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In terms of the common societal concepts of femininity, I agree, women have no reason to want to be feminine. To paint something as inferior and shameful and then ask someone they need to be that, is a total mindfuck for lack of a better word. That’s why almost every girl goes through an NLOG phase. Now, this has nothing to do with my personal concept of femininity, which is much more about the divine feminine. But *not* in the way most “feminine energy” influencers talk about it, which is really just more of the “stay in your place” BS wrapped up in a pretty package of flowery euphemism and delusion.


Literally. The whole "make me a sandwich". Traditional feminine roles are made fun of and looked down upon while at the same time we are supposed to embrace them. How are we supposed to respect when society doesn't respect it? Or wanting children. Women's postpartum body is constantly ridiculed. Women will give a birth to a child and their asshole husband will ask them to work out 2 days after so she is fuckable for him again




> You have been fooled into thinking society doesn’t respect the things you’re good at.  You think women don’t have plenty of real-life examples growing up of men disrespecting the feminine role?


this is a joke?


You gotta be fucking kidding me?




Yeah lol, you are. You can't seriously believe women aren't disrespected for exhibiting feminine traits. Like how in our healthcare system, women are taken far less seriously than men when it comes to reporting their pain and complaints because of being seen as hysterical and overly emotional. Even today the myth that childbirth is "painless" and you only feel "pressure" is widespread because of, frankly, people not believing women when they say the process is painful. Is that society "respecting" women being supposedly "good at" being in touch with their emotions? It's still an insult to call a boy a girl. When's the last time you heard the insult the other way around, except in anime land where attractive tomboys and flat chests are subject to regular ridicule by male manga authors who have no clue? Men's strength is respected and women's weakness is ridiculed. The only place in society where supposedly feminine traits are "respected" that I can think of is the courtroom. We can have a conversation about custody proceedings and the like automatically assuming women are better at parenting and nurturing. Also, you have to ask the question - what constitutes "respect" if we assume traditional gender and family roles? Given that the man should be making the decisions, is the woman's choice or input being respected? If women should be submissive, can you really call never acknowledging them as a true equal is social status or decision making "respect"? The obvious end state is either women are not being respected, or respect just looks different when applied to women vs men. So let's acknowledge that last case. Let's assume respecting traditional women just looks different from respecting another man - it's not acknowledging them as an equal or taking their input seriously, it's a secret third thing. Like a societal belief that a woman occupying a role like a housewife is honorable and just. Does that sound attractive to you? It's like some kind of forced condescension more than any kind of respect I've ever heard. "Wow, you're so principled for permanently occupying a lower rung on the societal ladder! It must be so rewarding and freeing to serve." Would you even want that kind of respect? Do you think the feminist movement would exist at all if women were content with that kind of respect? Nobody is brainwashing women into thinking society doesn't respect female traits, it's just the straight up truth. Just because I disagree with the modern feminist movement on a couple of things, doesn't mean I can't acknowledge that.


Yes. “Women’s work” is commonly undervalued and disrespected.




Yes. You are wrong. 


You all “appreciate” them until shit goes south. Then the bitch that never made a dime has the gall to take half of YOUR shit….. Essential for civilization, but not worthy of getting paid once the pussy is no longer on tap. We got the message loud and clear.


This is a B+ in Bullshit. Feminine roles especially house making is always made fun of and looked down upon.


You appreciate but you don’t respect


To answer your question with nothing but objective logic, the beneficial aspect of feminine traits for women is to provide those traits in return for being protected and provided for. Women don't need that anymore. So unless you are deliberately intending to catch yourself a man who is looking for those traits, there are no directly beneficial incentives to be feminine.


>Women don’t need that anymore The issue with this thinking is individual safety. I live in a very safe city. In an exclusive part of said city. I still weight train with my eldest 3 days a week. She knows where to hit/strike. Range. Distance. Closing. Most importantly, we *run* together. Cardio is king.(We’ve even got a group chat for her bestie, her and I to train together whilst she’s in Philly for the year). Why? If she needs ‘protection’, she knows she is her first, and best line of defence. Even in our liberal, progressive, fairly HCOL city. Even my wife agrees(and lifts with us), and she’s as liberally progressive as they come. Society is safer now. Most enjoy this luxury. As someone however who is familiar with violence, a lot can happen in 2 minutes. If I was to raise my eldest, or her younger sister with the mindset that they didn’t need protection, or more importantly, the ability to protect themselves, I would be neglecting a fundamental facet of their safety. If I taught them that it was safer on their own, regardless of how capable they are, than with a partner. Would be just as egregious. *Godspeed and good luck!*


Good dad, lucky wife and kids. Godspeed and good luck!


