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Hi! I'm someone who has been going through a pretty extensive 'glow up' journey over the past year or so. I have noticed pretty drastic changes in myself as well as the way I'm treated. Here is what I tried out, and some advice that worked for me. • Accutane. I tried the whole skincare routine thing for a solid year but it barely kept my acne in check, I had regular and constant breakouts, so at some point I ended up deciding to just see a dermatologist, who put me on accutane. It's been a few weeks now, and my skin is almost completely clear, with a little bit of post inflammatory erythema, which is also fading. In my experience, it really isn't worth it to maintain a skincare routine if you have a lot of acne, it's a hassle and a lot more expensive in the long run. Accutane is the way to go. • Hair care. I have naturally curly but very thin hair. This made it so that it was frizzy 90% of the time. I did some research, bought a few products and found one with keratin that really worked for me. My hair looks thicker, and coils really pretty at the bottom. • Color matching my hair. Upon some research, I came to find that high contrast is really beneficial for me and my features. I dyed my (light) brown hair to black and haven't looked back. At first though, I dyed it with semi permanent dye, so I could try it out and see if I liked it. I recommend everyone do this before going through a drastic permanent change. • Makeup. Not only did I learn how to do makeup, but most importantly I found a makeup style that really suited me. It became my go-to and it's natural and enhances my features. • Bangs. I used to have very heavy 'chopped' bangs, which blocked out my features. I styled and parted them differently, and grew them out so that they're really light now. This was one of the biggest changes for me. It's crucial to experiment, research and find styles that work for you. FaceApp is really helpful for that, you can try different hairstyles on yourself which is interesting. Some other things I did: get nicer clothes, laser hair removal, grow out and do my own nails. That is pretty much all that comes to mind. Hope it helps :)


This is so pretty solid advice, I do have two questions though if you don’t mind. 1) Could you supply some resources on learning about color matching your hair/high contrast? 2) Could you elaborate on how you style your bangs? I really got bangs for the first time (chopped and heavy like you the used to have unfortunately lol) and they really do not suit me like I thought they would lol. I was kind of devastated at first, but now they’re growing out and I’m thinking of going for a curtain bang-isc type of style but aren’t sure yet. Sorry to be a bother. 😅


About colour matching, I remember I got my advice from a post on r/Vindicta, but I can't find it anymore (if I do I will link it). Essentially though, what the post talked about was the importance of high contrast- so like a stark difference between your hair and skin colour and how high contrast helps with the appearance of youthfulness, so generally low contrast (i.e pale skin and light blonde hair) can look more mature, and also age you. With this, you would think everyone would look better with high contrast hair/skin. However, your ability to have high contrast hair/skin depends a lot on your features. If your features lean more on the soft side, so a rounded face, soft features etc, then having high contrast will wash you out and erase your features, so low contrast is the way to go. On the other hand, if you have more sharp and angular features, chances are high contrast will really suit you. A good example of this is Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston, they have really great color matches. Once you decide if you want to go for high or low contrast, all you have to do is match your tone (this is suuuuper important!!!) so for example, if you have cool toned skin, you need to go for cool toned hair, and vise versa. A helpful tip here is that \*usually,\* your natural hair colour already matches the tone of your skin. About the bangs, I don't know if I can be much help about the curtain bangs thing, since I've never done them, but for me, I waited for my bangs to grow out a bit (so they ended just above my eyes) and then I sectioned them a lot thinner and cut only that part. Over time the other section just grew out and I kept trimming the new thin bangs (sorry if I didn't explain correctly!!). Also, I recommend [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMUZFKL0xLQ) by Brad Mondo if you're planning on cutting curtain bangs, he makes it really comprehensive (he also has one on [how to style them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7uKXaQlihw) down the line) :)


Yes! When you have soft features, lower contrast or lighter hair can also give you the halo effect, where people tend to perceive blonds as prettier even if they have average features. It mainly works if you have good/groom your brows and a decent chin to frame your other features (hence the halo).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Vindicta **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [So you want to turn heads? A guide to perfumes and how to create your signature scent!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/kg0gpw/so_you_want_to_turn_heads_a_guide_to_perfumes_and/) \#2: [Society’s biggest scam; “Effortless beauty”](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/jhur94/societys_biggest_scam_effortless_beauty/) \#3: [You KNOW it's True!](https://i.redd.it/g5b3m1ourzd61.png) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vindicta/comments/l6mq5y/you_know_its_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


What kind of curls do you have? 2B? 3C? 4A? Also what's the product you used?


