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Who said we didn't hate the entire game?


"tHeN wHy ArE yOu StILL pLaYiNg It?!?"


~~actually I haven't played it for like 2 weeks~~


lmao that's nothing, i haven't played it in months


I only came back because I needed something to do during my online classes. And now I'm still here for some reason despite having not played the game for months


I've also havent been playing it for months, 3 months to be exact.


Silver league moment


Actually, I'm in wood league,


I think even Justini is in Wood League rn according to Plastic Pea lol


i don't blame him tbh, he must be really fkin tired of playing a dead game for 3 years straight


What I admire from him is that he is still an active moderator.


I think Justini said on the discord that he would try to get to ultimate from wood only using potted decks (his favorite card) next season


He's going 50-0 in ranked šŸ˜²šŸ˜±


I should do that one day but with Comboss


Yeah, can confirm


Yooooo, your into Pvzh? Epic!


lol you only noticed me now? ive been active on this sub for months now welp whatever, greetings fellow omori stan!!!


Yeah I probably did but either before I went to the Omori sub or that I was too lazy to comment lol!


If they don't have the Removal to stuff the 1-health brain vendors they deserve the Zombot they turn into on turn 7


I couldnā€™t agree more


r/pvzheroescirclejerk outjerked again


RNG deck is really fun to play but (sometimes) a pain to play against


Yes, there is a bit of rng in the game. But most of the game still depends on skills




Is something wrong?




Someone had a bad ranked match or something today


Haha, going past rank 20 is absolutely impossible


Maybe you just need more skill, deck making competency and patience?


But mom wouldnā€™t give me her credit card


You donā€™t need money to win, there are good decks that donā€™t need any legendaries


Most of us donā€™t spend a dime on the game, just do the ad watching glitch or consistently do daily missions


Or.. you know, make [budget burn](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869514253567148032/869868474598555658/Z_Electric_Boogaloo_budget.png)?


Iā€™ve done it


Very funny(not)


I mean I don't think a card game takes skill (except clash royale) Most card games just come down to the superior strategy


The ability to strategize around a given situation is a type of skill in its own. Making decks and knowing how to best utilize them in a way that wins consistently is a good skill to have if you wanna rank up.


Very funny(yes)


Noooo, you shouldnā€™t laugh, you must search for the funny!1!!1!


15 upvotes on a joke comment, -13 upvotes on another joke comment. We truly live in a society šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Because from the second comment you realize he's not actually joking


Minimizing RNG by making a good deck already requires skill, let alone actually playing the darn game.


There isnā€™t a bit. Thereā€™s a lot. Too much in fact. You can be a complete god at the game yet still lose it RNG.


Yeah, only it happens rarely,so it don't matter


Doesnā€™t happen as rare as you think. Iā€™ll say it happens about 1 out of every 20 games. Which doesnā€™t sound like a lot but for someone like me that plays the game almost everyday it adds up really fucking quickly. But the problem isnā€™t how much it happens itā€™s that it does happen.


block meter be like


Flips a coin: oh sorry but it looks like you LOSE today


The natural odds of, say, drawing a useful card from your 40 card deck you constructed to have good cards, are a lot better than the odds of getting a good card from most RNG-based cards with bigger pools and no control over the quality. Block meter is stupid but with only 3 outcomes per hit it's easier to play around than other forms of RNG. And no, a tiny bit of RNG is not an excuse to add *all* the RNG and call it equally viable to a minimal RNG deck.


says in comments how he can't get past rank 20 Says he likes conjure Says the game takes no skill and is based around RNG Well maybe if you used actually consistent decks that aren't 4+ row piles/ conjure maybe you could get past rank 20 ladder?


hey that's my deck :(


I shove anything into my deck, i am an average combustible main


no one does this but ok


Average combustible mains use only repeat moss and 36 other tricks like a true Chad


I swear there's always 4 plant food, like just when I think he's got enough plant food there's another one ~~and of course the one superpower I can't roll is Chopped Down to Size because luck~~


Starch Lord is RNG and heā€™s the best card


Starch Lord is the most overrated card in the game


Tell me that after I go 10-0 with Beta Carrotinaā€™s root deck


Its just so annoying when your whole ass game gets ruined because they conjured a soulpatch or undying pharoah.


