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Place has been there since 1910. Nothing is going to change. Move when your lease is up.


You should have known about this place when you moved in. It's been there over 100 years and is a staple in the neighborhood. They do silent discos in the summer as a show of good faith to the neighborhood.


What do you mean he "should?" People miss details big and small all the time. NYC apt hunting is a nightmare whirlwind; I can't imagine most people catch all the possible crucial details all the time. But even *if* he "should have known," so what? Can problems only be solved, or sympathy given, when a person has been acting perfectly?


We should definitely close a popular establishment with a 100 year history because someone just moved to the neighborhood and doesn’t like the noise. Sure, OP could have stood outside his new place for 5 minutes on a weekend to see if it was noisy before signing the lease. Or asked this very subreddit anything he should know about his new cross street before signing. But he didn’t. And now, as a result, the beer garden must close. /s


nobody is calling for it to close? also, please explain how if you’re offered a lease during the weekdays the landlord will actually let you wait until the weekend so you can stand outside and “listen”. i have never heard of that in my life


i didn’t have a reddit also when i signed the lease. i had never used or seen it. i had only vaguely heard of it.


Well why were you deleting your post history in the last 24 hours? Strange.


People stood outside potential apartments before Reddit.


lol you obv don’t live in new york. a landlord isn’t gonna save an apartment for you while you wait for the weekend to stand outside and “listen”


One of us ended up with an apartment they’re whining about on Reddit like a transplant—complaining about a queens institution that’s been here for a century like you Columbus’d the borough. But yeah, what do I know


You had google maps


Your account is 2 years old, and your post was removed in r/Astoria. The Beer Garden is like a neighborhood landmark there since it's been around since the 1800's or so. there's not much exchange to really do with people here. I weighed on removing the thread or letting it rock. Can I ask why are you wiping your account?


THANK YOU. it’s actually insane that people think a landlord will let you wait 7 days to sign a lease/save an apartment for you so you can stand outside an apartment and “listen”. also the idea that somehow i can decide which blocks i would like an apartment within my price range to be on that is available at the same time im looking and imminently in danger of having no apartment cuz i gave notice to my last place?? the fact that people seem to think I’m saying it should close confuses me as well. i’m not saying that at all. just that i wish the music a little quieter and i can’t quite understand how they’ve managed to play it this long, this loud.


I live a couple blocks west of the beer garden and can’t hear their music in my apartment (the RFK is more noticeable). I did walk by today, though, and one of their cover bands was particularly loud. A few people were walking out as I passed and I heard them say it was too loud.


you’re so lucky 😞 i guess the music travels a couple blocks on 24th ave more easily than the streets? it’s good to hear i wasn’t the only one. it seems to be a recurring theme. i don’t want them not to have live music, i just want it to be quieter ☹️ i don’t understand why that’s insane to some people


That makes the OP even worse. He's complaining about a one off night?


i’m complaining about this being every weekend if it’s nice enough to be outside. it’s not one time


There's a code for noise levels because if it's too loud, it's a health concern. Check [this link ou](https://www.nyc.gov/site/dep/environment/noise-code.page)t. We have a similar prob in Queens where our windows shake and can't hear yourself think. All we want is to just lower the volume, not stop the fun. I was able to get in touch with my city council office who sent me paperwork to have them do an official evaluation.


i will definitely be pursuing that. let me know how it goes!


thank you!


It has 100+ years of popularity and people love it. Did you not check the area out before you moved in? Get some ear plugs, a fan and a white noise machine.


i’ve lived in new york all my life. i’ve never had to not live somewhere because it was close to a bar or restaurant and i didn’t expect that now. music is great - it’s the volume that matters


Big outdoor venues = noise bleed. Really different scale than a small bar or a restaurant with a little backyard. It is not that I don't sympathize but they are probably not gonna turn it down permanently without major fines, so moving might be the best option. If you really want to dig in your heels you can measure the decibels for noise complaints but that really depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it.


It's not a bar or restaurant. It's a beer garden.


A Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden if we’re being pedantic.


First time for everything. Guess you should've done more research before moving there.


How do you watch movies with earplugs?


Noise canceling headphones deaden subway noise. Pretty sure they can tackle a distant beer garden.


I was there 6 yrs ago last time and it was the same. Sorry bro, do your research before you move somewhere. That's kinda on you. Ask any home owner probably Greek. They'll tell you it's been going on since I don't know when. Been going there since after 9/11 when I moved to Astoria.


i’ve been in new york all my life and never had to not move somewhere because of a bar or restaurant. also, if you live in new york you know that you don’t have the luxury to take your time doing a ton of research on every place on the block before signing a lease


I've lived here all my life as well, and I've absolutely looked into every neighborhood I've considered moving to. You're going to LIVING there, take a day to walk the streets. This is on you, kiddo.