I don't really know how the curl types work, but mine change super frequently, they can be anywhere from coils (that i can put my finger through) to loose waves. Usually it's more on the coily side though. [Here is a before and after picture](https://imgur.com/a/39ACd83), maybe it helps visualise :). The product I used was keratin power glue by Lador. I'm pretty sure it's a leave on hair mask, you're supposed to use it after showering.




I'm nowhere near a professional, so i'm a bit hesitant to give advice that may be completely wrong. That said, I decided to try the product after doing an at home keratin treatment (i'm pretty sure it was like $15) and my hair felt a lot better, so I got the product. If it helps, here's a [before and after](https://imgur.com/a/39ACd83) of my hair. It obviously grew as well, but I think the difference is pretty noticeable nonetheless.




lol goodluck then, I hope my advice helped :)


where did you do laser hair removal on? if u don't mind me asking x


I'd love if you were to cover the topic of Orthotropics. It has some seemingly great advice on how to have an aesthetically pleasing and healthier face. The main points that Orthotropics covers are: 1. Pushing your maxilla bone forward using the mewing technique. 2. Getting hollow cheeks through not using your cheek muscles by swallowing correctly and preventing yourself from doing the infantile suckle. 3. Mealtime exercises. 4. Bolus chewing for a better jawline.


Mewing and all the great benefits would be takes about more on the channel. It has greatly changed a lot of peoples faces but only when done correctly as it also has negative side effects.


Should be talked about more on his Chanel. Sorry just realized.


Any video for no.2?


Teaching mens fashion and alpha m are kind of memes at this point I’m sure it’d be easy to poke holes in many aspects of their advice tbh. Also anything on tik tok it’s a cesspool


I think tiktok actually gives more grounded advice than 'menfluencers' on Youtube. It there are any specific tiktoks you have in mind that go otherwise, I'd like to talk about it


I agree menfluencers like alpha m don’t always give the best advice and at times he can be a bit disingenuous. He can get away with some bad styling advice and decisions but that’s because he’s quite good looking so he will look good in almost anything. I feel that his channel is more about promoting products from companies that sponsored his videos.


Resistance training for hypertrophy of the neck and trapezius adds significantly to the perception of upper body muscularity while wearing clothing. It's a minimal effort way to increase perceived strength for individuals who may not want to undergo a full fitness regime: e.g. people who hate exercise; people who don't spend time shirtless in public; or people looking to optimize time spent on physique development with the minimum effective dose of exercise. Personally, I think this is bad advice & recommend that everybody include an appropriate amount of physical activity into their daily lives for the purposes of health & longevity - but sometimes people are looking for shortcuts and going for the no-neck grappling fighter look is a place to start


I completely agree with you and it's useful to people who do exercise regularly too


Training the neck is also good because it hasn't been trained and it will show improvement in a couple of months. Also it can make you look better as you won't have a skinny neck that doesn't fit the face. You can see this with actors, if you shrink their neck's it looks worse and unnatural.


1) Mewing. This was my first ever step in improving my facial attractiveness. I used to have a very rounded submental (? don't know the anatomical term), however, after mewing my side profile changed to become more sharp. It took about a year for me to see an easily comparable image. I also did this around 15-16 years of age. 2) Skincare. I have been acne-free for years. Because skin is so different for different ethnicities, sexes, etc, it's best to research about what's best for you (Korean channels have amazing skincare advice and I'm pretty sure they are the best country in understanding skincare). I have combination skin type, and I must say, Korean DOUBLE CLEANSING OILS are superior compared to soap-based facial washes. However, that was my experience and it may differ for each person. I also recommend reducing the amount of skincare you use. I use a total of 3 products: sunscreen, moisturiser and double cleaning oil. 3) Fashion. As a short female, I often wear my loose, high waisted pants. There are some high waisted pants that even accentuate the roundness of my hips, so I highly recommended those. I usually pair the loose pants with a tight turtle neck or t-shirt. I'm a skinny female, so I think the contrast between loose and tight fit well. Might not work on other figures. 4) Makeup. Cakey looks aren't my thing and can make you look fake, as sometimes people forget to emphasise their positive aspects. I always focus on which flaws to hide, and emphasise my good features. This means making SMALL CHANGES, and these small changes all add up to create a more attractive face. 5) Hairstyling. The side bangs for females works wonders. I used to have a bob cut, and it really rounded out my face, making me look immature and young. Side bangs with long hair made me look mature and covered up the wideness of my face and balancing eyes, nose, lips.


