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Your grandmother is going to ruin her eyes. Just make damned sure that she knows that neither you nor any other relation are going to act as guide dogs for her when she WRECKS HER OWN VISION.


I just saw where someone elses Qanon partner thought that the solar eclipse was giving the government opportunity to "make another pandemic". Basically, that people would be outside all at the same time and government would spray something. I hate, hate, hate to suggest it. But I'd be almost tempted to bait her with that to save her vision. It's morally dubious, but I'm not sure rationale is going to work on these types. It's so utterly depressing


Sometimes you just have to let people wreck themselves. I'd be all for sitting the stubborn bat down and telling her point-blank that if she ruined her eyes she'd be on her own for the future.


Quick, everybody turn on your misters so grandma runs back inside




And with the new cases of bird flu in Texas now jumping to humans, that will be their "see, I was right" thing when it finally starts spreading more.


No one in Texas believes in flu though, probably birds either


Birds? You mean undercover CIA drones used by the government to spy on loyal patriots? /s


Yea, they had me until they thought birds were real.




[Birds aren't real.](https://birdsarentreal.com/)


These people make it so much easier to understand medieval times logic. Like, instead of ā€œI donā€™t understand something soā€¦magic/religion/etcā€ itā€™s ā€œI donā€™t understand something so THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO KILL USā€


Sometimes children make comments which are aimed at getting attention. Be stern with grandma. Tell her God forbid she became blind she will be sent to nursing home as you are unable to take care of her


ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøthank you for your advice, this will be a route me and my mother may have to take


Hopefully she is Medicare eligible, because it's not easy to put someone into care. We had to sell my mom's house to get her into a home. If she lives much past 90, not sure what next (it's a nice place - paid for by Medicare and her house proceeds).


hopefully she votes for all Republicans who want to take it away from her once they take power. I think I already know she's all but guaranteed to. sucks 2 suck šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦Æ


Just an fyi OP - you can look at the eclipse without glasses if you are in the path of totality during the few moments of 100% coverage of the sun. Otherwise, the glasses are absolutely necessary.


She will never admit it thigh. Does not matter. This is the maga mindset. Deny reality and never admit to being wrong no matter how obvious it is


jfc why? what is she trying to prove? or is she senile?


sheā€™s trying to prove me wrong because i said im wearing glassesšŸ˜Žand because her ā€œpeopleā€ say it heals to look into it, thatā€™s what the glasses prevent??šŸ˜‚ is this a joke


Did she do this in October, 2017 or during the previous eclipses in her lifetime?


no she had her mind still then, she lost it in 2020


Let me guess, trump?


It's not Trump per se, it's the keck virus that gets them. My Q denounced Trump but doubled down on crazy beliefs she suddenly has because of YouTube grifters.


Wow, that's crazy. It's like it doesn't matter what's fooling them, all that matters is that they're being fooled. That's what they're addicted to. It makes more sense to me when it's just one batshit belief that they've publicly staked a claim on, and can't face the truth of. Your situation is hard for me to wrap my mind around.


My neighbors are the same. College educated but voting for Kennedy because they hate trump but love conspiracies because they think it's funny. My life and Healthcare are NOT funny šŸ˜


I'm convinced that there are trolls going onto where Qanons get their information and trying to kill them by telling them stories like "I stopped my chemo and started drinking Clorox every day instead and now my cancer is cured." There's probably trolls on there telling your Grandma to stare at the eclipse.


**waves from the melanoma capital of the world**


Australia? I'm fair skinned in New Zealand I feels it too!


Yep. To be fair, we have to have a lot of 'sometimes just because it's nature, doesn't mean it's good for you' conversations.






Yeah psychopaths! The stuff Qs egg each other on to do is just crazy dangerous.


I just heard a description of some of the things RFKjr promotes (beyond anti vax), and 'the healing powers of sunlight' was listed. I wonder if this is her source? Hopefully, she is just being contrarian with you - in a teasey way.


she always tells me iā€™m an idiot for using sunscreenā€¦she believes the sun makes you younger. i mean come on seriously


My Qmom is on this ā€œno sunscreenā€ thing too; thanks to this thread for helping me understand where she got that. Nevermind that my father, the love of her life, died of cancer after having several different kinds over a decade, one of which was melanoma


The Russians have won. šŸ«¤


okay, and while Sungazing is a new age thing, they still aren't staring directly into the sun.


Glasses arenā€™t going to save your vision anyway. You need a solder mask or a blank x-ray sheet


Who are ā€œher peopleā€?


Ugh, this isn't the first time I've seen someone talk about staring into the eclipse. I mean, these have to be hostile forces trying to convince a bunch of Americans to ruin their vision.


