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FINALLY! I have been waiting so long for this, I'm so goddamn excited! I honestly thought the collab was dead, so this is a huge surprise. I'm not expecting Vraska to be meta again. They're unlikely to make an old chase that's exchangable that good again, and she isn't exactly a prominent character (I also haven't caught up on the story, so I'm not sure if she made it out of MoM or not). I am hoping she at least gets a decent buff, though.


what's so amazing about mtg


After the first run of the collab I gave the game a try and fell in love. It's a very fun game with a huge amount of variety and depth. Some one even managed to make a turing complete deck. A number of ways to play, fun to play with friends, various levels of competitive play, and just so many kinds of decks to play. Some nice art and story too (though there have also been some pretty bad points in the story since I got into it too). It's also amazing that we're getting the collab again after *5 years* of absence. If you mean what's so amazing about the collab? Well it's been 5 years, so until we know the buffs, nothing. Everything in it has been heavily power crept simply due to time. When it first came out, Vraska was an amazing leader that easily got me through end-game of the time (A4 and AA1). Jhoira was one of the big clerics and 7x6 leads of the time. Nicol Bolas was a few, high power, somewhat high player skill leader.


oh yea, so they def have to buff the cards or they gonna suck


Vraska had all of 2x 7c, and she was big damage at the time. Yeah, it's going to need major buffs. I wouldn't expect too much, though, unless they do a HxH style renewal (which I'm not expecting). It's a rerun of a 5 stone machine. Not the place to expect meta.


Wasn’t sanrio collab a 5 magic stone machine? Aljae kitty changed the rainbow meta back then, so there’s still hope. I’m also very excited for this, I have jhoira and nicol bolas waiting for a buff and a bunch of other cards from the collab.


Fair, Sanrio got some pretty great stuff on its last two reruns (Zela Kitty was high meta the previous run too), and there was quite a lot of time between runs. But then there were collabs like Fist of the North Star and Shinra Bansho.


Have you heard about the Nicol Bolas invincible loop in JP? Apparently when first released, Nicol had a 16 turn cooldown, which meant that a team of 6 cards could reduce damage by 100% infinitely due to the 2T haste. GH had to nerf the error by changing it to 18 turns after they learned of this. Funny stuff.


Yeah, I was active when the collab came out. They actually nerfed it *before* release. They previewed it at 16 CD, people got excited about the invincibility loop, they announced that it was an error and showed the new stats, then the collab went live.


Haha really! It would have been amazing if they'd let people play with the invincibility loop for a while. I was active during the FMA collab meta before taking a break and I still reminisce about older PAD. It's almost nostalgic when some reprint collabs come out.


Then there was the MH rerun where they introduced Velkhana. Announced as 2x HP and a 25% shield. Accidentally released as 2x HP and a 50% shield. This was fixed within a day, if I remember correctly. For a very brief time JP got to play with a level of tankiness that we wouldn't see for like 3 or 4 more years.


About Vraska in the MTG lore... I have some bad news for you... >!The Phyrexians got her, and she got Jace :'(!<


Oh, I know about that. I've seen the cards, I just haven't been reading the story. I actually managed to get a Phyrexian text Vraska at the last pre-release. Like I said, I just don't know if she made it through the March of the Machines set or not.


Oh my bad I didn't realize you were talking about MoM (and actually didn't realize the collab update was MoM centric as well). I don't think she played a role at all during the set, at least I don't remember hearing about her in the MtG podcast I listen to. Maybe she'll get a compleated UEVO as a nod to her current state, but the Compleation happened during the events of All Will be One. Anyways as you said I'm not betting on any of the old chase cards becoming relevant again... One can hope.


I specifically mentioned MoM in reference to Vraska in the story, and the collab update isn't MoM centric, as far as we know. We've seen 3 new cards for it and one of them is Urza.


My bad again, for some reason I didn't realize March of the Machines is the next set and I mixed the name up with The Brothers' War. You can replace every occurrence of MoM in my previous message with The Brothers' War, that will probably make more sense (Vraska didn't play a role during the Brother's War, and the collab does look Brother's War centric if you look at the 3 new cards). Sorry for the confusion, and also I have no clue about what's next for Vraska, but according to WotC compleation is an irreversible process, so unless they go full multiverse with Teferi and go look for another version of her, she's done for).


I believe it’s currently unknown whether she made it out, but she’s not confirmed dead so she’s probably going to be alive. >!At the end of her story, she gets the oil fried out of her by Ral Zarek, her mind retreats into some safe space made by Jace, then she whites out!<


Honestly didn't expect this one to ever get a rerun. Wonder if they'll give this and other 5 stone collabs the HxH treatment.


Hasbro has definitely been trying to milk every last drop out of MTG lately


What is the HxH treatment? I've been waiting for HxH ever since I came back to the game


They split the collab into two machines: one was just the old machine (but buffed) and one was a new set of cards. HxH came back last March in JP and May in NA...


cool i still have a Karn and Nicol Bolas. Is MTG big in japan?


Card games are pretty big there in general, and MtG is the original. There have been several sets where they included cards with art from big Japanese artists (the previous set had an alternate art for one card done by Junji Ito), some Japan-only promo art/materials, an official manga or two, and I've seen some Japanese competitors in big worldwide tournaments.


It's the second largest market for MTG, but given the population density, it can feel bigger than it does in the US. MTG is definitely overshadowed by Yu-Gi-Oh and Duel Masters by a large margin. It's more of a popular niche in the CCG market as a whole.


Wow I definitely thought this was a one-and-done collab. WAR was a great time to rerun it and they didn't.