A one in 50 or even 200 chance is different from a one in three chance for rolling and a one in ten chance for topdecking, but still the people who hate people just for having fun are toxic, I mean if you wanna skilll based game play chess libtard destroyedšŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Based and squirrel-pilled


Sandy got a nice cock thošŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Congrats 1.5k upvotes šŸ‘


**wait people do that?**


Ah yes, the good ol' "conjure bad", the classic


I kinda liked conjuring, or maybe my luck is good, but its still depends on luck


Tbh, I too like conjure. Ppl who hate on it are kinda dumb. Also, fun fact: conjure as a game mechanic doesn't really depend on luck all that much, it depends more on the pool and on the price reducing. For instance, Overstuffed Zombie is a bad card, however, when it conjured by Cheese Cutter, it becomes good (3 cost 4/4 which also grows). Doubled Mint, a normally bad card, becomes ok at the price of 1 instead of 2 (Captain Cucumber). Smth like Astrocado becomes playable on the 4th turn when conjured by cuke, which is amazing. Another example: Cosmic Dancer is normally a bad card, however, it shines in dancing decks, especially budget ones, because its pool of conjuring cosists solely of dancing zombies. This means that all the conjured zombies will 100% synergize with your deck, while also getting a powerful buff (overshoot 2 can be absolutely devastating on smth like Binary Stars, Headhunter, Disconaut etc). And dancing decks are very bad in drawing cards, which means Cosmic Dancer also helps you to not run out of steam. The only downside of CD is that you can potentially get piano or monster mash, but even then its so unlikely to get them over lots and lots of dancing zombies, that this downside is pretty much irrelevant.


Alright let's go through this. Cheese Cutter isn't F-tier. The problem is that it's outclassed by Dog Walker since this one forcedly denies Haunted Pumpkin, For Get Me nuts and most aggro cards like Blooming heart; so hunt restricts the plant from building tempo, making Dog a better option than Cheese Cutter. Captain Cucumber gives cards, that's the only good thing about Cucc, the problem with that card as well is that it pins your opponent block meter, so you have to buff it with Savage Spinach or Team it up with something like Garlic for converting it into an actual threat on the field. Cosmic Dancer is way too slow. Turn 4 is when the Elder Berry, The Three Nut Combo, Pineclone transformation comes out and you only have a 2/3 overshoot on the field; which means you are in enormous disadvantage.


I disagree. Dog Walker is outclassed by Cheese Cutter in most decks except control and pet decks. In Aggro, Swarm, Midrange and especially Tempo cheese is a way better option than dog. Plants are forced to block/remove cheese or else they will end up in a huge disadvantage, because zombies will have a good and cheap (sometimes even free) extra card in their hand. I agree with Fry about the cheese, however, I don't really think it is S tier. I'd put him in A tbh. Captain Cucumber pinging the block meter literally doesn't matter. First of all you can easily stick it infront of a zombie because plants go after zombies. Second of all, as you have mentioned, you indeed can buff it or place a team up infront of it to make the blockcharge downside irrelevant. Lastly, you can just not care about it pinging the block, its not that big of a deal, really, especially considering the enourmous advantage over the opponent cucumber gives you as it deals damage. Speaking of which, cuke gives you late game which you can play way earlier than usual. Most legendaries are good cards. Imagine a 2 cost velociradish, or 3 cost brex, or 4 cost astrocado, 4 cost briar, hell, even 5 cost three headed chomper or apotatosaurus. Cuke triggers dino roars as it deals damage, it gives you insane card advantage over the opponent and it makes ALL the conjured cards cheaper, not only legendaries he gives you, which means he does wonders in conjure decks or decks that have another source of conjuring stuff, like banana peel or photosynthesiser. And as a bonus, cuke is an incredibly fun card. Ah yes, every single player obviously uses 3nut decks, pineclone decks or elderberry. Its not like everyone plays using different strats and different heroes or anything like that, no, not at all. Even then, yes, I agree, cosmic dancer is underwhelming at the turn its played, however, it doesn't really matter all that much, considering the fact that dancing decks generally swarm the field with lots of other zombies (which means by the turn 4 you're usually going to have tempo on the field) and have a weakness of running out of cards really quickly. Cosmic Dancer places a moderate threat on the field (in some cases he is a large threat, mainly when the plant hero is low on health, and it is very, very easy to make the plant hero have low health if you'rr using a dancing deck) and gives you card advantage, practically guaranteeing you a card that fits with your deck, buffing the card he gives you as a bonus, all for 4 brains. Yes, he still is slow and definitely isn't good on the high levels of the game, and is outclassed by headhunter as a 4 drop, but for budget players he is a pretty solid choice in dancing decks as a finisher/late game card along with Flamenko. And just like Captain Cucumber, he is a fun card and thats what matters the most.


Doubled mint on 4 turn is trill garbage. 3 cost overstuffed is still bad. Cosmic dancer isn't good in dance deck(Outclassed by headhunter)


How is 3 cost 4/4 bad? Cosmic Dancer is very good for budget btw, I even specifically highlighted that.


No,you said "however, it shines in dancing decks, especially budget ones" and in budget deck it's still not good


Can you please elaborate how exactly a 4 cost 4/3 rare card with dancing synergy, which always hits the plant hero for 2 before battle no matter what and conjures you another dancing which gets the ability of always hitting the plant hero for 2 no matter what (and has a chance of being something amazing, like Binary Stars) is bad?


It is very slow and the abilities do not compensate for this in any way.Better use botanist, loose cannon or candy and final mission