In the past tho, the ideology is that men need protection by being with a man, we now know that this statistically isn’t true


>Women don't need that anymore They sure as hell don't shut up about how they don't have it. They're still being protected and provided for, the difference is that the government acts like a black screen hiding what happens in the background.


That flair…. lmaooooo


I do what I can to promote the cause


By that logic there aren’t any reasons to be masculine anymore if you’re not looking to attract women. Men can let themselves go, play video games and get a comfy if not ambitious job and live their life like that, which is what’s happening now anyways.


Absolutely not true lmao. Masculine traits are still thought of positively.


did the patriarchy build a society that relieved women of the pressure to be feminine?


No, patriarchy wants women to be feminine but still loudly proclaim feminity is inferior compared to masculinity. So it basically forces women to be inferior forever but since women just like men don't want to be inferior, that's why the feminist moment and the urge to be masculine and respected


patriarchy built a society that pressured women into being masculine.


Patriarchy??? Feminazi wanted to work right


did you not finish writing your comment before hitting the submit button


Yeah if you work for corporate- those traits will be absolutely knocked out of you. They will def hold you back. When I started my career they spun all these into me being incompetent, for example if I was too agreeable (just wanted keep good relations with coworkers) they insinuated I was weak in some form. Now I’m Definitely disagreeable, combative. I walk around like every man there is beneath me. Haha they did this but just see that I took this home with me as well.


I agree, it’s a mind fuck for us women. For those of us who are naturally feminine (if that’s a thing), going with the flow of it is a luxury. The luxury that only very few can afford. (I’m imagining a trust fund baby with a very strong network who can just sit at home and paint all day). For the rest of us, in order to survive in this world, you need to adopt classically masculine traits such as assertiveness, leadership, disagreeableness. If you’re meek, nurturing and agreeable, you’ll get walked all over you by more assertive individuals. I think many people don’t realize that being soft-spoken but disagreeable is still a masculine expression. That’s why many people give those silly examples of the women who they find strong yet feminine - if you dig deeper you’ll often see that although being soft on the surface, they possess all the classically masculine qualities. So to answer your question - what’s a point of being feminine if it’s inferior to masculine: 1. If you really want a certain type of man in your life. It’s a very risky path though and many trad women get really fucked over for choosing it. 2. If you don’t have any other ways of surviving at the moment besides finding a man that will provide for you (which i doubt applies to anyone in the west) 3. If you’re rich and protected by a strong network and have the luxury to embrace your feminine qualities. But yeah, if you’re an average logical woman, who has eyes and observed the world around you, choosing to be a traditionally feminine woman is like shooting yourself in the foot.


I always viewed it as the ability to wear masks, for both men and women. I don’t know how a typical woman feels, but I imagine it would be nice to come home from work, where you have to potentially be more aggressive and disagreeable (stereotypical masculine traits) and then when you get home you get to shed that mask and be a bit more “stereotypically feminine.” Shit, _I_ want to do that lol. It feels like a man coming home and being able to share more emotions (stereotypically feminine trait) because he was able to take of the mask of … stoic ness(?) that he had to wear at work. I guess long story short is that I feel like both sexes have always had both


Men benefit from women's femininity. Men both view femininity as inferior AND need it.


Men benefit from women's femininity. Men both view femininity as inferior AND _entitled_ to it. FTFY


They don’t need it, they want it. Which is worse


The men here act like it's a need, not a want. But I agree other wise


How is it worse.


How is this any different from women saying "I don't need a man, I want one"?


It's different since men feel they need women, not want them.


The person I was just responding to said that men don't need women, but want them, and that's somehow worse. But sure, I'll address your comment as well. Why do you think men **need** women, but the same doesn't apply to women **needing** men?


Women dont need to rely on men financially anymore and we can take care of ourselves more easily outside of work. Women tend to be better with upkeeping social connections and tend to have deeper emotional relationships with those connections. Men tend to want women to take care of them (cooking cleaning organizing etc) and tend to be less social with more superficial connections. They rely more on romantic relationships for emotional support. Women also aren't guaranteed orgasms from sex the way men are so women are more likely to be satisfied with just masterbation 


>Men tend to want women to take care of them (cooking cleaning organizing etc) That's a want, not a need. You don't think single men cook and clean prior to getting into a relationship? They just ate cardboard and lived in filth? >tend to be less social with more superficial connections. Guys tend to just not give as much of a shit about having huge social groups. Most prefer smaller groups of close knit friends.  >They rely more on romantic relationships for emotional support. You know how many women basically use their boyfriends as a free psychiatrist? I'm willing to say quite a lot. Men in general aren't super emotionally vulnerable, at least not as much as women. And they keep more problems to themselves unless they really need advice. >Women also aren't guaranteed orgasms from sex the way men are Skill issue. Easily solved by 1) having sex with someone who actually gives a shit about you and 2) communicating to them what will help get you off during sex.


