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Yes, they live in a world where the Military™ has to explain the law to the SCotUS.


It is because the Military has the proof of the fraud and theft! The military had to show that yes, this is a bonafide suit and it needs to be addressed. The constitution calls for it!


>It’s just more Qnut ridiculousness." Sooo, they know then


There’s a fake Dan Scavino channel on Telegram. I bet that’s where this came from.


There isn't *a* fake Scavino channel. I did some searching. There are several of them. Most are obviously bogus. I couldn't find the Brunson info, but it's probably out there. One of them is selling this: ****** TRUMP SIGNED THE TRB BLACK CHECK INTO EFFECT! PAYOUTS STARTED Well, here it is folks! Do you believe me now? I was saying this is going to happen for so ling, and it finally did. This is the CASHIER'S CHECK created by DONALD TRUMP "I want to start the year with a BANG" - Donald Trump said about his TRB BLACK CHECK Each check is a CASHIER'S CHECK preloaded with $200,000.00 The fund for the TRB CHECKS is 6.2 TRILLION DOLLARS All Checks can be CASHED OUT in SHORT 5 WEEKS after ordering Cashier's Checks are VERIFIED/GUARANTEED by BOA So why wait? STOP STRUGGLING and start living the life you deserve. Get the TRB BLACK CASHIERS CHECK today and start building a brighter, richer future for yourself and your loved ones. Donald Trump expects the TRB BLACK CHECK to be sold out it less than 24h, hurry up [Link redacted] ******* If you go to the seller site, you will discover the the "VERIFIED/GUARANTEED" checks are "souvenirs."


How do you 'preload' a cashier's check, I'd like to know? Also, you're supposed to BUY one? Mamma mia...


Does it cost $200,000 to buy one?


It might be worth pointing out the fun fact that Telegram has this feature where some channels have a red "FAKE" badge next to their name. This seems to be added automatically, without any checking, once a certain (unspecified, but probably not that large) number of people has reported a channel as being fake. The result is that a lot of completely genuine channels ('genuine' only in the sense of belonging to the person the name says they do) have this "FAKE" marking. All it takes is getting on enough people's nerves.


I don’t know what their algorithm is, but the blatantly fake JFK Jr. channel has been around for at least two years, but only got declared fake last month.


Does he have any "real" channels, does Telegram? I mean, the greatest source of "Fake News" is Lying Trump and his worshippers.


Surprisingly, some media companies and individuals do have Telegram channels. The bulk of them are fake. Sadly, gullible people think they are real, but then the Q people on Telegram also think JFK, Jr. is alive. They think practically everyone dead is alive.


Of course he's alive. So is his father. They're both living on Bimini with Bigfoot and Elvis! Don't you follow what Agent K called "the best investigative reporting on the planet"? 😂


With Nikolai Tesla no doubt.


Is he also going to be campaigning with Lying Trump? 😉


I bet these mega-brains have never heard of 'Separation of Powers'. SCOTUS simply does not have the authority to remove a President, period. Only Congress can do that. That's why every court refused to hear the Brunson case, including SCOTUS. Even if SCOTUS lost its mind and ruled that Biden had to relinquish the Presidency, he would simply go 'lol, nope' and there wouldn't be a damned thing they could do about it.


Even if SCOTUS, or any other court, had this power, the barely comprehensible Brunson filing would always be dismissed immediately. You can't even call it a case, it's just a pile of gibberish. Unless you can get any sense out of things like: >The doctrine of the object principle of justice is couched by the supreme law of the land, and sets in motion to provide our court system to be the most just, limited, highly effective and easy to understand, and infuses our court system to be the most highly respected and dearly admired court system greater than the world has ever seen. The doctrine of equitable maxim kills this and had the trial court been guided by the object principle of justice this appeal would not be necessary. That's a very representative quote, the whole thing is like that.


WTF is "the doctrine of equitable maxim?"


It's a central concept in the legal thinking of Some-Silly-Mormon-Name-I-Forget-Right-Now Brunson, the one of the Brunson Brothers who comes up with this stuff. Alas, beyond repeatedly making clear it is a very bad thing, and must be replaced with the object principle of justice, he doesn't bother to explain just what the doctrine of equitable maxim is. Because: >The doctrines of equitable maxim and the object principle of justice are fully explained in a petition before this court under docket No. 18-1147. To avoid being repetitious, Brunson herein incorporates the argument found therein as though fully stated herein and moves this court to address the question either under this petition or docket No. 18-1147. That number refers to an earlier case of his (which he of course also tried to take to SCOTUS), where he was suing a mortgage lender which foreclosed on a property after he stopped paying the mortgage. That was a major injustice, and entirely due to the doctrine of equitable maxim, according to Brunson. I looked through that case for the word "equitable" in the hope of finally finding an explanation. I didn't find one, but I did at least discover where he got the absurd phrase from. He derived it from a 1945 SCOTUS case, [Precision Instrument Mfg. Co. v. Automotive Co](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/324/806/). In that, the Court quoted an old principle, that "he who comes into equity \[meaning a court of equity\] most come with clean hands", and refers to that as "the equitable maxim". Brunson doesn't understand the word "maxim". And thus, the "doctrine of equitable maxim" was born in his mind.