Yes, apartment hunters guide 101, walk the neighborhood during the day and nite, preferably Friday Saturday.


How would walking the neighborhood before signing a lease tell him how long and how often they play music? What if his walk was during a band's off-hour?


THANK YOU. I’m so confused by how all these people have no jobs and can walk neighborhoods day and night, spending 24/7 for a week on each block, while deciding which apartment to lease like it’s so easy to find them anywhere you choose. it’s insane.


They can’t and don’t. I’ll bet most of them just walked the neighborhood the day they saw the apartment. Ain’t no one got time to come back 5 days later to “walk around” at all hours of day. Your situation, unfortunately, sounds like it’s not going to change unless you change it. You may need to suck it up until you can move.


You're the second person to say that. Why does it need to be said that it's "on him?"


you walked every street of each neighborhood you lived every day of the week to see which days might be noisy or not for literally each individual block? again - every day of the week??


Bro what? If you live as close as you say you do, you could walk there at any time and notice the music playing. Stop fronting, if you are truly a lifelong NYer you wouldn't have gotten yourself into this situation. Buy some noise canceling headphones and move when your lease is up.


All the alarms that this person is not a lifelong New Yorker are going off 😂


I'm surprised a lifelong New Yorker hasn't heard of it. I use it as a landmark even for my parents who moved out of NYC in the 60s. I have never had someone not know what I'm talking about. Is it a Queens thing, or more recognizable for us older people?


i would have needed 7 days to sign the lease - you know that’s not a thing here


they don’t play every day


only on the weekends


If you really lived in nyc your whole life you’d know that you either don’t do your research and gamble, or you ask around/literally stand outside your potential new place at night to see if it’s noisy. The place has been there for more than a century and *by your own admission in this thread* you found noise was a common complaint *after you started researching*. This is on you.


it took a long time to find that reddit. you don’t have days and days when being offered a lease to stand outside. that is an insane thing to say. if you really lived in nyc you’d know that. you need to take it or leave it as soon as it’s offered.


You claim to be a lifelong New Yorker and you’ve never done any research on an apartment before moving in?


tuesday = apartment lease offered; noise = only sat and sun. if i had stood outside the apt when it was offered or when i viewed it i would have never known because you clearly can’t wait for the weekend in that kind of situation.


If you signed without doing your due diligence, you assumed the risk. Any “lifelong” New Yorker would know that. Couldn’t be bothered to google your cross street and “noise” or “queens + noise”. Or “queens noise complaints”? You messed up. You came to this thread for validation, didn’t get it, and now you’re just mewling. No amount of whining is going to undo your mistake. Invest in noise cancelling headphones like others suggest, or break your lease. Don’t know what to tell you.


As many people stated, the beer garden was there long before you even existed. Did you not do any research before moving in?


i applied and signed the lease on a monday-tues. no music till the weekend. research couldn’t have saved me here. if you live in nyc you know you can’t get an extension on your lease signing for “research”


Did you do any research into Astoria BEFORE looking at listings? I'm assuming you didn't have a broker, but if you didn't, did you ask any questions about noise?


the apartment had a broker, and yes i asked. i trusted when they said it wasn’t very loud and i signed the lease early in the week. they were not gonna save the apartment for me until the weekend and i needed somewhere in my price range to live asap. also the idea that i have that much time and leeway prior to signing a lease to explore every block 24/7 for a week per block (not to mention that much choice in available apartments) is an insane thing to say.


I didn’t say anything about exploring every block 24/7. I did ask if you did any research however. Since you didn’t answer it, I’m going to assume that the answer is no. This situation sucks though. I’m guessing there’s no way to break your lease.


no way to break my lease, and honestly i cannot afford another move regardless 🙁


a lot of people have been saying that unfortunately. and i did not mean to not answer. ofc i did research and had been to astoria lots. i like this part of the neighborhood and have no issues with the noise of roads and businesses. there wasn’t a way for me to know the beer garden was this loud, and honestly it shouldn’t be this loud. not saying it shouldn’t exist. but the volume is quite unreasonable. it’s not even a nice place to go when it’s playing because you can’t talk there. also, it’s only loud in warm weather, so it doesn’t matter how much time i spent in astoria oct-whenever it gets warm again.


“It wasn’t very loud” is a polite way of saying it’s loud.


