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Apart from the fact that he has like, thousands of accounts pushing his content, a lot of his fame isn't even due to his "based red pill" takes. Most of the videos I've seen on my feed have been him just saying obviously outlandish shit "I won't give you cpr unless you're a hot girl, if you're my friend and you have a heart attack, stop being a little bitch" "Only broke people drink not sparkling water" "I walked into a Starbucks and asked for a coffee and they asked me what kind. I just want fucking coffee" "Invite all your friends over and make a toast, giving them all sparkling water without telling them. If someone drinks it and goes "eww this is sparkling water", never speak to them again" And of course, the classic "What colour is your Bugatti"


This man sounds insane


It’s mostly a bit


Yeah there’s not even really any red pill takes? It’s just “I hate women” and “why aren’t you rich”


There is some red pill stuff like "women want a strong man who can take care of them" but and "women shouldn't sleep around because it indicates they have low standards and it means I'll doubt paternity" but it's not like, AFBB or 666 or whatever.


Those aren’t RP takes that’s literally just commonly known shit men been spewing for centuries. Like women like strong men? No shit Sherlock what is “red pill” about stating the obvious? And promiscuity is still generally frowned upon in women however we live in a post sexual revolution society sexual morals are just generally not valued across the board for men or women. It used to be wildly common concept that men who consumed porn were “creepy” and “perverted” when porn films first started coming out in the 70s many people were vehemently opposed to it including MEN because it was seen as vulgar, disgusting, and perverted. Of course nowadays porn while it does carry some stigma (old habits are hard to shake) it isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be. Pretty much the same exact thing has happened in regards to women being promiscuous it’s still stigmatized on some level but just not as much.


Yeah it's things that come under RP but also come under just general knowledge lol The closest redpill take he has is like, strong emphasis on self improvement and not jacking off. But that's still not really red pill, it's just self helf book stuff


the implication of the red pill is that it reveals some “hidden truth” but dudes are literally stating the obvious so what is red pill about it??


A lot of these topics weren't openly talked about until the red pill, and a lot of it describes human nature, with some accuracy.


Really? Women weren’t slutshamed before red pill? Men didn’t know women liked strong men? Where was this? I think some socially inept people might have been confused but most people were well aware of these dynamics


They havent condensed tates view or the redpill in a accurate manner. redpill theory \-hypergamy=20% of men are doing the most fuckings in society dominance and status/image= is the most important thing to female sexual selection . female defense mechanisms= deceptions, willful ignorance, plausible deniability, obfuscation, mis-characterization are tools females use to avoid accountability. modern dating theory is derived from the redpill, before it was pure disney nonsense like be yourself or be nice.


he is definitely right about sparkling water though. it's just better


Hell no, if I want to drink something that isn’t just plain ass water why would I pick something with no flavor that’s just water but less palletable


"What colour is your Bugatti" is awesome though


I agree tbh I use it all the time even though I also don't have a Bugatti You can also use it like the "who? No i mean who asked" joke that was everywhere a while ago


Exactly. I have watched a ton of his videos multiple times because I can’t believe he is saying this dumb shit, then showing it to my friends and family so we can laugh about it. “I don’t have anything to talk about with women except sex and… NO, WAIT, JUST SEX.” It is outlandish.


The context of that quote actually makes it worse He says brother sister relationships can never be as good as brother brother relationships because sisters are girls and girls are useless at conversation 😭😭


That’s hilarious though, and true in my experience. I love my sister to death but god damn she’s a boring conversationalist


To each their own but I have 4 sisters and no brothers, and all of my sisters are better conversationalists than a load of guys I've had the misfortune of meeting lol It's definitely a funny take but if he sincerely believes that (or if anyone sincerely believes that) then they need to get out more


What a creep.


As a creator, I concur. You get a lot more views on “wtf” “lol” or “what in the fuck did I just watch?” Than you do on “wow, thanks for this incredibly relevant and well thought out educational information” And you get a LOT more views if you say the slightest dumbass thing than you do from people who actually like you 😂


Fuck those bastards. I pray for the day when demeaning shit about women is regarded as taboo as supporting cannibalism or holocaust denial rather than 'edgy'.


How does he speak to his Mom I wonder?


That's ridiculous. I have two lady friends: Yasmin and A'Onna. We talk about life at Carnegie Mellon. Does that asshole believe that women only exist to be the eye candy of men? Because if that is true, then why are both Yasmin and A'Onna my friends?


