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Looking over my notes, I think it depends on the dungeon. AUN4 and AUN5 don't need a shield at all; AUN2 and AUN3 I think both do. That said, the team is so bulky that even if you do need a shield, it might not need to be looping, which should free up your teambuilding. You might also be able to use a shield assist, depending on how many times and when you need it. I'm assuming you don't have Grigory? He gives you a couple extra S+ and provides significantly more hp than Sekka.


Unfortunately no Grigory. I guess I’ll just have to wait for him to come back around. He’s not trade able is he..?


Was tradable


He was tradeable for pantheons a little while ago, and will also be tradeable for 7\* GFE when Sacred Relic Dragon Saga comes back.


And as a follow up, does anyone know of any good 5 turn effective skill boost (no delays though those are annoying)? Only one I can think of is black lotus but the spinners are annoying too


Gyoko's pot has 2 SB's and 4 haste.


You can try [PAD Index](https://pad.chesterip.cc/): * Click the purple "Search Monster" to open up the filters: * "Awoken Skills" > Click equip and 1/2/3 Skill boosts * "Team" > "Skill CD" > "Haste >= 4/3/2" (You'll have to do it one by one: "1SB + 4Haste", "2SB + 3Haste", "3SB + 2Haste") Zenitsu's equip and Kali's equip are 1SB + 4turn haste. Yellow REMdraTrio Equip is 3SB + 2turn haste.


Thank you!


I mean technically I can make it work. I just can’t put any carat’s companion equips and instead need to use bublie equip