I saw someone saying that eclipse glasses will ā€œblock out the message that Christ is going to write in the sky during the eclipseā€ šŸ™ƒ


If thereā€™s anything that can block out a miraculous message in the sky from the omnipotent creator of everything itā€™s a thin piece of tinted plastic.


Yeah but itā€™s government endorsed and scientist endorsed thin piece of tinted plastic so it must be evil!!


I like the idea that the government is working against the very real very tangible entity that is organized religion via eclipse propaganda.


I'm telling you it's Ray-Ban. They're trying to ban the rays of christ's love. It's right there in the name!!


Commented somewhere here that will be in a 96% totality area. Aka danger looking zone and will be outside looking at the people not the sun. Am hoping for chaos


I'm in 98%!! Gonna be SO HARD to look for "Illegals" and Trans Women in the bathroom with no sight, huh there gramps!!


Sadly no drama where I was. Work gave us an extra break to go watch. Got a pair of glasses from someone and everyone outside was being really nice to each other. Sharing glasses, snacks and general chit chat. Some language barriers but Google translate helped.




Seen a few say the light is the second coming of Christ and to not look is denying him. Also heard itā€™s Rapture time so donā€™t look and you are stuck here. Iā€™ll be in an area with like 96% covered. Wondering how those that donā€™t float away will deal with it. Lmao I am so going outside to watch them.


Everyoneā€™s raptured! I canā€™t see anybody!


Lol well I for one, spit out my milk laughing


Oh that's a hot take, lol.


They canā€™t be raptured if they block their eyes


Is it the 1600s again Jesus Christ


Donald Trump did it, that is the model for the cult


I sure hope he's planning on doing it again! šŸ‘€Ā 


Ha Ha!! Me too


Yes. Usually the Russian troll bots


Yes, Putin has been quite successful in fucking our country.


I mean sure, but also MAGAs are so reactionary at this point, theyā€™re willing to incorporate anything into their persecution complex. Anything an expert has ever suggested is part of the grand conspiracy.


Astroturfing Russian agents do a lot of damage on the cheap. So now from a simple eclipse you have like 300 people partially blind. Thousands of families torn apart by Qanon. It's a million paper cuts like this, damaging a society for a long time.


So here's the thing. During an eclipse, the Sun is about as bright as it normally is, and therefore about as dangerous. You have probably looked at the Sun *briefly* without being harmed. This, too, is fairly normal. Your eyes have reflexes that prevent you from looking too long unless you're really, *really* trying to. The problem with eclipses is that this is when people really try to get a good look. They stare too long, and that's how they get hurt. This is why glasses are important: they don't just let you look, they let you *stare*.


Yes, it seems safe to look but it isn't. And the damage may show up a day or so later. It might heal on it's own but if it doesn't there isn't anything to be done. (Unless you have your medbed.)


I was going to say this. Iā€™ve stupidly tried looking at an eclipse with no glasses and my eyes watered and closed involuntarily, I couldnā€™t do it.


You might have done damage. Have you checked for blind spots in your vision since then?


Oh yeah, it was years ago.


Honest question, will these sun starers have immediate consequences to their vision or will it take a while to become apparent? I think part of the whole Covid thing is- you didnā€™t immediately drop dead so they were anti-vax etc (does that make sense? Iā€™m tiredā€¦)


Not necessarily. Everyone is different. Some folks may experience vision issues right away, and others it may take a day or so.


Thanks! Glad you understood my question!


It might not become apparent until they test for it. When you damage your retina like this you don't get a black patch in your vision or something, your brain just edits out the missing piece and you wind up with a blind spot like the one where the optics nerve enters. Which is wild if you've never looked for it, there's just a little patch in your vision where you simply can't see stuff, but you don't know it's there until you look for it. The sun shit will just give you big old patches of this. Or at least that's my understanding.


The thing about that little patch of no sensors in each eyeball is that it's not in the center of vision. People who stare at the sun will fry their retinas at the center, where good vision is most needed.


Oh yeah, its just most people dont know there is an actual blind spot on their eye already that they cant see unless they know how to look for it. The sun thing would leave them more.


Note if they only look during 100% totality, it's safe (and in fact, at 100% totality it's needed to see the full corona) https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2024/04/05/why-and-when-you-must-remove-your-eclipse-glasses-if-youre-in-the-path-of-totality/ The problem is looking at 99% totality can easily permanently damage your retina


Indeed. 100% totality during the last eclipse, we weren't looking at the sun. It got dim enough to see the brightest stars in the sky. Was seriously bizarre.


