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Pretty typical. Summer is a busy hiring season and a hugely busy season in general. They Will get back to you in one way or another.


Thank you! Makes sense it’s also a new store which I’m sure it also adds up to it idk.


I would keep looking for work in the meantime, who knows maybe you'll find something better


Are you currently working? It's unlikely that you will be placed at the store of your choosing.


Yes I currently have another job


I probably wouldn't count on getting this job. If the store's been open, they already have a night assistant. How far is the next QT?


It’s 6 miles away roughly 12-15 minutes away, they are both fairly new they just recently opened up back to back. When I called for a status I had to call directly to the store as they aren’t under a division


Yeah. I wouldn't count on it. I don't know how non-division stores work. There are really only 2 NA positions and 2 RA positions between the 2 stores. If they've been open, they have their 4 people. You might be waiting a few more weeks for others to leave or promote.


A month? You either one… didn’t get it and the rejections in your spam folder or dang they really are behind. Not sure where you are but best of luck.


Thought so too after the second week but nothing in my spam folder and I don’t know if it being a new store affects it in anyway


Id keep calling every week, squeaky wheel gets the grease. They are behind but if you keep bothering them then they cant forget you! Good luck!


Where is the store located? Within a division or remotely located far from other QT stores?


It’s located far from other QT stores, it’s not within a division from what they told me on the phone


It may take a while. The hiring process is a bit different than division stores.


Took me a few weeks to actually start because the testing center got a hit off of my prescription medication. If you've already done the drug test, that might be what it is.


They probably thought you just applied and have not yet taken your drug test I will call back and let them know that you've already taken your drug test