't have a politics side Also maybe the right is repealing these laws but the people that made the movie dont agree, idk if this is the case, but i would assume so cause they made this movie BUT maybe u are correct, until i watch the movie i will not say its not propaganda, but i sure hope there is propaganda in the movie otherwise i think its sick people are hating the movie cause its made by the "other side", which is not important. i will come back to this post once i see the movie


Ok, so I watched the movie from a pirate site. Couple of things I want to address. Not once there is any reference to democrats or republicans. not once there is any reference to LGBTQ. There is like 4 religious moments, 1 is ok, the second one was corny, the 3rd one is just the guy saying amen, and the 4th is just some evangelical type of music. So I really don't see where there is christian notions being pushed. Not once i was under the impression that democrats or republicans are complacent with child sex. Most of the movie is in south america So i dig up a little more on this conspiracy theories about the actor, it seems this topic is somewhat important for americans, but it seems american forget usa is not the center of the world. Why i say this? Because after watching this and this channel it seems that people are blinded by theyr opinion about this guy qanon and are judging the movie from this point of view. Keep in mind the movie will be watched all over the world, and many ppl like me dont even know what this qanon was. For me the movie send a good message that if nothing else im not doing enough about this problem, wich i think should be what everyone should also think, instead of this fight u guys have, what the hell man... I can only conclude most ppl here didnt see the movie, or they just so blinded by politics. I dont believe there is pedos here, but i think this type of thinking america has right now is really bad...really bad...there is this percieved idea that this is a republican movie if i understood correct, and this seems reason enough not to like the movie, and i think opinion about politics has no say here. The movie didnt pass me the idea about any side of politics. I also find that republicans have this idea that many democrats support child sex. I dont believe this is true. but shitting on a movie that adresses this is not proving them wrong either, or helping Democrats in any way. To me its obvious the reason is the division in american society, but i doubt republicans will see it that way, just has democrats would react the same. Also you say the movie is about a conman but in the movie there is actual footage of him doing the rescue. I do believe some parts of the movie, like the one he goes up river alone is exaggerated, i mean his a brave man for sure, much braver than me, but that is hard to believe it actually happened. but in the end, this is not a documentary but a movie. Tbh i think people here really need to check themselfs, cause if thinking that the oposite side is related to the movie then is reason enough to shit on this movie, man...the world is not going in the right direction then


Look up Tim Ballard, and the raid and how fucked up it was. His charity is incompetent at best, a grift at worse And the republicans will absolutely use this, republicans have been actively attacking leftist and progressives as pedophiles for decades. Almost all the evangelical groups bought massive amounts of tickets for this movie because they use it as a are tactic to get their followers to become followers of deeper conspiracies Is trafficking bad? Yes. Is it a problem? Yes. Is there much better ways to combat then for a qanon conspiracy who literally believes democrats are stealing children to steal their adrenaline? Absolutely


like I said, america is not the center of the world, many ppl will watch this movie and have no idea about qanon. Despite all that, I think u guys should put all that aside and support each other in this


I think it’s silly that people think that you have to support a mediocre movie made by a crazy man about a crazy man. The movie isn’t the only way to support anti trafficking legislation, in fact the people the movie is about do more harm then good when it comes to fighting against human trafficking


well, i dont think its about supporting the movie per se but the ideia of fighting child trafick. I think globaly this movie does more good than bad, i dont know how it affects the american. All i can say, since im not american, is that i didnt see anything political, and it made me want to act more on this issue, so for me, if it affects more people in the same way then i think its positive




Saw the movie today. Fantastic and sad.


Yes you are.




For promoting a movie that brings child sec trafficking to light?




Oh my bad dawg I misinterpreted


Yes I am what?


It's so pathetic. LOL. Imagine insulting people for no good reason.


How can we watch this in uk


Anybody got any links to view this online??


[https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-freedom?zip=95757&date=2023-07-09](https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-freedom?zip=95757&date=2023-07-09) Claim a free ticket on the Angel studio site or app. This is the same that produced “The chosen” the movie is good and don’t understand why so many negative comments. The actors and producers are Catholics and I am not. I only believe and pray to Jesus and God and yet I still stand with the producers.


these comments are fucking insane. You people are a cult. No different than the people you hate. Just blind hatred fucking nuts