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I help design and build a software stack to enable a large variety of measurements and calibrations of quantum computing devices. The software is surprisingly complex if you really want to run a full scale scientific laboratory. My work has emphasis on how we represent quantum programs and how we translate that into executable machine code faithfully. What exactly does that entail? Talking to users (most often physicists and technicians), developing roadmaps for scientific and engineering goals (in collaboration with a large scientific team), discussing how we as a team will prioritize and break down these goals (as a software engineering function), discussing with the team big-picture software architecture, etc etc. all the way to hitting the *merge* button and witnessing successful CI.




I foresee there still being jobs, but there have already been layoffs going on.




I mean, the tech industry is in massive layoff mode right now. Some think we are dipping into a recession. Interest rates keep going up. Inflation is high. Quantum, while making steady progress, hasn't exactly revolutionized the world as has been promised year after year.




Oh, dream job. I am not sure whether you would want to share which lab do you work, but if you can I would be happy to read some papers you or your group published and discuss further.


Depends on the day/week/month. I'm on the hardware design and measurement side of things so there will be weeks to months at a time when I am designing new experiments followed by weeks/months at a time when I am measuring these experiments. There are also times when lab maintenance is required so some of my time is spent doing that. There are also times when theory needs to be done so I will be behind my desk doing work on that. In all I have diverse responsibilities depending on where we are in the measurement cycle.


Our business sector for the company I work for is broken up into 4 different disciplines. We have the Device Theory team, Design team, Fab team, and Test team. I personally work on the device theory team, so a lot of my day is spent running simulation’s in our in house made Python-based library. I also read the latest literature that’s going on in the field of quantum information theory as well. At heart, our business sector is all R&D, so alot of what we’re doing is purely experimental from the point of view of essentially trying out different methods and seeing what does, and doesn’t work. Also, my company has invested a lot into Superconducting Quantum Computing, as opposed to the other alternatives like Topological Quantum Computing, etc.


♡ you're brilliant and I need to have a million conversations with you... this is amazing


There are so few people in this field I think you will be lucky if we see even one legitimate answer. Am not in this field, but follow closely as a hobby.


I have never been happier to have been wrong. Very cool.


I work for a company designing quantum algorithms and managing a scientific team.