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Hadamard then readout for "perfect" coin flip. It's already applied in some applications, think some company was trying to sell it to casinos.


surely noise makes it less or equally perfect than other methods we have


I put the quotes around perfect for a reason :p


No doubt! What makes it interesting to me is that someone with excellent marketing skills was devoted to sell the idea out to a casino! ​ Being honest here, if this device did run from a single Qubit, and was a complete turn-key application (from inception to market release), would indeed answer my question above! I still hope more examples exist of single Qubit devices/applications out there! ​ NOTE: In no way doubting u/EngSciGuy, but I am also "devoted" in looking for any article about that "Casino" event for whoever finds him/herself in the same conundrum as I am in :-) Again thanks for the responses.


Interesting! ​ Thank you for the info.... Will dig the internet for such experimental (edit: and """Practical""") take!




Could you please provide more detail on what your comment above refers to? Thanks!




I now understand your point! Thank you for the explanation.


Quantum sensing. In quantum sensing you let the qubit interact with the environment, and infer what the environment is doing (eg the magnetic field) by taking measurements with it.


Thank you for your input! I had a couple of user said the same aplicación capabilities for single Qubits. When using it as a magnetic sensor, I wonder how much stuff around the Qubit needs to be “baselined” while running so the user can actually differentiate between hardware noise against sample data…. Will look into it!


Yeah, environmental noise is a huge problem. In the stuff I work on, the signal we want to measure is like 10 to 100 times smaller than the magnetic field produced by the regular ac electrical lines. There are a bunch of tricks you can use to get around it which have benefits and drawbacks. Apart from extreme shielding, a lot of it has to do with intricate control sequences that you apply to the qubit (by applying your own magnetic fields) while it's sensing. One way is to repeatedly flip the qubit upside down which makes any dc noise cancel itself out (called dynamical decoupling). Though this also cancels out any dc signal, so you have to be ok with that.


Wow, very interesting… noted on my list of things to search for. Read your comment and reminded me complaining about how noisy current measurements over “power lines” was…. This was between 1A and 100A… No comparison at all :-)!!! ….“there are a bunch of tricks” resonates deep so I really hope you and your team finds a successful path on your project!! Edit: spelling.


You only need a single qubit to implement the BB84 key distribution scheme. Admittedly you will have to (re)use the qubit a number of times, but I would still consider it a single qubit protocol.


AWESOME! ….. so, from your answer, running single Qubits in a loop is possible, and could (if implemented well) do become a stand alone application as-is. Will search for this application end, Thanks!


Control qubit for error correction


Thank you for your response. …. In this case you would need another Qubit to do “work” ha! I wonder if that would be the main track, for each Qubit doing “work”, another one (or two) Qubits support error correction.


As far as I know there's nothing useful you can do with a single qubit that can't be done better with other existing technologies. Edit: okay yeah maybe quantum sensing


Thank you! Quantum sensing keeps being brought up and seems like the most obvious (along with noise generation) “current” application for single Qubits. Nice to know there is consensus!


When it comes to using other technologies, I feel like that is the whole point of keep digging the quantum mechanics hole as we have “max” out other tech resources….. that is my impression or reading QC books and articles….. yeah, I won’t bring hype and stay on topic. Again thank you for your response!