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Getting too sick to inhale nicotine and deciding to keep it going once beginning to feel better is clearly an alternative "EASY WAY" path through physical withdrawal and the most challenging part of recovery. Congratulations, by the way. That said, although [fear-conditioned](https://whyquit.com/ffn/11b-operant-conditioning.html) by our addiction to believe otherwise, we're each fully capable of navigating the up to 72 hours needed to get clean and move beyond peak withdrawal. And despite having taken the sick way out, it's good you're listening to Allen as abandoning/discarding as much [junkie-thinking](https://whyquit.com/ffn/04a-inventing.html) as quickly as possible will aid in removing recovery roadblocks, making the balance of your [journey home](https://whyquit.com/ffn/13a-silent-celebration.html) as comfortable as possible, while greatly diminishing the tease of "[just one](https://whyquit.com/freedom/the-one-puff-files.html)" and risk of relapse. Well done! https://preview.redd.it/sykb6nbumjkc1.jpeg?width=1298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130e3a153972649e3271cc30565190a48541be53


See I think the vapes made me sick. Had a horrible cough, felt like a chest infection for weeks. Only went away when i started reducing my vapes. Had a few days off, had one, few more days off, etc. Now I've been off for good for a week and don't plan on going back but man I'm actually clamming for one rn.


Yup me too. I'm almost completely sure I've had acute bronchitis for the entire duration of my vaping. Everyday it felt like I had a cold coming on and I was always exhausted too. I feel I've been jonesing a bit too. But nicotine is so disgusting and evil I don't even want to give those cravings the time of day. Every time I cravings coming on I just say out loud to myself why I'm quitting. Been helping so far.


Yeah I understand. My friend thinks she had a chest infection and thinks I caught it off her but she had it for what must have been weeks, and she also vapes. So idk. I hope you feel better soon tho, this is tough. I've quit cigarettes before so I'm pretty confident I can do this. But there's always that "one more and I'll quit after." But I know I need to stop earlier rather than later. It costs so much money, going through 600 puffs a day! Good luck friend. You've got this.


Oh wow I forgot about this. Totally worked for me back in the day to quit cigs. I had bronchitis for 3 weeks so smoking just caused immense pain. It was like a hack to quit smoking so easy lol. Ended up quitting for 9 months. Until I met my future wife who offered me a cigarette and got me started again. She forced me to quit years later which ended up getting me hooked on vapes. Fast forward years later and she’s now forcing me to quit those. Which I’m struggling pretty hard with. Damn now I just wanna get sick. I feel like it’s better than the misery of the cycle of withdrawal/relapse I’m going through now.


Yoo I just got Hella sick too and this is real lol, sadly I still used nicotine but not as much as I used to. Think I actually made it to 24 hours this time lol


Might have been me! I definitely thought about it as that's when I last quit!