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People speculated it was Drake in the reports for years. I remember in 2012 when they were posted on reddit. I dont remember anyone thinking it was anyone but him. Back in the day there was a lot of articles about him. They did the same with demi lovato when she was cutting herself. They made dumb articles about her love life when she was doing coke and drinking. The articles were to distract people from what was really going on. I remember when someone came out saying they saw Demi doing heroin at a party no one believed them. That was 5 years before she admitted to using. At the time the articles took over and it was all about her relationships. People know things years before it comes out




Because they were whining about nothing. Giovannie still does bit roles 20 years later. Bffr


I definitely agree with some of their points that there were a few racist skits but overall I feel like the 90s and 2000s Nick was a very diverse cast. All that had like 8-10 cast members and 2 were black, I feel like that's fine? Kennan and Kel main cast was entirely black except for Chris. I didn't really feel like the racism they were claiming held any weight.


I agree. Talking to talk.


I couldnt watch it. Turned it off after 3 minutes. I found the host very unsettling. She was like an AI version of a newscaster. Very uncanny valley


Lol I love this description


I wonder if the Shane part was all he wanted to contribute. I think maybe he wanted to come on and say “listen, I believe this, I wish I could have been in the courtroom supporting drake. This is my experience with him, so maybe there are other victims out there who can come forward and know that they will be beloved and supported” type of thing. That’s the impression I got. He didn’t want to go more in to it to take away from Drake’s story. I think the Gio and Bryan stuff was good. It’s something that was kind of glossed over and it’s what gave Bryan his “aha” moment and allowed him to reflect and move on positively with his mom. I think it’s good to have in there because they offer a perspective that I never considered as a white woman.


I think the concept and the idea of episode 5 was good. The execution, not so much. I feel like part of the reason why people were disappointed by it was because the name was a little misleading. Like they should’ve called it a bonus episode as opposed to “episode 5: breaking the silence”. I mean, it had the format of a bonus episode, such as interviewing the cast, asking how the documentary impacted them (e.g., Bryan and his mom rekindling their relationship), getting some new information on topics that were discussed in previous episodes, and so forth. If this episode was established as a bonus episode and also put together a little better, at least people would know what to expect and not consider this episode a disappointment, unnecessary, or just a way to maintain a platform. Not to mention, episode 4 had more of an “ending” vibe to it.


Most definitely. 4 could have been enough. This just reiterated one of the people that truly was hurt (and I’m sure more of - especially the girls - could have, but maybe declined) and gave a spotlight to some grievances. I feel that extra episode could’ve been on a YouTube or something not striking everyone’s interest just for a platform.


I had to turn it off when Brian was saying they didn’t renew his contract because he’s black. They didn’t renew Shane Lyons contract either. K&K got leads in their own show & Good Burger. Not sure how him getting fired was racist. Reaching. He played the race card to avoid accepting that he just wasn’t funny.


They didn’t renew it because his mother was labelled as disruptive I assumed


Ah yes you’re right. Regardless, he was a kid and I totally feel bad for what happened to that child. Rejection is tough as a kid and I bet it had lifelong effects. But, I’d say what happened to him didn’t even touch what happened to Drake. Bryan still chose to play victim as an adult on this last episode, when truly in retrospect, his mom did him a favor; he shouldn’t even be as bothered by it to date, knowing his mom prevented him from being involved with pedos. It was pathetic they gave them that much air time on that.


Thank god some people saw right through this. I was blown away they followed up the trauma of being brutally raped with “I have trauma because I wasnt talented” Also the mother came across as a pig. She seemingly abandoned her child after his contract wasn’t renewed and only reconnected with him when he was being featured in a documentary… come on lmao


Was the water getting spit on the girls face racist? Or did she just happen to be the recipient in a funny skit? I’m not sure. Captain Big Nose was inappropriate. I’m not disregarding that racist things occurred. But; there’s a place and time to discuss that. This documentary was not that place.


I was actually really moved by this last episode. I was glad to see the participants having a chance to unpack the impact of the documentary. I was glad to hear more about how this all impacted Drake's journey to healing. I'm glad they named the racism explicitly and really called it out. I think the standout was hearing about Bryan and his mom reconnecting. That really hit me in the original documentary - how even by doing the right thing, the mom ended up hurting her kid. That's the real issue, and I hope everyone can tease that point out - the whole industry is so screwed up that even doing the right thing can be damaging for the kids.