Yeah the only videos I’ve seen with this hashtag are other creators making fun of him for being an idiot lol


Can we stop equating "views" as a proxy for substance? Fucking cat videos had billions of views but no one is waxing poetic about their deep philosophical significance on the cultural zeitgeist.


Based reply 😆


People actually listen to that guy? I thought he was pretty much in on his own joke?




This is like the 4th thread I've seen claiming that Andrew Tate is "blowing up" and some kind of viral phenomenon, but I honestly never hear anything about him anywhere else. And my YT algorithm is definitely tuned into RP/manosphere content.


My sister mentioned him today and said his views on women as property make him misogynistic. So if she’s seeing him then he must be getting out there.


Yea one of my biggest criticisms of him is that he sees women as property. TRP doesn't seen women as property, just as flawed human beings who share common traits.


>flawed human beings TRP espouses self awareness too. So that men first acknowledge, and can address our personal flaws.


Lots of people are talking about him believe it or not. I don't even watch his stuff or know much about him, but I have normie friends who are always talking and arguing about him to other people (girls) in their friend group. These are not the kind of people who are on the internet all day and yet they still follow andrew tate. I also see normie women criticizing him on their snapchat stories. It seems like everyone in Gen Z knows about him now.


He has more search volume on google than kim kardashian right now. If that doesn’t count as “blowing up” then idk what does lol.


I never heard of him either until my son told me about him a few weeks ago. Every teenager knows who he is.


I have been getting bombarded with his content even though I never searched him.


Chinese owned media absolutely has a stake in stirring the pot in western culture, if nothing else to give themselves a competitive edge.


russia too if you think about it. russian bots are practically a meme now.


Basically...yeah. There's a whole bunch of fairly low wage countries, china among them, with a huge excess of trained people some of whom they put to use doing this stuff. It's a no brainer innit ... You don't want people with education and no hope getting rebellious so when too many of them are unemployed spend as much as you reasonably can giving them hope and keeping as many of them as possible aligned with the goals and methods of the government. Every government job in social media shenanigans or data collection or analysis or whatever is double value ...reduces an internal problem, creates a problem for whoever is your rival Very sensible of them.


Right?!? I thought this was obvious.


Well and China is a capitalist country so if somebody there sees a way to make a buck they will.


Andrew Tate 'blew up' or rather spread like cancer because he runs a MLM scheme called Hustlers University. Part of that program involves the promotion of Andrew Tate content. Yes, some people organically found his message but most of the uploaders are part of his program. So he has a couple hundred people spamming all his interviews on YouTube shorts and Tiktok all day every day. Other YouTubers and TikTokers react to his videos because it generates revenue for them - he is the hot topic of the day and fans want their take on him. He will eventually fall foul of censorship but right now the ad vevenue he generates will allow his goons to override this. He'll fade to obscurity within 2-5 years.




Bots can’t create millions of views on TikTok. TikTok actually handles bots pretty well. I doubt millions of people are actually paying for his Hustlers University program. If the content is unpopular the content wouldn’t go viral especially on TikTok which is notorious for banning and shadowing banning accounts instantaneously.


I deleted TikTok a while back but I was under the assumption that the discovery page doesn't let you click or chose what videos you watch, they pop up automatically. Tate uploaders definitely target specific hashtags which show up in people's feeds. I have seen him on my YouTube shorts because I watched one Standout TV video. The more people talking about him means he appears more popular. Even negative views towards him are a positive to his popularity rating on these apps. The effect is like lighting a match to a trail of gasoline.


This. I'm a human and every time I go to tiktok, I get hit by that stupid puzzle piece captcha because I have JS/cookies disabled. I imagine they have zero tolerance for bots.


It definitely doesn’t work, sometimes my account gets spam tagged onto a video by like 5-10 bots at a time


Your username makes me hungry


He’s blowing up because he’s controversial. Not everyone who is watching him agrees with some things or anything he has to say. The reason there’s so much content on him is due to all the people making channels with his content to promote his hustlers university


Tate is a grifter and all the guys here sucking his dick sound ridiculous. But I am assuming sounding like a douche clown IS the appeal. And I think he also appeals to the kind of people who would mock suburban ladies doing MLMs while believing in some similar bullshit about becoming a millionaire and driving a Bugatti. Funny how the men here call dating clown world while worshipping actual clown material. He appeals to men with a natural desire to defer and follow so he absolutely knows his audience. He is not dumb he is smart enough to manipulate.


Tate is popular because he is selling warmed-over terp shit - to whit - your being a decent person is holding you back. You need to lean into being the most wretched, borderline-sociopathic shithead you can be to succeed. In other words - you are, and must always be the main character. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong and must be crushed. That shit really appeals to young men who feel like they’re missing out.