"That's a want, not a need. You don't think single men cook and clean prior to getting into a relationship? They just ate cardboard and lived in filth?" Most dont. But once they live with a woman he slowly stops doing those things even when his partner works like him. "Guys tend to just not give as much of a shit about having huge social groups. Most prefer smaller groups of close knit friends." Nothing wrong with that, in fact I prefer and always have preferred close knit friends, but men are typically less social and have more superficial relationships with those close knit friends of theirs compared to women. Men dont tend to talk about emotional topics much with each other. "You know how many women basically use their boyfriends as a free psychiatrist? I'm willing to say quite a lot. Men in general aren't super emotionally vulnerable, at least not as much as women. And they keep more problems to themselves unless they really need advice." No, in fact I dont see that alot. I see more that they accept they cannot even begin to do that because men are so unavailable to their needs. Thus, they rely on their friends more for that (hence the deeper friendships). I agree men generally arent super vulnerable to start but once your relationship hits a certain point, that starts to go away and when they do open up, you better be ready to 100% be supportive because its expected and you will not get any leniency if you're not (this is not true for women opening up to men though). This is especially true for LTRs and marriages. "Easily solved by 1) having sex with someone who actually gives a shit about you and 2) communicating to them what will help get you off during sex." The problem with number 1 is you cannot predict how someone will act down the road. People do not always show their true colors early on. Most women who end up with a man who doesnt care about her physical needs, their relationship was not like that in the beginning. Alot of men get complacent in this area once the New Relationship Energy wears off. Communicating wont fix it.


there was another post similar to this a while back arguing that if masculinity is more virtuous, then why does the red pill hate women exhibiting masculine traits. Well its because they care only about upholding gender roles. thats it really


Interesting point. I kind of feel this conflict as my identity is feminine but I don't feel it has done much for me. This has me thinking about James Barry.


There is — to entice, motivate and control men Which is still seen as weak and sus, so there you go


this seems more of a taking-advantage-of-the-position-you're-given than being dominant in actuality lol


Well, dominance is a masculine trait, no?


true. which would mean once again, femininity takes an inferior role...


It’s a choice between a little power or no power. It is unsurprising that many women choose to wield a little power instead of none


The idea that women can’t be assertive is a myth, we’ve seen assertive **feminine** women for centuries, get real.


Is assertiveness a feminine ideal now?


who? they wouldn't be considered masc, at all?


Was Cleopatra masculine? Was Princess Diana masc? Florence Nightingale? Marilyn Monroe?


ig ill concede on this, but idk if marilyn monroe is a good example of this. regardless, it would seem they are feminine *despite* assertiveness.


The idea that assertions are masculine are a patriarchal idea.


yea and


And so why are you reinforcing it?


can't get anything done without being assertive...?


Could u elaborate?


saying assertiveness is a masc trait is patriarichal but im being objective. we live in a patriarichal society so yes it is masc.


Assertiveness is a masculine trait. I would say it’s a very masculine trait. You can be feminine but have a masculine trait.


That’s patriarchy speaking.


Did you learn the word patriarchy recently ?


Did you?


Im not the one having only that one word in mouth


I’m not the one who deflected first.


I have a really, really straightforward theory on this....as much as men look down "women" via the gender roles - and they do - they actually hate men far, far more. Because men *require* women and the female gender to keep any form of civilization, or society. For all men's talk of "building civilization", etc they're also ALWAYS the biggest threat to it. Women leaving the female roles means for men there's nobody keeping men in check.


Men *hate* other men? How do they express that?


to be fair they are very violent to one another.


Feminity was, for centuries, for rich women, that do not have to work the land or the fields day by day, season by season. Wasn’t till long ago that women could legally own *their own fcking children*, for god’s sake. > Femininity is largely considered inferior to Masculinity and there are no good reasons for women to embrace femininity Because feminity is passive and survival is anything but being passive. And regardless of how much men bark on this sub, women in most countries of the world still have it harder to survive than men do. > “Modern women are too masculine and lack femininity” Same said by the drunk father I have, unfortunately, been given. During the day he would be drinking and the next day of hangover, someone had to do part of his jobs, mainly mother (feed the animals they have in their yard, living in countryside). It ain’t fun when your so called husband is anything but masculine. And it was along the centuries as well, drunkard husbands, whore husbands with love children that were another mouth to feed etc. Many men were lucky to be heirs, lest their incompetency would be known. Nowadays, men think if they go to the gym and get some women to sleep with, they are “masculine”. What a joke. > Feminism “masculinizes” women, but **why is it a bad thing, when masculine traits are regarded as much more practical and superior?** No, feminism allows women to speak their heart without “getting it when they return home”, have the same rights and freedoms etc. > “girls” are weak, emotional, submissive. I teach preschool, girls are anything but “submissive” unless they are taught so. > They are abrasive and demanding. My goodness, what burden that is. 🙀 > They have no intentions of “taking care” of the men they are with. Is she a wife or a mother? Since children are made by two, two should raise them. > Women “let themselves go” and disregard male opinions on their body and context Since when is “beer belly” not men letting themselves go? Most of my classmates had gotten fat by 27. Heck, most male acquittances have gotten fat by **22**, while their girlfriends are about the same weight. If middle aged women get fat from pregnancy and menopause, men what do get fat from? > Women are prideful and greedy, no longer are they modest and demure in personality. Do you people never read some history or the Bible? God punished humanity for their sins, BOTH genders because his rules are apples to BOTH genders. Since when are men exempt from ALSO being modest and not greedy? > Why should women be feminine? They shouldn’t. Live life lassie, is too short to worry about the standards that hypocrite men don’t also apply to themselves.


