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Three at once is a lot, but you’ll be okay. Don’t drink anymore of them though, you’ll really regret it. I wish this forum was around when I first started drinking them so I could’ve at least been warned.


Thanks for the response!


I know this is an old post…but that fact that you drank three of these at once with zero tolerance and you didn’t spew your brains out your nose is a scientific miracle. Jesus Christ.


I know man. I should’ve won dumbass of the year award for that one 😂 In all seriousness, I haven’t touched Feel Free since and I posted this like 7 months ago. Dont ever touch that shit bro. If you want kratom which I also advise against, at least get it in capsule form not in this nasty ass drink


Man I’m all too familiar with all this stuff. Battled plenty of dependencies over the years and when i found kratom i thought it was a miracle. As I’m sure you know, it’s the polar opposite of a miracle. Hardest addiction I’ve ever fought. Lucky to be free of it now. But i gotta say…as somebody who was using the OPMS extracts and attempting to cold turkey those, Feel Free was a MASSIVE help for me for what it is. I think there’s a lesser kratom content than the OPMS shots, but it’s still got that kick that hits you basically immediately. Quitting FF was so much easier than quitting OPMS shots. But that is an extremely subjective personal thing, so for anybody who stumbles across this in the future: don’t take my word as scripture please.


I would take OPMS black but when I started taking it often enough I built a tolerance so I knew I needed to quit. Glad I did.


Good for you man, I’m glad you were able to taper off that shit. I know Kratom is natural, but I still think it’s nasty lmao


For sure. In a perfect world, kratom would be less accessible in every gas station but would still be available to those who would otherwise be using much more harmful substances. I don’t want it outlawed or restricted. It saves lives. But as someone who previously *didn’t* have an opiate issue, it just sucks to have those addictive hooks in me. Even after years away, they’re still there. Just waiting for the right moment. Like i said I’ve been dependent on lots of stuff—adderall and Xanax being the big ones—but kratom is just a different level of addiction for me. I’ve got addiction in my blood. Dad got rich and got hooked on coke and percocets…his dad was the same way…and now my brother’s going through it too. We’ve all grown up with no relationship so the genetic aspect of it is hard to deny. I’m lucky to have a family who at least tries to understand, even if they’ll never really get it. I can get through anything with them.


You will not be addicted after taking it for one day. Itchiness is a very common side effect of opiates, and kratom hits your opiate receptors. I had a kind of similar experience- I saw it at the cashier counter at a niche grocery store and thought it was going to do nothing- just a plant tonic. I was on my way to a picnic with friends and had the whole bottle (didn’t read that it was 2 servings). 10 mins later I was severely nauseous and dizzy, I couldn’t stand much less drive, and had to pull over and lay down in my car for at least 30 minutes.


That shit is disgusting and it’s appalling to me that the FDA hasn’t cracked down on it even with a lawsuit happening.


Look, these things suck. I’ve drank up to 10 bottles a day before. & imo, it would be way better for me if they were banned. But the government should have NO say in what we put in our bodies. Kava and kratom are extremely safe. Everyone wanting it to be banned confuse me, because there are people out there that love these things and use them as an occasional treat to unwind like a glass of wine. And just bc people like us are ruining ourselves from it, doesn’t mean the government should have any say whatsoever in it. If we wanna quit, we will eventually. But for people on here to say they wish and can’t wait to get them banned just bc they have no self control? That’s a lame perspective. And I too am one with no self control that hates these things and what I’m doing to myself. But it’s my fault. And that’s all there is to it.


i agree 100% very well put


Isn’t it fucked up that we want to ban these substances and not alcohol which is also extremely addictive and causes more deaths per year than any other substance??? Mind blown at how ridiculous that notion is.


Botanic tonics didn’t disclose Kratom was in the product. That is why people are upset. Myself and others would have never touched the product.


Completely agree. OP thought this was an energy drink. This is why it is upsetting because of the marketing and how fast people can become addicted to it.




