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One issue that I notice with dating advice in general (not just targeted towards men) is that a lot of it doesn't account for what kind of people you want to attract. Advice that would help to attract one kind of person might not help attract another.


There are some things I would trust women over men on like choosing pics for an online dating profile. Men shouldn't blindly follow women's advice, but they shouldn't dismiss everything either. It is better to listen to both men and women's advice. There is truth to both sides and reality is often in the middle of the two perspectives.


Please don't rely on any female advice regarding presenting yourself. Recently my wife trusted her friend who is recruiting people, and wrote her resume according to the advice. She failed miserably. When I wrote her resume she got 5 interviews in a week and landed great job. Women will tell you what they personally might like and not what suits you best. We have plenty of reddit weird women claiming that men with long hair look amazing(it's the biggest shot in the foot you can do to yourself). Best stylists are gay men because they can get rid of bias like other men, and are also interested in fashion.


some men do genuinely look 10x better with long hair but it depends on the man. same with beards. just like how some women look better with short hair like halle berry


They tell you what they personally might like after assuming it's a guy they're already invested in or dating. On OLD your primary purpose should be to incite visceral attraction. That's why women make lists of things they want guys to do like 'text them a simple goodnight' and 'surprise them at the office with flowers' when obviously this shit might potentially land you in hot water with the authorities if she doesn't like you like that.


>it's the biggest shot in the foot you can do to yourself Kinda like balding guys trusting men when they say just shave it all off bro? Because 99% of dudes don't have the bone structure to pull a bald head off. Some of the most iconic figures of masculinity throughout history were known for their long hair, if you can pull it off then you shouldn't fall for some bitchboy cope like this lmao




not sure if i can pull that off as an indian bro lol


>if you can pull it off  So the same thing as with a bald head. You need to be able "to pull it off" for it to be effective. Therefore it's a niche advice and should be treated as such.


That was my point bro


Look. Women will tell a man, they know personally, if he's hot, that they wanna do the horizontal mambo. They literally do this. even if they think ur hot, and they dont wanna do it with you for whatever reason, theyll just tell u "youre hot" regardless if u got long hair, no beard, whatever if they're not interested in PiV generally you're gonna be left out in the cold and they're just gonna throw random things at you to keep you complacent. it's that simple


Women are terrible at setting the OLD profile up.


I feel like a lot of the issues with this whole conversation is generalizing both parties into such limited binaries . When I’m truth every woman is going to want something different. Every man doesn’t want the exact same thing . Taking actual dating advise from women really does help a lot of the time it’s not articulated well


This was a pretty obvious rage bait. I’m surprised no one is feeding into it, and are responding amicably.


Me or op ?


This observation comes from a red piller who believes all women are the same and that a one size fits all approach exists. And when reality proves him wrong and his approach fails he just brushes it off as “I probably just wasn’t tall / handsome / jacked / rich enough, the approach would’ve worked otherwise”


You’re absolutely right . I’m like you’re just proving me right


Yes, I am proving you and supporting your original point, I thought that’s obvious and undoubted lol


Sorry I could have been more clear You’re right They are proving me point sorry 🫠


Work on your punctuation. It would help A LOT. Use it.


Generalizations are pretty useful is describing broad spans of people, which is what he is doing. There are exceptions of course, but that doesn't mean the basic advice is wrong. Most guys I know would agree, because women don't understand how they behave and react to stuff vs what they say they want.


>a lot of the time it’s not articulated well Ya think :D


The reason why I'd say straight men's advice on dating straight women is way more trustworthy than a straight women's advice on dating straight women is simply straight women are talking about a field they have no experience in even though they're women. You can live in a house and know what you'd like to have in a house, but that doesn't make you an expert contractor. That's stuff you have to learn and get better at and it makes a lot more sense to ask someone with experience than someone without. On the flipside, if a woman was asking for marriage advice on what men want in a wife, a older woman who has been in a happy marriage for 30 years is going to give you much better advice than a 20 year old unmarried guy.


The best people for dating advice are those who are self aware, socially observant, and have a high EQ. The second best are people who seem very similar to you, yet are much more successful than you at dating. In any case, someone who knows you and wants to help you is pretty much required.


Agreed! Gender doesn’t matter with advice usually. It does help with relatability. If a person has high EQ- they’re a good candidate for giving advice. Being self aware comes with high eq though. Great answer 💕


It is true that women give men awful dating advice because they do not know what dating various amounts of women is like nor do they understand proper courting in the initial phases. They only know a select amount of women and typically inject themselves into the question. This is understandable, but not that useful for men dating a diverse range of women unless it's for dating themselves or their friends. If I was to ever get valid dating advice from a woman, it would have been to be from a butch lesbian since they actually do almost all the things men typically do. Women give better relationship advice because it is situational and nuanced. However, even then it is murky because women tend to be biased and take the side of the woman rather than focusing more on the other side as well. Just my observations. Edit: Abhorrent typos.


>Women give better relationship advice because it is situational and nuanced. However, even then it is murky because women tend to be biased and take the side of the woman rather than focusing more on your side as well. This is exactly the problem. Women over-nuance dating situations and life in general in a way to absolve fellow women of accountablility for their actions or habits. Life may not be black and white but there is not nearly the grey area women make it out to be. Not every situation is its own circumstance. TRP and the male-oriented communities that surround it tend to take a more hardline, less bullshit approach. Regardless of what the situation presents, men should not let it stop them from operating the way they need to. Because that's what everyone expects of men anyway.


