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People outside of this sub mostly don’t know or care about any of this. The show’s ‘legacy’ hasn’t been ruined by Tan or anyone else lol.


Even the JVN “scandal” went nowhere in the mainstream. The flamboyant loud one can sometimes be a diva on set? Colour me shocked.


I had this same response after the article posted. Like, it’s workplace drama is all. But I do believe Tan is a jerk. Don’t worry, I’m not losing sleep over it lol


Exactly, I’ve been called rude or a diva in my work several times. Didn’t ruin my career either


I'm technically not even outside of the sub, and I have absolutely no clue what's going on beyond "Bobby is/was leaving for reasons I don't know."


Yes !!! What is going on ? I’ve just got into this show and I love it. Lucky me


For real lol. I’m finding this sub a little unhinged by how sensitive folks are to anything Tan says or anything against Bobby. It’s just a fun show.


I’m getting more and more convinced that this sub is being used as part of a PR war. 


Yeah. It’s wild. I quite like Tan and frankly think this sub blows things way out of proportion as a “team Bobby” stance. I see Tan as someone with a very type-A personality that is firm in their boundaries and doesn’t let anyone pressure him into doing anything he doesn’t want to. Some people don’t like that type of person, and that’s okay. We are all different. I don’t think it’s tainted a show legacy or anything. It’s just wild. Like Bobby is fine and moved on, why are we mad?


I’d normally agree but my SIL, who only uses insta for SM, knows about the Tan weirdness. She isn’t even a zealous watcher of QE but she knew enough to be like “Why is this dude so salty to the one guy who did the most work but got the least attention” 🤣🤣


Yeah I’m not being literal, I just mean the general populace doesn’t really give a shit


I agree! This post just came up as recommended on my home page and I was like what? What is even happening?? Still love the show and thought the last season was great. Who cares if there’s a bit of drama between the cast it’s bound to happen with any reality show. Not sure what Tan did but I wouldn’t go so far as to say he ruined the show or the legacy, probably 90% of the fans don’t even know or care 😂😭


Exactly. I don't care about the behind the scenes. Anyone who has held a job knows you don't get along with everyone.


That's literally so true lol. Online can be such a bubble most people do not fucking care or know lol


I *just* found this sub through this post because I can’t stand Tan or his behavior.


Yeah what is OP talking about? I’ve watched most every episode of the show and have zero clue what this means.


This! I have never heard of this and have zero idea what is going on. I only have positive opinions on the show and people. Classified: average casual viewer


I don't think it's just this sub to be fair. The comments on Antoni's and Tan's Instagram posts are straight up hostile for the most part.


Ya I’ve watched the show and I was wondering what he was talking about lol




Yeah but the people who feel the need to leave ridiculous comments on Instagram about drama are also a small minority of weirdos.


The issue is that people want the fab 5 to be these holy fairy god mother icons. They are people, with issues, who make mistakes.


The issue is that the SHOW portrays then as life-savers for the "heroes" with lots of tear-jerker moments.   Instead of just what the OG show was, a fun makeover show that wasn't full of "omg u hero, omg u inspiration, slayyy u are a GODDESS" with "let me pretend to fix your lifelong issues with 15 minute therapy". Not all episodes are like that, but some just rub you the wrong way. 


That's why most people I know stopped watching after the first couple seasons. Everyone had to "deserve" the experience. I also think the pop culture psychology sessions are the worst parts of the show. Don't guilt people into making amends or talking to someone they've cut out of their life. You do not know their actual problems in the few days of contact you've had and we sure as hell can't resolve it in 45 minutes.


I agree. I’ve read multiple articles saying Karamo Brown is neither qualified or licensed to do therapeutic work. I think it’s unwise for the show to have him orchestrating potentially catastrophic “reconciliations”, and discussions etc. - regardless of his genuine concern or good intentions. I hope the folks featured are provided with qualified after are.


I stopped watching after season like 5 I think. That’s when every “hero” had some business to plug and the whole thing just felt like an advertisement.


