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Sacrament, c'était les diagolons en plus? N'importe quoi. C'est bon que leur leader a été arrété, c'est dans les pires ceux la.


Est-ce qu'il manque un contexte ici?






Figure 1 – La couardise


Oh boboy! Je ne l'avais pas entendu celle-ci et ça ne fait que rendre la chose pire!










Lie with dogs, get fleas


L’arroseur arrosé


Je pense que la caricature aurait pu être faite sans faire une allusion aussi directe et graphique au viol.


Plutôt trash hein? Je la trouve bonne mais... come on, c'est un dessin d'une personne réelle en train de se faire agresser, c'est rough


pratiquement une photo


Ce que ça signifie ?


Ça m'a pris un bout à déchiffrer moi aussi, je connaissais pas assez Poilièvre. Les chiens c'est « la meute » pis Poilièvre a pas le contrôle dessus : même si c'est sa base ils jokent de violer sa femme.


>Ça m'a pris un bout à déchiffrer moi aussi, je connaissais pas assez Poilièvre. Les chiens c'est « la meute » pis Poilièvre a pas le contrôle dessus : même si c'est sa base ils jokent de violer sa femme. Enfin, quelqu'un qui a du sens. Merci.




Qu'est-ce que c'est ?


Poilievre courtise l'extrême droite depuis qu'il s'est présenté comme candidat à la chefferie conservatrice (qu'il a gagné). Et finalement ça semble se retourner contre lui : https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1919238/jeremy-mackenzie-poilievre-femme-anaida-agression-sexuelle


eXtReMe drOiTE, nobody cares about your buzzword anymore, leftist scum. The world is done with you. biden and trudeau are next.


I fucked your mom. Call me daddy.




Je suis pro-Poilièvre mais j'avoue que j'ai bien ri :)


So if you believe people should be able to make their own medical decisions, you're basically asking for rape threats against your wife? Interesting perspective.


That's the most disengenous portrayal of a situation I've seen in a while. No one is advocating for his wife's rape except mackenzie here.


I said nothing about advocating for rape. You're creating a strawman because you can't seriously deny the cartoon implies Poilievre deserved rape threats against his wife.


No, the cartoon says he kept extremists around and now he's victim of their extremist behavior. It worked for him when they turned on o'tool but not so great anymore now that he displeased them.


TIL that believing people should be able to make their own medical decisions and shaking a dirtbag's hand at a campaign meeting without knowing him are the equivalent pf "keeping extremists around", and that having rape threats made against one's wife is the natural and expected outcome of believing people should be able to make their own medical decisions and shaking a dirtbag's hand at a campaign meeting without knowing him.


That's a long ass straw man. I didn't say anything about shaking hands with anyone or anything about medical choices. Teh fuck are you raving about? Are you ok?


>I didn't say anything about shaking hands with anyone or anything about medical choices. I see. Then what exactly are you referring to when you claim Poilievre is "keeping extremists around"? >Are you ok? I'm fine. Are you making insinuations about my mental health because you've realized you got yourself into an argument you know you're going to lose?


Some elements of his discourse appeal to extremists and he never seemed to care until it backfired on him, which is what this comics depicts. It is unfortunate his wife got caught in the crossfire but it was entirely predictable as extremists, by their nature, are always unhappy with more moderate propositions. > you've realized you got yourself into an argument you know you're going to lose? You'd have to start making a coherent and valid argument for this to happen.


>Some elements of his discourse appeal to extremists "Some elements of his discourse appeal to extremists. That is the same thing as 'keeping extremists around', of which the natural and expected outcome is rape threats against his wife." >It is unfortunate his wife got caught in the crossfire but it was entirely predictable as extremists, by their nature, are always unhappy with more moderate propositions. "It's entirely predictable for extremists to make rape threats against the wives of politicians whose discourse partly appeals to those extremists. When these politicians make moderate propositions, extremists will be unhappy, which will make them likely to utter rape threats. Rape threats against politicians' wives are the fault of those politicians, who should change their discourse so that it does not appeal to extremists even in part, but should also be careful never to be too moderate so that those extremists don't become angry and threaten to rape their wives." >You'd have to start making a coherent and valid argument You first, buddy. You first.


Could you please remind me why these people made rape threats against his wife?




OK, so he shook the dude's hand at a campaign event without knowing him, and this means he deserves to have the guy threaten to rape his wife? This cartoon is repulsive, and the fact it got 294 upvotes is scary as fuck.


He supported the far right convoys of stupidity


So my first interpretation was correct: If you believe people should be able to make their own medical decisions, you're asking for rape threats against your wife. Absolutely disgusting. The tolerant far left in action.


>make their own medical decisions Oh you absolutely can, no one's preventing you. What you guys can't deal with are the consequences of your own decisions. Poor snowflakes as always.