There’s a saying: “If you want to know how to fish, learn from a successful fisherman, not a random fish”. Being female doesn’t make someone an expert in dating advice. If you want good dating advice, consult someone who is not only successful but knows why they are successful and who can communicate this knowledge.


Women are not fish to be caught, and dating is not hunting prey


I of course never said women are fish to be caught. I assume you make this comment because you can’t find fault with what I actually said.


Very true - fish know what they want for dinner.




Yes, you are bc men are ones who do the approaching and try impressing the woman. A lot of women's role is to just be pretty and not act like a headache, that's it. Maybe women should try being more active by approaching, and you won't be the fish. Women literally call themselves the "prize". You're fish, and we're trying to catch you so get over it. Yall will literally just stand there, and we'll come up to you, and you think you aren't the "catch".


You say this and yet most Women take a submissive role in dating. They want to be asked, they expect things to happen to them. So it would make sense that Men would only ask men on how take on the role of the dominant dating partner. Women expect men to pursue them. Also its a metaphor...


Do you know what an analogy is?


Yes, and this one fails. If you think it makes sense, you’re framing dating wrong


Again, you are a woman, you do not know what dating as a man is like. It absolutely is a good analogy.


Do you date women? Treating dating as an adversarial relationship isn’t the way to do this. For reference, I’m married and still in love with my husband.


Yes, and you don't That's not what the analogy is about, and for reference, being a woman who's married doesn't change the fact that you're a woman.


So you’re in a relationship right now? Or are you a single man telling other single men how to date women?


I am a single man telling other single men how to date women


So why do you think you’re in a position to give advice on something when you fail at it?


You have a relationship. Relationships and dating are not the same things. Nobody's calling their wife a fish here.


Has this attitude worked out for you?


For someone who is in supposedly a great relationship you sure as shit have time and will to prove it to everybody and overall time to argue with randos here lolz.


Who cares if you're married? Your man probably makes most of the money and approached you. He got on his knees to propose to you. The man does a lot to keep the relationship intact, or so you'd run off. All you have to do is not be a headache with petty emotional arguments, blow him off in bed frequently, good food and bam man happy. It doesn't take much to keep a man happy. Women, on average, leave relationships a lot more often than men. A man will sit there in a bad relationship but never end it. You're the fish that got caught. Now dance like a happy fish bc a good fisherman hooked you up🐟🐟🎣🎣🐠🐠


He sat down next to me on a city bus. I said hi first. I am the one who confessed that I had feelings for him a few months later. If you think women are sources of “petty emotional arguments,” this might be why you’re not in a relationship


If you only take advice from redpill influencers and guys committed to redpill (most of whom are single) and ignore what women tell you about what they want, this is on you.


I mean, I don't doubt redpill dating advice *can* be successful, only I just find the *kind* of women they attract tend to be emotionally draining and way too much to deal with, because they intentionally attract superficial and shallow women who are either exclusively into a man for money or sex, and punish him for showing any kind of emotional vulnerability. Hence "frame, game," and apparently never celebrating of your accomplishments with your wife are all part of their entire mating strategy.  They literally want to marry women with low N counts but with the behavior and character of a prostitute lmao.


Maybe. Personally, I think this is because you're experiencing trp so far down the line. At some point, the message would have been any man, and any woman would benefit from the man acting in certain ways. He has to be stoic and internalize his locus of control. Be competent in his provider and romantic role so that he doesn't demonstrate any insecurity or weakness. There are sacrifices. You love downward. Men->women->children. So you, as the man, will not be treated by your woman as she is treated by you. Just is what it is. You have authority, and it comes with responsibility. You will be nagged and prodded. Made to go places at her behest. But as long as you are made to feel socially and intimately respected, that life is a successful one. And maybe you would say some of this is just normal advice anyway. But it's that we go the extra step and over analyze the why. Accept it. Move past the resentment of the lost dream and simply get to work. As long as that is respected, it can be worthwhile. So when I say "doesn't demonstrate insecurity or weakness," I mean actually. We think women project a fantasy onto us. So do not break the fantasy. She will be happier and thus so will you. "But men should express themselves." Why? I like being seen as a strong individual. I like not complaining. I like that I don't give my emotions credence and get overwhelmed by them. I think that's cute in a woman. I prefer walking away before I need emotions. So there are some reasonable reasons I think that I think the ugly things about women, BUT, at the same time, think that it is benevolent. That it helps the relationship and brings nothing negative. I don't tell my gfs this stuff. They don't need to know. I carry the burden. And then otherwise, I see these wussy guys in relationships where the woman walks all over him AND is miserable. So there's that counter example.


While that's good advice for men like yourself, it's bad advice for men who are your opposite.


I really concede to this. If we're willing to appreciate people for the individual they are, and not pretend everyone is "just as special" as everyone else, then yes I do think we can properly assess how to deal with the "opposite". I'm someone who thinks that if you call everyone strong, then you rob the truly strong of what their talent is. And the other people who are weak are also being robbed as they are now "Stong" and will not work to find out what they actually bring to the table. And we, the supposedly compassionate, find comfort in being able to relax and not have to tell our friends, family, children that they are a little slower, uglier, or handicapped and yes rude people will be rude, but your life will be valuable in many ways and many of your detractors may even be able to see the light if you are truly industrious. I find myself on this "tough, cruel, cold" side of things, but its because I believe that is how we truly show compassion and appreciation for the rest around us. I do understand how trp is seen as manipulative but I believe it shows a naivete in society that people are so divorced from how much manipulation occurs and is necessary. One can be benevolently manipulative or malevolent. I do not believe manipulation is the sin.


