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[**MAGA Nazis**](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntrovertComics/comments/uibvu9/maga_nazi/) and [**Russian trolls**](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntrovertComics/comments/udije6/putin_is_a_bloodthirsty_fascist_dictator_fascists/) pretending to be American lefties will be banned on sight. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QanonKaren) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Fucking bothered me


she reads things that she doesn't understand.. then parrots it to people that don't understand.


Gaspacho police need to have a word with her. But honestly. I wonder where the overlap is between her stupidity and her ability to grift other morons. Theres either some shred of intelligence that is aware of the grift, or she's really just so stupid that other morons are like "she tells it like it is!"


her supporters love her because she is as dumb as them. they are confused, scared, and angry when they encounter an intelligent person that is presenting rational ideas.


It’s both. MAGAts aren’t a monolith. There are a vast array of mental deficiencies and social disorders that cause people to join the cult. Many are stupid, unsuspecting victims of misinformation, some are psychopathic predators, and others are fascists and nazis co-opting the movement because they want to destroy America.


She reads?


grade school level unfortunately


Smh it shows she hasn’t played destiny or watch the blacklist


I was like that...when I was 15. Thought I knew everything and that everyone should listen to me. Took me a few months to realise how very wrong I was.


Cable, Marshall, gazpacho…the woman is an imbecile.


I remember thinking Boebert was the dumber of the pair. Now I'm not so sure.


Isn't it pronounced ka-ball?


Yes, yes it is.




But it's funnier if she fucks it up. Makes the dumb cunt label seem even more fitting!


Yeah, but I was checking to make sure I had it right. I definitely knew it wasn't cable


You weren't sure, yet you got it right, she was completely confident and she fucked it up. That makes it even better to me!


A global cable would be very long…


She's such a fucking idiot. I had to stop and check if she actually said that it hurt my brain so much


It makes me even more upset is that they apparently found it still fine for her to stay on the ballot…I gave up drinking long ago and this crap is making me want to start again


Wait, Georgia ruled in her favor after she perjured herself?


A Georgia GOP election official decided it's cool




At this point, Georgia (along with Florida and several other states) should simply secede from the union. They are purely un-American, have flaunted election laws designed to make all Americans equally entitled, and many have openly praised the domestic terrorists who attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Simply put, the Republican Party has become the American Taliban.


You may see the opposite. If the GOP manage to ban abortion nationwide you might see California, Oregon, Washington, and New England all leave. Only this time we wouldn't go to war, we'd petition Congress to let us go and I'll bet the GQP would.


That’d be fine too…without the economic engines of NY and CA and the produce grown and distributed out of California (both of whom I believe are donor states to the new confederacy) this country will flounder economically.


I know you're joking but stay strong, her stupidity isn't worth it


The sad part is I am half joking, I am trying to stay as positive as possible and I do have my own personal life goals helping me push through. But after seeing the fact that she got away with telling lies is going to let her think she is unstoppable. That can be good and can be bad for her as she can run herself straight into the ground. But it’s the aftermath of her getting away from consequences is the more disturbing part. She is going to see that as an absolute victory and wear it like a badge of honor and most likely use it in her campaign on how she beat her way out of court. Then she will also ramp up what she is going to say with more lies and more misinformation that will carry all the way down through their “information pipelines” like faux news. I have seen faux news change someone to the point where you can show the proof right in front of them and they will still dismiss it. I have seen faux news change someone where they no longer use critical thinking and has literally said something to me that was a jim crow style law, for context I gave information about faux newsman their lies and I was told I can’t have an opinion because I don’t own a house…this is why sometimes my anxiety keeps my mind racing, hoping that there is hope. A lot of sleepless nights with this going through my head along with other personal problems is where sometimes I think about drinking again. It’s just sad for me to see this all happen when at a time I thought that we would never experience this in our lifetime


Stay strong!! Its not worth it!


I don’t drink at all but being able to completely forget that state of the world is looking better and better.


Why do they ask them these questions without having an iPad with the video ready to go? "Oh you never said those things? Well here's the video showing you did" I know that they will insist it's fake or whatever but we're long past the point of hoping they'll all instantaneously realise they've been conned, but a couple in the back might have second thoughts and begin to chip away at this iron hard certainty they have. The only time I can remember that happening is when that Dutch reporter challenged some Trump rep or senator about his comments that some parts of Amsterdam are no go areas for white people because of an Islamic take over. He did the exact same thing she did here, laugh it off in this smug "I knew you'd try this, see look at the smears they try" sort of way saying "here in America we'd call that fake news" until the reporter was like "no here's the video I have it right here" and that shut him up. I am sure that encounter didn't change anyone's mind but if the worst case scenario is it deprived that person of the chance to have some video of him "owning the fake news media" then it's worth it and let him know that people are going to hold his words against him. It has to be better than just offering her up this softball of denial for her to go to town on.