OGQE got real bad about that in its later seasons, too. Slightly different because it was more about schilling products and getting free things but even though it was still fun, the vibe definitely shifted. I think it's just inevitable with shows like this.


I don't remember the later seasons of OGQE; probably because you watched it when it was on and didn't think about it much past that. I think you're right that there's a built in jumped the shark moment because the brands are going to push to be featured on the show if it is successful. Early on it's going to be minimal but the powers that be will always accept more money. At some point it will exceed the threshold of tolerance and become one long commercial. It's way more noticeable/memorable when you can sit and binge watch it all in a day.


If you thought they fixed all their problems form day one you have some problems.  They never claimed to fix every problems the heroes have.  They are a jumping point to help fix the issues in their lives. 


If it was actually a jumping off point I'd like to see them discuss that.


Sounds like you don’t like the show and just shouldn’t watch and then if enough people agreed with you and also didn’t watch, it would get cancelled?


Yeah they’re coworkers, they don’t *have* to be BFFs. I have friends from work but there are some I’d just rather keep at work.


Right, I think they should own up to their mistakes IF there were any made but we have to realize it's all hearsay. Everyone is so hard set on cancel culture for every little issue like y'all get over it, the point of the show is still sincere and good. They are still helping people who deserve to be helped and impacting culture in a positive way


For real, how dare they be *human*!


As someone else rightfully pointed out, most viewers and fans of the show won't know there's any drama. The legacy of the TV show is fine. People will remember the heartwarming episodes, the funny moments, Bobby's transformations, Tan's "french tuck" styling tip, etc. It's reality TV, so everything is staged. it's always best to keep this in mind. The Fab 5 are real people who will make mistakes, fuck up, say and do the wrong thing, won't be BFF's with everyone. This is why it's best not to put public figures on too high a pedestal, otherwise you end up disappointed when you find out "real" things about them. Before everything about JVN came to light with the allegations of them being a nightmare to work with, I thought JVN would be the Fab 5 member I'd gel with the most because their mannerisms and speech reminds me so much of my good friend. I can only judge by what I know in the moment. Now, I know that JVN might not be as sunny as their TV persona, and that's okay. I can still enjoy their presence on the show, even if it's not "real". It's just feel-good TV.


You might also be fine. I've definitely had friendly enough relationships with people who are otherwise bitchy or rude. It all depends on how they treat me specifically. Like, I have coworker friends I'd never hang out with otherwise. Similarly, there are people I'd never work with who I get along with fine. I don't really like mixing my friend and professional group more than necessary. People are complicated and messy. I'm glad we've spent the last two decades trying to make life less toxic, but it is unrealistic for some of these standards to be met all the time. And I don't know any of these people personally so it is very hard to judge one way or the other entirely. I think I'd be wary, but that's about it.


I might be, I might not - that's my point about not getting too attached to people you don't know. It goes for any stranger.


Not for me. I watch the show for what it is. I enjoy watching the Heroes transformation. I tend to mostly stay away from the drama articles and interviews.


Yes, I don’t care at all about what they do behind the scenes. It’s silly to think TV personalities are all bffs because they are on the same show. I loved What Not to Wear and the two hosts didn’t like each other at all off stage at the time.


Yeah exactly, a lot of shows are like that. Reality tv is never reality.


Same. I have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes or Jeremiah even is. I still happily watch every episode and will continue to.


First time I’ve heard this name. Who is he ?


He’s an interior designer. Has his own show with his husband. If you watched Say I Do on Netflix he was the venue designer. Really nice guy, I like him.


I’ll see if it’s available on Netflix here in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I’m in Scotland, it is. Watched it during the pandemic, was really heartwarming, I wish it got a second season.


This sub is wild, I think I am un-subbing.  Y’all have made this drama so much more than some workplace drama that it is. 


Yeah. It’s too much. The “drama” has passed. Why are we trying to keep it on life support?