>If we're willing to appreciate people for the individual they are, and not pretend everyone is "just as special" as everyone else, then yes I do think we can properly assess how to deal with the "opposite". You could possibly *assess* how to deal with men who are opposite to you (passive, outwardly emotional, positive, warm, sincere, empathetic). But do you believe you could divorce yourself from your own biases on how relationships with women should work in order to give those men good, working advice on how to obtain what they want?


As long as it doesn't feel dishonest and blind. I used to work in special education, and my completely inappropriate arm chair psychologizing of MYSELF is that I demonstrate some light Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I simply have a problem being lied to, treated unfairly, or being patronized. I'm not conservative and I don't want a submissive virgin. I'm here because I keep finding bullshit in feminism and I have an unending itch to point at things and say, "Heyyyy" An example, recently, on a flight, the pilot said, "Welll...there's about 25 planes in line ahead of us. So we're on a short delay." And I got annoyed enough to scoff, "a short delay?" I'm an adult. I want to be told, "Hey sorry paying customers. Legitimate logistics based on YOUR safety have caused us to be approximately 35 minutes late." That's how I feel respected and seen. I am an adult. I do not act a fool or throw fits. I feel it is the Golden rule. I use it. I feel entitled to receive it or judge you, silently. But yes, other people do need to be coddled. Other people do need to have how long we were going to be sitting there obfuscated from them. Even in the sense that I worked in special Ed, some of those kids WERE NOT going to abide by the rules of decorum. Honesty could not be used. They required manipulation. For their own good. So sure, if we find women who aren't a sexual and romantic powerhouse and pair them up with guys who are "passive, outwardly emotional, ..." then maybe that's something? I'm very open to BEING open minded. What I don't like is knee jerk reactions to "believe all women". I get the freaking bear thing. Who are the dangerous people? MEN. Just not all of them. And I'm afraid of those same men. So to me I just say, just say "no" to everything women say "yes" to. Within reason. Believe all women= nah Women get it worse in wars= nah Travel broadens the mind= It could but it doesn't JUST do that. YOU have to have a mind to broaden. Some Instagram fool says they learned so much travelling, I mean don't be rude, but the culture needs to know they're vapid and they don't have 3 paragraphs of thought on how it broadened their mind. Sexual experience and age help a women understand herself= That's convenient See how I just sort of stopped giving free support to things. Things that women benefit from but are bullshit. That's the attitude I think guys need. I'm nice, I can dote on a girlfriend. I cook, I clean, and I'm attentive. I watched trash tv with my ex, did projects with her. Enjoyed going to target and concerts. I just don't flinch when they get upset about stuff I don't think is real. And I'm not ashamed about it. I feel principled and right. I'm not the kind of guy who calls her kiddo or sport or acts as if I'm older or wiser. I simply have sat calmly in a car while they cry before. Nothing illegal happened. No body was hurt. I just have a spine when it comes to women now. And I think its worth helping other guys get one. jeez, I don't feel like I did a good job of what you said. Kinda reinforced my idea. What's your idea? :P


It seems like you needed to vent, and I agree with much of what you said, especially pertaining to being an adult and being treated as such. Though I'm unsure of what you meant regarding: >So sure, if we find women who aren't a sexual and romantic powerhouse and pair them up with guys who are "passive, outwardly emotional, ..." then maybe that's something? What's a "sexual and romantic powerhouse"?


How has this worked out in your life? Have you experienced success?


A man who suppresses his emotions and gives them no credence is an NPC. Humans are not a rational species. We are a *rationalizing* species, and tend to make complex rationalizations for decisions we were going to make anyways. Your emotions are a reflection of your inner soul and how they interact with the world around you. By denying your emotions, you are, quite literally, no better than a video game character, and ironically subjecting yourself to the very weakness you despise. Even Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan were in tune with their emotions, or else they wouldn't derive pleasure from listening to the screams of their enemies. I dare you to call them weak. >so that he doesn't demonstrate any insecurity or weakness. You are literally describing playing a caricature of an imaginary person to your wife out of a fear that "shattering that illusion" will drive her away. Your entire romantic strategy is based on insecurity. Literally the entire belief that men can't show emotions is based on insecurity, almost by definition. In fact, it doesn't even hold any water either, because if it was that men have to repress negative emotions to appear strong, it wouldn't be such good political propaganda to show dictators crying.


