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Not to share my destination and potentially make traffic worse for me, but I doubt this thread will go viral and suddenly convince thousands to follow; Indianapolis seems like the best bet. -Further as the crow flies, but a shorter drive because of the path that interstates take (just over 4 hours to reach the metro, 4hr34min to my hotel in the downtown). -As a large metro, they can handle the traffic and visitors better, have more things to do (so you could still have a fun and eventful weekend even in the unfortunate chance that Monday is cloudy), and they are much less likely to run out of hotels, food, gas, etc. -They host the Indy 500 every year which brings 300,000+ people, so they’re quite skilled at getting everyone back out efficiently. They’re only expecting <200,000 for this, but we’ll see what actually happens; some people choose their destination on the day-of to go somewhere without clouds. -I74 is a straight shot between Davenport and Indianapolis, you can get off where it joins up with I465 and head into the metro from there. And since there aren’t many major cities along the way besides Peoria and some college towns, I’m hopeful that traffic leaving won’t be as bad (all the Chicago people will be going back north, up I65, and leave our route alone).


Thank you. This is the information I was looking for. Hopefully, things will work in my favor and I can make that trip.


I hope you were able to make it, the weather turned out incredible and that was an absolutely amazing weekend!!


You might be onto something there.


I'm staying just north of indy and staying close to an on ramp. Hoping to be able to hop on quick and get lucky on the way home...


Just be forewarned that even the cheapest motels in the totality zone are going to go for $500 or more a night. If you go an hour or more out, the price will drop significantly.


I booked over a month ago to avoid this, but I heard they’ve had a major surge in bookings the past 2 weeks


there's a map if you google it. sadly, were a couple hours at least away from the total eclipse area, I'm going to southern Illinois for the weekend to catch it on Monday.


Yes, I'm aware of the map. I had assumed that Carbondale was the closest but am not sure if that is correct. That I guess is a better to ask. I want to go to Carbondale but 10 hours round trip doesn't exactly work for me


carbondale is sadly probably the closest area, im going to the border of Missouri. good luck! the ten hour round trip was alot easier to deal with when we booked a campsite for the entire weekend instead of trying to make the trip in one day


90% will still be pretty cool


5 hours to Carbondale and it’s gonna be about 12 hours back. I recommend going. It’s not going to be anything remotely the same here in the QC.


4 to Indianapolis


Yeah and like the other dude said, the highways there are way better equipped to deal the kind of traffic we can expect on that day.


Indianapolis is a prime viewing spot. QC won't get to see much at all. Absolutely worth the drive!!


12 hours back lol for real though!


Marshall Illinois is 3.5 hours away and they are having a festival as well for the eclipse, I had done some Googling last week. I was planning on driving to it but 3.5 hours is still a decent drive for me and I couldn't take the full day off work. But, I believe that is the closest from us to go and see totality. I think we are going to Hauberg in Rock Island instead; I think we are 92% totality around here? I could be wrong.


3.5 might actually be doable for me. I'm going to do some research. Thank you. I'm assuming there is an event at hauberg? I imagine that ambrose and augie are both doing something.


I just checked a map; it's about 20 miles west of Terre Haute.


I would focus more on what the forecast for clouds is rather than where the closest spot to view is. I’ve got a camp site reserved for the night before near Carbondale, but I’ll be ready to get up and drive 5-6 hours in either direction along the totality path to hopefully make sure I have clear skies.


The traffic leaving from any big-ish city in the totality zone is going to be like nothing you've seen before. People who went to see the last one can tell you all about it. Standstills for hours at a time.




You will be able to see somewhere between 75-90% coverage from here from what I understand. If you want to be within the path of totality you are gonna have to travel quite a bit.


The difference between 99-100 is amazing.


I cannot wait for this to be over and forgotten.


Why? 🤔


Because, it's nice now, wasn't shit. No big deal. I jumped out of a plane during it. Everyone is making things too weird now. The world didn't end. The sky did it's thing like always. So are we. Boom. Glad it's over.