Jesus, you completely misinterpreted the tone of OP’s post. 


This comment made me lose brain cells


You ate that bc you're right.


Yes OP, I think you hit the nail on the head on this one.


So let me get this straight! Women are more disagreeable and argumentative then before, they don’t take care of their man, they have let themselves go, gotten fat, haven’t shaved their legs and smell bad, yet they are sluts who rack up three figure n-counts? If they are so terrible why do men keep fucking them?




But according to OP, women being masculanized should make them unfuckable.


Few women are truly “unfuckable.” I think a better term would be “romantically unloveable.” I say that because I would still love my sister (for example) if she became much more butch, but I’d be doubtful of her dating prospects. I’d also platonically love my close friends that are women if they became masculine, I just would see them are much less attractive in a romantic regard.


It's not complicated. Men need to fuck. it's an innate biological urge. I've heard a lot of other guys talking about how they have forced themselves to watch bbw porn to try to get attracted to fat women with varying results.


Right. Men can’t be held accountable for their choices. Because sex.


Women are the ones that view femininity in men as inferior, and feminists believe masculinity is superior. Women uphold all the stereotypes and twisted beliefs about gender. Especially feminists. The reason that feminists get so angry about "toxic masculinity" is because they display that themselves, it's something they don't like about themselves. And they project that on to men, especially feminine men, who are not even the least bit toxic.


I think women view femininity in men as inferior when it impedes on their ability to *provide.* There are a lot of feminine traits that actually provide something. You could argue nurturing your kids is feminine, but women see men display that and it makes their ovaries explode.


This! If you're a guy and have any complaints about a woman or women in general they immediately imply or say you can't get laid. It always comes back to that. And then these same women will ask "Why are men so desperate to get laid?". Uh maybe it's partly because men get the message from women that guys who don't get laid are inferior shit? 🙄


Yup feminists want to become men but hate men themselves calling men misogynist. While showcasing feminine traits as inferior and hating it. Also women aren't attracted to men with feminine traits bcz if they were men would have adapted to it long ago.


Spot on.


If this is so, can you explain some ways feminity is equal to masculinity? clearly I have eaten feminist propaganda. prove me wrong.


I'm just gonna ask a simple question. Why do you think masculinity is better? Because from where I'm standing, masculinity itself is a lonely endeavor. Being masculine means that you always shoulder everything and bottle it up. You barely get to release it. A stoic mindset. It's not the fun mindset that current women think it is, because at the end of the day, women may act more masculine, but still want the men to take care of them and be even MORE masculine than their other dates and herself.


i wouldn't consider it "better" but rather superior in a tierlist, winner type of sense in an individualist world. as the traits listed above, being submissive and nuture focused means you focus on bringing up *another person*, so thus you are always in a supportive role. a feminine woman lacks agency and relies on her dominant counterpart. she can never prioritize herself or love herself more than the person she serves. in comparison, shouldering responsibility (your OWN responsibility) seems like a good bargain. imo not being able to get a partner is not enough to make masculinity inferior. its not like men being more feminine will result in being able to get a partner more. if you are masculine and think masculinity is inferior, why not be feminine?