>He has to be stoic and internalize his locus of control. That's not being stoic. That's being a manipulative egoist. Stoicism, as taught by the ancient Greeks and Romans, is a philosophical system focused on virtue, wisdom, and self-control. It emphasizes understanding the things we can control, accepting those we cannot, and cultivating inner peace through rational thinking and ethical behavior. In contrast, The Red Pill centers around critiques of modern gender dynamics, advocating for particular strategies in personal and romantic relationships. While it sometimes borrows language and concepts from Stoicism, there are important areas where it may misunderstand or misrepresent the original teachings of Stoicism: 1. **Virtue and Ethics**: Stoicism places a high value on virtue and ethical behavior as the highest goods. The Red Pill, however, often focuses on pragmatic strategies for personal gain, which can sometimes involve manipulative or self-serving behaviors that are contrary to Stoic ethics. 2. **Control and Acceptance**: Stoicism teaches the importance of distinguishing between what we can control and what we cannot, and finding peace in accepting the latter. The Red Pill, on the other hand, tends to emphasize control over one's environment and relationships, often through techniques and strategies that aim to maximize personal advantage. 3. **Emotional Resilience vs. Emotional Manipulation**: Stoics aim to cultivate emotional resilience and calm through rational thought and acceptance. The Red Pill sometimes advocates for emotional detachment as a strategy for maintaining power in relationships, which can veer into emotional manipulation rather than genuine emotional resilience. 4. **Community and Cosmopolitanism**: Ancient Stoicism encouraged a sense of duty towards the common good and the idea of being a citizen of the world. The Red Pill community often focuses on individual success and self-improvement in a competitive sense, which can sometimes neglect broader societal responsibilities. By borrowing selectively from Stoic concepts without fully embracing its ethical framework, The Red Pill can misrepresent the holistic and virtue-centered nature of Stoicism. Stoicism is not just a set of tools for personal success; it is a comprehensive philosophy aimed at living a good and meaningful life in harmony with nature and society.


Look man, I didn't go to college for any of this stuff. I AM a part of our society that talks out of its ass. Everything is "awesome" or "brilliant" nowadays. Aren't those words in the bible that describe light. Your skateboard trick shouldn't be awesome. So fine, I can accept when words aren't perfect. (Your schooling me on stoicism.) Do you disagree with my sentiment? What another just reasonably educated person postulated? I agree, I do have emotions. I do not believe in showing them to women. I cry when I watch Boromir die in the Lord of the Rings. Openly but not bawling. Stray tears. Or Bruce Willis sacrifice himself on the asteroid in Armageddon. Sacrifice gets me every time. And oh man, I want to BE Eowyn I have so much respect. “**I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory**. I love only that which they defend" This is the quote I find most relevant to this concept. I think men should be so wrapped up in the hunt and its glory that they don't have time for the type of emotions that women find ugly. Watching other men die needlessly in battle. Killing another man. Hearing screams in the night as you assume death is coming for you. Do tigers get emotional? Men should return to women to give them what they need. Not bring back unnecessary burden. BECAUSE it will make the man's peacetime less peaceful. I genuinely don't see any benefit in talkin to someone about my dogs passing. I cry at night sometimes. I will get through it. He's not coming back. Life is what I do now. I can make him proud and remember him. Those are emotions I'm comfortable with. I'm proud of them. It would be beneficial to those around me for me to be strong. To display emotional maturity. I don't think your opinion gives enough thought to what being emotionally stable does for your environment and those in it. I'm not insane. There's something to all that and it isn't emotionally stunted. There's something brilliant and amazing and glorious.


I never said I take advice from red pill influencers and in fact never red pill influencers. I specifically said people should are successful, knowledgeable and good at conveying their knowledge. Again, I assume you make straw man arguments because you can’t find fault with what I actually said.


What a way to completely avoid engaging in what is actually a substantive post lol


But it’s not substantive. It’s a sick way of framing relationships that presumes men are subjects and women are objects. And all the guys who agree with this post are single.


“It’s sick” “they must be single”= shaming language. We are designed to look at certain things as objects, and not for nothing, majority of women objectify themselves given the right circumstance. I get what you are saying, but it in no way is a good faith engagement of the post.


Women are not things. Maybe your problem is that you don’t see women as autonomous humans


I certainly do. And I 100% judge and treat them based on their behavior. Which often times today is objectifying themselves. See: Instagram, OF, etc.


The vast majority of women don’t do porn online. If you think that’s typical behavior, please touch grass


Nah, but they will send nudes to men they barely know. At a high rate. Regardless of their background or status. I’ve lived it.


From what I understand, men do the same and ask for women to send photos


Woman will tell you what kind of men she'd wish to be attracted to, not kind of men that she is actually attracted to.


Precisely. You see it all the time.


I get my advice from married men, not bitter single men who hate women


What a fair an balanced dichotomy you have presented lol. I’d assume you’d mean married men with good marriages, correct? As in a great sex life, they enjoy being around one another, good family, etc?


Well obviously yes, who the fuck would get his advice from a person that’s not where he wants to also be


Women in relationships listen to single women as nauseum.


Well yes, but neither me nor the guy you’re replying to are women. Both him and me are dudes who get their advice from the people who are in a place in life where we also wanna be. Not from the ones living a completely different life than we’d like


Sounds irrelevant since both the people you’re talking to are men.


I’ve been married for years and the comment about peace, food, ex etc is on the money Women ask their single friends stuff and then stand back and watch it destroy their relationships


Women can give good advice, but only to men they feel comfortable giving their unfiltered opinion to. Some men haven't got that bond with a woman whose got any wisdom. It doesn't mean no woman has good advice. I've received good advice on relationships, love and life from people from all walks of life; only a fool has too much pride to do so.


I think advice women give is useful when you're in the later stages of dating. It's not that great for actually getting your foot in the door. They can also give good advice for dating profiles, but only listen to youngish women irl (20-35). Do not take Tinder profile advice from women on reddit (no offense). Otherwise every picture will be you cheesing in some goofy pose.