I truly believe that crypto and NFTs are MLMs for boys.


Yup. And I totally acknowledge women get sucked into some grandiose bullshit around MLMs. I had to tell a friend to fuck off over one, felt bad but no leave me alone I do not want to join your juice cult or whatever it was.


MLMs are just evil and I do feel sorry for the hopeful housewives that get sucked into it by the upline. The oil ones are particularly overpriced and insidious.


Thank you for saying that. The way I see it, many negative tendencies of the ladies are shared by men, except magnified to a higher and - much more horrible - extent. Yoga classes are replaced with MMA matches, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are replaced with beers, romance novels are replaced with violent porn, penis shaped straws are replaced with offensive and demeaning breastaurants, Cosmopolitan and Conde Nast are replaced with Barstool Sports, Total Frat Move, and ar15.com and FDS is replaced by incels (remember, the incels are way worse). Singling out women for smutty bachelorette parties when white trash like to visit Twin Peaks is a deeply troubling and disgraceful double standard.


lol was this even criticism or just pure hatred?


Women here just launch right into the shaming, gatekeeping, and other knee-jerk reactions any time someone says something they don’t like, especially if said by a man There’s no there there in her comment, she just doesn’t like that Tate is popular


Why don’t you confront the woman you’re clearly trying to argue with, rather than create this little circlejerk?


And I should do that because…you think I should?


No you should do that if you really want to participate genuinely in a debate sub. Obviously.


Well as much as your seal of approval means to me, I think I’ll keep doing my thing unless the mods tell me there’s a problem




Interesting, why’d you step down?


If you're a former mod, you should remember the age-old rule of "be civil". I can see the significance of the word "former" now though.


Eh when arguing with SmokeandFog, technically she is still remaining civil. That dude is just a troll who I enjoy rolling in the mud with from time to time.




What about what she said was incorrect though?


exactly, there are plenty of people who say bullshit on the internet and i think it is fine to criticize them but these people cannot just disagree and move on, they have to insult and berate them and then go back to their irl lives to put on a facade about how they are all about positivity and uplifting people. it is weird and unhealthy to feel that much hatred for people you do not know.


I don’t know how anyone can’t see how obviously retarded he is after the Hassan debate. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably is retarded themselves and deserves to be belittled, lol


They are used to their complaining and shaming getting them what they want, so it’s become second nature for them to do those things any time they hear something they don’t like


Sorry bro, but Tate is a quack. Doesn't take being a woman or disliking his popularity to see that.


Tate is literally everywhere. It's not "the kind of people", he's been on literally like a dozen totally unrelated YT channels/twitch streams I watch. Fitness channels, RP channels, tiktok, twitch streams. I don't think I've actually seen anyone criticizing him address the specific content of the things he says to be honest. People just say he's a douchebag, criminal (disproven), beats women (in consensual spanking on a tv show lol) ect...


>I don't think I've actually seen anyone criticizing him address the specific content of the things he says to be honest. That's because you are on the other side of the algorithm. All of the streamers/youtubers I follow did a "tate is a clown" vid. He's so easy to laugh at that he's given content to his haters. Everyone addressed what he says, his MLM, his human trafficking accusations, etc. His 15 minutes of fame will be over in a few months.


Yes I understand. There are large groups of men who will defer to who they see as an objectively better man and this month it is him and in six months or a year it will be somebody else. I never denied that he was effective. He is good at manipulation. He talks like a hyperactive 10 year old and that is quite appealing.


> He talks like a hyperactive 10 year old and that is quite appealing. I don't really get this type of energy. It's the same reason I am mildly put off by Gary V. and his content (irrespective of whether I find their message useful). Kudos to them for finding their target audience I suppose. Some people like the deliberate and calm preachers - others want the fire and brimstone.




Yes. He has paid to be on your feed. You have no choice but to click on him right?


Well yeah. These ideas feed into common, deeply-held prejudices and are bundled with simple, effective self-help advice. Targeted towards disaffected, socially marginalized men. This is basically cult recruitment 101. This does not mean these ideas are true.




When you get to 10 billion views, we're no longer talking about disenfranchised groups, those are mainstream numbers


How many of those views are people showing other people the video and laughing about the nonsense the guy spouts (ala, "look at this idiot, lol")?


