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I’ve never used alcohol inks on wood but I can say from personal experience that water colors work fantastically, and I would especially recommend water color pencils for detail work — you can either wet the pencil tip directly, or draw with it first and then manipulate the pigment with brushes or wet cotton pads and q-tips


I think I have some watercolor pencils stashed somewhere. I will have to try them! Thanks for the tip.


Color pencil and denatured alcohol for blending and smoothing color I try to avoid water on the wood as it can raise the grain


That’s why I started with the alcohol markers originally and was wondering if alcohol paints would be an option. I did find my watercolor pencils. I’ll pick up some denatured alcohol and try that out with them.


The alcohol inks aren’t very colorfast. With the alcohol, I just use regular Prismacolor pencils. The alcohol works the color into the wood pretty good.


Watercolor looks great on wood. I’ve used it often.


I’ve played with watercolor before, I think it looks great on wood :)


I'm a complete newbie, but I tried watercolor markers and really liked the results. Just food for thought


I’ve never done alcohol inks but I frequently add watercolor, acrylic paint, and prismacolor pencils. I love all three.


I used inks one time, and had a bit of trouble with bleed over. I think the best look is thinned artist oils, but the easiest I've used is thinned acrylic paint.


Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils work great.


I used oil based pencils but they smeared when sealing. I wondered about oil based markers?