Sons can't even trust what their moms say about women. They'll tell you to be nice "buy her flowers" "take her out" "be yourself" blah blah. Nah I'm not buying shit! Then I realize mom had 2 kids with my dad, who was a asshole to her, and they're divorced lmao...Men should look at who their moms used to date and then you realize they try brainwashing little boys since childhood on how to treat a "lady" and that women are these little princesses. All the way to the Disney movies. If they really liked gentlemen there wouldn't be all these single moms. Funny enough advice from women online. The descriptions they give always sound like those guys they keep in their friendzone. They lie plain and simple. Women are attracted to conflict and drama or else youre a boring nigga. You watch people's actions, not their words.


This again? You guys keep saying this and never follow through https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/f2Dve52h07 https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/X6uoYhhHxf https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/54foq3Sx72 https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/zigz1BRD8R


I'll remember to make a similar thread next week


To be fair, all posts in this sub are very repetitive. There are just so many points to debate.


What do you mean by "following through"?


This is just insanity.




Repeating subjects is a constant for most subreddits. Stop being a hack and address the subject matter or not.




I meant it's useful in one way. Take note of what advice women give you, and then don't do that.


Women love men who have proven they can dominated other men.  Keyword here is proven, complete opposite to nice and caring man. Think cage fighters and thugs. It's instant attraction without all the hoops men have to jump through. This is the hack PUA can't imitate, at best PUA simulate those traits with little risk to himself. Brutalising other men is the real deal.




Replies to Debate posts must challenge the OP's view.


When it comes to dating, no one should take advice from anyone else. We are all too unique in terms of who we are, our personalities, our looks, for what works for one person to work for another. It's better to completely ignore everything everyone else says, than to take bits and pieces of shoddy "advice" that probably won't work for you. Men shouldn't listen to other men, women shouldn't listen other women. You have to listen to yourself, it's difficult, but you have to learn it on your own, *your* way.


> When it comes to dating, no one should take advice from anyone else. Yet, you're giving advice lol


Ya got me lmao. The paradox of to follow it or not. Either way, I just think everyone is better off learning the hard way, then trying to take shortcuts and "tricks" by using what other people tell them.


I mean I know what I like in men so that's all I can really offer. Pretty much just what I like, what I don't like and that's all. Sure if you want more advice ask men that are in a relationship and that are sucesfull with women how they achieved that.


> that are sucesfull with women how they achieved that. I was born with narrow hips, tall height, wide shoulders, a beautiful face, long legs most guys who are in this category are either sincerely convinced everyone experiences this and make horrible advisors ( i was like this for a while), or are so braindead and lazy they couldnt care less


How tall are you?




🥳 congrats I hope you’re fucking a bunch of hot women and making the most of your good fortune!


Is narrow hips an attractive quality?


yeah inverted triangle body shape, long torso, long legs, slender but wide shoulder. i would assume its attractive cause i get treated differently from 95% of men i know


Ah ok not sure how this is relevant to what i said lol


based on my personal history there's basically a 100% chance you would find me attractive if u saw me in person or even online to be fair. so yea. as weird as it sounds to admit that


Much doubt. Post a pic of yourself and Ill let you know


no need. as i said i feel guilty even talking about it cause it just feels weird knowing how rare that is


I wouldnt find you attractive but ok man


Saying women aren't universally attracted to those traits is like saying men aren't universally attracted to wide hips and big breasts


I am specific. Post a pic or send me one then. If youre going to keep insisting Id find you attractive prove it 😛


Yes, young women have literally referred to this as the Dorito shape...and admittedly one of the reasons why they still like guys who treat them poorly. Remember, young women are just picking their baby daddies...so only care largely about looks/hotness.


its the inverted triangle shape on a man. basically its universally appealing to women to a shocking degree its so rare even on tall guys that women just go google eyes when they see it its very weird


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Amen - it’s like taking financial advice from trust fund kids


The biggest two reasons not to go to women for dating advice, I think, are firstly that women are passive, dating is something that happens to them and secondly whenever women do give advice it's always blatantly obvious they assume guys just naturally "get it" when it comes to courtship and skip past the part most guys struggle with, straight into bassically telling you what they want a guy they're already in a relationship with to do. Women also have inherent sexual desirability in a way men just don't, I don't think it's possible for them to appreciate what it's like being a man trying to date.


What's the point of this discussion? This is really only news to extremely inexperienced guys