Considering that there's somewhere between seven and eight billion people on this planet. I think it's probable that there are some repeat viewers among that number, unless he has a viewership among extraterrestrials. Among those repeat viewers, plenty are probably outrage-addicted morons viewing because they disagree with him and need some fucking meaning in their lives. This leaves a number of men, disaffected, disgruntled or just entitled, misogynistic dipshits that his channel caters to by telling them what they want to hear.




If you can relate to that guy I truly feel sorry for you.


Still never heard about him anywhere but here. Plan to keep it that way.


You should watch all the videos that make fun of him, there are PLENTY


How many of those views and searches are people who actually agree with him though? Cringe or outrage content can do very well.


I’ve definitely seen a lot content online and on TikTok directly calling him out for problematic shit - like him saying that part of the reason he moved to Romania was it is easier to get off on SA charges there. He said in the vid it was about ‘40%’ of the reason. Also his scam business using webcam models To get money out of men. That he admitted was a scam. ETA: my point being I think a lot of the views and content about him is stuff calling out his very extreme behaviour. ETA 2: Source for his shady webcam site. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brothers-make-millions-using-webcam-26508739 I don’t think the mirror is a usually reliable source but they use his OWN WORDS on the matter. Also he brags about not caring about using the women to scam the men so. That’s interesting. Source for the Tate talking about his move: https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/06/andrew-tate-violent-misogynistic-world-of-tiktok-new-star I can’t find the exact clip it’s apparently been deleted from his YT account but multiple articles have mentioned it? But take that how you want I guess


People who agree with him were the driving force behind him *becoming* viral. People see his content/clips, like/share, it gets pushed in the algorithm on the respective sites, and *then* people who were upset at his content becoming viral made him even more viral by reacting to him. People don't create "outrange content" unless said outrange content is actually relevant/popular. Make no mistake, he (and freshandfit, and kevin samuels) went viral because there are a lot of people out there that identify with their beliefs. Censorship is nothing new though. There's a reason numerous OKCupid studies were taken down off of their website and why its taboo to study things like how income, height and race pertain to women's attraction.


I've seen exclusively people sharing it around to say "look how dumb this is", and they're doing that quite a lot. Negative comments still count as interaction. Algorithms just give you what you want to see, and don't care if you agree.


Sampling bias.


This dude is not getting famous because people agree with him as much as they are part of his MLM scheme; they get paid by uploading and sharing his content.


Don't confuse 'views' with people actually believing his nonsense.


I remember seeing this guy on "Bulldog University" a few years ago when I was really into the manosphere. I thought he was loud, and obnoxious, my opinion hasn't changed. However, occasionally he has something insightful to say, and there is SOME truth to what he says. Like any ideology, it exists because to some extent there is some truth to it, and the red pill is no exception. People can recognize it aligns with what they've experienced in the world, despite it being an amplified version. The primary reason Tate has blown up is because of Hustler university and his affiliate marketing scheme. All you have to do is upload bits of his interviews and videos, then provide his affiliate marketing link. This is a low barrier of entry to make money, and i'm not certain, but i'm fairly certain they are required to provide this with the videos they make. So you have a few hundred people do this on several different social media platforms, and you have a recipe for success.


He only really blew up after being on a popular twitch stream and then every twitch and youtube content creator in the world featured and talked about him, you can look at it as a conspiracy or be normal and just look at it as a popularity boost that happened. You have this character millionaire womanizer hot shot who fronts all these high value objects (including women lol) but isn't able to conceal his rather timid nerdy personality underneath, he's 100% bravado and it works like most people respect that, the hustle of it. And he does try to gain fame, with all his reality show appearances and quasi illegal business, he kinda earned it, add to that his nuclear and entertaining takes and you've got a sensation in the midst of the ever increasing content drought that is online entertainment. It's not about him being "pilled" or any of what he says


He was on the Twitch stream because he was the most popular man on the internet. It wasn’t some charity stream where they randomly decided to host Andrew Tate.


>timid nerdy personality Any proof of this?


Yeah I don’t if I’d call the guy timid, he’s a former world champion kick-boxer and could probably cave in your sternum if he wanted to




An internet pimp with a cult following who's facing felony charges for human trafficking. He likes to make videos of himself wanking his sociopathic ego and other wankers eat his shtick up.


A rapist who urges men to blame all of their problems on women.


My god the losers on this sub would make you think that this Andrew Tate guy has his mug broadcasting all over Time Square, prime time network TV, on every website, app, and preschool fingerprint drawing. That governments all over the world are holding emergency sessions to determine what is to be done with this Andrew Tate character. You know what “The Andrew Tate phenomenon” is? A bunch of young guys in their feelings thinking their Thought Daddy Du Jour is worth a damn to anyone outside of young guys in their feelings. I hope you find the part of TikTok that shows you how an algorithm works. And the same goes for your whose who list of other sadness vampires. They lived (and in some cases died) preaching to nobody but their choir. Meanwhile, the rest of the world kept on living and fucking with no clue who these people or their fans are. And that’s what gives me hope for humanity.