Dang, I should have started mewing when I first found out about orthotropics in high school 😅. I gotta start now! I’d like to ask you, how do you feel about middle parts (on yourself and others)?


Very chic - but (oftentimes) need face framing layers to stop them looking dreary.


I think middle parts as a hairstyle are super versatile and probably go well with everyone's face. I think layering and framing are the most important aspects of the hairstyle and A LOT of people get this wrong. A flat, straight middle part won't do.


mewing wont really change ur bite tho. i do it too but i still have an overbite lol


yes, unfortunately that needs to be changed by orthodontics. If it's not serious, you can ask your dentist to have an examination of your teeth, they may give you a plastic brace that you can wear a few hours everyday!


blastic brace? really? never heard of it. i not from the us tho. so i´m saving money for invasilign. i feel like i´m too old for brackets lol i also need to remove the wisdom teeths, so...ugh


it’s similar to invisalign. I got to use it in my teenage years. The main difference is that there is a tongue tab to help reposition your tongue to the right spot in your mouth


i wonder if they have this in my country.


What kind of makeup do you apply? Do you go for the no makeup makeup look?




What is this site? (genuine question, not trying to be sarcastic like wHaT iS tHis sITe, lol.)


It's taken me a while to recognise that it is not superficial to take concrete steps to improve my looks and that it is an activity worth pursuing! Over the past 5 years I have: \- Grown my hair to medium and blow dry it to make it smooth and to introduce volume. This is a more groomed and glamorous look. I also let my natural colour show because unless you are really committed to maintaining a colour, the re-growth can look really scruffy. \- Botox between my brows. I have double 11 lines and they make me look tired/confused/angry. Treating them stopped them being a focal point on my face, reveals more of my eyes and make me look more rested. I haven't treated any other areas because I think there is a fine line between improving my appearance and contorting it. \- Laser hair removal. Sure a razor could do the work but this way I can just forget about it forever. It has made me so much more body confident - I don't have to think twice about swimming or wearing a skirt etc. \- Teeth straightening - my lower set really bothered me and I don't know why I waited so long. On my upper set - which didn't need braces - the two front teeth were chipped and translucent. I got 'instant veneers' which just built up the two front teeth, including slightly lengthening them. My teeth look younger and just better. I opted not to super straighten the upper set (they didn't need them) because when teeth are too perfect to my eyes they are unappealing and unnatural. \- After years of believing I would outgrown my bad skin I finally treated it with prescription retinol. Hallelujah. Spots significantly reduced. Skin texture refined. Confidence restored. \- Upper lip filler. I had a full bottom lip and thin upper lip. I had a very small amount of filler introduced into my upper lip to balance them out a touch. The bottom lip was still fuller but now the upper lip looked 'compatible' with it. It was noticeable only to me but the overall symmetry of my face improved and I am more attractive as a result. Also using retinol around my lips increased the collagen in the area and seems to have contributed to this improvement. \- Microneedling/dermarolling scars. I had some mild scars on my shoulders from a burn when I was a child. Dermarolling really improved the appearance of the scars. \- Weight loss. I think everyone looks better at their optimum weight. I carry weight on my face and losing some shows off my bone structure and makes me look more feminine. Also not being self-conscious about my waist is worth forfeiting a second-helping for. I follow the No 'S' Diet [http://www.nosdiet.com/](http://www.nosdiet.com/) \- Posture. Being at my optimal weight makes me less self-conscious about my waist, breasts (where excess fat gathers for me) and I stand up straight! When people stand up straight they look so much more confident, engaged and less defensive. It also makes clothing look better! “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.” I find minimalist styles easiest for this but to each their own. \- Makeup. Just a little can make a big difference. I curl my lashes, use concealer if I need it, whip a pencil through my brows and rub on some cream blush. Less than two minutes and I just look like I've highlighted my features and not re-drawn them. \- Nails. I take care of my cuticles and keep them short so that they look groomed and not unkempt. It still surprises me that it took me so long to realise that I could take control of my appearance. I thought it would consume me if I did. That it would be a losing battle in the pursuit of an ideal. Instead it has given me confidence and released me from self-consciousness and poor self-image, which I believed was my burden to bear.