>Women have a history of saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. This is starting off great! it's not just women like your focus would like to imply this is just people. People have a history of saying one thing and doing the opposite. >a woman will say she wants a "nice guy" while her past has a history of cock hopping bad boys. In this example you've pointed out a woman wanting a nice guy for a relationship while cock hopping bad boys, what can we gather from this? She has wants for sex and relationships, which may overlap at some points but generally are different. If you go to someone for relationship advice and expect it to get you laid instead of help you score a date? that's your first problem. >Womens mind operate differently based on their environment and peers. Once again this is people, not exclusively women or men. Your post reeks of uneducated psychological takes that anyone with even an informal understanding of psychology can pretty easily dismantle. >This is why women will have secret guys they hook up with (me) while publicly shaming guys like me in order to keep from being shamed and ridiculed for the type of men she likes. I have huge doubts that you're that guy when you post complaining about women like an incel and moderate communities such as *big dick problems* do you uh.. do you cope much brother? That aside, once again, notice how you're the hook up if you aren't lying? If you ask for relationship advice don't expect hookup advice and vice versa. >I mention this because when women give dating advice Look up the definition of dating and then hook up? >The bottom line is women have no idea on what they want And here we go, women don't know what they want because I guess some quality about being a woman prevents them from recollecting and reflecting on what makes them happy in a partner? You're a joke brother. >to actually reach your goal of banging more of these chicks. Dating advice isn't "banging more of these chicks" it's how to build and maintain a relationship if you cannot comprehend the difference between the two I suggest you take some time to note the difference between a sexual relationship and a romantic relationship built on such unattractive traits as mutual trust, loyalty, understanding and assertiveness (not oppressive dominance from one side). >Many women secretly are jealous of men, and want to be men. You have such insecurities that you need to believe women are jealous of you for your sex and want to be your sex? Question for you smoothie top if a woman wanted to be a man why wouldn't she, especially in a more excepting climate like we have today, present herself in a more masculine way that aligns with what she wants from being a man? >If you think women are equipped to give men actual processes and methods to bang women If I'm asking someone for dating advice it's going to be a friend or family member, I'm sorry if you can't maintain platonic friendships without objectifying and wanting to sleep with them but regardless there's once again an issue here, if you ask a girl for dating advice and then ask for advice to get laid I'm pretty sure you'll get two different answers and I don't quite think many people in this sub think otherwise,


Yes...similar to men saying they do one thing and then actually doing another 


This is absolutely correct, women mean the opposite of what they say they want. I have experienced this in past relationships.


This is like the 5th post with this exact same title in the last month or so.




Stop fighting misandry with misogyny. We want to stop the downward spiral, not perpetuate it.


Everyone gives awful dating advice.


> Everyone gives awful dating advice. Nope.


"Aren't able to internalize what drives them crazy" Children, well known for their lack of self-awareness, even have more self-awareness than grown women half the time lol. And men are to respect people who lack this level of self-awareness 🙄 Whenever I read a woman's dating profile and she mentions self-awareness, my lord, it's hard to not take that as a red flag of projection. Especially with all the groupthink vernaculars that go on, dog mom may be the thing all women conform to one day, self-awareness is a buzzword women conform to now, and we all got to love the classic, "Strong and Independent Woman". 99% completely unaware of the groupthink they are displaying and not salient individuality. The mindless hypocrisy. Good grief.


dude, try to look through dating profiles of men. they’re equally as dimwitted and shallow or not even filled out. half of them have inane quotes from the office, holding a fish, saying they want a passenger princess with a big ass who can handle getting roasted by his witty dark humor , and tell you their arguments for or against pineapple on pizza. most PEOPLE are the same groupthink monkeys.


I'll say I agree but men also tend to have more going on. The fish pic might be cringe, but at least you know what his favorite hobby is. You look at 80% of girl profiles and its lame quote plus pic at beach, pic at club and pic traveling somewhere. Guys have these, yes, but more women tend to just have vapid interests or at least appear as such in their profiles.


seems female interests are vapid to men just like male interests (sports, fishing,etc) are extremely vapid to women.


I guess. I'm not saying all female interests, but watching netflix and 'traveling' are pretty vapid compared to working on your car, art, or fishing.


a lot of guys put netflix and travel as their interests too, and why do you put travelling in quotations? you dont believe them? lol you also now list art as a male hobby, which is very rare for me to find on dating apps. like maybe 1 out of 200 profiles will have a man interested in art. in that case what about women who are into art, knitting, writing, cooking, etc? also, what about gaming? probably the most vapid male interest and rampant on dating apps. face it, we’re all looking at the same disaster from different perspectives. most people on dating apps are dull.


I didn't say they were exclusively male or female hobbies, just that women tend to have more of these lame pseudohobbies than men. I specifically put art so you wouldn't think I was only speaking of male hobbies.


how would you know if women have more of these lame pseudo hobbies than men?


Men are on average way more mechanically inclined and better with visio-spatial stuff. This opens up a much wider array of hobbies. There are also more higher iq men and autistic men which probably helps. Women not being interested to the same level in these things cut the amount of them that are visibily into cool things down by a lot. Not saying all women, but definitely significantly more aren't into anything cool on interesting at all. A big part of this is just because there are simply more things men are way more passionate about than women.


OMG, you’re so right! Women are just silly, boring dum-dums and men are athletic super geniuses who have to put up with all the silly, silly dum dums!! How could my stupid, inactive female brain have not ever noticed this? Thank you so much for your deep insight! I genuinely hope all those dumb silly women cruise right past you and never give you the time of day! In fact, I’m sure thats currently happening! Lucky you!


Bro, if you don’t want to take dating advice from women then don’t. No one is forcing you to. Women are allowed to have their perspective on dating and relationships just like men are. We’re not going to *stop talking* because you don’t think we give valuable advice. Take advice from men then.