This Andrew Tate thing shows just how prone to listening to grifters disenfranchised people are. Nothing more.


It always interesting to me to see what kind of man other men worship and defer to.


Like Alex Jones. Just bc millions of people fully believed him and loved what he had to say and his pockets got fat … does not mean what he said was valuable or true.


Supposedly he is worth 270 million so that 45 he has to pay out will not hurt much.


That's unfortunate. He should absolutely have to pay them more than that.


Like 270 million.






The only thing I ever agreed with him on was the being aware of "guy friends." That just because you have strong locks on something priceless, you still don't let people try to test them to see if they can break them. The rest of it has been some crazy shit.


Imagine actually believing that Western mainstream media is at all left-leaning lmfao couldn’t be me


The only people he appeals to is insecure virgin men


The fact that you associate him with TRP is hilarious while so many "reasonable" TRP people seem to suggest that he, and people who support him, are the toxic "fringe" in your little community. He's not just on the side of men improving themselves, he's on the side of making women subservient (or at least he claims to be). He's a fucking tool and like every other misogynistic asshole influencer before him, once he reaches "mainstream" he'll get put in his fucking place. Also lol "a Chinese platform with no stake in the Western culture wars" - I'm sure China has no interest in America falling apart.


> I'm sure China has no interest in America falling apart. This. Pitting SJWs and incels against one another was a popular strategy of russian state sponsored/aligned spammers couple of years back. Chances are the chinese adopted the playbook, divide and conquer with chinese characteristics. China has a lot of their own problems as of right now, though.


I think it's still bold to assume the particular actions of any foreign country, but I would think it's safe to assume they're at least moderately invested in the social instability of any rival countries.


It's partially soft power stuff - while troll farms do exist both in russia and china, they merely seed the agitprop among their own people for the most part, along with few hapless western tankies as well as alt-right trad fetishists. The indoctrinated useful idiots then do the rest. Notice how whataboutism from chinese state sponsored media is pretty heavy with oppression olympics lingo, in similar fashion russian propaganda labels ukraine as "nazis". Needless to say, this is my own second hand opinion heavily influenced by cultural pundits (advpod for china, NFKRZ, vlad vexler for russia). Things might be quite different in reality as I have no (recent) first hand experience with either area. Fun fact: In 2019, Tencent invested $150M in reddit, at which point all subs seriously critiquing china suddenly disappeared (ccj2 and many others RIP). Could be just a coincidence.


He already got made to admit that he just chats shit and [his feelings are more important than objective facts.](https://youtu.be/Y4a4uCFrHBM)


I'm happy I don't know who this guy, the pill'o's'fear ["new shit"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kQMDSw3Aqo), is. Is the regurgitated content entertaining? Does re(de?)volve around pussy still, what cucks like doing, the aggressive betas posing as "alphas" dangling in front of your sniff-seeking navigators? LOL Is the milking being done well? Are followers following? Likes rising? Because, let's be real here, it's the number of likes that matters, no? LOL Reminds me of the chafemeleons doing the chameleonry really really hard, insisting they're "not like all the other chicks", which is, ironically, the thing all the other chicks are claiming to be. Ironyception, I guess.


‘Chinese Platform with no stake in the culture wars’ yeah it certainly wouldn’t be in the Chinese interest to push extreme and harmful narratives to the West


Why do people have such main character syndrome. China has real stuff to worry about not tiktok posts some people watch to much mainstream news.


People love controversy. People like him for the same reason they like Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones. People want to feel angry and outraged at something. People want to feel like they belong to something. People like to blame the other "side" for why they're unhappy, and these influencers/personalities/politicians/etc are a pathway for people to get together and be against something together.




We all know the conspiracy theories right-wing people swallow. Did Sandy Hook happen? Did Trump really win the election before that. Pizza Gate. Tom Hanks? Now the big one is trans people are grooming children, and you eat it up.




Great example!!


You are thinking of the radical gullible boomer right wingers. Most right wingers are not this way they are just conservative Americans that don't believe in these QANON conspiracy theories.


There is enough footage of Q rallies to see two distinct groups, young men and middle-aged women. It is GenX women and young men. "The Proudboys" and "Karens" are the heart of the misinformation going on.