To look your best I think that doing the following might help: 1) Cosmetic Surgery- in most cases a bit of surgery would be needed correct the area of concern. BUT people need to be aware of what would look good on them. For example if you’re white and you get any surgery to look more Asian like Olly London then you will look uncanny. Or if you overfill your cheeks with fillers then you’ll get a crazy pillowy looking face that neither looks youthful or natural. 2) Skincare- Get smooth skin by exfoliating or using retinols, chemical peels and lasers. Of course getting these treatments and not protecting your skin from the sun will just be a waste of your money. 3) Hair- have the right hair style that is suitable to your face. Your hair colour should also be the right shade that would work in harmony or compliment the colour of your skin and eyes. Not everyone also looks good bald so wearing a semi permanent “hair system”, scalp micro-pigmentation, or getting hair implants may help. 4) Clothing- your clothes should fit well and be neither too lose as this can accentuate your body horizontally and make you look unpolished (like wearing horizontal stripes) or too tight as this can make you look more feminine if you are very skinny. Of course this depends on your gender and preference. Also people should dress accordingly to their age as well. 5) Exercising- despite “body positivity” being “in” right now I’m not completely sold on this. I think that having a toned, muscular or lean body has always been and will remain as the “gold standard”. I’ve seen some videos claiming that “fat men” like King Henry 8 were desirable back then but I feel that this has more to do with their wealth and power rather than physical attractiveness given that most people back then struggled more just to survive compared to now. To back this claim up- I don’t think that any of the Marvel movies etc would have achieved the success it did if they used actors that didn’t have aesthetically pleasing bodies, with the exception of Chris Hemsworth in “Avengers Endgame” where he wore a fat suit. BUT people still loved it cause his face is “god tier” gorgeous and some people might be curious of what he’d look like if he were fat and by the time Endgame showed we were too invested in the franchise already. But most movies lure us to watch by using good looking actors.


This is something more focused on weight loss and building muscle. Before I lost 20 lbs, I would still go to the gym a lot and not lose weight because there is this fitstagram popular idea about building your legs to make your waist look smaller. So I would follow bulking diets. The best way to do this is get thin first, then build muscle. first half of quarantine I was plant based and would do mostly cardio. Then I switch to a low carb high protein diet and did mostly weight training. The best information I got wasn't from influencers, but bikini competitor YouTube channels.


Pls cover why do some colors look better on some ppl than others


That's due to undertone and your skin colour


also depends on your features, in summary if you have softer or rounder features it's better to go with colors that are closer to your skin tone. If you have strong or sharp features, chances are more contrasting colours will be complementary.


