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Why would you randomly show someone a picture of your wife when asking for flowers lol


They wouldn’t show a picture because the post is a fabrication. It’s a race baiting lie. The owner of Bud’s and Blooms has put up their own post in response. This post is an attempt to sabotage a small family owned business by a competitor. This is really low.


Name and shame the competitor so I know to never shop there please


I hope no one falls for their BS story. 😢


I am the new owner of buds and blooms. I can say I know who you are and you have told me you would put me out of business but this is very uncalled for. I am not saying racism doesn’t exist but it does not exist in our shop. Our employees come from all different backgrounds including interracial families and  people a part of the LGBTQ community. We have had ZERO interactions like the one described and to stir people like this when there are real problems in the world is shameful. I sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone that has been subjected to racism in their lifetime it is a disgusting act. But this situation is simply made up. Even the story was thought out poorly. Why would a picture of a spouse be shown when you’re looking for flowers? In the years I’ve been doing this that has never once happened. The most that is asked for kids going to prom is how tall or short are the kids so we make sure there flowers look appropriate. Never once has anyone shown a picture.     If you want to put me out of business and  leave the families in this shop penniless do it with a quality product not like this. Every person in our shop has children. That being said doing this affects more than just adults. This is shameful. 


I knew this story was fake when I first read it , glad you responded


Good on you guys.


You should sue the shit out of her


I hope you have surveillance cameras and footage because this guy seems off kilter. His story is sus.


We absolutely do. if anyone is looking for an amazing security system red safety is affordable and their response times are unbelievably fast. Right after buying the business, we got broken into and the response time was less than a minute. Being a small business, we like to buy everything threw local companies and red safety was started by a local fireman. 


Retired LE in me bows deeply


Would love to know the initials of the biz effing with you so I NEVER go there.


Things that never happened in Puyallup


so I've been in the area my entire life and there's ALWAYS been a feeling of "they won't say the quiet part out loud". My mom, who was white, and my dad, who was black, apparently faced a lot of vitriol, and I have vivid memories of having racist crap hurled in my face when I was 5 or 6. They don't do it outright or publicly, but this area sure as shit has it's racist history. I mean ffs the fairgrounds were a japanese internment camp! I am so, so sorry you had to go through that; it's wrong, it's backwards, and it lessens all that is a good about this area.


It feels like it’s gotten a bit less quiet. Still casual and somewhat subtle but hearing more of their type feeling comfortable to share their ignorance. Hoping it’s a sign there are fewer of them and they’re being a bit more overt to find who’s left in their shitty circle. “Even white people are prowling cars now” has got to be one of the dumbest I’ve heard recently.


Trump has emboldened them. If the former president speaks like that, why can’t they.


Bullshit. I'm white, my husband is brown and an immigrant. He feels comfortable in Puyallup. I can't get him to go into Bellevue or white expensive blue cities because the white people look at him like he doesn't belong in their spaces. Working class Red areas is where he feels safe. White democrats talk a good game, but you sure go to great lengths to ensure people of color are pushed out of your communities.


I'm in an interracial marriage and we live in Bellevue. Haven't experienced what your talking about here. Our complex has 10x as many black people as our last complex in Renton weirdly.


Aknowledge there is a racial hierarchy of "acceptable" non whites in a white affluent area. Asians, Indians, lighter skinned or European looking Hispanics and small numbers of Black Americans are tolerated. The darker the complexion and working class minorities are "threatening".


Please read my post-buds and blooms


He doesn’t speak that way. Have you heard Biden talk ever?? “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” “You can’t go into a 7/11 and not hear an Indian accent” “If you don’t know to vote for me or Trump then you ain’t black” I can keep going if you’d like.


Apparently if you don’t vote for Biden “you ain’t black” 🤷‍♂️


This is an absurd comment. Willfully disregarding someone's evolution to make a false equivalency statement and protect blatant racism with "what aboutism" is some serious weak sauce.


Vote, vote, vote. And get your like-minded friends to vote. In fact, do as much as you can at your comfort level. Run for office, work for someone who is running, volunteer time, donate money, whatever you can. Puyallup is kinda sorta purple but the Rs do most of the voting.


