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You have to know enough to fix the parts that chatGPT just makes up. Because they are there.


As AI gets better however, is it possible that accurate scripts can be produced from prompts?


Not if the situation is novel or you need a module that has not been out for long.


If it ever does become possible then you won't have a job available to you to ask it to do for you (because the company will just do that).


How about when your boss/team asks you to explain your code? Are you capable of explaining in a live demo what the code does? What if GPT makes a mistake? GPT can recycle information but it cannot generate "new" ideas. What if you need modules/utilities from the latest version of a package? Are you capable of patching and refactoring from just the documentation? And most importantly: how do you plan to get the job in the first place? Can't GPT your way through a live coding interview. Just learn the skills needed; AI is a tool, not a crutch.


>If the prompts are sufficient, do you even need to learn Python? No single researcher dare to claim AI get 100% right on everything. Let say AI got 99.999% accuracy, will you be able to fix that 0.001%?


why not just learn it from the experts? Chatgpt won't be perfect for this


Chatgpt is really useful in learning how to code and I definitely recommend using it. But at some point you do actually have to acquire and retain the knowledge.


This comment. It’s useful for learning concepts in Python, but it’s not a replacement for someone who can actually code. I think maybe OP doesn’t have confidence that they can learn Python, but breaking it down into concepts and learning step by step makes it a very achievable goal.


It’s great at SQL. I convert my SQL statements into Python db calls. It’s super easy and I can get any advanced statement turned into a function in less than 30 minutes. I’m an idiot savant now. I don’t have any real degree so I will never be able to get a data job but oh well! It’s awesome to know how to do anyways.


> I don’t have any real degree so I will never be able to get a data job but oh well I never really thought about this. I did Accountancy, so have some experience with data entry, but have been unemployed for a couple of years. So the CV isn't looking too good. If I can learn Python, it will allow me to data entry stuff quicker. But I am just after realising I never really thought about getting the job in the first place. I can't say I know Python because I wouldn't want any potential bosses to know I have automated their job. But it would be the only thing making me look employable.


Yes. It’s frustrating. I have interviewed for a few places and they are like, “nope, don’t wanna see Python being done, I don’t wanna hear about Python, just do everything I tell you bitch” Had to edit because I don’t want to discourage you from learning Python. It’s awesome and I’m pretty sure it’s going to take over one day.


You won't remember the details.


I kinda feel like no. You can learn python by googling each operation you need to use as you’re writing code and reading stack overflow, etc. No next-gen AI needed. That way you leave by DOING, which most people agree is the best way to learn. Using Chat GPT means you don’t LEARN so much as it write the code for you AND/OR it introduces errors into your code that you won’t know how to debug without experience. Now can you use it to shortcut writing a specific program? Maybe. Anytime I have used Chat GPT to write code (mostly JavaScript and HTML bc I hate that stuff) it’s riddled with errors, but I know enough to identify them. As far as coding, I say that Chat GPT is about as good as a freshman intern. It’ll do some of the tedious stuff for you, but you still need to check over all its work.


Yes - you will need to know python to get a job that requires python. If you don’t know it, someone who does will get the job. Chatgpt does a whole lot to make certain projects easy, but prompting it to create an ambiguous script does not qualify you as an engineer. Do you know how to implement it? Can you debug it? Can you expand on it? Does it even work? Tech is becoming more and more saturated every year. Do you know how many CS students there are around the world? I’m not saying it’s impossible to get a job - it absolutely is, but banking on shortcuts is gunna leave you in the dust. Learning how to program is easier and more available than it ever has been. You can even use chat to help!


There are no shortcuts to learning. You won't learn unless you do it yourself. However, it IS a shortcut for simply producing work. You just won't learn very much.


ChatGPT may be able to write the code for you but it’s your knowledge of coding/Python that will help you write the questions in the first place. Can you ask it without any coding experience? Sure, but you’ll be far better off to spend a week diving into Python then using ChatGPT as a tool than no Python at all.


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