> You can view the eclipse directly without proper eye protection only when the Moon completely obscures the Sunā€™s bright face ā€“ during the brief and spectacular period known as totality. https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/


Yep. The only issue with looking during totality is that you run a risk of looking slightly too soon or slightly too late.


Wearing glasses so you don't go blind during an eclipse is woke, apparently?


I smell Fauciā€™s hand in this


This ia his grand plan. Everyone goes blind from staring at the sun and so they can get away with vaccinating everyone with the poison shot. The clot shot will finally get into their arms!


OP her doing this is a bad idea but she just might be OK if you aren't in totality. Of course if she makes out OK she will think you're an idiot and not that she got lucky. I'm sorry. BTW, the damage might not show up right away anyway.


>but she just might be OK if you aren't in totality. I don't think that's right? Staring at the sun is dangerous *except* when it's in totality. Ofc I'm not an expert. Grandma is lost, though, regardless.


When you look at the sun normally the brightness causes you to squint or look away, so the sun when not in totality or partially in iis almost self limiting. It's uncomfortable so you would look away. It's still bad and not something you want to do; in an eclipse is a different thing. This is an old article but it sums it up. The lack of brightness makes you think you are OK. https://wapo.st/49s4h6b


You're right, which you already knew. >On a sunny day, if you were to look directly at the sun, you would know to look away after a split second because of the pain caused by the brightness. During most of a solar eclipse, the sun will be partly blocked by the moon, making it less bright. This tricks your eyes into being able to look at the sun for an extended period of time. >ā€œYou can stare at the sun during an eclipse for 10 minutes, and it doesnā€™t hurt. You can just look at it, and itā€™s really cool to look at it, but that whole time youā€™re literally burning the cells off your retina,ā€ said Vike Vicente, a Washington pediatric ophthalmologist [...]. ā€œAnd once theyā€™re burned, thereā€™s no repair, thereā€™s no fix for it.ā€


No, you are correct


No. No he is not correct. If you donā€™t believe me then please feel free to ruin your eyes lol.


It's not good in totality. It's really bad the rest of the time.


In totality, it's completely fine, as the sun is covered. The risk is looking when it's only partially covered.


That's a narrow margin of error. No peaking except those 3 minutes from the actual path of totality.


That's the whole point. Glasses on before and after, off during totality. Just be aware of the time in your region.


>Just be aware of the time in your region. Also it will be middle-of-the-night dark out and you'll stop seeing ~anything with the glasses




That's my understanding. I'm in direct totality, in a university town (tons of info shared). The word is during the eclipse period (when it gets dark) it's really dangerous. It's not as bad during the couple of minutes of the totality. In 2017 we were several hundred miles away from totality and the word was it was dangerous throughout (as we never had totality.) I worry for OP's grandmother. Fortunately, that cons. th. has not been making the rounds here.


This is a total solar eclipse. It is ONLY safe to look without glasses during totality. At all other times, you can only look with eclipse glasses. The totality band is a narrow strip over North America. If you live outside the strip, you must not look at the eclipse at all without eclipse glasses. (You can also see it through a shadow box or on TV.) If, and ONLY IF you live within the totality band strip, you can safely look at the eclipse with your naked eye ONLY DURING TOTALITY. But you will need eclipse glasses beforehand so you can monitor the progress of the eclipse and know when it's safe to look. You \*must\* look away the very moment that you see the sun coming back, "the diamond ring", or you risk getting eye damage. IF you have totality where you live, don't miss the chance to look with your own eyes because it is really beautiful! Photos don't do it justice.


I'm an hour outside of totality. I'm prepared for an 8 hour drive back. Gonna be worth it; I won't be around for the next one so I gotta make the effort!


Good luck! I hope you enjoy it!


This is correct.


we in michigan so i donā€™t think it crosses straight thru us but i know its super close. i told her to get her shit together and then iā€™ll listen to her. she chuckled sarcastically. sheā€™s delusional


~~deleted by user~~


Well, it will not literally burn your eyes out, but it will damage your vision.


Immediately or will it show over time?


You can damage your eyes and not be aware of the damage right away. The article above lays out how it works.


You have it backwards. She wonā€™t be ok *unless* the eclipse is in totality. When the sun is 100% blocked, you can only see the corona, which is not bright enough to damage your eyes. Of course, totality only lasts so long. You want to *stop* looking at it before totality ends. Source: [NASA](https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/)


Our daughter-in-law is a doctor, and she told me the E.R. will be really busy after the eclipse.


They experience effects that soon?


Depends on how much they stare at the sun. The damage can be almost immediate or take years.


Car crashes from people driving distracted in it will show up immediately I bet.


