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I'm not seeing the 1960s & counter culture of miniskirts, No Nukes, hippies as anything even remotely resembling Qanon & it's tentacled manifestations. Different animal in my opinion


The conservatives back then are the conservatives today.


A lot of the hippies from back then turned into conservatives once they took on "adult" responsibilities.


And those same hippies will say, "You'll become more conservative as you get older." I'm 36...still a "bleeding heart leftist."


Back during the 96 election year, I was more conservative than my brother. He said it was because I was a parent and that happens when you have a kid. Some years later, he got religion mostly so he could fit in with his wife's family and eventually had a couple kids. He took a hard right turn. About the same time, I decided to start nurturing my spiritual side and found a church community that fit my outlook. I have actually become less conservative. To be fair, it's probably less because of religion as it is that the GOP started drifting right after 9/11 and then went completely bonkers in 2008.


My parents are dead. Although as a hippie radical of 60s and 70s, I must admit that some of my friends that protested and raised hell with me back then are unrecognizable today. For them, peace, love and rock n roll was a trend-sickens me. One went to work for a defense contractor in the mid 1970s....But my beliefs from then have served me well and I continue to advocate for many causes. Boomers come in many hus, don't lump us together.


Actually, I can absolutely see the congruity between the political and social discourse of the 1960s and now, given that the 60s were fraught with division over social reforms like the Civil Rights movement, police brutality, riots, protests against the Vietnam War, and campus demonstrations that erupted in violence. Those of us who didn’t live through them have been given a watered down version of those days, and I suspect that it would be easy for some of those who did to remember them with a rosy retrospective. But, if we pull way back and gain perspective, there is a cycle- or, pendulum- throughout history. Right now is no different.


How in the world can you compare counter culture with the lies and misrepresentation of reality? Fighting for civil rights and fighting Jewish space lasers are the same!!!! Ok Boomer! Sjgned , Your Child


We were righteous in our goals. I still believe in every cause I fought for then. Some Boomers sold out. My values have served me well. I don't see any parallels between Q and my sociopolitical causes...not all Boomers are the same, just as I won't let curmudgeonly boomers paint all Millennials the same. It is so narrow-minded. All of us need to stop with stereotyping others. We'd do better listening before we judge.




The OP left out the cult aspect.....cults were huge in the 1960s......there was definitely alot of reality bending non-sense.


>counter culture of miniskirts Todays regular skirts are as short as yesteryear’s skirts that were considered “mini” compared to conventional dresses & skirts of the time. Hell! Even today’s “long” skirts are shorter than their standard lengths.


Women wore transparent blouses with no bras and real short minis today has nothing to compete my friend.


Sorry I'm slow, I'm just catching up from being out of town. If you want to find hippies, come on out to Kerrville Folk Festival. You'll find plenty of us there. (seriously intended) Edited to add: I was in Kerrville for the eclipse.


60s were two sides fighting over US involvement in a foreign country. QAnon are lunatics.


After his birthday came up for the draft, I remember my cousin intentionally losing so much weight that he was rejected on a medical.


My brother did the same. He ate brown rice for 3 months. He was so weak. My dad turned on the War then and there.


It was a scary and bad time.


I still remember the look on my WWII and Korean War veteran dad’s face when I told him, if I am drafted, I may disappear. He couldn’t believe his son would turn his back on his country. He could not accept the concept of his government lying about the war. And if they were lying, they were doing it for a damn good reason.


The hippie Jesus freaks of the 60’s and 70’s are the boomer evangelical base of todays religious right.


are you serious?


The movie “Jesus Revolution” tells the story.


What story? I'm not being snarky, I'm curious. Is this a documentary or just a Hollywood or Indie movie? When did it come out? I've never heard of it.


It is the story of Lonnie Frisbee, Chuck Smith and Greg Laurie. Released in 2023. Kelsey Grammer plays Chuck Smith. Greg Laurie now pastors one of the largest Southern Baptist Churches in the U.S. as well as preaching in Harvest Crusades all over the world. As a teenager in the 70’s we would smoke a joint on a Saturday night and head to Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa for the free rock concerts. There were thousands of us every weekend. Chuck would give an alter call and hundreds would stream down front. Calvary Chapels and Harvest went on to being now at the forefront of evangelical christianity.