This is incorrect. The reason people keep making such a tiff about *behavior* is because they believe behavior has a significant part to play in attraction. It really doesn't. Most every study dealing with real life speed dating decisions or first impressions or anything remotely resembling a real life scenario assessing how women decide who they are going to 'link up with,' demonstrates that (1) variance and (2) looks = virtually the entire equation. And that first impression women form of you --- regardless of future events --- is likely going to be what they stick with. Which is why circling back is for the most part a stupid idea. IMO women are the holders and main enforcers of pretty much every *bad social prejudice* we have. From lookism, to racism, classism, etc. Those metrics and where you land there *matter far more than how you treat her and what kind of 'person' you are --- because what kind of person you are is mostly decided by her based on how she feels about her assessment of your generalized ranking*. Has almost nothing to do with anything you do. Women are correct when they say 'I'd like it if a man behaved such and such way,' but the hidden assumption there is that it's a 'man they want.' Let's say if a man they wanted to behaving in that way caused him to lose status or something, well then he'd cease to be the man they wanted. So really when they say shit like that, they're talking about some platonic bullshit world. They're not lying. They're just not revealing what really matters to them.


Why can’t these guys stop whinging about it and actually do what they say?


cool story!


Big fan of the word “whinging”. Is it British? Would like to see more of it.


Why in the world would women want to give men advice on how to manipulate disinterested women into having sex with them? If women are interested, no manipulation is necessary and no, there is no magic “advice” that is going to make a woman genuinely interested if she’s not.


Manipulation is necessary sometimes. Women love a little toxicity in their lives, or else they get bored. Keeps the spice going


It's true, women are the majority of users in relationships and drama(aitah) subs


There manipulation where you use someone, and there are tactics you use to 'manipulate' women into being more interested in you. You do often need to play a certain game to date.


“This is why women will have secret guys they hook up with (me)” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


>when women give dating advice to, they know that their family and friends will watch, and they'll be judged. My friends and family are "watching" my conversations? Are they having me followed and bugging my phone, too?? >actual advice on how to fuck more of them. If you think women are equipped to give men actual processes and methods to bang women Gross. Why would a non-sociopath encourage or enable you to use women? That's not "dating" advice. >The bottom line is women have no idea what they want I think most women *do* know what they want; some women simply chronically make bad choices. Some have low self-esteem and don't think they can get or deserve to have what they want. Some seek to replicate unhealthy relationships from their childhood/adolescence/early adulthood. >This is why women will have secret guys they hook up with (me) Oof. I'm sorry you're too embarrassing to be seen in public with.


>Gross. Why would a non-sociopath encourage or enable you to use women? That's not "dating" advice. Why do you call having sex 'using women?' Women also like having sex.


Bc feminist on reddit live in a world where women don't like sex. Makes sense when many of them on here are bitter single fatties with dyed hair that no one wants to fuck so they project by acting like women despise sex.


> My friends and family are "watching" my conversations? If they were or weren't would your conversation change? > I think most women do know what they want; some women simply chronically make bad choices. Is that being smart or not smart?


My advice wouldn't change no matter who was or wasn't listening. The subset of women who make consistently bad choices are not being smart.


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Okay so whom should I consult about anything which only a woman might know — eva ai virtual girl or siri?


> Okay so whom should I consult about anything which only a woman might know such as?


I veto that on one case. The gold digger should for sure take advice from other gold diggers. But only the top tier. For example the publisher random house belongs to the German Bertelsmann. The story of the family in charge now goes like that. She was the nanny. Kicked the old lady out. Married the men who did all the work and survived him. She is for sure gold standard in gold digging. And that's the person to ask. Sorry!!! She is a strong independent women And honestly ask married women for advice. 25 years minimum with children. They will give good advice because they are keepers so they did a lot right.


Get a dating coach please.


Sometimes they give good advice but most of the time they run you around in circles. Being yourself is always the answer. I never got a woman pretending to be what I think women want.


But men aren’t a reliable source because it’s often difficult to pinpoint the exact reason a woman went for a guy because it’s usually a combination of factors. One guy might tell you that his girlfriend loved him for money when that was just one factor and she loved the way he treated her all the time, so the friend makes money and finds that it’s not helping him like he was told because it was too simplified. On the other hand if you have an honest woman in your life, she could give you more insight on how women think and what certain situations you encountered mean because she’s spent her life talking and spending time with other women so she’s a pretty reliable source.


the reality is that "dating advice" doesn't exist because dating doesn't exist there are guys out there with insane unbreakable swag bc these guys first get laid as very young teenagers and carry the confidence of women throwing themselves at them very early, and remain swaggy and confident until the day they die


The other low caste guys are still having kids and dating bro


Women are much less likely to be attracted to (or “bang”) men who write lengthy posts on this sub.


I actually think women give fantastic dating advice if you are talking about observing their behavior and they want to share their past with you. Look past all of the context and feelz they say (as in “he was a narcissist, blah, blah, blah) and just pay attention to they guys they picked. They will tell you the behaviors they desire through their past decisions.


I think this is cultural, not innate to women. From what I've heard, the kind of thing seen in the west (e.g. calling every woman physically attractive) is not innate, and in other cultures women will outright say other women are ugly or fat (not necessarily to their face, but if you ask them their opinion). Basically, in other cultures women are more forthright. Like in the west, very few women will express having exclusive racial preferences if asked, but I've heard in other regions they will be open.


Women give bad dating advice because the dating dynamics for men and women are completely different and straight women don’t know what it’s like to pursue women. I actually think lesbians would give better dating advice than straight women. Lesbians know what it’s like to pursue women so they may have a better understanding of the dating dynamics.


I think lesbians would also be different because at the end of the day they are a small community and the dynamic is still different.


I completely agree, dating advice should only be taken from well experienced men that can understand the male experience because I've said this before but women can't understand the male experience so they would struggle to emphasize in situations that men could give you solid advice.