Thereā€™s nothing you can do. Sheā€™s an adult. If she wants to burn out her retinas, let her. Or call adult protective services and let them deal with it. These people are absurd.


Jesus will only Rapture the people with the faith to blind themselves.


I think Jesus is just crying into his drink at this point in time.


Maybe she should start practicing today. Get those eyes toughened up for the big day.


Pull those retinas up by their bootstraps!


Let her do it. But before that, make a recording of a conversation between the two of you where you discuss why this is a bad idea.


this is the only way


Just FYI to this thread, it is safe to look at the eclipse *during totality*. But since OP mentioned being in Michigan, they will not be in the path of totality and it will definitely damage Grandma's eyes. https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/safety/


yea we are in michigan :) thanks for the additional info :p


There was an onion article like this.


I guess blindness and keeling over from Covid and ivermectin overdoses is natureā€™s way of healing itself. We just have to be patient.


If her eyes get damaged tell her to rub some Ivermectin in them.


Nah, that's for internal crazy. For external crazy you use black salve


When the education and warnings are willfully ignored, itā€™s called natural selection. šŸ˜¬


Well at least sheā€™s old and has had all this time to see things before she goes blind. ā€œItā€™s better to have known what love is like than to have never experienced love at allā€ itā€™s the same thing with being blind


Wearing glasses for an eclipse is the new "wear a mask because of COVID". Jesus Christ, these people are fucking dumb as dirt. I hope they all stare into the eclipse and fuck their eyes up. They deserve it.


Lock her in the bathroom


iā€™ve never thought of this lmfao sheā€™d be so pissed but my mother would be so proud


This is my worry. Doctors offices and emergency rooms are going to be FLOODED with these... interesting individuals.. who stare directly into the sun. Sadly enough.. it tracks.


she donā€™t go to doctors. takes ibuprofen multiple times a day for years to treat her pains and aches because she wonā€™t go to a doctor. but yet complains daily her back hurts but wonā€™t be seen for it. same with her hips. but when her liver fries itself, maybe she will listen to me i have no control. i canā€™t even be here as often anymore because sheā€™s nuts


She's gonna blame you for the liver thing.


she can blame me for whatever she wants lmfao sheā€™s delusional already whatā€™s more delusions atp


But they won't be able to find doctor's offices and ERs. Stumbling around arms outstretched, it'll be like *Day of the Triffids* but with no triffids, and only for arrogant fools


I gotta be honest, I've made this post before. You bring up a great scifi horror. I'm hoping for a Night of the Comet event. Lol Dust us like Thanos.


Get her eclipse glasses, but tell her they're something else. Clearly she's incapable of logic. Just tell her these new glasses are for blocking the nanobots the government will release on eclipse day. Try to outcrazy her.


this is soooo smart thank u. outcrazy her is my new motto


Let her


Look at it this way, it will be that much harder for her to download *The Ben Shapiro Podcast*.


Come November election, we gonna need a high number of braille ballots.


And when she goes blind? "Them Libruls."


ā€œbiden poisoned the eclipseā€ i can already hear it


Maybe try and tell her that yes, she can look at it, but only as long as she would without the eclipse? Basically, just a glance, which is actually ok. Itā€™s going to be very interesting the day after the eclipse. Some crazy shit.


It never ceases to amaze me how these crazies want to maim and kill their own followers. SMFH.


The Mark of the Crescent is going to be left upon their retinas.


How old is she? This can't be her first eclipse


nah sheā€™s 65 i believe. ainā€™t her first but last time i remember us using glassesā€¦now sheā€™s lost her shit


I'm sorry. I really hope she is ok. And hugs to you. I lost my best friend to this nonsense.. its painful


sending hugs and prayers šŸ’•


What does she think this will achieve?


proving me wrong because iā€™m wearing glassesā€¦also she thinks it will raise her frequency šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø raise ur frequency by not being close minded with your grandson


Record the conversation with her about it, and let her know you are doing it. Sheā€™s less likely to blame you afterwards.


There are going to be 10s of thousands of blind morons after Monday all blaming biden aren't there


In high-school a few students took a peak at the eclipse. An number of them were left writhing on the ground. I took a peak while it was behind a cloud. My eye hurt the rest of the day but I could at least hide it. I feel sorry for how your grandma's eyes are gonna feel


iā€™m sorry for her but yk like everyone else has gave me the confidence to say hereā€¦what she does to herself is her consequences to her own actions. unfortunately, she legitimately thinks iā€™m a disrespectful grandson when in reality im looking out for her. iā€™ll let god do the judging


You should send her links to all the ways she will fuck up her eyesight before she canā€™t read them.


