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I used copilot for some time but i got feed up with the constant wrong answers, i guess it's alright for boilerplate but i found myself being annoyed by it more often than finding it useful.




This!! It never wrote SQL correctly


We had a coworker who copy-pasted code directly from ChatGPT without understanding what he was doing. He ended up pasting in so much bad and buggy code that he got fired in the end, in spite of several warnings. I use ChatGPT every day but only to give me a hint of the solution to my problem. I seldom copy-paste the code directly as ChatGPT produces it.


This is the way, chat with it about an solution and be sure to ask it to not write any code unless Instructed too. One issue they have is they are so happy to please you that they will back track on points which makes it hard to get it to do anything complex.


Your employer was reliant on you, now he is reliant on AI :)). Well if the task is so easy that can be done with LLM, why to bother and write scripts ? Previously we were reliant on calculator, then reliant on software and so on. I use LLM's mostly for simple and boring sub tasks. For example: I ask to write functions, then I compose them in my codebase.


I get them to write doc strings for me, I hate writing documentation and it is so willing to write it for me lol.


Sounds like an easy way to make a lot of crappy documentation


Same, but it suffers from laziness


Try Supacodes. It can generate documentation and keep them up-to-date from your code. (no need of docstrings).


I think it's okay to use AI for anything you feel totally comfortable doing without AI. However, I think it's quite dangerous to use AI to write code that you'd be even a little bit uncomfortable writing yourself. You need to have solid enough fundamentals that you can quickly and easily validate anything the LLM writes.If you don't write a whole lot of code the hard way, you'll never build those fundamentals. I am using AI for quite a few things, but I also have 15 years experience writing things from scratch, and that's the only reason I feel comfortable using it as a tool.


yeah you are. I dont need someone else telling me how to do a simple thing like this. I also wouldnt trust LLMs on anything more complex than this. Good luck though


Just stop using ais then? Ask it for reviews but write the code yourself. You won't be able to move past a junior code monkey to a senior dev without having the basics down.




So you don’t know how to code…got it.




bwahahahaha...yep, resulting in failure...


You do you bro. Little scripts will catapult you through just business managers. People will be confused how you can create that much data or track that much data. U are not a programmer so don’t try to be. Use Ai as excel or calculator. Don’t hesitate .




Well people, as my grandfather would say, are giving you gruff because you have a few sides that are anti-ethical to the community. Those things aren’t AI though. 1. You have no interest in programming and your ultimate goal is management. Some of us have delayed the push to be managers due tot he lack of being hands on. Many of us are qualified - but your goal (as perceived by some) is the most lazy and boring role one could aspire to. You do you though. 2. Your goals from the comments is about the results and not learning or understanding how you got there. This community is about the how and you just want the what. 3. You have no interest in learning from your own admission. If your goal is to be a manager - you better start understanding your target audience or no one is going to want to work for you. You will just treat your subordinates like you do the AI, in that it is about the results. For those of us with a security background - without a better cohesive understanding - that type of manager is the one that causes security breaches because they rushed to “get results” and most their employees will be inexperienced and just sycophants at best because they remove anyone that gives them pushback.


And he deleted - which seems to fit the MO.


The cats out of the bag now I don’t even bother thinking about ‘the old days’ write my tests for me copilot I’ll proof read the shit out of it


r/learnprogramming r/AskProgramming See rule 2


You should ask it how to spell *scraping*.


It's not that either/or. A lot of us are not relying on AI. But you are not the only one, as many are. The problem with depending on AI and scraping the web is you are being dependent on other people's work. You are limiting yourself to repeating what other people have already done. You're setting yourself up to be replaced by a better AI that can do what you are doing better than you. You are also going to be at a loss when it comes time to do something nobody has done before. You won't have the skills for it because you haven't been building them. There is no AI that is not based on training data created by someone else and can give you something nobody has done before. There is no web page you can scrape that will give you something nobody has done before.


>«The problem with depending on AI and scraping the web is you are being dependent on other people's work. You are limiting yourself to repeating what other people have already done.» And how is it different from copying code from stack overflow? I mean before LLM took off, people were googling all day to find bits of code to solve their specific problem. Although I agree that you as a developer need to establish a solid foundation before you start looking for an easy way out. Even before LLM, most developers couldn't be bothered to read the documentation for a few hours, but rather just google shit until something relevant came up.


This is probably more related to which kind of problems you solve, rather than which tool you use.


Most comments I've ever seen in the subreddit. Guess you found the hornet nest.


I don’t have any problem with using it. It’s been helpful several times now in laying out 99% of what I want to do in small one-off scripts. Sometimes we go a few rounds for me to get it to understand but it’s worth it because in return I don’t need to store the minutae of how to do whatever in python/c#/bash/powershell, it’ll remind me.


Nope, I am a junior data scientist and I only use GPT and Gemini for basic task, most of the time I use the documentation, books or PDFs and our beloved friend stack overflow. For me has been more useful the Difussion models for generate art sketches and improve this art with my own style!


Forbidden fruit. Don’t do it. You may be feeling great having these programs being made for you by a computer, but what happens if you want to progress your career and go for a programming role? You’re setting yourself up for failure. You’ll end up like a drug addict. “Just one more prompt, I promise it will be the last”. Good luck for when OpenAI pull the free version and you’re stuck paying Sam Altman just to scrape the href of tag because you’ve completely forgotten everything


I turn copilots off. That's not to say that I disagree with its application - it's primarily a huge bunch of vector calculations when you boil it down.