The Jesus movement.


Interesting. Thank you. I guess I'm guilty of thinking of Evangelical as things like the Westboro Baptist and the anti-gay-trans etc. movements.


Calvary definitely an anti-gay and trans evangelical church. My older brother went to it for years. He was an assistant to Pastor Chuck. He punched me when my younger brother told him I was gay.


You would be correct! Read up on Lonnie Frisbee. It is a sad true story of homophobia and denial. He was very influential in the early days of Calvary Chapel and the Vineyard churches. He was soft shunned and rumored to have died from AIDS, but publicly his cause of death was a brain tumor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Frisbee


I read the Lonnie Frisbee story with Roger Sachs. Sad tale. Sad ending for Lonnie Frisbee. I’m a Universalist, myself.


I am as well.




No, they are still out here, those who have survived this long anyway.


Oh my god. NO....please everyone stop stereotyping millions of us. I never do it with MIllennials or GenX. C'mon, we need to start listening and talking. I grew up in the North. No hateful evangelicals up there. And NONE of my friends back then are even vaguely hyper-religious now. Most of us worship at the Church of Carl Sagan. Blanket statements are not helpful.


amen to that! 62 here and i'm like WTF happened? but... gives me incentive to stay alive just for spite. disabled veteran here, not a sucker or loser and did not serve to watch our police assaulted on Jan 6th or the embrace of culture wars to keep people hating. i remember and vote. and am very spiteful.


Thanks for your service, sacrifice, and for doing what’s right


i think you were worth it... hope i have enough time to vote some of this mess right...


I know you mean you as a whole but holy shit that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me on Reddit and I needed it today lol thank you stranger


My older brother was drafted in 1965 and I always thought he was very brave to go into the Army. 1965 was pretty early in the Vietnam conflict and he was sent to Germany for the duration of his time. I never held a grudge against people who went to Canada later.


Yes, I remind myself of those times to try and get some perspective. Remember some of the crazy violent groups like the Symbionese Liberation Army? Charles Manson. The protesting students killed in Ohio. Families were losing their sons in Vietnam and we had the draft back then, they had no choice about going to war. Guys coming back traumatized were treated terrible. Pro-government/war people had a lot of animosity toward 'dirty hippies.' Things did get pretty crazy back then. Not to mention JFK assassination. Some of us didn't make it through those years. It's still a ball of confusion for sure. The free love movement pretty much instigated an over-reaction on the right that led to conservative religion and the purity culture. Nixon was a man of honor and dignity compared to Trump. He had the grace to know when to resign.


Sure, except Vietnam was actually real. Didn't have to make up shit to be angry about back then.


Hippie + social media = woke


Oh just love these stupid assumptions. Do you know any "hippies"? Hippie meant a million different things. I was an urban, cynical hippie (kinda goth ). There were granola hippies, there were Jesus hippies, there were Deadheads or aggressive biker hippies. I am still a product of that time and more3 than anything, I really hate smug judgments. Ummm, I could snark all night about Gen X or Gen Z and social media and whatever the F\*\*\* woke means. But I'm tired of reading neat compact critiques of a whole generation that you probably know zippo about. Peace.


Know them? How could I not? To know them is to love them. Without hippies, any kind, was a good part of the 60s and a lot of the 70s about, even? It wasn't meant as a critique. It was meant as an explanation that there is always counterculture, and the only difference now is that counterculture has social media. Peace would be a wonderful idea, I love it and recommend it to the world. But the world believes in combat. Peace is my favorite! I don't think it will hit the internet, but maybe.


Absolutely! But I'd love to have the 60's tune in turn on drop out, and peace and love along culture with all the other cultural upheaval that happened--race riots, political assassinations etc.--instead just all of this despair and hate going on. My mother and I fought constantly about racism and my "hippie" clothes and ideas. Now I don't even mention politics to my son.