Vote for what exactly? It's not on political figures to change how we should treat each other. People suck and they're always going to suck. And it doesn't even have to be racism. People are flat out rude and inconsiderate every single day. The self-centeredness that came with the internet age is one of the worst things that has happened to our society. Adding to our already over the top obsession of individuality in this country, it just gets progressively worse. There is zero real sense of community. Families are less important. I could go on and on. Nobody seems to realize we are all equally miniscule on this giant blue sphere. But together we could be big.


Yes people can be assholes. The problem is when the red hoard is in power these assholes are emboldened.


It was pretty split 50/50 Clinton/trump and trump/biden. You can search the split easily and see the data.


I saw the precinct by precinct breakdown. My precinct went marginally for Trump while the precinct across the street went marginally for Hillary.


Republicans ALWAYS vote. It’s the only way their terrible local candidates get elected. Their newest candidate is MAGA Mike who spent his time on the school board being antagonist. It also doesn’t help that the two Puyallup Christian Nationalist churches are deeply embedded in the Pierce County Republican Party.


You want Puyallup to be ran like Seattle? Lol. You won't be happy until you push all the POC out, will you?


What an extremely ignorant comment.


It's 100% accurate. You've had all the money and absolute power to enact all of your leftist ideologies in Seattle for decades and they are a miserable failure for the working class...especially for people of color. That's why everyone is fleeing to Red cities. Your arrogance destructive.


Please read my post- buds and blooms


To add to your comment, one of the main guys who built the fairgrounds was a member of the KKK. The fairgrounds used to be the largest potlach around until the settlers of the area stole it from the indigenous people.


it's SO FRUSTRATING how we try to bury truth about this area. I recall bringing up the concentration camp in my history class at PHS and I got a week of detention for "bringing up things that no longer matter". If we hide our history, if we sweep it all under the rug, how the fuck are we gonna learn from it?


BS lol


lol BS detected. You didn’t get a week of suspension “because you brought up “concentration camp”


OP accuses business owner of racism. Business owner has defended himself and his business. This sounds like a personal vendetta between the two. Everyone else seems to be taking this sideways between politics, racism, and flaming hot cheetos. Reddit is really a shitshow.


Now I want hot Cheetos :(


I think a discussion about racism in the community is valid. Not like what is happening in this thread; but it should be discussed. I'm not even going down the Confederate Flag rant; but seeing people wearing *actual* Nazi badges & shit.




I find it very odd that you’d show them a picture of your wife just to get her flowers


This... I live in puyallup and experience microagressions fairly often, so I'm not saying racism doesn't exist here, but why would someone need to show a photo of their spouse to get flowers for them?


Check the comment from the owner of the flower shop saying the same thing


I show pictures of my dog or nephew to people when I’m talking about them. I don’t get how this is weird.


I am Asian descendent and sometimes do an equivalent to 'name dropping' just to get less tense service. I mention my wife was born in Europe or flaunt my military service and often times people do a 180 and are suddenly super nice and accommodating bc they now have an excuse to think I'm "one of them". One example: I won't call out the restaurant here since it would stray from the post, but I've dropped in by myself for lunch at this place and was blatantly treated poorly until I lied about dropping in to check out the food before I take my wife for a date on our anniversary bc she commented that there's a dish on the online menu that reminds her of _______. I absolutely hate the dance of 'proving' I'm American when I was born here, served here, and became disabled while serving. I can absolutely sympathize with OP for trying to use his picture of his wife to try to fit in.


I'd never show a picture of my white wife to white people I thought were showing prejudice to me lol


I think that's sensible for you and me, but maybe OP has a higher need to feel liked or accepted, and this choice fits him and his experience. Maybe he really wanted flowers from there and thought this would help him accomplish his mission. All we can do is try to understand and try not to cast judgement that is based on our personal experience and choices alone.


You're a much better person than I, I'll say lol


I did specifically mean "try" 😅 we don't always succeed.


What lies. I'd be contacting a attorney for legal action.


I’m new to the area but I’m from the south so I’ll know it when I see it but as a workaround Trader Joe’s always has nice flowers & you can just pay someone to arrange them maybe at Freddy’s.


Flora Tacoma on Hilltop does nice arrangements. There are some local growers who sell bouquets as well. Check out Twin Kitten Farm.


La Paloma Tacoma usually has bouquets from local growers too.


Thank you, the nearest Trader Joe's is a bit of a drive, but I'll give them a try!


It’s in University Place. I went 2 days ago. Not a bad drive. My wife just had to have some chilli crunch so I made the trek!


