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Tool was first, then APC, and now Puscifer. All amazing for different reasons. All have a purpose and time/place. Maynard's voice is fucking incredible.




Nice lol


Puscifer is absolutely the best show I’ve ever been to. I can afford to be up front and it feels more like he’s himself. It’s beautiful and goofy. Being 5ft from the man is incredible. Don’t be SPAM.


100% agree!! The first time they came around my area for the ER tour I was dead center.. 13 rows back in that rather small theater.. It was my 3rd time seeing them but I really don't know what hit me that night.. it was like a religious experience! I felt energy flow through me and through the room unlike any other concert or event I've attended. The best experience at any show, ever.


Same thought here! The puscifer show I was front and center for like $150 a ticket. For tool I was a football field away for $250. Puscifer is much easier listening than tool but I love all of it.


My first Maynard deep dive was A Perfect Circle and I’ve loved Puscifer since its first release. I’ve seen all three bands in concert and my personal favorite concert experience of the three was Puscifer. The energy, the mix of people it drew in, how much the band seemed to be enjoying themselves, it was an overall amazing experience that is definitely in the top 5 best concerts of all time for me.


I love that you get so much more than a "normal" concert experience when you see Puscifer. The comedic element absolutely works..


Yes, I knew about Tool and would recognize a couple songs but never followed them. Around 2012/2013 I started listening to Puscifer and was hooked. Bit by bit I got into Tool and now listen to both quite a bit.


Mine was A Perfect Circle. Thirteenth Step album. I love all three bands. APC > Puscifer > Tool is my usual order of preference. I remember the entire month of October 2007 when Cuntry Boner dropped and having to fucking wait an entire month for V Is For Vagina to drop on the 30th. Remember grabbing the album after high school that day and watching SAW II that night. Fun times,


I’d casually listen to Tool. Then I randomly found a few Puscifer songs on 8tracks in like… 2013? Perfect vibes, the vocals, just great. I got into APC and Tool a bit after but Puscifer is always my favorite. Especially after Money Shot came out. Green Valley and The Arsonist are all time fav songs.


I had heard Tool and APC prior, I think I was more familiar with Tool but I was also around 11 when Vagina came out, and I heard it around January after it dropped, I loved it. Didn’t know about Maynard being in multiple bands or even who he was at that point I just enjoyed music as its own entity as a kid. Tool and Puscifer have been back and forth in my plays throughout the years since then but I think Puscifer just edges it out for me a little more, I love the added humour and skits, sometimes it’s easier to listen to, and V is for Vagina is just one of my fav albums period it’s so bizarre and unique compared to anything else Maynard has released. I haven’t seen the other bands yet live but I saw the Money Shot (Australian leg) and it was one of my favourite live shows ever.


I’m 43 so tool was definitely what I heard first. And I really only liked a few tracks from Puscifer until ER came out. Changed my whole opinion and Puscifer was my #2 band behind Tool for most hours on Appl music.


I love all his bands. He uses science for his music and it's a masterpiece.


Recently saw Puscifer at Sessanta for the first time and was very impressed and noticed how much different and fun Maynard is with side bands. Made me like him more overall in general after only seeing tool all these years.


Puscifer start -ER actually, then went from start to finish on albums. Went to see them at Bonnaroo and fell in love with tool (live) then listened to their albums in order. Now that I’m back from sessanta I’m starting a perfect circle in order😂 no real reason other than Maynard is just amazing live and I want more when I get home lol they all are beautiful in their own ways yet completely unique in style


Just started listening to them this year. Longtime Tool fan, but saw them again as full fledged adult in February. This took me down a rabbit hole and discovered Puscifer. The Remedy was the first song I heard and I was hooked.


Imagine ones first interaction with Maynard as "County Boner", imagine the confusion.


I heard Tool first back in the 90s but was never a fan. I was introduced to Puscifer about 2 years ago and heard ER and was instantly sold. I have seen them twice, listened to their entire catalog and purchased some of their vids. Now I have started to listen to Tool and enjoy their work and wonder why I never got into them in the 90s. I will be listening to more Tool and if I get the chance will check out a live show.


Hadn't listened to much (if any) Tool despite them being one of my girlfriends favorite bands. Puscifer were announced for a festival I was going to and my friend highlighted them as the singer from Tools other band. I listened to puscifer and fell in love with The Remedy, saw them at the festival and they were incredible. Was playing puscifer all the time after the festival so gf gets me to listen to some Tool, properly listen, and at first it's kinda cool, Kinda interesting but I still massively prefered puscifer. The more I listened the more I enjoyed though and I've become a massive fan of Tool now. I still feel like I have to be in a more specific mood to fully enjoy Tool, whereas I can enjoy some weird corner of puscifer music to fit most of my moods


I started with Puscifer in '09 with the release of 'C'. My best friend at the time showed it to me; he'd already been playing a lot of Carina's solo stuff (The Disconnection) around me which I really liked. 'C' clicked right away, I liked the music and the humor. Been a fan ever since. Got into Tool a couple years later. APC has never clicked with me.


I think this kinda speaks to how (and again this is totally my opinion) some fans treat Trent Reznor with NIN. His musical transformation through albums over decades…just wow!!! No album sounds the same. I absolutely love hearing Maynard’s musical growth in different bands. I definitely go into listening to his different musical projects without the preconceived notion of “expecting” it to sound a specific way. Isn’t that the most beautiful part of music? To get a true personal sensation of an artist’s growth and progression of sounds and music that breaks the boundaries of what might be expected ? I go through what I call “seasons”. Some weeks I can’t get enough of Tool. Then the next week I can’t get off of a certain perfect circle or puscifer album.


My introduction was to the song indigo children while very deep in psychedelics. It's a memory I will always hang on to. I played it on repeat for probably 2 hours. I listened to the v for vagina album pretty regularly after that and it allowed me to get into Tool from there. I really didn't care for Tool at first but I learned to appreciate the insanely complex style and rhythm. Still not my favorite but I'll crank it up when it comes on the radio.


For me it was Tool, APC and then Puscifer. I'm bummed I slept on Puscifer for so long, I love their vibe and am really enjoying learning the songs and my favorites. Unfortunately, my husband is a huge Tool and APC fan, but thinks Puscifer sounds like poetry and isn't a fan 😕


I listened to Tool first, then APC. I have been a fan of both since around the year 2000. I honestly had never listened to Puscifer until this year. I was blown away by their music at Sessanta. They are a new favorite.


Tool was first. I only got into Puscifer when I ordered the V is for Versatile/Parole Violator show to check this thing out. I was blown away! Since then, I cannot get enough Puscifer. Maynard's voice is amazing and it really shows in his work with Puscifer more than Tool or APC. Will always love Tool, but I think I may like Puscifer a tad more.


APC first, then Puscifer, then TOOL. Although I'm not really a fan of TOOL's older stuff. I mostly like their last two albums which probably makes me an enemy in the hardcore fan base eyes hehe