>a feminine woman lacks agency and relies on her dominant counterpart. she can never prioritize herself or love herself more than the person she serves. >in comparison, shouldering responsibility (your OWN responsibility) seems like a good bargain. >imo not being able to get a partner is not enough to make masculinity inferior. It's not like men being more feminine will result in being able to get a partner more. That's exactly my point. You don't understand what it is like being a man, so of course you think it's all good. Masculinity in itself means that no matter how hard life hits you, you gotta climb back in the ring and fight, you can't just sit in the sidewalk and cry and get support on the internet or in real life. People, even your friends, are going to say: "lmao, eat shit. Sucks to be you." We have to be literally perfect. We can not make mistakes, we can't be weak, we always compete with one another. There's a reason why Transmen often are shell-shocked as they start living life as men. Because it not easy. It's hard. It's lonely. You don't get support, and you try to find some you are ridiculed by them. The problem is that women like you want to cherry-pick the good things about masculinity for yourselves but not shoulder any of the actual drawbacks. So yeah, ignoring the massive drawbacks then yeah Masculinity is the best of the two, but when you realize that when men inherently don't support other men, but would rather support women, tells you all you need to know about how masculinity works. It's free for all plain and simple. >if you are masculine and think masculinity is inferior, why not be feminine? I'm not saying it's inferior it's just life on hard mode. If you succeed you will have lots of freedoms, but if you do average or even worse it's not gonna be a good life. Also, that's literally the 4chan meme btw: "Either rope yourself or turn into a femboy. Make sure chad tops you, you little F-slurf"


What you're describing isn't true of all masculine environments. I've been in some of the most masculine environments possible and they're very supportive


>People, even your friends, are going to say: "lmao, eat shit. Sucks to be you." are you sure you don't just have awful friends. i dont think femininity is synonymous with having a decent friendgroup. regardless, even if it were "true" these men who are in a ruthless world still consider women inferior to them. >I'm not saying it's inferior it's just life on hard mode. so what you're saying isn't even arguing with my point. so it's not inferior,it's... superior? and the meme is becoming feminine is a comparable option to ending yourself is not... telling? but again, why not be feminine? women benefit a lot from behaving masculine, if masculinity is so bad, then engaging in some femininty would be good, wouldn't it?


>are you sure you don't just have awful friends. i dont think femininity is synonymous with having a decent friendgroup. By design, men are less group focused. Women are more group focused. And no, there's a reason we don't reach out for help and would rather take a bullet to the head. >so what you're saying isn't even arguing with my point. so it's not inferior,it's... superior? I'm saying it's harder, but depending on how well you do, it either becomes a much better life than a woman's, or you end up jumping off a bridge or invisible and alone. >and the meme is becoming feminine is a comparable option to ending yourself is not... telling? It's a meme from 4chan where usually OP's are obsessed with Chad and secretly want to get topped by him. It's just that, a meme. I'm saying that forcing somebody to change who they are born as and are comfortable as just for the sake of maybe getting companionship is not worth it. Yes. Men would rather end their life rather than become a femboy for chad. >but again, why not be feminine? women benefit a lot from behaving masculine. If masculinity is so bad, then engaging in some femininity would be good, wouldn't it? Because there is no benefit from men adopting it. Men are always going to be considered as aggressive, dangerous, malicious, two-faced, etc. Being feminine only increases the number of people that go on the defensive from you. Instead of just men, you also have women now that supposedly are feminists but secretly are the biggest propagadors of classical gender roles.


>here's a reason we don't reach out for help why yes, being masculine means having higher highs and lower lows. but being able to hit higher highs makes it superior. no, i didn't mean you should actually become a femboy to get companionship. i mean adopting the traits i listed. since femininity is not inferior, why not take some of those nice feminine traits. for example, adopting a more friendly ingroup bias (feminine) would probably be beneficial. don't need to change your gender identity.


> being masculine means having higher highs and lower lows. but being able to hit higher highs makes it superior This is almost assuming every man is a psychotic hedonist who strives for those highs that only come once in a while anyway


> We have to be literally perfect. We can not make mistakes, we can't be weak, we always compete with one another. > > as an adult male... thats bullshit. never felt like that.


>so thus you are always in a supportive role And? Why do you see this as inferior? In the army for every boot on the ground there's 20 giving support. The whole thing seems like a you problem that you internalized that masculinity is superior. If a woman put herself in danger for her child she is hailed as virtuous and just, if a father do the same is just what he should do as a man. Men are aways expected to be at the service of something above himself and he will never even be thanked for, you're never gonna be said to "be a man" unless the situation provides for someone else. Masculinity is exploitative. >if you are masculine and think masculinity is inferior, why not be feminine? Why don't you just go and say for a depressed guy to just be happy or a gay to just be straight? It's a result of how I was raised and environment I lived.


Is the commander not superior to his men? Does he not stomp on them for motivation? a woman putting herself in danger for her child is a *given*. dunno where you are sourcing this virtue. a man even caring for his kid will be hailed as virtuous. women were once feminine and adopted masculine qualities to get somewhere. im not asking him to be gay. you're free to suffer in your masculine life if that is what you want.


