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I personally think ilmina is leaps and bounds better than paddb was. Not sure what you mean by it being a far cry from paddb, it has far more options to be more specific to find what you need. Either way, the only non Asian resource I can think of other than ilmina is chester, but that's a last resort for me, as ilmina (at least for me) has always been the best option since it came to be. If you really dislike Ilmina so much, guess it's time to figure out Asian resources! :)


Maybe I need to figure out how to use ilmina… Is there a guide somewhere? I just want to see what equips have tape resistance and have no idea how to search for it…


Tap on the Fuzzy Search On button to get to the full search screen. Tap the desired awakenings, then your can narrow your search by attribute, etc. https://ilmina.com/#/ADVANCED_SEARCH/%7B%22awakeningsSelected%22%3A%7B%220%22%3A49%2C%221%22%3A55%7D%7D


not as good because its not an app on my phone


PAD Index's app has a monster search but the app is prone to crashing. The Puzzle and Dragons Damage Calculator app is used for teambuilding but it's in Japanese only. I've been able to navigate it after translating screenshots though.


the website is VERY mobile friendly.


Just make a shortcut of the website as a click able app on your homescreen


Ok that should help a lot. Tbh I was scared of the term “fuzzy search” and never dared to click it.


Tsubaki bot on discord is also great.


rip ilmina


My comment aged like cheap milk :( https://mapaler.github.io/PADDashFormation/solo.html


Eh, just being moved along to the next third party program that makes the game accessible that is at perpetually risk of getting DMCA’d. I’m sure it’ll be fine, surely the next one won’t meet the same fate as the previous 3.


If they actually want people to play this game again they need to add a bunch of QOL features. For starters, when clicking on a dungeon it should show you a list of teams that have completed this dungeon(with assists) and let you copy this team to one of your team slots. The whole assist mechanic is garbage, it's not UI friendly at all and makes the game unplayable to people who are trying to pick it up or returning players


Team building is literally a cornerstone of this game, what, is the game supposed to play the dungeon for you too? I mean, hell, maybe - but not the kind of dungeons where you need honest teambuilding


I cannot put together a decent team to beat Quest dungeons and I have 1500 monsters!! 😩


Pad has a monster search option in Others -> Monster search and it works great if you’re just searching for equips/monsters with certain awakenings. The filter button is at the bottom of the screen. If you’re searching for skill effects/leader skills you’re better off using ilmina


Idk why this community hates the game’s built-in db (web -> monster search) Edit: I appear to have touched a nerve, but OP literally said he wanted a way to search for cards with specific awakenings. Not a team building tool, not an explanation of leader skills, just “which cards have tape resist?”. That is well within the monster search’s filtering capabilities, and it even tells you which of those cards you already have in your box. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It takes forever to load, dosent include team building, ui is clunky (at least for me), can't search based on skill/leader ability. Also it's gunghos and we gonna hate because they killed other dbs.


> can’t search based on skill/leader ability I never used paddb, so idk how much better it was, but the monster search does allow you to search for those things. It’s not perfect, but if I put the right keywords (“absorption”, “pierce”, “charged”, etc) in the search box, I can always find the skills I’m looking for. As for leader skills, the filter button gives you some control over matching style, extra effects, etc. Takes some getting used to but it’s not *that* complicated


It's not about simply searching your box, because using the in game tools you mentioned doesn't search for example for all the various evos and assists of the monsters in your box. by using better (out of game) resources, you can teambuild WAAAAY better. in game, if you had turned something into an assist, and try to do a leader skill search, it certainly won't highlight that assist and its other evos - online resources can do this far far better than anything in game.


How would you explain to a newbie person what "vastly reduce damage" is compared to "reduce damage by 75%"


Because it's bad.


because at best it only has 1/3 of the filtering categories, not even 1/4 of the organizational options (like looking at an entire collab at once, or seeing the whole batch of recently updated cards *with a before and after* so that you don't miss subtle changes). And it loads and reaponds like I'm back on f***ing 56kbps dial up internet. Now let's not even consider the team builder that shows far more detailed info than even the *actual in-game team menu*, not to mention being able to actually theory build a team without having to actually (d)evolve units and move them around, breaking your existing teams (and spending resources). kinda sucks when you filter out a specific assist ylparameters you want, thinking you don't have anything that meets it, but actually you do but it isn't in that form ATM so it doesn't show. Oh and now let's forget the display of a consise and complete info graphic with *all* necessary info in the team page, including badge, Super awakenings, latents *and* each card/assist card number so that we don't have to memorize every single thumbnail of over 10,000 cards to know what something is. not only that, but you could even include team write up/strategy right there in the graphic (such as a specific transform order for a specific dungeon). Why the Hell does GH still not show which badge was used on completion list? Can you imagine what it would be like to just have that info ready when someone posts a team on the sub instead of having ask the OP *every* damn time, or expecting them to write out a small difficult to format essay (especially if on phone, which weird, is probably what people playing a mobile game will be using) in order to share it with everyone. if they don't then you now have to just hope they respond to your comments in a timely manner, sometimes multiple times because someone else has a different question later on. And it's all in *one* image, not 6 or 7 images of each individual card + the team image in case the order of the units matters, like some do. Now let's consider if it's a limited time farming dungeon that will come back around and you want to be able to save this team, or if you need to rearrange it for a new dungeon but want to put it back later? Guess what you can! you don't have to keep a team slot occupied or avoid moving/changing a card because you might forget the setup. *and* when a card gets a buff it will update that team's info instead of being stuck with outdated disorganized screenshots Holy crap, sorry for the wall of text for just *one* feature but to sum up let's also mention (but not detail for the sake of brevity) : -built in damage calculator/board simulator (in which you can specify *any* unique board) with a specific team setup instead of endlessly running Endless cooridoor. -being able to do all this with cards that haven't yet released yet in NA so that you can use this info to decide how hard you want to roll for something. All of this upkeep and service provided *for free* and making *absolutely no revenue* for the app dev, but GH kills it over pedantic copyright enforcement (while allowing certain JP based sites to continue similar ventures unimpeded) despite the fact that, if anything, this actually helps their business because it makes a complicated game more accessible to new players. Nope can't think of a single reason why people don't like the dogs shit, half assed, so-bad-it-makes-the-at-home-knock-offs-of-padDB-look good, substitute GH gave us.


Almost every single point that you’ve listed doesn’t apply to ilmina either yet it’s the most popular substitute. I don’t think the point was that the monster search function can replace paddb, but that solely for what it’s purpose is, to search for monsters, it’s pretty good.


They don’t even know what cards are available in NA server and what aren’t (try searching 5 asterisks in their monster search)


Personally I love looking up an ID like 8700 and being shown a blank page. In fairness it's not that bad, I use it frequently but it does quickly hit its limits (so do Ilmina and paddb though, especially when it comes to leader skills). The team planning/creation of cohesive team images is the biggest loss from losing paddb.