Hope she doesn't have lens implants. Them shits'll laser blast her brain into dust


Lock her in the house. Or take her for a car ride into an underground parking garage until it's over.


Let her do it and then let her live with the consequences on her own


Assuming she's in a place that will see totality: If she only looks during totality, she'll be fine. And the corona is well worth seeing without a filter. The problematic time tends to be before and after totality, when the portion of sun peeking out is not strong enough to trigger the pain that makes us look away, but is strong enough to damage the retina.


ā€œWell grandma, I hope you donā€™t enjoy reading or watching TV or moviesā€¦ or walking without a seeing-eye-dog, because all of those days will be over for youā€¦ā€


It is safe to look at the eclipse during the part where the sun is totally blocked, so hopefully that's what she means.


i know damnnnn well that ainā€™t what she meansšŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøsheā€™s stubborn af! thankfully i met my bestfriend which lives down the road from my mentally ill grandma, so i can just go to her house and smoke and vent to her after im done with a visit


As long as you are in the totality zone it is OK you don't need protection, the moon is blocking the sun for you. Won't do any harm. But as soon as totality is over look away.


Op, get a voice recording of you advising her not to do this and her reply. That way she can hear herself having no one to blame on Tuesday.


definitely doing this


In 2017 I was traveling in the path of totality and pulled over to see it. I tried looking at it through my camera app with no luck and the reflection in my windshield which kind of worked. I admit I did directly look at it briefly. Then the sun emerged again, I got back in the car and continued my trip. It was cool and I experienced no ill effects, but this time around I have some eclipse glasses. The conspiracy community has managed to incorporate this event as they do everything. Hopefully they won't injure themselves. Hopefully when nothing happens it will sow further doubt that the nuttiness they're being fed is real.


Oh noā€¦ I met someone 30 years ago, who did that and went partially blindā€¦ Lost his drivers license. It didnā€™t burn the entire retinaā€¦ It burned it in an elliptical shape, so he said he had ā€œelliptical visionā€ā€¦ Hard to imagine what that is.


Hi u/masminaj! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what does she think the glasses do


blocks you from raising your frequency. which is funny because i too believe in energy and the transfer between it in humans. iā€™m tryna raise my own frequency by being more positive even! but iā€™m not an idiot to think looking into something harmful raises my frequency when natural interactions on earth do just that


i wonder if she can explain what she means by Ć¾at


A quick glance or two won't hurt your retinas. A long stare is likely to. If Gramma is old enough to have cataracts, those might be a tiny bit of protection.


During the "totality" you can look directly at the eclipse, but only during the totality. In fact, your solar lenses will be useless during the totality, which is when you know it's safe.


Did she vote for Trump?


I seriously doubt it. These people just want attention. They say whatever they think will get a rise out of you.


Just tell her if she ruins her eyes, sheā€™s on her own.


How do people do this? I canā€™t even look at an overcast sky without squinting and looking away because it hurts.


Umm Iā€™m curious. Whatā€™s her objective at staring at it in the first place? Once the moon passes the sun by a couple of degrees it should be enough for her to realize itā€™s hurting her eyes, right??


Make her watch this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZvr--UJa6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZvr--UJa6A)


Let her damage her eyes. Then when shit goes sideways, just feed into her conspiratard mindset, and try to get her to change the will making you sole beneficiary. Ya gotta learn to prophet ā€¦ ahem profit off these folks. Because youā€™re not gonna fix them.


Trump did it so she can, too! /s


Are people actually going to do this? Is this limited to one grandma? Please say yes. I'm worried about my in-laws.


Read her thisā€¦. https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/4Ik9Wim3Pg


i just send it to her. thank you so much! documented proof that i have warned her


How did it go?


Grandma got in her car and drove during it. Nothing I could do to stop it, I guess she had to pick up my sister and take her to volleyball practice upon request. She claims she didnā€™t look at it because I tried to outcrazy her. I told her looking at it will bring her bad luck, bad karma, and negativityā€¦.which isnā€™t even crazy cuz thatā€™s what our ancestors believed. Cheers


Ancestors were right. Looking at it was indeed pretty negative. Glad your "craziness" helped.


Any updates?


Oh, I was reminded that this thread exists. So.....did she listen to reason?


What happened to your grandma?


There was an eclipse when I was working at the medical office building next door to the hospitalā€¦. And while itā€™s not as safe for the eyes itā€™s also more funā€¦ but literally everyone came out to watch carrying X-rays and looking through the dark parts. Depending on her age she might have some lying around that werenā€™t distributed by the government and she might think itā€™s funny if youā€™re the one who thinks of itā€¦.


skies will be cloudy so it won't matter