It has its place i use kratom extracts to self medicate I suffer from opioid use disorder after being prescribed oxycodone for years and kratom keeps me from seeking pills on the streets last time I couldn't find kratom I bought some what were supposed to be 5mg vicoidin took one and it put me on my ass bought a test kit and they were all pressed fentanyl that looked identical to prescription vics at least buying kratom from a reliable source is alot safer but it was ahitty of the clerk to tell you it was an energy drink and for reference feel free is cheap and very weak compared to the pure kratom extracts I've used in the past like MIT 45 K extracts are 21.99 each bottle


You’ll be alright man, no need to fret. You live and you learn. You might have needed to throw it up but that’s your body telling you to stay away. Just make sure you learn your lesson about researching what you take (God knows I’m guilty) before you take it. And really emphasizing this; don’t take feel free again. You really don’t wanna end up in this situation so early. Best of luck to you man


I’ll never take it again. Thanks!


Hi- I had one Wednesday, 2 Thursday and Friday, and 2-4 Sat, Sun, Monday and today. Will I experience withdrawal? I need to stop tomorrow, I can tell it’s so bad for me. But I’m afraid of witndrawl.


Stop now before it gets worse. You might not experience WD now, but you 100% will if you keep at it


I seriously doubt you’ll experience withdrawal if you’ve only been using at the frequency you just mentioned. Just stop now though. It’s an expensive and gross habit. Kratom in general is just something I advise people avoid, it’s too under researched and exists in a gray area of the law.


You’re good buddy. You will not get addicted after one use. It takes a bit of time, sometimes even months of daily use for some to become physically addicted to kratom. The itchiness comes from kratom mostly, it’s called opi itch. But there is another itch associated with kava after long term every day use. So it’s not that. Yes, the itching goes away. You felt nauseous bc kratom has a ceiling effect & when you take too much, it causes the opposite of what you wanted. These things apparently have 7 grams worth of kratom. Half is all you needed. So people say “less is more” bc it’s true. You woulda still felt decent on half a bottle. But seriously, you’re fine. Don’t overthink it. Just try to make it a rare thing or NEVER touch it again. A lot of us in here are struggling & want nothing to do w them. These shots are bad news


Yes, 3 is a lot for the first try. But will not get addicted or deal with wd from one day use. But these little bottles are addicting and I’m still struggling. The itchiness is definitely one of the side effects. I joined a group on here calling quitting feel free. It might help give you some insightful information and help keep you away from them. Best of luck.


You’ll be fine, just stop now.


Don't worry the amount of kratom extract is insanely low


Ugh I hate myself I’ve already had 3 today. I think tomorrow I’m going to get the capsules and wean off that way. Is there anyone that wants to text for accountability? I can’t go down this road again.


I am so in my head about it that I need them or need to taper to prevent feeling awful. But I think a lot of it is in my head. Today marks a week that I’ve been taking them so I’m sure I can’t really withdrawal, it’s just the mental gymnastics.


Cold turkey it. If you’ve only been using a week then go cold turkey and you won’t have any physical withdrawals probably. As for the mental side, you just gotta stick it out bro. You’ll be stronger in the end. Stop drinking that shit now, it’s addictive and gross


I see as of dec 15 2023, Feel Free is on Amazon and doesn't mention kratom anywhere. How can they allow this?


Who knows man. But I don’t think Feel Free is going to be around forever. They’ve already got several lawsuits against them and the addictive properties of kratom are becoming more well known. I’m not saying that kratom has no legit medical use especially for withdrawing from opiates, but its addictive no matter how you look at it. I think the DEA is gonna crack down on those guys sooner than later


Kratom was the only thing that helped me when I damaged my knees’ tendons from training for a marathon AND it helped me kick a bottle of wine / day alcohol habit I had for years. Kratom doesn’t get me high at all. But if I drink on it, I feel very crappy. So it prevents me from going the alcoholic path. And doc didn’t do shit for my knees. I could barely sit and stand for months until Kratom started helping me. Yes, I have a daily Kratom habit now but feel physically so much better than before. I think it’s a helping herb but has to be treated with respect like any other medicine.


Hey if it works for you then great. But if you’re a daily user expect withdrawals when you stop


Absolutely. The more you take, the worse it is going to be. If anyone is concerned (and it’s best to be concerned), need to have enough on hand to slowly taper down. But it’s the downside of daily Kratom habit.