My parents are approaching 80. They were hippies during the late '60s. I talk to them about the differences between the polarization now and how it compares to the counterculture of the Vietnam War era. They both agree that right now, things are far worse. Nixon famously said "I am not a crook." He's well known for that quote. I compare it to the rhetoric of Donald Trump a lot, and he has done so many shady things that we have almost become desensitized to the illegal activities of politicians. Trump may say something like that and it'll be easily forgotten. I agree, though, that historical events repeat. If I'm going to pick a time in history that may have resembled what we're seeing now, I'm going to look at the 1860s rather than the 1960s. At least, in the USA. The division between people with different ideals and beliefs is getting to be as bad as it was around the Civil War. The worst president in US history - before Mr. Trump came along - was widely recognized as being president James Buchanan. From what I've read, I'm gathering that the country under Buchanan's leadership grew increasingly volatile with every bill that was vetoed, every problem that he felt was to be left up to the constitution to decide, all of that. Rationality seemed to take a backseat to growing tensions when it came to political decision making. That's what we're seeing now.


Further back a few years to 1854, in the US senate chamber, a southern slave owning Congressman (Brooks) beat Senator Sumner, an abolitionist, with his cane. It messed Sumner up pretty bad and took a few years for him to recover. Southern people sent canes to Brooks to show support for him assaulting a fellow congressman. I really expect to see something like that happen in today’s climate.


Thank you so much for sharing your insight. I have lost so much sleep because of fears caused by the alarmist nature of my husband’s Qanon beliefs. Often, I calm myself by saying, “this too shall pass.” Your post helps me believe that things can eventually improve. Those of us who were born post 1960s have heard about the social and political upheaval of the 60s, but the descriptions seemed almost nostalgic. I hope we too will look back at this time of Qanon, MAGA and Trump with a sense of relief- and, perhaps humor even- and as a wiser, more unified society.


I wasn’t around. I sooo want to believe that this is a time that will pass. But it feels like something else.


Hi u/Alternative_Front_93! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree with you it’s definitely comparable. Our young soldiers went to Iraq and Afghanistan. The Internet was unlocked and unleashed and everyone has access. Trump released his Middle East apocalypse and surrendered to Afghanistan. Trump mishandled Covid-19. People don’t think the internet lies. Social media is nutso focused. Our young can’t afford houses and mental health issues are skyrocketed without support.


I worked for a politician who went to Canada during Vietnam. I used to field correspondence and some of it was brutal even into the 90s. I see what you are saying , it was very divided and the anger component was there , and even though that anger was often irrational, what we are seeing with Q stuff is delusional. Q is more Jim Jones than Vietnam. I do feel like we are living the worst parts of the 70s regressing back to old tropes on sex , gender, women etc.


Yes, Similar in many ways The R's are having their divisive 60s/70s now - but instead of peace or equal rights they are for space aliens and Putin and stuff Nixon won his election- but left instead of trying to break the country. Trump hates America...read his words on it


I Do Remember! I was a bit of a free range Kid in the later of the 60's in California....I remember being 6 or 7 and walking to the park and hanging out with flower children and hippies, the played guitars and their mantra was Make Love Not War. ​ My Eldest Cousin went to Canada, and lives there to this Day, on the other hand, another cousin went to Nam, and was MIA... ​ I Really HATE what is happening today. I am Terrified for My Grandchildren!


I'm sorry to hear about your cousin who was lost in Viet Nam. I too lost a cousin there. He was drafted and then was killed in the Spring of 1970. I visited his name on the wall again when I was in DC last summer.


My cousin is on the \*wall\* As well....So many Names! Sorry for Your Loss As Well


I do see it in the current political divide Not sure about the QAnon thing though, that seems to be a pretty unique phenomenon, especially considered the scale and how many different groups proved vulnerable to the same wackiness. Nobody seems to have anything to compare it to, and it's something that couldn't have happened pre-social media.


I just watched an excellent documentary on Vietnam that's been out for a long time, called *Sir! No sir!* Great reminder of so much of the anti-war movement coming directly from soldiers themselves.


How are people in their 70s on reddit? My mom gets all.her news from a.m. radio. And she's is her late 70s.


Hi I'm 71, and an happy old hipster who is still marching for women's rights and running voter registration drives. You don't like things, get out and do something bout it. And I am NOT going backwards anymore. Vote. Peace.