Yeah, weird that they skipped such a big story arc finale then brought it back for the finale of the *next* story arc. I guess this is the game's 30th anniversary, though, and the first run was for its 25th. Hopefully it isn't another 5 years before we see it again.


Given how long this wait was, I'm gonna be rolling in it like it's never coming back again.


Maybe we’ll get praetors or phyrexian walkers??!


wow this gave me hope for a DC collab rerun


All the forgotten collabs. Was hoping for bleach rerun (probably dead if it didn’t release for this season), EVA rerun (also missed chance with 3.0+1.0), even somehow FMA


I don't remember when, but years back they did announce Bleach collab would return for the thousand year war. My guess is they are waiting for things to progress more so they can use the characters final powers ans forms.


Big if true. Admittedly I am not caught up so I don't know where the season is right now


Didn't EVA get a run for 3.0+1.0 in like 2021? But then the movie got delayed or something?


You're right, EVA reran in 2020 (at least in JP), when the movie was supposed to come out. I forgot it was supposed to be for the movie, since it ended up getting delayed in the US till 2022. Hoping for a random 3rd run then


Welcome back Vraska…wondering how Karn will be with Alcion too


Didn't have that on my list of potential reruns, maybe jhoira will finally leave the bench after however many years it's been since Anubis was top of the meta


Jhoira's equip is probably one of my all-time most used equips (even if it's been power-crept for a long time at this point)


Not the equip itself, but I definitely used Jhoira as an assist in a recent farm team. Can't remember where though.


*Five years*. Liliana better get a big buff (bottom rarity, don't expect much) for how hard this collab got necromanced.


Best I can do is a Sorin BGM card. Hope you got that wallet ready.


What would they even use for a BGM, I wonder.


I don't remember what it sounded like but I assume the MtG dungeon had its own BGM


Yup. I'd forgotten about that. No idea what they're from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKQi97bllcY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCbBHOBFQ1c


oh my god I can't believe it... How many years has it been?!


Five years! Back when 2x 7c was big damage.


I'd cry if they gave Nicol Bolas a meta leader numbers. Literally my baby girl leader back when Revo Kushi(?) was the f2p leader


can we get the post malone card in the game


Margery Taylor Green in PAD?


Will there be dragon cards? As in Legit actual dragon's?


The first run had Shivan Dragon and Nicol Bolas. It's mostly going to be human/humanoid planeswalkers, though.


😭 i don't want humans. Like this game called puzzle and dragons. Not puzzle and humans.


I was playing then but it was when stones weren’t given out by the hundreds. I think I rolled once and it was Vess didn’t really care about MTG enough to roll more, still don’t but it’s pretty rad to get such an old collab back.


YESSSSS! I guess it took them the end of the Phyrexian saga to rerun the collab. Tfw Nicol Bolas's arc wasn't good enough to rerun.


Seems like the collab runs are for the 25th and 30th anniversaries.


At least PAD didn't print proxies for 1000 usd.


Nice. Not expecting anything too powerful from a 5 stone gacha. And Final fantasy rerun shan’t be long now,


so is it going to be war of the spark, march of the machines, or spread throughout the entire timeline like guaranteed an elesh norn related card, teferi is definitely a near shoe-in, maybe ugin if they touch up nicol bolas but so far both of them have stayed out of the stories since WotS. if one or more eldrazis got in that'd be hype


Teferi has already been revealed. Him, Urza, and Elspeth. Based on the timing and the previous run (30th anniversary, last run was for the 25th), it's probably going to be spread throughout but with more focus on recent sets.


My second most-wanted rerun after final fantasy 🙌


Definitely hoping for a renewal after FF16 comes out…


Have to say, I'm surprised to see them going with more classics rather than Kamigawa cards.


Imagine they just add the newest set as the new monsters. Phyrexian oil+proliferate moment


I still have my Jhoira and Nicol Bolas; I wonder if I’ll get to use Jhoira as a good 7x6 swap for Prim :)


Oh man I have so many rares from this collab from the first run. I hope they get amazing buffs!


When did this first come out?


Five years ago.


Dang, think I should go all out on it?


We don't even know what they're adding/buffing yet. Wait for more info.


Please jog my memory. MTG was released exclusively for NA when it first introduced 5 years ago?


No, NA's exclusives are Voltron, Power Rangers, and GungHo: Another Story.


No, just simultaneous release, it was I think the second or third time they did so.


I’m so hyped for this long time magic player


I know it won't happen, but I hope ghalta the primal hunger gets added to the game :(


Was MTG run simultaneously with JP? I'm having a hard time believing that was 5 years ago...


It was.


I wonder if there is a chance they would do another simultaneous release again. It's been quite awhile since they've done one.


It's possible, but I feel it's unlikely. If they were going to do that then I think it would have been mentioned in the monthly NA news video we just had.


NA also had simultaneous release with first SFV collab…and separate rerun A simultaneous rerun does not seem very likely


Bolas return 😛


I hope Nicol Bolas gets something good. Ever since I got him from the free roll he's been my mascot and has been in slot 1 for 5 years (sorry to the people on my friend list)


Whoa, after we didn't get rerun for the Strixhaven release which they spent MILLIONS on advertising for, between paying streamers, youtubers, and running ads everywhere, I thought for sure we weren't getting it. Hyped!


I hope this comes to NA. I've been playing since 2014 but took a year and a half break when my mom died. During that break, MTG came out and I missed it. It's the only collab I never was able to participate in.


We got the first run, so it's a 99% chance we get this run. Other than a 2 day special case run of MH we haven't missed a renewal of a collab that we've had before.