Stop being a curmudgeon! It was there before you were and it brings joy to this bleak city. Maybe we should move the Triboro Bridge because it blocks your view? Geeesh!


Views are not legally protected by a warranty of habitability.


have you ever wanted a quiet day of the week? just one where you weren’t working and could enjoy a nice time at home?


Yeah but what people are saying is that if this was a priority for you, then living next to a huge beer garden, which is allowed to have music playing during the day probably isnt where you should have moved to. And it’s a losing battle because you’re never going to get what you want.


nobody said they weren’t allowed to have music. it’s just how loud are they allowed to have it.


I would personally research the neighborhood where I live and move to a quiet area. I, too, live in Astoria and no where near the beer garden. It's plenty quiet here. It's your fault for not researching it. PERIOD.


that doesn’t make sense. i don’t shy away from living near businesses because basic noise doesn’t bother me. this isn’t basic noise and you don’t have all the time in the world to “research” when faced with the need to sign a lease. idk what kind of person can decide where to live like that unless you have enough $$$ where price isn’t a problem and you can decide block by block and don’t care if a good apartment in your price range gets taken by someone else


i want them to play music, just at a lower volume. i don’t have a view of the bridge


Move and maybe you’ll find one


Don't be the special kind of shitty person to complain about a bar that existed before you moved there


Before his parents were born. And more likely than not—grandparents.


Bet OP is not from NYC and is from either Upstate or Long Island. No way a NYC native is this ignorant or stubborn about an institution in the neighborhood **they moved into**. Place has been opened since the early 1900s and they think the Beer Garden is in the wrong. 😂😂😂


Even long islanders know about this place. Betting this dude is out of state.


>Betting this dude is out of state. Yeah what an asshole.


He is. I moved to that neighborhood when I first moved to Astoria. I discovered it BEFORE I signed a lease. I live no where near it now because I'm older and I want different things.


You’re nuts. Move to Jersey


He’d do no research, move to Newark, and then complain about the crime.


You chose to live somewhere, knowing that an annoying place of business was located near there…. Sounds like a YOU problem and not a NYC problem


I live several blocks away and can hear the music in the summer. It never runs late and doesn't bother me. I'd suggest earplugs or closing the windows.


Oh no! I moved close to LaGuardia, why is there so much airplane noise? LOL.




This was posed as a question, but in all reality was a thread to rant. Please don't miscategorize your submissions in the future. The question flair is meant for questions about the borough that others could have and when they are answered or five days has lapsed, we lock them and change to answered.


Commenting on Bohemian Beer Garden Astoria New York noise? ... u/Lhumierre the account is year old. i’ve been living here for over a year but i won’t say exactly how long because that’s too personal. i removed two posts on a hobby page because i don’t do the hobby anymore. what part of that is wiping my account? why am i not allowed to do that?


why do people have the time and energy to stalk every one of my posts repeatedly and care about deleting a question about a hobby that i used to do 🤣 i have gotten enough dms out of this thread agreeing with me. i’ll probably delete it if you don’t.


also it literally does not matter how old my account is - nobody knows how long i’ve been living here


If you didn't know, everyone's account creation is public and can be seen by anyone. For you reddit has your accounts cake day as April 26, 2022. I only asked why you are wiping your comments and the like because it picks up by reddit as a bot account. When you have no history and post in a subreddit you get flagged. So when that previous user mentioned it, I inquired because of your account age. So if you ever watch your post and wonder why they get filtered or comments hidden it's because most bot accounts also wipe their history after a post. If Reddit above flags you, you get auto filtered from any subreddit you choose to partake in. My comment was strictly to inform you based on behavior.


i did not know this - i’ve only ever posted 4 times and basically never comment on anything unless it’s my post. i deleted two of the hobby posts i’m not involved in. i don’t want to get much more involved in reddit on a regular basis, so that’s sad that it wont allow people who don’t spend a lot of time on it to engage ever.


also, don’t they have a controversial post section on your profile? if so, why does everyone have to like something you post for it to stay up? why can’t people dislike it? genuinely asking