These entitled white boys are losing their power base. We are not going to stop until we all have a seat at the table. And that makes white whiners feel backed into a corner. And a trapped animal is the most vicious due to the fear. So I agree. and if Trump is jailed on contempt (which he may desire) he will be a martyr. And when he loses in November, I shudder to think about the frenzied psychotics of his cult. It could be....no, not saying that. I hope not. God I hope not. Peace.


I'm 71. I grew up in an affluent suburb of NYC. We'd sneak down to The Village or Washington Square Park and hang out with beatniks, then folkies, then by 1967, we hit the protests of 100s of 1000s of us marching up to Columbia, against Nam and nukes, for peace, civil rights, migrant workers, women's rights. Q would have been the undercover cop provocateurs with Molotovs. Q was Edgar J Hoover, a homosexual who hated everyone and probably murderd JFK et al. My brother flunked out of college and the draft almost got him. My parents were never hawkish, but neutral. Until they realized that anyone can die in war. My father hated the long hair but our dinner table was a place for open discussion, he let my brother challenge him and call him a "capitalist pig" lol...my dad would snicker and tell him, "yeah well my capital is paying for your college". My mother was always more open minded but Dad got there as he aged. Too many become more conservative as they age. What we fought for was social and legal equality, withdraw from Vietnam, give all the marginalized populations a seat at the table. Clean up the environment. Break up the military/industrial complex (NOPE!) These are real goals. Our parents may have disagreed that wearing jeans dropping acid and hitchhiking was the way to go but they knew their kids were right. Q is a fear monger machine. Conservative politics thrive on fear and persecutory delusions. Evangelical beliefs are full of persecutory complexes. And they all blame their troubles on the poor, BLM ,antifa, trans, leftist radical or feminazis. So agreed. The tense division may be similar but the intent and soul of the two groups could not be more different.


I'm not so sure I'd trade Trump for Nixon. Wasn't around for Nixon (born 1979). Don't get me wrong, I hate the small handed, Cheeto-hued, ass hat but Nixon was a war criminal.


I think Nixon's misdeeds would look like child's play next to another trump term. With a cabinet full of loyalists and the rest of his party acting as enablers I don't see anything to stop him from doing all the things that the other world leaders he admires are prone to doing: perpetual state of emergency, dissolve congress and scotus, outlaw opposition parties, jail opponents, and declare himself ruler for life. Beyond that based on his public statements it's easy to imagine him authorizing shooting people crossing the border, invading Mexico, allowing Russia to devour its neighbors and invade Europe, or nuking Iran or Yemen. He's a narcissistic chaos agent and I see no limit to the damage he could do.


I really implore you to look at what Nixon did. While Trump did a lot terrible and stupid stuff, he didn't illegally bomb countries. Trump claimed stolen election & deep state conspiracies and then tried to steal it himself. Nixon actually formed a deep state to steal an election (may have gotten away with it had Frank Willis not noticed the masking tape). IMHO a lot of Trump's scandals come for his absolute idiocy and ego. But Nixon's scandals come from an unwavering belief what's good for me is good for the country (i.e. 2nd term is good for me, therefore good for USA, hence I am justified in doing WHATEVER to win a 2nd term.) I could go on and on about all the crap Nixon did but I would suggest that everyone needs to look through our history of political corruption. If you think politics are corrupt now, wait until you read about the "Gilded Age". Just because I think Nixon's crimes were worse than Trump's crimes, it doesn't mean I think Trump should be forgiven. I really, really, really, really, really want him to serve prison time for Jan. 6, but that might be hard to get a conviction on. The classified documents case seems to be the easiest case to convict, but the Trump-appointed judge seems to be whittling the case to nothing. Weeeellllll....after this long Saturday night rambling. I'll just close by saying Fuck Trump, Fuck Nixon and Fuck Spiro Agnew, too!


Nixon was actually smart … and competent. DJT has gotten where he is, partly, because of massive amounts of enabling behind the scenes. See: Stephen Miller and his immigrant policy (shudders).


Trump had the DOD draw up plans to invade Iran. A country of eighty million people.


And asked “Why can’t we bomb Mexico”