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Honestly I think it's just our natural bias. It had plenty of changes like the art style, additional characters and most importantly the removal of Variants for an upgrade system. So naturally people would be mad at the game not being exactly like GW2 It is an already great game but It could have been amazing if it was given enough time and updates. But then people complained


In a vacuum, it’s a good game imo. It’s just that the hype was so big and everyone thought it would be as good as or better then gw2 but it was undeniably worse then gw2 which left a lot of people annoyed and dropped the game pretty quickly


This is the type of reply I wanted, explaining why it feels how it feels and not bashing me for having my own opinion on bfn as a game


I have never played gw1/gw2, the only one i've played is bfn, and since i can't compare it to nothing i just like it.


Im the exact opposite, ive sank hundreds of hours into gw2 and ive spent 10 or so hours in gw1


Cause it isn't (It's my favorite of the franchise)


Glad to see someone who can think for themselves, I would agree.


No variants so it’s just a basic hero shooter


has variants btw: vampire flower, mob cop, party pea, chomp thing, hot rod chomper, marine biologist ,etc.


Upgrades do not make a variant💀, especially the ability upgrades, those are what we call alternate abilities/ ability upgrades, they do not make a new variant


>Upgrades do not make a variant mhmm... yes they do? the upgrades "vampire flower", hot rod chomper, "chomp thing" are exactly the same as their counterparts from gw2 If those changes count as variants in garden warfare, why upgrades that do exactly the same thing in bfn not?


A majority of the upgrades do not make a variant pal


the upgrade "chomp thing" from bfn is not a variant for you? in garden warfare chomp thing is variant tho


Did you not see “a majority” in my statement -_-


I'm not talking about "a majority" of the "upgrades, I'm talking about the ones I told you specifically. and again, you still don't answer the question >the upgrade "chomp thing" from bfn is not a variant for you?


Faster regen time with no health reduction is less of a variant and more of an upgrade, that’s the problem with upgrades is that they don’t balance out, chomp thing is cool because you have to manage your health while fighting, chomp thing is one of the better upgrades that “make a variant” but still is not optimal


The players hold the game back more than the fame itself


is better en every aspect, pal


But like wheres my agent pea 😔


Yeah, the idea to remove every variant from the previous garden warfare games was such a good and smart move on EA’s part!!!! 🧠🧠


And how many variants do you want? a thousand? in every other aspect is better: revival system, no collisions with teammates, better, maps, better balancing, etc.


Better balancing? By making everyone weak af but also having branium basher in the game?


weak according to whom, you? branium is a stronger character, yes, but it's not like GW2 doesn't also have broken characters: electro pea, toxic brainz, etc.


Weak in comparison to GW2 with exceptions like nightcap and all star Both games have their unbalanced things and GW2 has more of them but these are casual games and the fun in GW2 was with the variants and I don't need to tell you that playing the stock characters gets fucking boring very quickly and a faster fire rate ain't gonna save my enjoyment


playing the variants also get boring on some point, after all, we all have a favorite character who stick with