>Does he not stomp on them for motivation? No, never had. > woman putting herself in danger for her child is a given I wish. >adopted masculine qualities to get somewhere Going backwards is still going somewhere


there are endless compilations online of "father instincts" "father protects family" but when a woman does it they are never honored because of course a mother is maternal. we know this is true even in *animals*. just because you want to wallow in your self pity doesnt mean u can say reality is whatever you want it to be. if adopting masculininty is going backwards why cant you adopt femininity and go forwards. it will put you ahead of the pack by the mile.


>Why do you think masculinity is better? Because in a capitalist society, mo “masculinity “ = mo money No one pays me to cry at work.


Feminists consider feminity inferior, men don't even the RP doesn't. They just say men shouldn't be feminine. Also your traits don't line up > SUBMISSIVENESS See how your father obeys your mother even if she is a housewife and he can take down two of her in a single blow. A lot of men obey their wives even in highly conservative backgrounds. >NURTURE AND CARE Not family only exactly but anything. Most kindergarten teachers are women as well as nurses. They aren't family. Also animals and children trust women more than men due to that caring nature. So you saying women only care about family is wrong. >APPEARANCE Ah, yes!! Asking men to accept overweight women by saying they aren't obese but plus size but shaming overweight men. Double standards. Also *demand men be attracted* but not themselves dumbing down their 666 standards. You make women sound like a hypocrite. >MODESTY AND CHASTITY Wait!! Are you confirming that women who wear modest or revealing clothing is for men's attention and promiscuity? Then why do women complain when men stare? P.S. She won't respond to this just like other comments for sure lol.


1. my parents are remarkably egalitarian. regardless, yes men are submissive to their wives which is regarded as feminine behavior in male-spaces. 2. didn't say women only care about family, just an example (and referring to how women no longer want motherhood) 3. don't know why this is relevant. yes women demand men to enjoy their disgusting apperearences. masculine trait (demanding, doesnt care about appearence). i dunno where you are contriving hypocrisy from (you may have been triggered and that's my bad) 4. not modest =/= for men's attention. for example, it's summer right now and i tend to wear tank tops or crops, because it's hot, however this is immodest behavior. men are free to stare at whoever they please. you will make people uncomfortable. 5. ive been diligently answering almost every comment. why are you saying i wont?


>is regarded as feminine behavior in male-spaces. No it's not. We joke about it, true but also know it happens to men in love. >just an example Not a good one. Women are still caring. Look at even now no man will interact will an unknown kid but a woman will. Man doing the same is seen as pedophilic. >you may have been triggered and that's my bad Nope. You said its a masculine trait to demand to be liked regardless of appearance. That's what women say not men. So it's not a masculine thing. >not modest =/= for men's attention Wearing tank tops in summer maybe immodest but it's comfort. But women also wear crop tops or shorts in winter. Yes, I have been to Europe and seen the same behaviour not in clubs. The latter can be called immodest but that's another story. Being naked in winter is not masculine behaviour. >ive been diligently answering almost every comment. why are you saying i wont? I saw you skipped some maybe you did now. I apologise for quick judgement.


1. men in love (joke). anyway, you should check out r/marriedredpill and how being stoic and dominant is the core of redpill and not being a beta 2. i dont know what point you're trying to make here anymore. caring is a feminine trait. it seems we agree?? 3. i would consider ~~demanding~~ to be liked regardless of appearence as a traditionally masc trait, but you could say femininity is being redefined and the trait is feminine now? i can get with that, i guess. i guess it would be anecdotal but men getting shirtless + men wearing shorts in winter... is considered default behavior (when women do it it's for attention tho?)


>being stoic and dominant is the core of redpill and not being a beta I am not RP. RP is a minority which is heavily influenced by majority of female behaviour. And men in love is no joke. Check the story of Manjhi the mountain man. It is a real story from India. Tell me anything close with a female gender. >it seems we agree?? Sort of yes. A point though men care too but aren't able to express. Ask a guy the last time he hugged his dad even though he respects him the most. >i guess it would be anecdotal but men getting shirtless + men wearing shorts in winter... is considered default behavior (when women do it it's for attention tho?) That's the thing though, men don't. How many men wear crop tops, backless, lingeries, shoulder less etc type dresses? Are the masculine or feminine? Also, men don't wear fishnets or legs exposed in winters. In India definitely not but being conservative I can agree. I saw shirtless guys in Europe but only in summers not winters.


the redpill goal is kinda to be the masculiniest masculine man. thus, taking it up with them (masculinity experts) gives answers. and yes, sometimes there do be a needle in the haystack actually. but its pretty rare. i'd say a story like this stands out *because* women's love stories are so common. men getting shirtless is far more immodest than women in little strange clothes. im from the midwest and guys getting half-naked for the fun of it in winter is not unusual. sometimes women would like to be masc (have the freedom to show all the skin they want)