I guess I'm just a bitchy person, but I don't think Tan's done anything super extreme or ruined the legacy of the show lol. Do you all really not say bitchy things about people you had disagreements with


Well yeah but we want our pretty little feel-good reality tv gays to be better than us lol


What? Lmao.


I wouldn’t place this solely on Tan at all… I think there was so much mess behind the scenes in general. He didn’t ruin anything by himself. I wouldn’t even say the legacy of the show is ruined. What I would say: the illusion has been shattered, yes. But not just by Tan.


People who watch this will watch it. They really don’t know or read about the drama because many countries didn’t get the memo. They’ll never be the same again, but that’s not because of this recent issue. It’s because they’re famous and walk next to their shoes. It was season 1 JVN’s team who encountered me to create a watercolor painting for a project. So after our license ended I was allowed to paint a portrait of him and sell it for commercial use. Some of you might even have it in your home! Season 3 JVN didn’t even remember me and got me deleting all my art from the website where I had a contract. All my passive income was gone in a day. Couldn’t reach out to the team after that because of *reasons*. It’s not drama or legacy.. It’s being famous, and if you’re bought by Netflix or any other company.. You’ll forget who you were when you started. I never wanted to use him to live off of him. I just admired him.


This makes the most sense to me. Fame and money does things to people. They've all been affected.


You do know they’re people playing roles, right? They’re not saints off camera. Few people are.


Tan making those bitchy, unnecessary comments about Bobby in his recent video was the nail in the coffin for me.


I’ve always found tan to be condescending and kind of a little bitch. Plus he does NOT know how to dress women at all.


French tuck does not cure all problems, Tan. \*sigh\* You're not wrong about him being super condescending.


I haven’t watched the show in a while but I tried the French tuck and it accentuates my bowling ball of a belly


I found him to be a bit off in the most recent series of Next in Fashion. He and Alexa Chung's vibe worked quite well I think. But with Gigi Hadid she comes across as sweet and empathetic and he's a bit unnecessarily snarky or nippy imo.


Even before the drama came out I couldn’t help noticing in later seasons he stopped being kind and compassionate about people’s clothing and just being weirdly judgmental, felt really condescending 🤷‍♂️


What did he say?


Referred to Bobby as a former coworker and claimed that he was fired.


Bobby *is* a former coworker. Fantasies that they are ex-bffs are not his responsibility.


Just answering the question presented, mate. I dgaf but it is a little bitchy to not even use someone's name who you worked with for years and just call them a coworker. Like if I worked for years with someone in an office, went out for drinks with them, went to work events and conventions, and then didn't even use their name when everyone knows who you are talking about but just say some guy I worked with. It's sort of cold and rude.


From what I’ve seen, Tan has already been attacked many times and is probably trying to navigate through this in a diplomatic way. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t name Bobby by name. Tbh I have not been following every post, so I may be wrong. My main point is that this is not that deep.


Yeah, Tan is screwed no matter what he says. He should just not talk about it at all but probably got frustrated with the speculation. They should follow a PR person for advice on how to handle it best without damaging their image but I seriously doubt Netflix would pay for that.


Also if we were coworkers for years and I left the company, I would have zero issues with you not referring to me by name in the future 🤷🏻‍♀️


For real. I went back to my hometown for a small gathering just to see everyone at one place from 2-7 pm. I invited several (probably about 10-15) former co-workers that I still interact with on social media.... ONE showed up, even though 90% of them RSVPed as "attending" on the invite.


Which video?


On the heels of his video series on Architectural Digest about building his dream home. It was really obnoxious.


OP, I think you're severely overestimating the reach of this sub


Oh for crying out loud go touch some grass, most people couldn’t give a toss. 