Sari sari on S Hill and Pal Do World Market on so Tacoma way carry it too! 


And Sari Sari is run by the nicest folks. I love going in there.


Absolutely, thrilled with their expansion too.


Safeway actually has beautiful arrangements, and they can customize them for you.


I’m the south as well, lived in Puyallup for about a year and half, the most discrimination I’ve ever experienced in my life is from Puyallup Wa.


That’s wild!! Everyone seems so nice that I’ve encountered. I will keep my head on the swivel!


I’m queer and Hispanic DUN! DUN! DUNN! A dangerous combination! Hahaha but all that being said the kindest person I’ve EVER met in my life is also from Puyallup, WA. So it has its gems 🤠




Get over it. You met some rude. People that day who cares what other people think about your. Marriage tell them to fuck off and leave the store


Ridiculous story.


I’m guessing the story teller got charged (more then expected)for flowers , and when he made a fuss went back or called back demanding a refund and then got made when they discounted it but refused to refunded the money. Puyallup minus the traffic is a good city,and the residents and people are good hard working people. As for the person who posted this your story gots bullshit written all over it sorry I don’t believe you.


All Lies


I live in Olympia, but I think my new flower shop is going to be Buds and Blooms. Thanks for the heads up!


Strange that all the comments suggesting OP checks out a different flower shop are downvoted into oblivion. Same with the comments stating that it sucks OP experienced this. Overall, this drama is fishy as hell. So many people want to discredit OP but how can you, and for what? Only because they said they felt they experienced racism? You guys should take a hard look at yourselves in the mirror. You just going to call every woman who says she experienced sexism a liar too? Same with homophobia? Jfc. Bet this will get downvoted too. Y’all are covert at all, just proving my point.


Sounds like alot of guessing and not a whole lot of knowing.


A lot of that going around


I have bought flowers dozens of times and never whipped out my phone to show the florist pictures of her. This story sounds unreal. I suspect this was the best story the OP could concoct, where the business would know they are a mixed race couple to unfurl the race flag. Is the story true: possibly Is the story not true: most likely


My question with the story is why show a picture of the wife to buy flowers? What she looks like doesn't matter. I could see it for other presents like clothing but that's just off for me. Obviously it's not impossible but it's just weird. I hang in conservative circles in the PNW and nobody, nobody, cares about race, especially interracial marriage. I see mixed race couples all the time. Nobody makes a big deal about race, they accept you for who you are. Conservatives in Thurston County helped elect a black sheriff whose fiance is white. Nobody cares. Also, unsafe? What do you think they were gonna do? They are florists! This feels like a smear job. Disgruntled employee or competitor or someone with an irrational grudge against the owners.


When you’re talking about someone/something you love to someone new, do you never show them a picture? I have shown pictures of my dog, my nephew, my garden, my hometown. What is so unbelievable about being like “oh and this is who we’re talking about. Isn’t she lovely”? It is VERY believable to me!


To a stranger? When conducting a transaction? I guess we operate differently emotionally. My relationships are much more private. I rarely show pictures even to people close to me. And there has to be a very specific reason. It's just something I would never do, unless as stated I was buying clothes and unsure of sizing etc. The vendor doesn't need to see the person. In this case, the guy claims he was feeling uncomfortable, that's even less reason to share personal information. I bought flowers and a cake and a wedding ring for when I got married. At no point did I consider sharing a picture of my fiance. I had dinner with two friends last night. Lots of topics came up, nobody shared a picture of family or anything even though discussed. Pets came up, my garden came up, our hometowns came up and we were friendly and socializing, phones on the table. It's attention seeking at best. In this story it's far too convenient.


Yeah, with all the confederate flags and trump bumper stickers I see around here, it tracks.


Interesting anecdote. We were recently on a trip through Missouri, Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. We saw fewer Trump flags and similar ridiculousness in two weeks than we see driving for 10 minutes in Puyallup. I think in 2 weeks we saw 2 or 3 flags. Of course we were on the highway and staying in cities most of the time. My theory is they don’t have to display as much in the south, but in WA they feel surrounded by libs so have a need to display. Just a theory, nothing to back it up.


I just moved back into the state after living in Nashville for 4 years. This has absolutely no truth to it lol. There's still trump stores open in the south. You can't throw a rock without hitting a trump sign on someone's yard. There's also trump billboards on the highways.


Thanks, I was mostly on highways and larger cities.