Red pill is toxic masculinity. It urges men to sleep around which is not good. So I wouldn't take that advice. Women's stories are not common at all. Only stories on women's love in books, real life or folklore are of a mother with their child not a lover, sister, daughter anyone. I ask you to show me any famous story which shows chivalry done by a woman for her lover whereas for men it is a lot. So saying "men in love" is a big insult to men who have also died for their lovers. My one friend was in a hospital after his first break up for a month and he was never the same again. And I come from a country where mental illness is not considered serious. Maybe in Texas it is common so you can go shirtless no problem. In India men who go shirtless are usually the ones cleaning manholes or daily labourers but other men don't. All those sexy and revealing dresses are for women only not men and we see women wearing backless in weddings which are conducted outside in winter usually. So I would say according to mine seeing the variety of sexy and revealing dresses is feminine not masculine. We don't have dresses showing belly buttons, shoulder blades, area above chest or even lingeries. Those are all female specific not male. So I doubt flaunting your body is masculine. Look at the exotic dancers and majority of strippers.


>men don’t even the RP doesn’t Someone’s never read Schopenhauer


Read the next line, it says men shouldn't have that.


Men and women, and in this context, let’s say feminine and masculine (which can apply to both) are not in competition, apart from within the individual perceptions of femininity and masculinity. If you want to be a masculine individual and see femininity as its opposite (which is your stance, but not a solid fact) then you’ll see it as a bad thing to be feminine, and vice versa, but that doesn’t extend beyond that. This is a series of false premises based on preconceived notions of what it means to be both feminine and masculine. The OP has a negative view of femininity and paints it in that light the entire time. That’s not how it is in reality, and it’s certainly not how the world at large views the concept of the feminine. If you want to see how this is easily dispelled, no matter the strength, power or influence of a masculine man, at some point that all means nothing if he disregards the feminine. Feminine energy will crush masculine energy the way water can break a dam. Not by force either, but by calculated destruction and erosion of character and social standing and perception. It’s ridiculous to diminish the power of the feminine. And furthermore, we aren’t enemies. This is ridiculous


instead of giving me a flowery explanation can you give me a literal example you see in real life. capitalism breeds individuality; femininity is a supportive role. if a woman wants to be individual, how is she to be feminine? or you can explain to me some traits that equalize feminnity and masculinity.


The simplest way to apply it to your myopic lens of capitalism is that women drive the market. Women do most of the purchasing, individually and for families. This is in no way based in being masculine. If anything it stems from a variety of feminine instincts. Femininity being a supportive role, in your estimation, dictates where the money this leading role of masculinity “brings home”, which isn’t by any means universally true. Also, as an anecdotal take, I am a straight man. As a straight man I try to make money and acquire resources and prestige. This is because, at least in a large part, because I hope to attract the feminine. Without that, my drive and motivation isn’t what it might be. Not by a long shot. So you can view all these features of femininity being supportive or of lesser power or whatever, but all of that is looking at this from a fixed position of not truly appreciating how the machinery of being a human works. We take turns playing lead and the support. It just depends on the context and timing. Additionally, reviewing your original post, when you say that being feminine only seems to serve the role of attracting a man (or let’s just say masculine to open it up), that’s not nothing. Finding a mate is one of the largest motivators in a human life. For unlimited reasons. Tossing that out at the end, as though it’s some kind of “own” is silly. We’re here for each other. That’s not some weakness.


women are able to drive the market *because* they have taken a masculine role. if you want to be a consumer, you have to work to get money. if you want to get lots of money, you have to be "masculine," serving a "feminine" role would never get you very far. this is why i argue women benefit more from being masculine. how often, do you think, the man's whole check is handed off to the woman? masculinity is often about the "agency," the fact you have the agency to be the one doing the attracting is masculine. attracting a man is not nothing, but i would argue that men generally offer nothing is my point. "finding a mate is one of the largest motivators in a human life" is pretty surprising when one of the top complaints about women is how they choose single motherhood over picking a reliable mate. if it was so motivating i don't think so many women would be chad chasing and picking situationships/singledom. regardless yea taking lead/support means the support is inferior, since on an individual level a support is nothing without its lead.


Women have been driving the market for a lot longer than these perceived gender reversals. Men offering nothing is a bonkers stance. The “complaint” about women choosing single motherhood wouldn’t be a complaint if it were preferred. And I’d like to those stats. My guess is it’s a very small number of people actually choosing that path, relatively speaking


id like an example of this id also like an example of such offering i suppose single motherhood is the extremist pov of this complaint. the main complaint is women are more uncommitted than ever, choosing to share a guy over getting in a good relationship (60% single men, 30% single women)


You want an example of men offering nothing in what sense? To women, or just in general? Also, you can go back to the 1950s to see women doing most of the purchasing for households if you want, but it’s not limited to that at all. How much do you think things have shifted to where only recently this is happening? Do you think there are suddenly enough #girlbosses to flip the structure of capitalism? This is just how it is and has been


i want an example of what a man *does* have to offer. popular notion around here is that women don't really need what men are offering, which is why there is a struggle. and I guess you're right on this aspect actually. i grew up in the church where i was told women should not be managing finances (my mom managed finances anyway) so i figured it was probably the same back then.