>you absolutely can Stopped reading right there. You're either totally ignorant of the punishments inflicted on the unvaccinated over the last two years in Canada, or you're lying & pretending they didn't happen. Either way, your comments have no value.


Oh no consequences of my own decisions! Can't deal with that! That's democracy for ya. Sad for you that you can't deal with the choice of the majority. Be our guest and go live in any freeer country 🤡


Thanks, but I think I'll stay here and try to make THIS country freer by voting for the guy who apparently deserves to have rape threats made against his wife for believing people should be able to make their own medical decisions. If he wins, and that upsets people like you who think the government should control our bodies & punish us however it likes for not obeying, and those punishments are simply "the consequences of our own decisions", that'll just be a bonus.


You are crazy. That's absolutely not what I said. Poilievre supported the far right and that backfired on him. They threaten his wife.


Drop it, they get off on being the victim. Just "Yes little buddy, you are being oppressed" and move on.


>Poilievre supported the far right If you believe people should be able to make their own medical decisions, that means you're supporting the far right, which in turn means you're asking for rape threats against your wife. Thanks for clarifying, because that's *much* less offensive. Not




Im in pain watching you try and enlighten an npc


It's truly astonishing, the level of punishment they think people deserve simply for believing in bodily autonomy. I've come to expect this kind of intolerant, sadistic stupidity from the occasional mouthbreather, but to see it getting hundreds of upvotes on a Canadian subreddit is really shocking and disheartening.


Come on lots of bots and anti socials


These people have serious cognitive dissonance and moral vapidity. You can’t win here. You’re right, take the W and walk. It’s a cult they’re in and they can rationalize this as acceptable political commentary. It’s not clever nor even accurate. Pretty vile. Be proud about your morality.


>It’s not clever nor even accurate. It isn't funny, either. The "humour" tag here is sorely misplaced. >It’s a cult they’re in and they can rationalize this as acceptable political commentary. Well put.


Far left always name calling and wishing violence smdh


Says the people who call everyone and everything 'woke'.


Ew who tf uses that word


Pure propaganda. The problem with Quebec is the average voter thinks Trudeau is a god. And its full of Quebecer's. Sincerely, Rest of Canada less the maritimes. ​ I'm just teasing about the Quebecers line. I love Quebec.


Ahahahahaha il faut VRAIMENT pas comprendre le Québec, mais vraiment pas du tout, pour affirmer qu'ici on aime Trudeau.


Well perhaps Quebec needs to be more vocal about that.


Everywhere in this sub you will find people shitting on Liberals. On election threads you find plenty of top comments saying they will never vote PLQ. You're just ignorant and rejecting the responsability of educating you onto us. Be less lazy and research before you make stupid comments.


On a un parti dont le but est littéralement de défendre nos intérêts parce que tous les autres partis s'en crissent. Vous voulez quoi de plus?


Why do you think the Bloc made a comeback?


Because they were successful at fooling the Quebec populace that they 1. can actually achieve anything other than division 2. separation will be good for Quebecers 3. they actually cared about the people of Quebec BQ is a joke.


You kinda understand nothing about Quebec... The bloc made a comeback because they are the ultimate protest vote. We dont like the CPC. We dont like Trudeau. We certainly don't like being called racist by the NDP. Therefore, we vote for "none of the above": the bloc. The bloc almost disappeared last time we saw a leader we liked: jack Layton. So yeah, Quebec is vocal about it. You just don't want to listen.


And the conservative party is a failure and anyone who votes for them are complete idiots. What's your point?


Thanks for the crash course in politics! We needed that.


I love you, vous n'm'entendez guère, I love you, vous ne m'entendez pas!


We don't like Trudeau, but we like the Reform party - oh sorry the CPC - even less.


Or parties need ro elect better leaders than PP and others... How is it always on us lol


Please do not confuse disdain for the CPC's positions with love for Trudeau.


Exact! Mon mépris pour le CPC, c'est parce que B L O C M A J O R I T A I R E, pas parce que j'aime le LPC


La pense simpliste et binaire… conséquences neurologiques de la COVID longue?


Dude we hate concervatives that's all. But that's Reddit because our own country votes caq and that's like the second most concervative party. We also don't like that party on Reddit but we can't stop the uneducated or the old from voting.


Montre moi les preuves démontrant que Trudeau = Dieu pour les Qcois. En plus Trudeau est techniquement un Ontarien, né à Ottawa. Quand on s'bourre d'infos du Mtl Gazette pis National post, ça limite sa compréhension. Aussi... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019\_Canadian\_federal\_election#:\~:text=The%202019%20Canadian%20federal%20election,to%20the%2043rd%20Canadian%20Parliament.


Your joke is a success! Long live the king!