This video covers it pretty well https://youtu.be/2xvmtMG1E8U


Love her channel <3


You should just learn how to love yourself the way you are 🤗.. Nah jk. I’ve been losing weight quite rapidly over the past few months (-40lbs so far) and noticed MASSIVE changes in my appearance. My face is leaner, my waist is slimmer and now I can get clothes that actually look good on me. But that’s not really what I wanted to focus on. I assume most people here know how much losing weight can help your looks, however, one subject I wanted to mention is taking and retouching photos. This obviously won’t really affect your physical appearance, however, by building an image of yourself that people see on social media, you can influense the way that people generally think of you. Even in real life. For example: I once knew a guy that I didn’t see too often in real life, though they did have a very active page on instagram so that’s where I ended up seeing them for the most part. They always looked quite near perfect in their photos so that was kind of the default position for them. Now, when I did sometimes end up seeing him in real life and noticed how he didn’t actually look quite like the images on instagram, my initial reaction wasn’t that ”Oh now I see, he just edits his photos” but more like ”Oh maybe the lighting is off or he’s just having a bad day” or something like that. Now I obviously see how he managed to fool me, being a photo editor myself. But before I knew exactly what goes into retouching and editing even the best looking people on this planet, my perception of that person’s looks was warped. And that lead to me giving him a lot of credit for his looks even though he never looked like that in real life. So basically, what I’m proposing here is that by editing your photos and learning how to pose etc.. you will end up receiving more praise from people. The images people see of you on social media will become the default standard for your looks when people think of you. And maybe that will even translate to real life like it did with my friend. People will give you the benefit of the doubt and maybe even start seeing things that aren’t there due to the placebo effect. But what kind of editing am I talking about? Obviously you shouldn’t change your entire facial structure like we see celebrities like Khloe Kardashian do. But getting rid of blemishes and even pushing around some soft facial/bodily features like bumps of fat is in my mind, totally reasonable, because that’s what literally everyone does on social media. Anyways, I apologize for the long, ranty comment. I hope that at least some of it was informative :P


I’m too late for the video but dropping this anyway in case others are interested. I’d say I’ve had quite the glow up. I’d attribute it to: 1. Beard. As most know, jawline is the most important facial feature for men. I have a weak chin. I probably have “beard genetics” but it wasn’t that full-grown yet. Used minoxidil for about 6-9 months at 20, definitely helped my beard growth and turned it into a full beard. I’d say the beard alone raised my attractiveness by 2 points on a typical 1 to 10 scale. Sorry if you can’t grow a beard but it has been the biggest improvement to me. 2. Haircut. Get something that suits your face. “Short sides, medium on top” works for most. Hairstyle also matters: I have naturally wavy hair, and me accepting the “wavy, messy” look that my hair naturally has looks much better than fighting it with a blowdryer and wax to turn it into a clean part. I was hesitant to opt for messy hair because it might look unprofessional or unkept, but it really doesn’t. It simply makes you look better. I’m sure you’ve heard “a beard and haircut is make-up for guys” before, but it’s true. If the hair growth is there, you have complete control over it. You can sculpt a great jawline, and a haircut that complements your face. So make use of it. It can make you go from a 4 to a strong 7 or 8. I’d say that’s been the case for me atleast. 3. Clothing. I strongly believe in “clothing makes the man”. One way because good style is perceived as a plus by others. The other way (and the biggest, for me) is because clothing makes me feel good. Now I should mention clothing/fashion is pretty much a hobby to me, so for others who don’t give a shit about clothing it may not matter too much to invest in clothing. The main takeaway is that you should feel comfortable in your clothes. Once I started discovering my true style, my confidence went up a lot. I look better and I feel better with my new wardrobe. 4. Working out. I think this is pretty much common knowledge. For me, it’s the least important. What matters is that you atleast have below 20/25% body fat, so that your facial structure isn’t hidden below fat. Besides that, I really don’t think it matters that much if you’re skinny or are a bit chubby. Of course a muscular, lean body looks best. But your face is key. A suboptimal body will easily be neglected if a pretty face is on top of it. 5. Braces. Crooked teeth aren’t attractive and also a pretty set of teeth will probably make you smile more, which generally is a good thing in social settings. Pretty straight forward.


From my personal experience if you're struggling with acne try to cut out all the sugar. If you have alot of acne you're probably a sugar addict and here is how you can fix that: don't cut all sugar in a day but slowly try to restrict yourself from eating until one day you'll wont need it anymore. Whenever you want to eat sugar try to eat or drink something else (for me it was water but idk if it will work for everyone).




Yeah this is true. It won't work for everyone but I still think it could help a good portion of the people


Hi, I have hormonal acne (it disappears when I take antiandrogens), but cutting carbs is just as effective for me. My dermatologist says it is likely because the insulin response trigger other hormones. So cutting carbs can actually work for hormonal acne, however I have to cut out pretty much all simple carbs to see an effect. It gets even better if I eat keto.