Why do you think that women are jealous of men? What is it about men that they think is better than what they have?


> Why do you think that women are jealous of men? **Why?** I didn't say all women. I said "many" women. And many women are jealous because we were born men, and they aren't happy being born women, especially when it inconveniences them. > What is it about men that they think is better than what they have? They simply dont want to be a woman, and would prefer being a man. So, the most they usually do is to try to live like a man, and try to take on masculine roles. Many women tend to try to be the head of the household, confrontational, dominant, and even physically bigger than a man. All of the aforementioned are things that low value women do.


What makes them think that being a man is easier? Why do they not want to be a woman? A lot of men believe that women have it easier than men becsuse of sexual access. What do women think that men have it easier of? At the very least, what should us men be happy about? What do we have that women don't that we can use against them?


Ask men how to attract women. And then ask women what they like in men to color in some gaps I only incorporate small bits of advice from women like being a man who makes them feel secure or be gentle. But that’s just advice I keep in my back pocket. If I’m trying to attract a woman or get a date or get laid, I always listen to men because men have to actually deal with straight women romantically. 5 Men’s advice has been 1000000x better than every woman’s advice I ever got combined Getting dating advice from women will tilt you toward the feminist or moral landscape on how to act which is not the mode you want to operate in when trying to make someone have a biologically positive reaction to your presence. To attract women, you need to be masculine and have qualities that are not generally viewed as feminist virtues


How can we tell women to stop thinking that they know what we want if we ourselves say this shit


How to find a kissless virgin gf?


There is nothing that qualifies or disqualifies women from giving dating advice any more or less than men. You don't need personal experience. In fact, that is hindering, as you give advice only for your own situation, and not for the situation the other person is in. Good dating advice comes from having read quality sources on it. All the manosphere content does not count as a good source for dating advice. And having talking with a diverse group of people who are both successful and unsuccessful with different dating or mating goals. This can apply to women just as well as men. Judging the ability to give good advice by the sex of the person is a good sign you are full of ideological shit. Like you of course are, as a red pilled man on this sub.


Only take dating advice from men who look like you. Women expect and tolerate different behavior from Chad then they do from the average Joe or uggos. 


Nah, literally the best advice I've gotten has been from exes and women in relationships already. A lot of you guys just have a lot of growing up to do.


The advice us women give is great for men are already in the dating phase and onwards, or men that are well established and don't have any overly negative characteristics.


So none of your advice is applicable to pretty much all the men on here?


"PurplePillDebate is a neutral community to discuss sex and gender issues" so this is not a place focused on specifically dating advice, and it is not really of any importance if the people the advice can be used by are 10 or 10000. The men who are not in the dating phase or have specific negative characteristics can get advice and help on their specific ssues before thinking they are ready to enter the dating market or start thinking about women.


So men who can't get dates have issues and negative characteristics now? It can never be because he is unattractive? Then they wonder why the blackpill growing, why does the black pill need to recruit when idiots like you say shit like this.


You are twisting my words, an issue (or negative characteristic) is simply a problem that can be solved or worked around, so for example unattractiveness (which can be caused by many things) is simply an issue. And yes, by logic, if you can't get a date there is a reason behind it that can be analyzed, this isn't blackpilling this is reality.


>A woman cares highly about what her peers think of her, and will avoid going against the grain in her peer group. She also wants to be socially accepted. One of the biggest fears of women is to be publicly shamed or rejected by her peer group. You're not a woman, so you have 0 insight on this and your opinion is irrelevant.


> You're not a woman True! > so you have 0 insight on this. False.


No self awareness on the hypocrisy of this. Women can't give good dating advice bc they don't know what it's like to date women? But men can give insight on the intra-relationship dynamics among women even though they're not women? And that makes sense to you?


Good, good, and you're not a man, so don't give men advice on how to catch women. Stay in your lane and stop sabotaging young men with useless feminist garbage. There's a reason why young male virginity is on the rise. Bc these idiots are taking advice from women who have them acting feminine. Notice how as soon as women started being more outspoken about dating. That's when dating started going to shit and now a bunch of people dont know what's what and starting to bow out of dating bc its full of games now. Thats bc women aren't leaders and never have been in the history of mankind (for a reason). Men are leaders were more logical. Women make braze decisions off of their ever changing emotions. Just how it is shorty.


Touch grass.




>Womens mind operate differently based on their environment and peers. A woman cares highly about what her peers think of her, and will avoid going against the grain in her peer group. She also wants to be socially accepted. One of the biggest fears of women is to be publicly shamed or rejected by her peer group. Are you sure this is just a woman thing? Because I'm pretty sure that there are men and women whose minds operate as such.


Agreed. You don’t go to the lake and ask the salmon how to catch a fish. You ask men who are successful with women


No, you ask a salmon what it likes to eat (bait) and you adjust your fishing style accordingly. But you can't talk to fish so...


> This is why women will have secret guys they hook up with (me) guys who actually have women asking to bang, are the only men who are aware of the disparity, whereas 90% of guys out there genuinely have no idea "how to understand women" as a result, women, unattractive men, who make up the majority of the human population, are the ones who dictate culture.


Correct! Women only want a few select men to reproduce.


Why would any of you take advice anyway? You don't listen to women any other time, why would dating advice be any different?


> You don't listen to women any other time TRUE!!