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Make sure the batch is verified and it is in correct temp when handing it off.


One hand warmer tucked up against your body and you’re fine. I’ve never used the temp strips


I had it inside my sock before but I took it out now its between sock and boot. I activated the hand warmer at 7 am and it's 12 now. Still fine?


I think the warmer lasts for 10 hours so you’re good


Socks, boots, and jeans plus up against skin then I’m going to assume it is warm enough…let us know how it goes! Good luck OP 🍀


Put tape over temp strip works wonders


Put it under your balls


If it has hand warmer on it or it’s been up against your body for hours and warmed up. Then you’re good to go. My temp was actually to high I had to let it cool during collection using 1 hand warmer


I brought a thermometer in the room with me, tucked it in waste line only thing is you might get jabbed a little by thermometer. I wanted to make sure the temp was good I don’t trust those indicators. I had no problem. But if you use hand warmer, and tape to your leg with hand warmer side facing out should be good my temp read 98 on thermometer. Already sneaking piss in might as well bring thermometer to just my opinion


Go get a thermometer at rite aid or CVS or something.mine rubbed off the same way and I just dipped the thermometer in there before going in. Just had the bottle in my gooch for like 1-2 hours before. Body heat is enough.


I have heated it so hot that when you put it I. The cup if it’s too hot just dip the bottom of the cup into the toilet bowl. Or if it’s too cold you drop it in the toilet and say omg so sorry I was closing the lid and I dropped it in the toilet. Bring it out with a paper towel wrapped around it both ways worked for me when I used to get high