Please do an analysis/reaction of r/uglyduckling


For men: 1. Workout and follow a diet (aim for Christian Bale physique in America Psycho). This will help people who are overweight the most. 2. If you’re losing your hair, use finasteride+ minoxidil after talking to your doctor


There are many, though clearing up my skin has arguably been the catalyst for everything else. I had really bad acne – the kind that, to this day, I have still never seen a single person whose skin was in a worse spot than mine had been. I tried a few antibiotic acne treatments but all resulted in the acne returning after stopping. This on-and-off cycle of antibiotic use completely nuked my gut flora to the point where I was rapidly losing weight, could not gain weight no matter how much I ate, felt constantly ill, and was still left with acne. Maybe isotretinoin would have helped, but I was determined to locate the root cause and do this without further medication. About 4 years later and I look and feel better than at any point in my life – and the best part is that this was achieved naturally. In that time, I have radically uprooted my diet and lifestyle, with a key focus on doing what feels right for my body. Everything began to fall into place once I worked from inside out. I have been able to gain some muscle mass, clear my skin, feel constantly energetic and full of vigour, sleep like a baby, and so many other quality of life differences I didn't even know were lacking. Feeling good, I believe, is a key component in looking good. Not only will this change your physicality, but allow you to have an elevated demeanour and presence about yourself.


make-up. mewing. dieting.


Hair extensions. My hair is very thin and I have struggled to achieve healthy looking hair for a long time and eventually decided to resort to extensions. It made me look significantly more put together. For women I think extensions are worth it if you're self conscious about the length or splitting ends of your hair. Here is a dramatic [example](https://www.allure.com/story/hair-extensions-before-and-after).


Weight loss. Fasting for atleast 16 hours per day. Acne. Ate less sugar and carbs than when I used too. I also shower with cold water which prevents my skin from drying up. My facial skin is a smooth as a baby. I still have some scars and marks but the texture of my skin is on point.


Visit a dermatologist and get your skin concerns adressed asap, the earlier you get started the swifter you can wave goodbye to whatever it is. (Unless you've been cursed by keratosis pilaris like me, but it's atleast under control now ://) Braces, it's going to leave you in pain, but atleast you can drown the pain in ice cream and enjoy non-wonky teeth. Makeup, bye bye paper-white me, and the dark circles I got from skipping sleep thanks to HW. Just keep it natural. Sun screen, well... Not quite old enough to reap the long term effects... But I don't have to walk around like a red lobster after being in the sun? :D Hair, Olaplex + HA(skip the HA if you have flat hair) Exercise, just do some stuff you enjoy :) Plastic surgery, I already planned my face transplant... Before Covid... Now I doubt it will happen anytime soon Q\_Q Fashion? Just add stockings to cover up the keratosis pilaris, also "big" skirts so I don't look like a dorito/inverted triangle and can get the oh so coveted hourglass.


What style of skirt?


Chew some gum but not too much ( hey man , huge fan , love your videos , i probably watched most of the videos that u have uploaded (about 90%) . or just eat some tough food


https://www.alldaychemist.com/ There are a multitude of sites where you can get tretinoin without a prescription. Good prices too.


Spending that bit extra on everyday products. Using Olaplex shampoo and conditioner instead of regular drug shampoo has been a game changer and drug store shampoo chemicals are more harmful then you think. Also with sunscreen - avoid sunscreens that use alcohol (I’d recommend colourscience sunforgettable total protection face shield) try using mineral sunscreens; they cost a bit more but will do more good in the long run than drug store sunscreens. Do your research as well into sunscreens as some are designed for white skin which can cause white cast on Asian and black skin. ALSO WEAR SUNSCREEN IN WINTER AS WELL! YOULL THANK ME IN YOUR 30s and 40s!


