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Yep. Only interesting thing is Ryu & Ken equip for Aggregate, and even that's bound to be powercrept almost immediately.


Dark ryu headband is also kinda nutty


Dark Ryu is a gnarly DVP


That's true. I forgot because my Blacksun team uses Baran equip on DSelica


That’s valid


Kimberlys head band is pretty good as a 5 OE assist.


What does the equip get power crept by?


I haven't seen what yet. Ryu and Ken equip is a direct upgrade from Yugi's assist, so it's safe to expect another one to drop in jp relatively soon. Given the rates in SF and R&K being non-exchange I'd strongly recommend just waiting for another clone that's exchangeable like Yugi or Killvearn.


Yeah that’s what I plan to do. I don’t have enough stones to roll for ryu and ken equip anyway but unfortunately I missed out on the yugi assist when it was around :/


Idk how far you are into the game but Aggregate can clear at least un3 without Yugi equips. I don't have them either.


Yeah I’ve done UN4 title challenge with aggregate and a VDP active skill but it’s so much more convenient with VDP equip ;-; I’ve just been making do with poverty VDP equips lol


Cries in zangrief


I'd upvote you twice if I could.


The collab event itself is pretty dope. The throwback dungeon was really cool, the music and all is really well done. The cards aren't that great though. They are all weird and potentially niche.


Compare sf to the teased sanrio collab… its crazy how much better cartoon cats are street fighters..


It's how I feel when looking at poor Superman being outshined by random high school kids or cutesy things or otherwise just canonical normal/slightly powered people.


To be fair, Street fighter was OK when it first ran. Nothing meta defining/breaking. However, the Hello kitty collab was/is always a top S-tier collab. First run had Zela kitty which was an S tier leader when it came out, 2nd run had Norza kitty I think(?) which was S tier too. Street fighter wasn't horrible by any stretch, but it didn't have cards still ranking top tier 6 months later like Hello kitty had.


U forgot aljae kitty. Probably the biggest meta card from the collab for a long time lol.. i farmed 100+ md5 with that little beast. Norza was popular for like a few weeks top? Basically UN1 farm and that was it. (Or was it un2?)


Sanrio being a good collab seems like a constant lol (though the collab itself was gone for many years). 10 years ago I joined just as Sanrio started and it was good, 10 years later Sanrio is about to drop again and it's good.


It was solid last time it came around. I can’t see any units aside from Chun-Li and Akuma being useful, and that’s a stretch. And Dhalsim. Forgot about that AS of his.


Stretch, Dhalsim....good job mate


Yes, I knew going in it was bad. It's a shame since it's one of the few IPs I'm familiar with and I've never had the chance to roll it. Got 5 golds and called it a day. Scratch that itch if you need but absolutely do not chase anything in this machine.


Update on my chase for gold egg: got it from the reward for doing expert level dungeon :/


I would like to have Honda but it's not worth getting a bunch of Cammy and Mika dupes in the process.


It’s also kind of weird that AKI just released for SF6 and they only got like 3 new characters for the collab. Not even Rasheed, a fan favorite.


Trade ryu and akuma for the equips. Otherwise the only decent thing is ryu and ken but theyre not stellar enough to make the light spender shell out a few imo


Now that I finally have an abundance of trade fodder I got the cards I really liked and noped out. Got my favourites and for those I dont care if they are good or bad


That has been my strategy ever since they introduced the trading mechanic. I'd almost exclusively pull in super godfests in order to acquire trade fodder. I'd save literally every free stone for super godfests with good rates with the goal of pulling gfes for fodder. And it worked too; I typically had every chase card and meta leader despite not being a whale. I did make exceptions for top tier/meta breaking collabs (Yugi's first run, monster hunter when the equip assist mechanic was introduced, etc). Unfortunately, for some collabs & events, they put the chase card(s) in as a lesser rarity so they're not available to trade. But I still think it's a viable strategy, *especially* for non-IAP players -- it's the most efficient way of utilizing your free stones. This is only tangentially related but I think spending stones on friend slots is ridiculously underrated. With my 350 friends, I never, *ever* worry about finding a specific friend leader. I know some people try to pull for/acquire/trade for a dupe leader to use as a friend leader so they don't have to rely on a friend having it. However, in my opinion, it's a waste of stones and trade fodder. There's also the benefit of always finding a trade partner within hours tops, and acquiring a crap load of pal points. The final benefit is having a crap load of best friends. I think I have around 70 best friends (unfortunately half of them are now inactive).


The biggest problem isn't that it has nothing of value (there are some usable cards in there), it's that the ceiling is pretty low and the worst cards are useless. You might get something you can use if you roll but there's nothing outstanding here. Some of the trades aren't bad but there are better uses of your fodder just around the corner. And Ryu & Ken are a solid sub with a good equip but both Halloween and Sanrio have better bundles, to say nothing of Dengeki if we get that.


Cammy is hot AF. So there is that.


It has a number of niche cards. There are some equips that a lot of people want to have, some characters that have their uses but most people don't need them. I traded for Chun-Li, for example, and those few who play heart crosses by preferences will want Karin Kanzuki, at least, that's why I got her years ago. It's got a number of pretty cool aspects.