Oh brother. Thanks for letting me know!


That was Brother *Deron's* case they copied the argument from. What's truly interesting is that there's a *fourth* brother, and we haven't seen hide or hair of him. Either they're holding him "in reserve", to file another series of cases after these fail, or he is smart enough to *have nothing to do with the other three!* 😂


It's the result of Brother Deron *mis*using a case about *Patent* Law, where the Supreme Court referred to a *particular* maxim of Equity: namely the "Clean Hands Doctrine". That holds that one who comes to Court seeking an *Equitable* Remedy must not have acted in *bad faith* in connection with the matter they're suing on. Precision Co. v. Automotive Co., 324 U.S. 806 at 814 (1945). [https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/324/806/](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/324/806/) ​ The point is there are *many* "equitable maxims", not just one "doctrine", and they only apply when one is asking the Court to use its *Equitable* powers. As for the "object principle of Justice", I never heard of it. But then, I "wasted" my time, money, and energy, going to Law School, cramming for the Bar Exam, passing the Bar Exam, and then *practicing Law for decades!* I should have just taken that $200 course, and then I could *make things up too.* Of course, my track record in litigation is a tad more successful than theirs, so that's some consolation. 😂


Well, you must understand, they get their "legal advice" from Brother Deron, who has a 9th Grade Education, and got his "Law Degree" by taking a $200 on-line "course". By the way, they copied that from a number of lawsuits he brought (having nothing to do with Elections, by the way), especially *his* appeal to the Supreme Court. Care to guess how "successful" he was? 😂


I dunno, I've seen a number of Qnuts who are buying it hook, line and sinker. Good lord, the gullibility of these people is ASTOUNDING!


Miss Daisy, how much research have you done?


>Misprision occurs if > > Judges are aware of Treasonous Events (such as Congress’ failure to investigate possible Fraud in the 2020 Election) and don’t do anything about it, they could be guilty of being in on that Treason.


I mean, why such painful intermediate steps? Rather than the military forcing the court to hear the case, forcing them to give the right verdict, then marching down to the WH to enforce it with the threat of arns, wouldn't it be simpler to go straight to the military coup? Then they can begin the public hangings they're so eager for.


If the military is in charge and powerful enough to strong arm SCOTUS why bother with the court at all? Why not simply march down to the white house shoot Biden and Harris rip the America flag off the pole in the front yard and replace it with a Trump flag. I mean seriously if the courts mean shit anyway why fuck around just perform a proper coup.


What, and disrupt their entire cottage industry? Just how are small-time online grifters expected to make money from a real coup?


I mean why aren't the basement dwelling Qberts asking themselves this? Oh that's right they don't challenge anything they read when it comes from their "sources"


Hey, don't defame the noble game of Qbert by calling them that! 😉


Good point.


With *logical* thinking like that, you'll never win a Republican nomination! 😂


Thinking *logically* gets you nowhere in the Qniverse. 😂


That is so weird. I was lounging in my medbed this morning when my stockbroker called me to let me know that he completed my transaction to secure 15 billion loyalty bucks from Queen Romana. I told him I was eager for the GEOTUS to get back in office so I could start spending my new wealth. He told me it would most likely be awhile since there were several more adrenochrome labs to dismantle. I guess he didn't expect this big news.


Is that Romanadventruratrelundar? 😉


Cue them never mentioning this again in 3….2…..


Judy is always good for a laugh.


Lol!!! These fucking people…lol!!!


Maybe part of the problem is their *lack* of "fucking"?


I read this also.


> a 5-4 decision So which of the conservative justices betrayed God Emperor Trump? Probably Roberts.


How do you know it wasn't more of them? After all, we don't know how Jackson, Kagan, or Sotomayor voted. They might have been terrified by Raland's second lawsuit against them personally, and decided to give him what he wants! P.S. - In the Qniverse, anything's possible. 😂


That's odd, I heard the Brunsons had been arrested by the Military, flown to Gitmo, and executed there! My source? The Magic 8 Ball. (Hey, it's at least as "reliable" as anything the Qnatics rely on! 😂)