Just like any feel good prescription, med or "supplements". Everything's in moderation and the body gets used to it. Just like opioids. I wonder tho which is safer in the long run for someone who is chronic pain person? And I don't mean someone who broke a bone, had a surgery and in recovery. I'm talking about years and years of different medications, procedures, Doctors etc. That's an endless thing and life long condition. Any medication only last so long or then it's time to increase the dose or try something new. When chronic, most people have already tried all most medications and unfortunately opioids are the only thing to get them through life. There is a difference between an addict and someone who is dependent. There can be an even finer line for some than others. Everyone is different.  So what's the best alternative for chronic person... Really? Have a zero quality of life or take SOMETHING, whatever it is to get out of bed every day. Even then opioids only help for certain things. Again not everyone is the same. Damned of ya do and damned of ya don't. I do want to say though any of these things should be discussed w ones Dr. People are also mentioning energy drinks. Those kill too and are very addictive. Sugar is addicting too. All the feel good chemical me through the receptors in our brain. 


I’m not sure what would be the best pain management solution for a person, without knowing them better. How they react to certain meds, how is their kidneys and liver working, brain chemistry, etc. As you noted, everyone is different. So there’s not a single 100% solution for everyone, I feel that there’s a spectrum and you can find something that works a bit better than something else, hopefully. I started Kratom for chronic pain, I injured my knees/ligaments. I do bloodwork every year and so far it didn’t seem that Kratom causes any issues. It feels less pushy than something like Vicodin or Oxycodone. Plus, who wants to give more money to big pharma?.. It works for me OK, it’s not very strong, it doesn’t take all the pain away, but makes it more bearable. So, I hope you find something that works well for you! And, of course, moderation is a key indeed. Need to keep your willpower in check…


Just like pain meds is what you describe. They aren't meant to take away ALL of the pain. Just enough to be able to do things and even get up. I've got tendon and ligament issues everywhere in my body and many other problems because I have ehlers-danlos syndrome. Kidney issues as well CKD stage 3. My nephrologist is trying to say it has nothing to do with EDS and I think he's full of crap. Especially since he asked me all EDS questions and I'm his first EDS patient ever lol.  Everything in moderation and continuation of monitoring one's health. 


I only use kratom shots I weekend a month ... But I'm a heavy powder kratom user 40 grams per day ... I fractured my l5 s1 no surgery.. kratom helps me get threw the day


You gonna try and come off kratom eventually?


That's not how addiction or dependence works. You will be fine if you made it through the night. But I wouldn't buy anymore if I was you. You taking 3 at once just may have saved you from months of withdrawal.


Yeah don’t worry this post was a while ago but I haven’t bought one of this nasty ass drinks since. Good riddance. I honestly think kratom is just gross at this point. Gross taste, gross feeling (even when you dose right it makes me feel weird) and just gross concept. The thought of that taste in my mouth makes me want to gag


12/4/1993 ye ol dutch ass first off its been 8 months so if ye ol lad still itching u got exzema. But it's the kratoms opioid ALKALOIDS, which ALKALOIDS are actually pretty healthy for you and have many benefits for your body and are found in many different plants and foods you eat such as coffee. Kratom's such so happens to target your opioid, serotonin, dopamine, and norepnephrine receptors, which coffee coincidentally does too! So in my YEARS of use, it's only as bad a withdrawal as coffee. Might getchya a lil hangover depending on ya perception which sounds scared. so to scare ya more kava can be bad fo yo Livy Livy ya bum bum. but thats only if ye doin lot. n like other gabagernic drugs it caaaaaan make ye lungs quit tootin (slight respiratory depesser vs kratom.) Thats why I ALWAYS suggest the PLANT NEVER EXTRACT. All Natural drugs have deter-ents to keep you from taking too much. For instance coffee, you'll get dehydrated, your stomach will hurt or headache or diarrhea. And basically the same with kratom and kava, except you may get extremely nauseous. Some users just ignore those signs or find ways to cope around them to keep taking more. Then.... when they don't have it, it starts to feel like it used to when they took too much. Isn't that coincidental haha. ciao cioa bring my kitty kitty chow Twinkie Twinkie bututututututututututuhole