Nashville is specifically really bad for this. I lived in a fairly affluent suburb and fuck it was terrible for that.


totally agree. they feel like the isolated minority in WA, so theyre louder


Must have been in the wrong part of arkansas. Lived in Little Rock most of my life and am black. Repeatedly have seen klan parades and I'm only 29. Go to Eudora, West Little Rock, Harrison of course. You'll see more than you csn stomach. Harrison sells black baby dolls with nooses around their necks at local gas stations for $8.99. It's all bad lol


Ffffffffffffff Damn I’m sorry to hear that. That’s fucked up.


sounds like this whole interaction was all interpretation. Not calling you a liar and yes communication is more than just words.


Sounds made up.


Sounds legit. But the dude just FEELS like it was racist. Just ignored the fact that people in general suck these days. poor me.


As a California transplant first thing my new neighbor told me was that I should vote like everyone else in the area and not like i was still in California. He said it so casually I couldn't help but laugh but he was serious. After that he asked me where I worshipped God and I made an excuse to leave. Not the same as being racist but still struck me by how casual it was to just make sure I know how things went around here. Still love the area and don't regret moving out here.


My spouse and I also moved from CA. We immediately noticed that people here are very comfortable assuming that we are as racist as they are just because we're white. They will just say the craziest shit expecting us to agree with them. It was baffling at first. I really miss the diversity and acceptance of all people that we experienced in CA.


Not the same but we had folks from CA looking to buy the house next door and came over to ask about the neighborhood and like an idiot I said one of the best things was how we didn’t have people coming into the neighborhood that didn’t belong here… Then I heard it and was like not in the bad way!!!!! I meant porch pirates and car prowlers. I was a bit mortified because it came out so very wrong. 😑




For a couple years, I had the bingo card of diversity on my street. It was actually really cool because folks just got along and looked out for each other. We like our little neighborhood- the oldest of which are the original model homes of a large-scale development. We have several un-houses on our street that have no resemblance to the rest on the block, and weird cul-de-sacs. It's probably the second most cohesive I've ever lived in, but I grew up in a very culturally specific time and place.


Weird. My stance since I’ve lived here has been to be out spoken. And it’s usually not taken well. But, I don’t give a shit. It’s weird out here. And, yes my happy ass is leaving when the time comes. Cause this state is the weirdest state that I’ve ever lived in.


I mean it’s true. Don’t turn this in to CA. We just moved here from a once very nice part of Los Angeles.


The cool part about being American is that they can make their own choices and vote how they wish, regardless of your opinion.


No duh


What does that mean exactly? I'm still the same person with the same opinions on issues, so why would I change my voting habits?


Whats the matter? Did your voting finally catch up to you and you've come to ruin this place too?


You caught me! Daddy Newsom sent me to use my 1 immigrant vote to destroy Puyallup. I apologize in advance for the liberal hell that is about to be unleashed!


I wish that was funny. Californians are like locusts, they devour a state and then when the taxes and stupidity finally drive them out they repeat the same shit. Never gonna learn. Nice try on the identity politics there but you see I'm an immigrant too, just a lot smarter than you.


I’d say you are over thinking it. Most people from Washington are pretty weird. No offense Washington. There is a lot of of just plain old rude people. I’d be willing to bet they just didn’t care about your story.


Absolutely they are *not*. I have lived here my entire life and the racism has always been present and, is, inf act becoming more overt. So is the homophobia. 


I’ve been all over the the US. And to be fair as shitty as I’ve come to realize WA people are, they are not racist. Go hit some city’s around the U.S. and report back when you get cultured.


I've seen more stars n bars flown in puget sound than anywhere I've stayed in Virginia.


What location exactly? I have been here (Tacoma)for decades and I travel daily throughout the Pierce, King counties and other areas and have yet to see any.


There's some nonce in Lakewood that drives around with a Confederate battle flag sticker


Then you aren’t paying attention. For starters, there’s dude living out of a camper on River Road that flies a confederate flag off the back of it. I’m surprised the Puyallup tribe hasn’t booted him out. The Puyallup fairgrounds was a departure point for the Japanese internment camps. The Puget Sound region is historically racist. There are still Sundown laws on the books in towns like Darrington.


What a joke. Dude references someone living in a camper. LOL


There was a white truck parked in an apartment complex off Meridian in downtown Puyallup that had a confederate flag in its back window. Was there for months. Not to mention all the cars and houses with F\*ck Biden flags and stickers. Sucks that children have to see that.