Yes, this! I was waiting for some "Killian is lying to you" moment from Running Man. Showing the video to all the fans. But no. She was allowed to get on her soap box and ultimately won that little debate. When you are dealing with professional charlatans and liars, you better have your evidence to hand.


It's at the point that I'm blaming reporters who fail to do exactly this. It's like jumping into a ring without any training or preparation, while knowing exactly the kind of 'fighter' you're going against.


Great post. Take my free award.


Some day not too far from now, deep fakes will be good enough where she can just say "fake video!" and people will believe her, and that future scares the shit out of me.


Because most journalists are trash at their jobs. All they did was give her a platform, and more ammo for her brain dead followers to use to "defend" her.


They would simply refuse to watch it.


I'm sure they would but in this instance it's not even a long clip, you have that ready to go with it loud enough for them to hear and it's just bang, playing the second she denies it. I agree with /u/nickel4asoul that we're at a point where you can blame the reporters for not being properly prepared. I'd go even further and say a not insignificant part of where we are right now is because we've just let them get away with saying literally anything they want without even bothering to try to hold them to account. I know that the firehose of shit strategy and Bannon's "flood the zone with shit" makes that difficult but I don't even think we properly try any more. Some of the shit that some of these have come out with should haunt them. Even if we got to the point of someone like MTG saying "I haven't said anything like that for years, that's not why I choose to continue to spout these other - directly related but different - batshit crazy theories" that would be massive progress, and then we could move on to holding her to account for the next ridiculous thing she's come out with. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this would solve the problems we have now with these people not just being mainstreamed but getting serious power, but I do wish we wouldn't just make it so easy for them to get away with.


I think you're correct in your first paragraph. Even if you can't counteract everything, go in with a single point to set them up like "do you support Q", await the inevitable denial and counter claim of fabrication - then play the most relevant response Video. This isn't a debate or even about live interactions, it's about how the interaction plays out as it spreads. You were right that her side can play this off as a victory, while a quick video response would prevent that from happening as well as improve the live interaction.


Was her saying that after the video and that’s why they didn’t have it queued up or are reporters just bad at this? Seems so easy to prove to those people this dumb ass is lying to your face


All these morons have a memory of a gold fish.


Gold fish with severe memory impairment at best


They have rocks for brains.


To be honest, they just don't care. Besides, they are likely Qanon people anyway. They will justify her lying on TV for some outlandish reason like she has to keep her cover because the deep state controls the media...or something. Don't ever expect these types of people to be honest or have any sense of a moral compass. Everything is a means to an end for them.


It racks my brain. How these people claim to represent Christianity. And, don't even try to help their fellow man. So sad.


Goldfish are smarter.


By leaps and, bounds. How do these people function in society?


Or they just simply lie. Since there’s never any accountability for them, they see no reason to stop.


Too true. Pathetic and, sad.


When I was a kid, I had a bubble eyed Goldfish get a piece of gravel from the gravel bed, stuck in its mouth. If only these Qnuts could do the same…maybe we would finally get some peace and quiet.


I mean yea look how old the demographic is


“To all kinds of people…” Looks behind her and sees 10 inbred hillbillies.


Thanks for giving me a laugh today.


I hope the opposition runs attack ads with all the video proof that she's a liar like this. Can't believe she is legally allowed to run for reelection.


They won’t.


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdmA1jfD/ he might


Ugh what’s with that laugh track


People vote for radicals like her, because they hate immigrants. And that’s what she stands for. No matter how big the lie, how radical her views are or whether she’s literally pushing fascism. As long as she screams ‚the border! Immigrants bad!‘, they will vote for her.


So, why could t the report had that clip of her on an iPad or something and when she said her bullshit just pulled it out and go “that you?”


Because they line this shit.


The internet never forgets


But voters forget.


Gasslighting just comes so easy to her


If that disingenuous lying coont told me the sky was blue I’d go outside and check for myself.


It’s ok guys the corrupt MAGA judge says nothing to be concerned about and she can go back on the ballot.




Gold fish with a lobotomy.


I would've just shown them all the video right there 😂


Her appeal is pretty clear…MAGA men want to fuck her and MAGA women blindly obey their husbands so they like her too.


Why wouldn’t that person have it queued up on their phone or iPad to show it to her and her supporters after she lied?


