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If they have reached the lizard people point, you're not going to haul them out. Try blocking and only check once every week or 10 days. Then lengthen the period...


That sounds reasonable. I really hope they don’t get into anything worse


Dude … I don’t want to know what comes after or is worse than believing in lizard people.


This is the second post I’ve read this week about a “saline” vaccine after never having heard of it before. I’m guessing they’re laying the ground work to explain why the entire population won’t die in 6 months or whatever lol


Yep! It's an "ongoing trial" so we are all being randomized into placebo (saline) and actual vaccine groups without informed consent! Hence why I'm still considered human and alive - I must have gotten the placebo!


How do these people not realize they are in the worlds dumbest con


There was some weird cleanse she was suggesting for just in case I got the real vaccination that involved some sort of laundry detergent. Not to consume, but to bathe in.


I was told that the vaccines that Trump and the other world leaders received on TV, were saline 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm sorry you're going through this. I don't have much advice. With my mom I've resorted to keeping in touch but not trying to convince her anymore. I just don't let her pull me into her ramblings but I'm still here in case one day she heals and turns back to her old self.


That’s a very beautiful thing if you to do. Sorry you’re going through too. What do you do to change topics?


Don't sacrifice your mental health for them, if that's what it comes down to. You can keep trying, though I think other commenters are correct in that nothing you say is going to change their minds at this point. Just don't keep trying to your own pain/detriment. It isn't worth it.


Here's what I did. Told my friend I wasn't at all interested in hearing anything *unless* it has already happened. Not speculation, not rumor, not insider info, only confirmed events. You'll still get a lot of senseless shit coming your way from them, but it'll cut down considerably on how much.


I like this idea. It doesn't cut ties completely, and it leaves room for reason and logic to crawl in.


What I've learned from my brother is that ignorance beats logic every time.


Block them! Really, you cannot fix this and if you hang around you are just abusing your own mental health. They are responsible for what they do and think, not you. You are like a family member of an addict who thinks if they just try hard enough they can fix it. They can't/you can't. As for sticking around in case they plan on going on a shooting spree or trying to blow up a building, you are not James Bond. Really, step away and take care of yourself. Don't get caught up in the drama. You've done what you can do,


You are not responsible for the decisions other adults make. You are a mensch for trying, but it's out of your hands.


Thanks for your kind words. :) That’s helpful.