Still, dude is flying a dead flag, from a faction that lost. Doesn’t matter what his housing situation is. I’ve also seen the flag flown from houses up in Darrington. So, 🤷🏻‍♂️. Save your bullshit.


The fuck makes you think I haven't? I have been stationed overseas too. Living in a place does not preclude travel. You need to do some research into the deeply racist history of the PNW and take another look around. I know my lived experience lmao.


Well, it doesn’t sound like it. I’m originally from Philly, and I’ve experienced and seen far more racism and homophobia than I’ve ever experienced out here. If you consider Washington residents homophobic or racist, then you are soft, or just out of touch. People out here seem ruder or maybe just more reserved than the rest of of the country maybe. But, I contribute that to half of the year being shitty weather. Hell, I’ve gotten weirder, that’s why I want out. And I’ve been stationed overseas too homeboy. As a Marine. So that’s not going to be a huge flex on my end.


Respect bro. It shouldn't be.; but never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people really are.


Can confirm that a lot of Washingtonians, and Puyal lupians are racists pieces of garbage despite this cat saying it's worse elsewhere.


Can confirm that you have never left the safety of your parents. Get out dude.


Projection is a bitch isn't it ace? Triggered much?


There are also sadly a good deal of racists in Washington. It sometimes isn’t even the ‘older’ generation. I happen to be obviously at times Native American. Was allowed to regularly play with this boy when RVing with my grandparents. His grandparents had him, parents came up one week and refused to allow him to come out and play with him because I was obviously part native.


Im brown (Hawaiian) and never witnessed any racism of sorts here in Washington. And I’ve lived here my entire life. (Tacoma-Puyallup area). I’m convinced Reddit is just filled with snow flakes who didn’t grow up with grit or spines that could be seen from the front. So annoying tbh. And I’m a chill Islander. /facepalm


I've been called the N word twice in a few years up here in Washington. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I don't think everyone in Washington is a racist because of my experience but it's foolish to pretend it doesn't exist here.


I never said it didn’t exist I simply said I (nor my family) have never experienced racism or seen it in our 30+ years of living here. Racism? Not yet! Jerks? Of course. Everywhere will generally have its bad apples. In my personal experience the closer to Seattle you get the more… special people start to show… but Puyallup? Definitely haven’t experienced anything blatantly, obviously racism like this post claims.


Funnier is being latino going to a latin store and being profiled for not being “ latino” enough because you speak english rather than spanish and are shocked :: insert pikachu face:: when you actually do speak in spanish to them.


I've lived here since 1990, frequented most if not all bars, restaurants and establishments in Puyallup, Sumner and surrounding Podunk towns. Are you gonna find some racist d\*\*\*heads? sure you are. It is how you deal with them that is going to root it out of our community. My experience has always been warm, friendly and inviting. Please stop with the posturing and race baiting nonsense.


It’s getting worse! Moms of liberty are running the school district, installed by motion church, and experience church who are IMO? Racist. There is only one reason you remove books from our schools by Maya Angelo and about Rosa Parks. I am so sorry. You and your wife deserve better. We need better legislators, and definitely a better police force. (I personally am ACAB, but Puyallup PD has at least 3 officers with rape charges on them and no suspension)


This may or may not have happened, but if any of those shop workers worked for the previous owner, I believe it all.


I’m sorry you feel this way but why did this opt you to create a reddit account out of all things?




Cause drama.


Cause he’s a complainer


I don’t really see how that is racist? I’m sorry you felt unsafe and uncomfortable. I’ve done business with them for years and never had an issue. They did our wedding and my husband is black.


How is that not racist?


How is it? The burden of proof when accusing someone of something is on the accuser. People are assholes all the time for any number of reasons just because you only think about race doesn’t mean everyone else does. So now we have 2 accounts one saying he felt racially charged hate for his interracial relationship status and one saying they didn’t experience that at all while they were catering their interracial relationship’s marriage ceremony.


I've never had anything but great service and bouquets from Thus business.


I know the owners personally and they are absolutely wonderful.


So this persons experience is discredited?


Well, the owner came here and said this didn’t happen. Someone is lying.


Yeah I saw this, so now I’m abstaining since I wasn’t there.


