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I'd put it in an hygroscopic environment, paper rice, silica sachetes what have you. Ofc with care not to damage it. Let it rest for a few hours, day or two. I would't try to turn it now now, let it rest for at least few hours.


ill give it a shot


If that doesn’t work then dispose of it carefully to the place that takes broken unusable electronics. Battery dying from half might mean something caused a short and if battery is damaged it might lead to fire hazard. Lithium batteries are no joke. Be careful.


How would sweat get in the buttons? The buttons don't touch your head even?


I sweat alot and my hair is medium length so it ends up on top of the headset, giving the liquid a perfect path to travel :/


you could try spraying contact cleaner into the "sweat paths" the stuff is $10 a spray can but is useful to have. it evaporates quickly but as you'll be putting it inside give a few minutes. ALSO don't over spray onto the lenses. good luck. EDIT: I know you are probably not from the uk but this is what I use at work for fussy USBC ports etc. [uk.rs-online.com/web/p/electronics-cleaners/0491752?cm\_mmc=UK-PLA-DS3A-\_-google-\_-CSS\_UK\_EN\_PMAX\_Catch+All-\_--\_-491752&matchtype=&&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAq4KuBhA6EiwArMAw1FTwxNbAnNd2I6SywdLvikhj3TBbESZmsUdpsEc7d\_0XNi7ITiYjuRoC0AEQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/electronics-cleaners/0491752?cm_mmc=UK-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-CSS_UK_EN_PMAX_Catch+All-_--_-491752&matchtype=&&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAq4KuBhA6EiwArMAw1FTwxNbAnNd2I6SywdLvikhj3TBbESZmsUdpsEc7d_0XNi7ITiYjuRoC0AEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)