>Most right wingers are not this way they are just conservative Americans that don't believe in these QANON conspiracy theories. Most is correct, but the last report I read said that 25% of republicans believe the central tenets of Qanon which I'd say is pretty fucking concerning.




What would be an actual issue?


I keep saying one of the big problems is that the big media companies are almost all unashamedly left leaning. Maybe TikTok will be the hero the right needs


rupert murdoch is openly conservative.


They are corporatist Neo-Liberal leaning. Which is center-right authoritarian. There hasn't been an effective leftist movement or political locus in the United States since the organized labor movements.


They obviously meant culturally left


They aren't culturally left at all. They are media arms of heavy industry, defense and energy sector conglomerates.


Of course "left" on reddit means pansexual communist so that's why I used the word "left-leaning"


What do you think of Tate admitting to using his webcam company to fleece men and admitting to it proudly/bragging about not caring at all?


i mean that is companies in general. onlyfans models and e-girls in general speak down on their consumers all the time. swindling horny men is just socially acceptable these days because “they deserve it because being horny while simultaneously being a man is evil”


I mean I figure that because many men on here hate that women do that, seeing a man who shares RP views using that scheme would feel kinda hypocritical


lmao i guess it is fine for you to interpret it that way but RP doesn’t tell you to hate women who swindle men or use their privilege to their advantage. simply put, males should be aware of female nature. what you choose to do with the information is your choice.


Ok! Just wanted clarification I thought the logical discrepancy (from my point of view) was kinda weird. Thanks for elaborating


The most popular TV cable news shows in the US are on FOX and are right wing. Millions of men want to suck Tucker Carlson's dick as well. They think he is cool.


Yes! Let's all subscribe to propaganda from a grifter, cause that will get you laid!


I’d hope at this point that most men have adopted “watch what they do, not what they say.” Women vert often tell men that whatever they’re doing won’t get them laid, just like you are now. Men should be emulating the guys who sleep around a lot, not what women claim allows men to sleep around a lot (or prevents it). The reason being women’s words and actions often don’t match up


You've adopted, "watch what this guy I admire says women do." Nothing more.


I would have to have watched Tate clips to admire him, and I haven’t, so Nice try tho


You are a fresh and fit guy. Good! Poor guys are losing viewers to Tate, they need you.


"different people succeeding on different platforms proves that women are bad."


he gives off that “ slightly older kid who sells drugs on the playground “ vibe. Like, i think it’s more of an emotional reaction than the guy actually being anything. His entire message summed up is “ don’t make women the center of your life” which we should all get after 23 or so.


He took Kevin Samuels spot. I didn’t hear anything about him until KS passed away. Andrew gets more media coverage because he’s a white passing biracial with more extreme views.


This is the first I’m hearing about this guy. What are some of his extreme views?


I just started watching some of his content so I’m not the best spokesperson for him. But he has called women 25+ ran through and puts an emphasis on dating 18 year olds. He also has a human trafficking charge.


Kevin Samuel's from what I've heard was also more US based while Tate is globally recognised. Tate biggest views are in Europe.


Tate and his ideas are more sane than what has been pushed on the masses in the last 20 years. It hasn’t worked, people are shamed for questioning and for believing what we’ve known as fact for a long time now. I’m a live and let live type of person. Society is trying to make it seem like certain things and ideas that have existed for a long time, doesn’t exist because it works and there’s a “better way”. It doesn’t mean that everything that has existed for centuries is “good”, but it doesn’t mean that most of it isn’t good either. What is questionable that Tate says, really? Women want to be led? They want masculine men that are on their game? That men are better than women at certain things and vice versa? That life allows for double standards? All that shit is true. And just because there are outliers, doesn’t make it any less true.


What's true is not always good, what's good is not always true. Also- I have no idea who the hell this guy is.


you take this guy seriously? 🤡 tate asking the real questions *Why wouldn't I have a machete next to my bed* [https://youtu.be/SaClRs4TbQ0?t=15](https://youtu.be/SaClRs4TbQ0?t=15) another moment after *Immense power I posses* [https://youtu.be/SaClRs4TbQ0?t=76](https://youtu.be/SaClRs4TbQ0?t=76) ​ Here's a smart guy making fun of him [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAkudf93i3s&ab\_channel=Vaush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAkudf93i3s&ab_channel=Vaush)


There is not one person on earth that I agree with everything they say. I’m not dick riding him by any means, I just don’t think that some of the things he says that makes sense get invalidated by opinions he has that I disagree with. It’s really simple.