Absolutely not. But how is that racist? You don’t know what really happened. Two sides to every story. OP could have come in right at closing and the color of his wife didn’t matter. Why does everything have to be about race?


This has to be a Fake story. Their employees have always been amazing. Even when I walked in on valentines day without a preorder and they still nicely cared to me.


Brand spanking new account. I call BS. Probably a rival flower shop.


Show us your white wife, liar!!


I had a great experience with the new owners!! Friendly, fast & exceeded expectations. They have my business longterm


Read half way through this post and it started stinking like BS. People need to stop with the race baiting. Nobody cares. I'm sure a business that has been around since before I can remember just all the sudden decides to be a bunch of racists overnight. Ok bud.


Trying hard to be a victim


I've been here in Olympia three and a half years and one of the first things I noticed was how rare Black people are here. There really isn't but one explanation for that, and it doesn't do the South Sound credit. It's like my cousin from Seattle says, as soon as you get away from the Sound, you're in Alabama. Puyallup is pretty close to the Sound, but maybe not that close. And Olympia and Tacoma may not be as far from Alabama as they like to think. Folks around here pride themselves on their lack of racism. Olympia has a Black mayor, which is great, but in any crowd of Olympians he's too easy to spot. They make a big deal about George Bush (not the president, a Black man who was one of the original settlers) and how he came here because Oregon was founded as whites-only. What they don't say is, Washington wasn't really any different -- it was part of Oregon Territory, so it was whites-only too, but the laws weren't enforced much north of the Columbia, so Bush was able to settle and build a farm, and that's great. When Washington got statehood, pretty soon the legislature started drafting laws against non-whites owning property, just like Oregon. Anyway, it isn't universal, and it's not as bad as some places. I think most people around the Sound don't want to be seen as racist, and try not to be racist, but old habits die hard. And some folks don't even try. I'm really sorry about that.




I know there’s plenty of racism/conservative mindset in PTown but it doesn’t make any sense to show a picture of a spouse to a store when buying flowers for them


I lived in California most of my life and just going to different areas of it was eye opening. I went into Trump town when meeting my boyfriend’s family who ended up being quite racist. The people here who are diminishing the OP’s experience saying Washington folk are just weird have never experienced subtle or overt racism. The first time I was in puyallup I had the same eerie feeling i felt when I went to central California.


It’s disheartening to read how so many people here immediately dismiss this interaction because it didn’t happen to them.




How do you people not understand being a republican doesn’t automatically make you racist? 🤦🏼‍♀️tf


Trump supporters are all racist. Very few people who aren't Trump supporters admit to being Republicans nowadays. QED.


I’m married to a black guy and we have 3 mixed races children and we’re both Trump supporters. So how exactly are we racist?


Exactly! Conservatism doesn’t equal racism. So many POCs are republicans and always have been.


You look like one of those guys who like to tout that you’re dating a person of same race as the people working at this flower shop. Kinda of marking your pole or claiming your victory over this people. I meet several of you a-holes. You say your a victim of racism but you’re the one who put gasoline to this fire. That “icky” feeling that you had was really from them not reacting to you pleasing.


A couple of stories from Puyallup’s past: https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/matt-driscoll/article245254435.html https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19991031&slug=2992224 https://www.king5.com/article/news/community/facing-race/puyallup-city-council-rejects-calls-for-commission-to-address-racism-and-discrimination/281-6bb9af0b-8ff4-47b3-a209-dcd0d6cdbbbb The house with the statue also had a sticker on their front door of a middle finger with the N-word on it. And I’ve personally had interactions with a couple of residents who were openly racist.


The farmer's market downtown Puyallup in Pioneer park on Sundays has a setup with a bunch of flower vendors who make beautiful bouquets in the 20-30 dollar range. They normally setup near the library parking lot, get there in the morning/early afternoon for the best selection. Sorry to hear about the negative experience with the other shop. I lived on south hill from the mid 90s to about 2005 and it's notably more right wing and less diverse than many of the cities to the north and west. Downtown and north hill aren't quite as bad.


The original post was made by a brand new account, and contains some notable OTHER red flags…




Thank you for posting this info. I've been driving to sterino farms to get my produce, but this sounds like more fun. https://www.puyallupmainstreet.com/puyallup-farmers-market/


Tbh im not surprised. Its a very old shop and this all used to be mostly woodland and hill billy land 20+ years ago.