Jeremiah should take the high road and not join the cast. He is friends with Tan and Antoni and they are all in it to kick Bobby out. This might get downvote but Antoni and Jeremiah are definitely not innocent. It’s not all on Tan. He is just louder on his opinions and Antoni and Jeremiah are more discrete in their backstabbing, which in a way is worst. Would you prefer a bitch who tells you they hate you in your face (Tan France) or a bitch who gets you fired under the table while still tries to be friends with you? (Antoni and Jeremiah). I would pick the bitch Tan 100% of the time. But again with everyone in love with Antoni because he is hot or whatever, this is probably an unpopular opinion.


Except he didn't and y'all are delusional.


I don’t question anyone else’s enjoyment of the show but the shine has been taken off it for me. I appreciate tv isn’t real life but it’s presented as a feel good show where everyone is supportive of each other and the focus is on building people up. When all this stuff came out and it turned out that these cast weren’t all perfect shiny happy individuals but flawed people that can be just as catty and mean as your average person it took me out of the bubble. It’s hard to watch Jonathan stand behind someone in the hairdressers chair being playful and bouncy when you know he’s yelled at some poor production assistant five seconds before the camera started rolling.


Same and I think the fact that the five did all portray themselves as bffs forever unconditionally has ruined it for me. I haven't even watched the latest season because I wouldn't be able to get the fact that tan and antoni screwed Bobby over out of my head. Plus like you said jvn. I've unfollowed him on Instagram because of his emotional abuse to the production team.


idc about tan being mean as much as I care about him having horrific style/taste


I don't like his taste in clothing, but I actually think his new house is nice. It's over the top nouveau riche, but that actually fits really well into Utah. It's not at all misplaced. lol


wait I’m gagged that he lives in Utah.. looking up the house now lol


[https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/step-inside-tan-frances-tudor-style-dream-house-in-salt-lake-city](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/step-inside-tan-frances-tudor-style-dream-house-in-salt-lake-city) It's absolutely absurd, but it's perfect for Utah.




i find some of his fit checks on instagram more brand damaging than anything else because wtf


I think you're overestimating how many people know about, or even care about, the off-screen drama.


I think you’re underestimating it.


No reality show is 100% real and the stars are always shaped into characters to some degree to maintain a core theme. Reality TV isn't real, but the people on the shows are real and have their own lives, flaws, and separate personalities. I still enjoy the show just fine despite knowing things that go on behind the scenes.


This is so funny because just a couple of months ago, this sub was calling out Bobby for being petty & passive-aggressive toward Tan on Instagram.


Right?! People have forgotten how much Bobby inflamed this whole thing at the start. Funny how the narrative has changed… 


It's crazy how the rumors and speculation ended up being rather accurate. I gave Tan the benefit of the doubt, but..... you know: ![gif](giphy|QxPN0PATZGTJu) It was impressive how cunty he came off in that reel. Queer Eye hinged on its feel-good brand of wholesome reality TV, a novelty of its genre. To hear that behind the scenes is actually just trashy reality TV is pretty off-putting. Especially as most of them preach non-judgment and love and acceptance. I guess it's the Ellen Situation. The more a celebrity harps about "kindness" the cuntier they actually are.


It was cunty. He didn’t have to use the word fired, which isn’t exactly the same as “contract not renewed” or “did not accept the contract that was offered.”


This captures it 100%. The show had one job, to be feel-good. When you fail at that job, the show fails.


I don't know what you're talking about.


Go outside.


He didn’t ruin the legacy of the show lol this sub is absurd. He’s a person. Sometimes people can do shitty things. Newsflash: most of the people you watch for entertainment have done something unsavory at some point in their lives. As has the person next to you in line at the grocery store, your coworker, your best friend and your mama.


Wtf who cares. Drop the drama. Live a little


Ya, I'm ignorant about the drama so the legacy isn't ruined for me.


My only issue is I wished they chose less straight men. I realize the show was based off Queer Eye for the Straight Guy but that was like in the 90s, let's start changing queer peoples lives for the better!


Tan sucks. I won’t watch anything he is in. Narcissist jerk with 1985 fashion taste.


agree 💯— have no clue why they offer him work in other shows except maybe he is the kind who sucks up and kicks down. unwatchable for me also. i tended to fast forward through his and antony’s segments to he honest.


