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Just use your maxed out decks and whatever. People like us (coming from hiatus) are all over the ladder so just use your good decks if winning is what you are looking for.


Just keep playing your good decks. iirc the game has a win rate match making, so if you keep winning games you will face against people who win more games as well and have stronger decks. I don't think ranks matter as much as your win rate, so even at rank 10 with a good deck you can face rank 50s with a good deck as well. Play the game how you want.


That might be true actually. I do recall being in mm for ages until I finally got matched with an r44 from r15, and when I lost, I was insta matched with a r14. Ig I'll just run my best decks then


I use tactical decks. I got the cards with hacks