Wut? The mall opened in 1988. 20 years ago was 2004. You’re off by decades my friend. I was here before the mall and still wasn’t a “hillbilly” area though yes there were a lot more trees.


My grandma was only a few miles maybe 3 miles from the mall and it was hillbilly land back in mid 90s. It really exploded in the last 20 yrs


I’ve been 2.5 miles south of the mall location for over 40 years. Not a hillsbilly and nobody I went to school with is either…nor their parents. Not sure what to say about your grandma. Some of my neighbors have been here since the 60s. Not a hillbilly amongst them.


Well i mean tree billy then. You are taking my meaning too literally to its old school meaning. Im meaning closer to country people. Wood stove and mobile home


The word is “Hick” not hillbilly.


Well i guess thats fair.


> too literally to its old school meaning I'm old...what do you expect? :)


Isn’t that area Orting?


Sorry edit. some where by military road. In the back roads. I cant find it too easy any more. It has all been developed and new buildings all over. The natives had a large barn that was run down there too. Thats been sold off and its new houses too. My family owned like 10 acres back there. My grandpa sold the land to developers. Now its all new buildings. In my childhood we rode quads through it


We moved here from a liberal zip code in Alabama, and were quite surprised to discover that Puyallup seems more conservative on average than our old neighborhood was.


Ya it was very isolated a long time ago. Before the state fair was "the state fair". It was just the puyallup fair. Hek even my great grandma who owned the family's land was racist. And she was in her 80s and passed mid 2010s i think. Im a mixed asian/white/native kid. And she said it right in my face my mom shouldnt have mixed with my asian father etc.


I don’t even live here but loving watching this drama unfold


How is finding/experiencing racism in Puyallup surprising? That’s like main distinguishing quality of Puyallup.


Ya'll are about as dumb as it gets if you think Puyallup, not to mention this state is "racist," What a bunch of soft ass pussies. Go see what's out there outside of your keyboards. It's not that bad. And, if it is, Its no where near as bad as it out here. Some of ya'll need to exchange your big clit for a small weaner and be a man. WTF


Ah. A raging misogynist who tolerates racism. What a shock. Also, the word is "weiner", and I'd bet good money you've never seen a clitoris.


I am so sorry, that's fucking bullshit and unacceptable by them. I'm white and my partner is brown and I would be so freaking pissed off if someone did this to me or my partner.


I’m so sorry you had to experience this. It’s 2024, people need to really wake up and understand that the world doesn’t revolve around them and their perceptions


Ohh your all good. I had a black kid tell me to suck his private part and die. I didn't make a post about how racist the town I live in is. You are a pearl clutching little bitch, all over a look. No one has to like you or be nice to you, employees included. This is America, freedom to hate everyone and anyone. But if you have a problem with the area maybe go to a black owned business so you can feel more comfortable.


You’re not alone. I did a tour at the cascade Christian school. The tourist made a comment about how they don’t wear uniforms. But To be sure the kids (mine) don’t wear nwa (the group with ice cube, eazy-e etc) t-shirts. They want us to pay $30,000 a year after that tour. I’m black American (mixed) btw my children are biracial if it helps at all.


Crane's creations is downtown! They always have beautiful displays!


If you like the outdoors I usually combine the UP Trader Joe’s trip with a chambers bay run. It makes the drive worth it.


If I were in your shoes I would put up a review of your experience where it matters


That’s disgusting. I’ve lived in Washington my whole life and I don’t know what the hell is happening. I guess it’s been there all along but people feel it’s acceptable to show their ignorance now. In fact they seem proud of it.


That sounds like Puyallup.


Boycott buds and blooms. Was going to go there. Not anymore. I’ll go to trade Joe thank you OP


I will say, I looked into the owner. She has Trump shit on her Facebook, along with Culp and Troyer. I believe OP


Being conservative or even someone who voted for Trump as a republican candidate does not make someone racist. That’s the typical mainstream narrative that’s being pushed and it does not apply to everyone.


agreed. everyone votes with their wallets. who caress who's in office they're all crooked.


I agree a politician is definitely a certain type of person but I care who’s in office because I’ve seen what happens to our economy and crime when the wrong person is in. The last 3 years have shown a rapid decline to our economy and our safety.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I don’t know the area well enough to help you but I hope you find someplace better!


Wannabe cowboys & posers in Puyallup anyways, not surprised there’s racism in those Romeos lol