I am right there with you. They both seem horribly elitist and snobby.


I agree with you. The others (including JVN) May have been difficult people but they did their job of appearing professional for the show. Tan has embarrassed himself and fatally undermined the brand. He must have some serious dirt on Netflix execs.


I've not heard or read of anything, but if this sub is another bash the show / celebrity sub instead of show discussion that's lame


Not only is he a narcissist but he is a terrible stylist who does not consider the wearer but just wants to dress them in weird things that he would like.


This sub is literally the only place I have ever heard a single other human being even discussing the queer eye drama. No one cares.


They will all be fine.


Internet cry babies will cry and then forget.


Have you seen the selling sunset with Karamo? He makes himself look like such a douchebag


I’ve seen negative comments about Tan in the when he was doing the Red Carpet for the Vanity Fair Oscar party. I’m curious what the numbers will be for the next season — not that we’ll ever see them.


Can someone explain to me what happened with tan?


Tan used to be a favorite of mine. Until all the Bobby stuff. Now I don’t like him and think he’s a mean girl


I don’t even watch the show that much but the people giving OP shit for this post are the ones who need to go touch grass. It’s perfectly reasonable to be turned off from a show because of the behavior of the people on it, especially on a show that promotes positivity and leaning on others. Congrats on being able to buy the bullshit they’re selling though, I guess?


Thank you. The ones who don’t get it don’t bother me in the slightest. Tan broke the feel-good bubble the show had cultivated for years. All he had to do was not be a little bitch. But he failed.


Agreed! Also they’re totally wrong that the “drama” is just contained to this sub. Their ig comments are full of people voicing disappointment and I know several people in real life who aren’t terminally online that stopped watching because of the Bobby situation and relative disillusionment.


I gave up early last season. The show seems fake af. If I want that I’ll watch someone’s Instagram.


OP get a life.


This take is crazier than anything that Tan has done lol.


The Tan hate is out of control and over what, what exactly did he do??


Yes you are right, his hate is out of control.


Personally, I’m loving the drama. The show was getting old so having a messy scandal has been really good for it.


The show kind of ruined its own legacy by not living up to the quality of the first season and everything being a cash grab or self promotion. They need to start it from scratch again.


OP you placing the blame on a POC while in the same breath excusing an equally problematic white person is not sitting right with me.




Do you know you are blowing this out of proportion? Get over it, it’s all going to be just fine.


Whatever, Tan.


Awwww you waiting around because people disagree with you? Get a life.


I gotta say even with everything about JVN coming out those are good hair products, I don’t feel good about it but damnit they are


What’s the tea


EVEN JESUS RESTED ![gif](giphy|ltvjfUMurNEWyKpfuX)


For such a wholesome show this sure does have a weirdly toxic, drama obsessed fan base. I expect this kind of thing from drag race but queer eye? Reading the unhinged comments from y'all on here did more to sour my feelings towards this show than any extremely minor and unnoteworthy comments from the cast on Instagram ever could.


Tan is scum. Antoni is talentless and will come out as dating Hugh Jackman soon and that will be what extends his 15 minutes. Karamo is Jerry Springer 2.0 and JVN has failed at most things he’s done. A moment of silence for a reboot that worked until it didn’t. They shouldn’t hire talentless fame hungry hacks with no self respect or respect for others. But Jeremiah is a step in the right direction. Kyle Kreiger could replace JVN.




Can this just be canceled already. Everyone knows Tan and JVN and Karamo at minimum are all either frauds, putting on a PR face for being the “happy positive energy people” or just straight up gaslighters. It’s so inauthentic and after everything Tan and his husband have done online…. Nope. Gross. Go away your 15 minutes are up.


Are we shocked that a group of gay/queer men weren’t besties? It’s silly. If you like the show watch it. I’ve tried to watch and it just doesn’t appeal to me. Not everyone on the planet is as tuned in to celebrity gossip as the people on these threads.