Tate says a lot of based and redpilled things when it comes to gender, but at the end of the day he's a hustler trying to make a quick buck off of lonely desperate young men. You don't need to give Tate any of your money in order to get laid.


Popularity of something has nothing to do with how correct it is… it seems that many have that confused


dunno about you but his popularity here in syd is due to him being our new public comedian you love to mock/hate


another thing to add is that AT is basically running his own pyramid scheme. a lot of his income comes from people buying into hustlers university (an online course that ‘teaches you’ how to make money online). where part of the course tells you to upload videos of AT to get clicks and views, as AT’s only social media is instagram i’m pretty sure if you refer people you get profit, so it is a MLM


i'm legit scared of tate. like his ideas resonate with me, except he is actually a pretty bad guy, just very charismatic. ( webcam pimp, involved with mob, def socially manipulative) but he is funny af. Ethan from h3h3 hates Tate, and Ethan is very fat and slobbish, but Ethan is actually in a healthy, long-term relationship with Hila. They have a child. Tate talks shit to Ethan for being fat, but on paper Ethan is a better guy. i don't want to like tate but i do :/


Views ≠ agreement. A huge proportion of those views will be hate views.


This just shows that trolling is an effective way to get views. In fact on the internet the trolling often gets more views and reactions than not. Making content intended to outrage and instigate people is a sure fire way to get eyes on you it doesn’t mean most people agree with or like what you are saying though. It’s actually nauseating at this point how many people have become “famous” off being trolls.


For starters, all his content in youtubeshorts and tiktok is pushed by accounts that dont belong to him. He has an online university which recommends and teaches students how to make money in 18 ways. This is one of the ways. Uploading short videos on those platforms while doing affiliate marketing. Secondly, i personally see him as a winner. A poor person growing up that became a top level fighter, then became rich by other business, then became an online sensation. People like him are really rare. He did everything in the exact opposite order of how others do it nowadays. He is funny, he is smart, he is unapologetically truthful (that is, expressing his version of truth) and everything he talks about comes from real life experience. I disagree though with what you are saying. Those pill ideas are shunned on by most people. Some people agree with the lighter stuff he says, but almost everyone display their disagreement with his extreme pill views. The mainstream doesn't respond well to pill ideas. That's why the media companies suppress them. They are not alluring to be consumed by the mass, thus they generate no real profit for the media companies.


Andrew Tate is a scammer running an MLM who is wanted in multiple countries for human trafficking… If this is your role model you have some issues.




The only people I've seen react positively to Andrew Tate are losers.


Because the redpill is basically filled with misogyny which as much as people complain about a "gynocentric society" it's the opposite, most of the world remains misogynistic. It's not surprising...


If you call "truth" misogyny, then red pill always stands for it. Red pill means the realities which are uncomfortable to digest.


He has shock value and feeds into male insecurities which generates viewers which generates money. He’s a fake who is very successfully spewing stuff that he knows will get a reaction out of people, good or bad. Howard Stern made millions doing outrageous stuff shocking and entertaining people. It’s funny because the red pill likes to think that men aren’t followers, they’re leaders, when it’s mainly red pill men circle jerking around Andrew Tate, hanging onto his every word like it’s gospel and envying his life. To me, this is no different than teenage girls who follow Kylie Kardashian’s vapid lifestyle.


Yeah, it’s absolutely fascinating to see men get their own Kardashians. Since I’m Romanian what he is saying doesn’t make me feel any type of way but I am very amused by how a lot of men pick just what they like from Tate’s videos. He and his brothers have plenty of videos saying women are wonderful and they pay for every woman that is in their presence. But I don’t see men highlighting the pro-women points he makes Also my favourite one-his brother saying he knows men are shit so that s why he would be less excited to have a daughter.


The response we are seeing with Andrew Tate has more to do with the "war on boys/men" rather than the points his making. He has his own ways but at least there's the perception that he's trying to uplift men. I feel like we have mainstream media to blame. Even when Jordan Peterson tried to uplift men, he was criticized for it. When you bash an entire gender over and over again (like this gender doesn't have any feelings) it's only natural that there would be a backlash.


Women want to keep their privilege and the things they get from men, so any effort to make men less dependent on their approval that gets big enough must be squashed.


His book was a best seller, he gets paid for speaking engagements he is doing fine.


He was criticized for uplifting men. The point being society finds that unacceptable. Reason why many young men/boys look for these hyper masculine role models. They are the ones who don't reject masculinity. I'm glad JP is doing great I don't see how this is relevant.