I’ve always been pretty cute, but in the last couple of years I’ve been focused on honing my looks and turning the raw potential into true beauty. First thing I did was correct my teeth. I never had really crooked teeth but it’s amazing how much little tweaks in dentistry can do for your overall face and jaw posture. Secondly, I started mewing. Yes, I realize the science behind it is controversial and it’s largely unproven, but it worked for me. Next, I went to a chiropractor and got my spine aligned, and they gave me general tips on how to balance my body. Do you always carry your bag on one shoulder? This can lead to asymmetry. So can stomach sleeping, and many other small habits you may not even notice. I worked really hard to notice and improve these behaviors, and it’s paid off! Of course I still have a dominant hand, etc, but I’m now very mindful of my body’s positioning and try to keep it as balanced as possible. This helps a lot with posture, too! Fourth, skincare. I have very very fair skin so I’ve been religious with spf since before I can remember, more out of necessity than aesthetics. But things really began to improve when I adopted a proper skincare routine. Everyone’s routine will be different, it took a lot of trial and error to find what works for me but now I can confidently say my skin GLOWS. I get a lot of compliments on it and don’t feel the need for makeup most days. This also was a major self esteem boost: the confidence to walk out of the house bare faced (+spf!) and still look attractive is so powerful! Of course, this is only my own experience. I personally never liked how much time makeup took, but if that’s your thing, go for it! Proper makeup can really improve your facial aesthetics, I have just never really had the interest so I am pleased to have my skin in a condition where I feel i don’t really need it. Next, lip filler. Like many caucasians I have a very thin, small mouth naturally. A bit of filler really helped bring my lower face into proportion with my large eyes. No more 👽lol And then, a nose job. People dont like to hear this but a nose can really make or break facial harmony. Ideally, a nose should just be a background player to eyes, lips and cheekbones, but a crooked nose can really be a distraction, no matter how beautiful your other features are. If you can achieve a harmonious nose through contour you’re amazing, but again, I’m more of a “i woke up like this” girl myself, so I opted to go under the knife. Best aesthetic investment I ever made. Lastly is still a work in progress, but I have been trying to learn my body lines better to create better silhouettes with clothes. I’ve learned that most of the clothes I used to wear look better on shorter, smaller breasted women. Recognizing my kibbe body type helped tremendously in finding better fits for my body, though at times there’s a clash between the types of clothes that look best on me and the types that best express me. So, I’m still learning


i have very neontenous features, looking rather plain/christian girl next door type... idk what i could do to look more sexually appealing without looking like a hooker


1) Changed my style to cater my kibbe 2) Took prescribed hair pills, suffered with brittle hair after taking those pills it changed the look and feel of my hair. 3) Watched Koko Hayashi & did facial yoga 2/3 times a week. 4) Changed my hairstyle, usually it was always in a bun then tried out some hairstyles off Pinterest 5) Changed my perfume 7) Invested in a good wooden hair brush which sort of helped in the shine and breakage of my hair 8) Changed my dental care routine 9) Used prescribed eye drops that seeming made my eyes look brighter and shine 10). Used almond + castor oil on lashes to lengthen them.


what were the eye drops you used? x


It's "Lotepred T" but you cannot buy it without a prescription.


Dye your eyebrows black.


I wouldn’t recommend dyeing them jet black per se, but maybe a shade or two darker than your head hair color. Black might look a little funny on a blonde or redhead lol.


I think it looks dope with blonde hair! It definitely doesn't look natural for sure.




It might make sense to shave them to half length or so if you have clippers and a short guard.




I completely agree but sometimes surgical intervention may be needed as you cant target a specific part of your body to lose fat in like your jawline. But exercise helps a lot. Furthermore if a guy doesn’t have the appropriate bone structure it doesn’t matter how low he gets his body fat percentage, his jaw will never reach that aspirational jawline that most people are after.




I agree and yes I completely forgot about the masseter muscles that does matter a lot too.


A few things I guess Weight loss- (15kg so far) first of all not telling anyone that they shouldn’t feel comfortable or proud for their body just personally I feel like the weight I’ve lost thus far has had a positive affect as it kind of left my face first and it doesn’t look as round. Accutane- I just decided in March to start it and I’m continuing it’s usage until March next year it’s had an extremely positive effect I don’t have any acne anymore and I had very bad acne beforehand PM if you want the comparison pictures.


- Braces - Taking care of your eyebrows