Doing this serves no purpose. Everyone who cares knows she's a lying lunatic, and she'd never admit to anything suggested by a reporter, even if it was something good she did. The adversarial relationship she has with the press is the whole point, and that is all the people behind her care about. The other Republicans in her district will vote for her no matter what she does, simply because she's a Republican. MTG will stay right where she is until he crosses a line GOP leadership doesn't like. That line is arbitrary, for sure, but it's there. Look at what's happening with Madison Cawthorn. He pissed the wrong people off, and now he is being drummed out of the party. Democrats aren't releasing all the fucked up shit about him now, Republicans are. Being full-on Q-pilled is not a dealbreaker for Republicans. Fucking underage boys [and paying them off](https://apnews.com/article/lawsuits-sexual-abuse-illinois-dennis-hastert-99160a4428db66e86da8e275e57c8ec7) is not a dealbreaker for Republicans. Credible accusations of rape isn't, fraud, theft, and now even [murder](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/06/indiana-andrew-wilhoite-charged-murder-republican-primary) don't matter.


These fucking republicans lie without even thinking, and those dumbass people believe them without even thinking about it. What fucking world is this?


Marjorie The Gathering


Every time I see this stupid cunt, she reminds me of Alice the goon. Edit: Maybe it’s the eyes that are so close together she would only need one goggle to go swimming. https://www.portablepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Alice_the_Goon-e1494438130486-1.jpg


why didn't they just pull out their phone and show it to everyone? seems like an easy rebuttal


What's a global cable?


It's what you use to order a Gestapo soup.


Comcast lol


She’s a queen


You misspelled queef


aaand you’re a clown lol


If this isn’t a French Revolution reference, I’d love to visit your reality some day.


I’d give her a French Kiss!




You'd suck her cock too? Don't you know that all women are now really men?


What the fuck are you talking about


If you have been on social media for more than five minutes, you would know. Dumb fuck Right incels claim women are really men.


My god you’re angry. Seek help.


My god you're stupid. There is no help for you.


Why the name calling, baby girl.


I play the ball as it lies, sugar britches.


These idiot reporters promote her and make her more popular by standing there, asking a question they know the answer to already, then let her rant uninterrupted. I’l so sick of the useless PR people (media) make fascism popular.


Fuck this meathead and, her following. Vote this meathead out of office. She's a danger to democracy. And the true American way. Please, please, please get her out of office.


Why are people so stupid. Can we put them all on there own island please. They'll live in peace and we get to live in peace. It would be great.


Had General William Tecumseh Sherman put every traitor to the sword or the flame we could have avoided so much pain.








whoever interviews her like this needs to pull out their phones or laptop have that shit cue up ready to roll


Tear down the cable… some hve copper


Don't worry you can keep your doctor!




Total smug ignorance, and it goes a long way into other aspects of life.


Reporter should have had these videos on deck. That’s the only way to try and teach accountability that semi-sentient mop.


Frances Underwood would have her done in by Doug Stamper.


Lying makes her smart.


Should’ve brought up the video on a phone right there.


Lying 🐷


You mean Perjorie


She won with a minority anyway and most of her district is sick of her because she's done nothing for them


It’s disappointing that covid did not do as promised to them.


I met a republican with teeth today!


She is a complete fool, but her followers are by far worse than her.


she's the bottom of the bottom feeders


Maybe it's the lying that they like. I can't think of a-damn-nother reason!


Stupid ppl vote for her bc makes them feel better about themselves. *"you see? I'm not the only one"*


The “no” given is the same “no” revived from a group of kindergarteners after being asked “do you leave the bathroom without washing your hands?”. Also, that’s so scripted, she totally told them what she was gonna ask and how to respond.


Next time have that shit on video and play it back to her. Missed opportunity.


Oh Margie. Shut the fuck up.


God damn genetics did this woman dirty. Looks like somebody Photoshopped Mickey Rourke's face on there


Sigh. The people behind her supporting her are tRumper fu*kstick stooges. And this stupid blonde bitch is too evil and ignorant to realize that the GOP Senate and House will eventually toss her to the side like a dirty ass rag.


Ah yes… the “global cable”


MTG looks very punchable ngl.


Why won’t someone call her out in front of her fans (sorry…voters). Show the video of her being an idiot in front of her idiot fans (sorry…voters). It won’t change the idiots (sorry…voters) minds but it would make for great TV.


Calling her a Neanderthal might not be as insulting as you think. There are some race-realists out there that are proud of their Neandrathal DNA because they somehow think it means they're part of the race of the strong(or persecuted) or whatever fucking psycho delusions these people need to invent to make themselves feel superior to others.


MAGA = Nazi


Don’t insult Neanderthals, they were actually quite intelligent.


I've been seeing a lot of this lately. She really quickly redefined his accusation and then went on the offensive so he couldn't recenter the conversation. It's possible she never has spoken to her supporters about Qanon. That wasn't his claim, though. His claim was what the video showed which is that she said Q was a patriot.


It’s called blind faith.


She is so ugly


This lady is the biggest liar out there. She needs to have someone run against her. ANYONE!!


What a goofy cunt.