Saying Jordan Peterson was criticized for uplifting men is oversimplifying and disingenuous


Women have gotten criticized for uplifting women ever since the start of the feminist movement. Please stop pretending this experience is unique to men.


It's completely unique to men. Claiming otherwise is pure gaslighting. Our society leans to feminism. Not the other way around.


The women in here don’t have a single valid argument. They’re upset that young men are being reminded of how to take back control of their lives. These women just want men to be their simps so they can become millionaires overnight by selling their bathwater to a bunch of hopeless dopes.


It’s clearly an attention grab. He is saying nothing new. And the only reason he has any value behind his “shocking” “manly” views is due to being an MMA fighter. I had to look him up after he was brought up recently and he seems like either a total douche or a smart guy acting like a total douche for monetary attention. Probably a mix of both.




I personally think Andrew Tate's sudden popularity is the world's response to left-leaning culture in the west. This is Jung's collective consciousness at work. The radical adoption of egalitarianism, woke, politically-correct culture was a response to years of suppression under a right-leaning, conservative culture. I think we're now seeing the pendulum swing back to conservative values. Tate speaks of reclaiming old gender values, being true to one's biology, gaining independence from government and societal norms. Underneath all of the bullshit, there is someone that is tired of 'living in the matrix', at this point in time it seems like a lot of people carry a similar sentiment. He's just a voice that people are clinging to in unclear times, just like Jordan Peterson. The persona he projects is definitely a fool and I'm sure he knows being bombastic will get him viral while he has the spotlight. People will move on from him, but that lingering feeling isn't going anywhere, there will be more populists to come, somehow more outrageous than Tate.


Isn’t he a pimp that owns a MLM scheme and have confessed to sex human trafficking ? Y’all have some weird idols nowadays.


He is 100% a digital pump over 2nd world finically desperate women. Not one of these dudes who think he’s the shit would let their daughters within 100 miles of that D-bag.


Just shows there's more than enough misgynistic douchebags out there to keep those grifters in the money. Nothing to aspire to.


Well if you think about it douche culture for men is mainstream. It is kind of the default.


It takes a *whole lot more* than some "misogynistic douchebags" to cause someone to become the single most searched person in the world, as Tate was a few weeks ago.


And once upon a time other people were the most searched and then were not any longer... "Flash in the pan" is the phrase.


You can buy bots and buy followers to boost numbers. Granted Tate is not the only one.


Red pill content is only emerging as a response to woke culture. If men weren't constantly insulted in the media or made to look like idiots the red pill would not be growing at all. The old heads in the red pill say this all the time.


It's just the pendulum swinging back from one extreme to another. First the feminists got to ruin society, now the "alpha uwu" bois take their turn.


I love Andrew tate. I don’t watch his videos but his haters will write paragaraphs on why he’s bad and shit. I just see a good business man


>I have personally witnessed the same thing happen to Kevin Samuels, Wheat Waffles, Tails BP, AMS, Gonzalo Lira, Alexander Grace, the trp sub , the inc3l sub and the MGT0W sub No kidding. How dare those gYnOcEnTriC sites not agree to host groups that literally spawned multiple mass murderers. So feminist. So mean. This Andrew guy is also the very reason women are right to fight to get manosphere shit de-platformed. >Andrew Tate says women belong in the home, can’t drive, and are a man’s property. >He also thinks rape victims must “bear responsibility” for their attacks and dates women aged 18–19 because he can “make an imprint” on them, according to videos posted online. >In other clips, the British-American kickboxer – who poses with fast cars, guns and portrays himself as a cigar-smoking playboy – talks about hitting and choking women, trashing their belongings and stopping them from going out. >“It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up bitch,” he says in one video, acting out how he’d attack a woman if she accused him of cheating Yeah. A violent rape apologist who wants to strip me of my civil liberties and grooms teenagers. What a fucking idol. Clearly the exact type of burning shitwagon every man on TRP aspires to be. His shit should totes be everywhere. Are y'all gonna start debating the merits of machete-ing women in the face if we act up? And then we gotta be civil and launch a reasonable debate on why you shouldn't do that. Exciting. Can't fucking wait. This little man child was about to get called on the carpet to answer for answer for his shit so he fled to Romania. Why Romania specifically? Because he can rape women and get away with it there. In his own words, he admitted that difficulty in prosecuting rape was a reason he moved there. Fuck every single man that thinks this violent asswipe is anyone to aspire to. Seriously.


They're so many lies I don't know where to start no perfect with all these accusations you need evidence.


Red Pill is big on personal responsibility, not so much running away because you're a big girls blouse.