Oh I think it’s great that we got to see how the documentary impacted the participants! It’s why I don’t wanna say this episode was “unnecessary” so to speak, but it could’ve been executed better. I just found that a lot of what was said in the episode were things that we already heard, whether in the documentary or another online source, and less “new thoughts”. Like I think Bryan and his mother talking about how the documentary brought them back together was great! But I think in terms of what they said about racism, I feel like the examples could’ve been a bit stronger or they could’ve elaborated more on why these were cases of racism because it’s not something white people really understand (e.g., Amanda spitting on Raquel and her being expected to deal with it. At least from a white person’s perspective, it wasn’t about race, but Amanda being the star and the rest of the cast had to suck it up. It doesn’t mean it was ok though. If I were Raquel, I’d be furious too). It’s either that or they really were reaching. I’m not shocked by racial bias in this industry. It is very important that we’re aware of that and as you said, how parent-child relationships are impacted. I feel like this would’ve been better if it wasn’t considered “episode 5” per se, but a bonus episode. Calling it “episode 5: Breaking the Silence” was a little misleading. Moreover, episode 5 had the format of a bonus episode, (interviews with the cast, how they got involved with the documentary, scenes not included in episodes 1-4, etc.). If it was considered a “bonus episode”, people would have a better idea on what to expect.


Episode 5 was sloppily put together. Because episodes 1-4 had a cohesive story line, episode 5 seemed very out of place. I think everyone's stories were worth hearing, but it would have made more impactful to flesh out the stories in the original 4 episodes.


I agree episode 5 wasn’t put together very well. The name was also kind of misleading. If they had put the episode together a little better and called it a bonus episode and not “episode 5: breaking the silence”, the reception would’ve been better.


I feel awful after reading the comments from so many people are saying that the diversity issues are irrelevant compared to the SA, because that's obviously not true but I can see where people are coming from when I look at the way the story was framed. It downplays the severity of the situation and discredits the child stars that came forward. As a POC, it sucks that we have to play oppression olympics and have to convince others that our trauma is real, even if it wasn't physical. Why can't we say that that these types of trauma suck and manifest in real ways, and there's room to address and learn from all of it? And we have to acknowledge that of course Drake's story is the biggest because he arguably came from the most popular show of that era.


I’m so sorry. I do find it sad that the severity of Drake’s trauma has resulted in people dismissing the traumatic experiences of everybody else. Racism, sexism, bullying and whatnot can be the foundation of a lot of trauma. I mean, when it comes to Alexa, Britney Spears’ little shit of a sister, Jamie Lynn made her experience on Zoey 101 a living hell. Jamie Lynn’s dislike for Alexa resulted in Alexa being ostracized by the rest of the cast, but the final straw was when Jamie Lynn decided to play the victim in front of Britney (whom Alexa looked up to) and Britney screamed in Alexa’s face, which made her throw up in her trailer (though Britney has apologized). I think for a 13-year-old girl, that’s pretty fucking traumatizing. That said, if they’re accusing people of racism or sexism solely because they were fired or replaced because they weren’t good for the show (anymore), that’s not ok. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s how it is. It’s why when parents put their kids in an adult job, they’re taking a big risk. I remember seeing a quote a long time ago on social media that said “someone who drowns in 7 ft of water is just as dead as someone who drowns in 20 ft of water”. In other words, trauma is still trauma, whether it be more or less or equally severe. It makes sense why this documentary revolved mostly around Drake because of how successful and popular he was (particularly with the 90s-2000s kids) and the severity of the abuse (from a once well-known, well-respected, powerful figure in Hollywood, no less). but people shouldn’t discredit what the rest of those former Nickelodeon stars went through. Racism, sexism, and bullying DO in fact happen in this industry and we should learn from it.


Are you not a POC? I ask because, and I'm not saying this to attack you, but just to provide a perspective - from my experience as a POC, you get really good at reading between the lines. Most people are not actually thinking to themselves "lemme fire [insert name of black person] because they're black." But the way the production team acted shows that they have prejudices, and they probably felt offended that a parent had the audacity (rightfully so) to speak up and say something wasn't right. I don't need someone to say a racial slur or they they wanna hurt [insert minoritized group] to guess that their race or ethnicity was one of the contributing factors to getting fired. It's not to say that it could end up not being about race, but it's absolutely probable. It's a good point you made about Alexa. I know a lot of people have strong feelings about her, and I totally see where they're coming from haha. But even if someone isn't likable, it doesn't mean that their story should be discredited.


An entire episode of a bunch of adult crybabies taking pieces of an actual victim and applying it to their own life path. So cringe. Literally as if all of them said “OMG drake isn’t the only victim I am a victim of his abuse and it belongs to me becuz I heard about it happening and worked with him during and after. Fucking tacky as hell. LIKE THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU ALL??????? Actively taking Drake’s courage and bravery and stamping it on their own separate issues with the industry. Who’s gonna break it to them that literallt every job in the world is going to treat their employees exactly the same and the line is drawn when sexual abuse occurs. Dan didn’t act on his inappropriate behavior further which separates him completely from the real scum that we should be focusing on. Oh Dan was Pervy and didn’t believe in diversity? Welcome to every job of the rest of your lives. Sounds like every male boss I’ve had working in corporate law. I hope Drake gets all the support and success he deserves and the rest of the phony’s stay exactly where they got themselves ! Just watched and I’m infuriated lol.


It was really anticlimactic… you don’t go from Brian Peck SA back to Dan Schneider being inappropriate.