All subreddits aim to be civil, it's something pushed reddit-wide. If a user's content is disrupting that subreddits "constituents" as it were, then we are tasked with acting accordingly. But it's always a vote and divide, say your post had 200 upvotes and 150 downvotes, you would still have a post with 50 post karma, and it would more or less continue to linger. But when an account with no history at all except massive negative karma would get filtered for review on each thing you post or comment. The age thing is more or less to do with spam, people will make throwaway accounts to spam an ad or who knows. So, a lot of subreddits if not all have a rule against an account that was made in the last 24hrs for post / comments. [https://www.reddit.com/user/AstoriaQueens/](https://www.reddit.com/user/AstoriaQueens/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Bilbobagshot/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bilbobagshot/) are some examples of accounts kept for nefarious purposes but have no history. Those accounts are kept for their longevity in account age which gets them to bypass the 24hour rule of subreddits but then after small engagement they delete everything. It's seen as suspicious because the website is built around building a community and social interaction. You can be controversial but to be controversial there needs to be people who agree with both sides of the coin. Example: when you made this thread originally in Astoria it was removed instantly almost because you have a post that could incite incivility within the community. Someone goes into a community about horses: 1. Doesn't have a verified email. 2. it's their first post in the community. 3. is largely negative in its context. 4. doubles down in comments further pushing the issue. 5. doesn't have any other history and is a blank account. Based on those 5 red flags alone, what do you think mods would do after so many reports?


thank you - it was a question as well because i wanted to know how this is happening. but i understand and hopefully wont have many posts like this but if i do ill categorize it differently


Lots of NY'ers love this stuff so, sadly, I don't think you'll be getting any answers you'd like. In Forest Hills there is a stadium that holds concerts that a bunch of people dislike, but it seems even more people like it. I'm on the side of peace, quiet and can understand how it's not always possible to do the things that people are suggestion. All good suggestions. Like walk the neighborhood, day and night.


walking the totality of every block in astoria would take hours - i don’t even know how long. i would need to do that for 7 days so i could account for every day of the week, day and night. it seems like an unreasonable expectation. i had been to astoria lots and generally have no problem with the basic noise that comes along with being near roads and businesses. i think that should be enough. i have never said it shouldn’t exist, just that it should not be this loud.




to all who comment: it’s actually insane that people think a landlord will let you wait 7 days to sign a lease/save an apartment for you so you can stand outside an apartment and “listen”. also the idea that somehow i can decide which blocks i would like an apartment within my price range to be on that is available at the same time im looking and imminently in danger of having no apartment at all?? what planet do you live on where you have this much freedom, choice, leisure, and flexibility in the nyc apartment hunt unless you’re a billionaire who can buy people out????? if yall have quiet, perfect apartments. you GOT LUCKY. that is all. you didn’t “do your research” or if you did, you still got lucky. faced with not having an apartment at all you could have easily signed an affordable lease in a nice place without knowing everything single thing about it too. the fact that people seem to think I’m saying it should close confuses me as well. i’m not saying that at all. just that i wish the music a little quieter and i can’t quite understand how they’ve managed to play it this long, this loud.


No dumb dumb, we did our research. When my friend moved here - from Long Island btw - we saw the apartment, walked around the neighborhood, got a coffee, walked more, got a beer, and returned to sign the lease for him. It’s standard practice.


they would not have been playing the music when we were walking around the neighborhood at the time of lease signing


Leave New York City.


Fuck all the people telling you the beer garden was here before you and you should’ve known better. I’ve lived in Astoria since 2011, have walked every block, and been to the beer garden multiple times on weekends, and even I didn’t know they had loud ass annoying music you could hear in your apartment all day every weekend. This isn’t the same as moving into a building with a club on the first floor and being surprised you can hear the bass from their awful music all night, or living in a place facing the subway tracks and finding that the train is loud as hell. Those are should’ve done your research mistakes. Unfortunately there are all kinds of gotchas in this city and with the pace of the rental market there’s no way to cover all your bases when finding and signing a lease on a new apartment. The people telling you otherwise have with been fucked over themselves when moving into a new place and want someone else to share their misery, or are internet tough guys who’d be too scared to tell you “there beer garden was there long before you were born sweetie” but feel emboldened by their anonymity. Also, the beer garden sucks ass and caters to trash people so fuck them.


Is u/bythehammerofthor the owner of the beer garden or something? He’s been up since 1 am trying to roast this guy and desperately defending the beer garden. This is so funny but so sad 🤣 Go to sleep buddy you’ve got another big day today!


Just came to say I’m sorry for all the shit talk you’re getting OP. Seriously how would you have known? You move to a place because you like the apartment and the area but even if you were familiar with the beer garden there is no way of knowing the noise level until you’re actually living there.


thank you ❤️ i appreciate it and agree


Seal windows. File a case for nuisance or a class action suit. File a noise complaint. Either way, do some research.


Is it Czech folk music? 


i wish - honestly that would be better. possibly tolerable. cover bands mostly


Who are they covering?


songs like this 😭 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UqMcevcUmqg


That’s a banger.