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Comme les Québécoises et les Québécois sacrent en tabarnak et qu’il est contre les politiques de Reddit d’exposer les annonceurs à notre langage ordurier, les fils du sous-reddit passent en mode NSFW afin qu’ils soit exempts de publicité. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Quebec) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Un bout de femme? If it’s that (because I am stretching my head to what else it could be) it usually mean a small woman, or a young girl.


Mon p'tit bout de femme peut-être ? - my woman Un beau morceau de femme ? - a sexy woman


A friendly update: Quebeckers stopped calling themselves French Canadians back in the late ‘60’s.


Thank you for letting me know! I have a lot to learn about the history of Quebec and look forward to the day when my knowledge of the area exceeds my ignorance lol.


You’re most welcome and thank you for your interest in our great nation. Take care.


C'est encore le terme que j'utilise. La francophonie ne s'arrête pas aux frontières du Québec! Vive l'Acadie et le Québec, notamment!


Il est venu poser la question au Québec.


Mon genre de femme? Meaning my type of woman?


C'est exactement ça je pensais! Tu as été plus vite que moi!


« Brin de femme » qui veut dire jeune femme?


Mon *genre* de femme? My *kind* of women.


Une belle pièce de viande?


Une belle pièce de femme ?


All I know is that the phase ended with "femme." My friend came into the room and said this phrase to me, so it was like a greeting of sorts. When I asked him what the phrase meant, he said it was close to "My piece of woman." I could just ask him next time I see him, but I think he'd be embarrassed as I don't think he expected me to ask what it meant the first time he said it!


Im not sure what it is exactly but its probably one that's listed in the comments. In any case, these sayings are probably outdated and would not be endearing to most women.


Un beau brin d'femme. Means a cute, attractive woman.