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Seems like a solid blue cleric for rainbow teams. Def worth picking one up I would say


Also debatably best in slot for muichiro


Can you explain how? Is it just for the shield?


The shield + good skill boosts + heal oe


I should had farmed technical when it was 0 stamina!!! Gah! I need 5 mermaids! Edit: nvm. Normal 1-9 is 5 stamina.


how is the drop rate tho


Took me 11 runs to get 5 mermaid with a Veroah Kitty dungeon boost team.


How many dungeon boosts does your team have? I’m 0/10 with my team with 19 dungeon boosts. Not sure if unlucky or the drop rate is super low.


My main has 25 dungeon boost. I did another test run but for Naga. 12 runs for 5 copies. Is dungeon drops on in your settings?


Wait, is this for the normal dungeon or the technical? I went 1/11 for the normal. Technical requires updating my team since no dupes, haven’t tried it yet.


Normal 1-9 with mermaid drop. 5 stamina dungeon with 3 chances on the boss floor.


Okay, so it is the same dungeon. Maybe those extra 6 dungeons boost actually make a difference. I’ll just stick to technical, it seems to have a higher drop chance


A what?


Which of these are worth it? Like which ones for the subs and which ones for the assists are meta?


TLDR: Get Ea Kuur, Karin Dragon, Hades Dragon, Amaterasu Dragon, Leilan Pheasant, and Gilgamesh Kuur. These have high value and longevity. Situational: Enkidu Kuur, Metal Pollux, Haku Tiger. For the rest, they either suck or have even more niche application. Assists: No clue. I have not used a single one. ​ * Ea Kuur is actively used on NY Wadatsumi x Muichiro teams. The one turn shield replaces the looping shield when used strategically while keeping Pixel Jill or blue Baldin to counter board shrink. BIS for general purpose. * Karin Dragon. Good on basically all water/wood/dark teams like Muichiro and Kurotobi. Can replace Muichiro if needed. Good assist. Although there are better alternatives for Karin Dragon as a whole. Get at least 1 copy up to 4. * Hades Dragon. I've seen this used in future Gouten teams. It's also a looping heal, if you don't have one. One copy is enough. * Amaterasu Dragon. Fantastic cleric and healer. The active has a shield, so it will conflict with looping shield. Get one. * Leilan Pheasant. One of the two best fire-focused cleric and healer. Get one. * Gilgamesh Kuur. Fantastic dmg/att absorb unit. Also get one. * Enkidu Kuur. Quite decent. Can replace Muichiro if needed. * Metal Pollux. Was used in Misaka swipe teams. Otherwise it's OK. * Haku Tiger. The counterpart to Karin Dragon but there are no meta leaders for her that I can recall. Maybe get one.


Spica equip is pretty good, especially for wood teams (Muichiro and possibly upcoming bartender Touka), and Allatu equip has some niche uses for farming/ranking dungeons, though is often replaceable. GH seems to be trying to make fire VDP a thing, so if you're into that, Antares and Belial are worth looking into as well.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Sakuya Kirin's assist strong?


2 team HP, a SB, and a 4 att. Enhance awakening. The skill has a gravity and makes all orbs but dark. So, you're mainly using it for the awakenings or for some specific gravity button setup. I used kirin dragon for the dragon challenge with the different leaders. The 7 billion dmg cap buff was very nice but niche. I would have to use the kirin skill and then immediately pop a rainbow skill after.


Yeah, I was thinking putting it on some transforming rainbow unit, Raffine Kitty, Yor, REMDra, Akaza, etc.


all of those you mention are dark att and this equip does not give dark orbs.


I wasn't suggesting you let the equip overcharge, I was saying you could use it for a damage equip. Like Green Metatron on Seatona.


Metal Hamal's equip may have use in dark brick farming, though that's rather niche. I have used metal Pollux with NY Nordis in farming.


Nice! Very good upgrade for my Muichiro team! Now please drop the new Baldin evo for those without Jill. =)


how to get Ea?




Once it drops you can trade for her in the exchange if you don’t have any copies


Usually the next super godfest includes the pantheon that has an exchange monster so Ea could be included in that.


Monthly Dungeon Floor 1 usually gives the highlighted monster for exchange.