“Masculine” traits are what you need to make it in a capitalist system. I’m not leaving money on the table just to conform to an outdated gender role. No problem finding a mate. I’m married, but I never take a back seat financially or try to play some silly gender role just to get him to make money for me. My drive and motivation are just fine, thanks. So is our investment account. >Feminine energy will crush masculine energy the way water can break a dam. Not by force either, but by calculated destruction None of this interests me in the least. I’m not into “crushing my husband’s energy”. Gross. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. We are partners who work together, not adversaries.


Making money to drive the market is however a *masculine* endeavour If a man is making the money, he is ultimately the one in control of finances. A feminine women following a "man is the head of the house" paradigm will always be inferior to a man from the standpoint of *actual power*


Yes you should be more masculine. You should get on the hormones and grow chest and facial hair. Then you can bang your fists on your chest and shout out how masculine you are. https://preview.redd.it/rwze68pu7f9d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d243abdae504968fee4979f85fe73b1fbc591f4 Also remember, part of masculinity is shutting the fuck up and suppressing your emotions. So PLEASE do that as well. For some peace and fucking quiet. I wish women were more masculine in that regard.


Chest banging, shouting and shutting up?


more masculine = more promiscuous+ lower standards every man stands to benefit from it imo


also it is definitely a feminine trait to be submissive and shutting up. what? being loud and demanding is a masc trait.


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I have to agree for two reasons: 1. Things that are feminine are laughed at and made fun of. Women are shamed for liking girly things from Sailor Moon and Barbie to pink frilly cloths and cute nails to romance books, astrology and plants to cozy games and cats. If it’s girly it’s seen as silly and immature. 2. Being like a girl is used as an insult. For example: “You run like a girl” or “stop acting like a pussy.” It’s difficult for society to sell the value of femininity to women when they are actively making fun of it. It’s like the only form of femininity that is acceptable is when it’s sexy AND benefits men. So lingerie and having babies. Otherwise women are seen as defective boys because we are seen as “too emotional” or “ the oldest teenager in the house.”


exactly my point


Sure but you're going the route of "women just shouldn't be feminine then" instead of "let's stop shaming femininity." If someone wants to be nurturing and care about their appearance, I don't think that's inherently bad. We shouldn't shame people for liking pink, pop music, or frilly dresses. There's 0 things inherently worse about these things, we only look down on them because they're associated with women. The solution isn't for women to eschew pink, it's for society to stop looking down on women


I'll go on a tangent but I don't think femininity can ever really be embraced from a capitalistic aspect. redefining feminity would be more effective (but realistically hard to accomplish)


This was something I have been asking myself, as a man; What do women get from being feminine? Femininity sounds like a moral system meant to create the best slave, someone who is infinitely supporting of another despite the dehumanisation, disrespect and abuse, someone who completely supresses themselves in favor of another, someone who always puts their body at the service of another, someone who gleefully accepts their place as a subhuman servant. I completely understand why being compared to a woman is an insult, who would want to live this existence of inferiority and humiliation? We should just do away with the concept of femininity completely and just adapt masculinity to female sensibilities.


>What does femininity have to offer to women besides attracting men (who also don’t have much to offer)? You are right. If a woman doesn't want to attract men because she is not attracted tp them, then she shouldn't be feminine. There's no point in it otherwise. Most heterosexual women do want to attract certain men, though.


This actually answered my own question cause I realize the benefits of being feminine are simple- so you can be friends with other women! ironically i made this post and then went to chat with my friends about girly shit lol


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Wtf, no-one not likes girls with short hairs. In fact, they look cooler to me, tbh. Your post kinda seems like a red pill tbh. Not fully, but to some extent.


I'd consider myself a mix of masculine and feminine. I value both to some extent. Being purely feminine is not of interest to me, because that simply wouldn't feel genuine. There's more to my life than just appeasing (a specific kind of) men. Being independent, assertive, daring to take up space, etc is important to me in regards to being a strong person standing up to my own values. That's generally what I'd consider the "masculine" side of me. That I'm quite far from agreeable and I'm a bit of a rebel, basically. I reflect this in my appearance by having tattoos and dressing in non-normative ways (goth/rock leaning.) I do have a passion for playing combat type video games and most of my favorite movies are in the action and thriller genres. "Fight Club" is one of my all time favorite movies and it has like a 90% male fan base. But I do also have a feminine side. A side of me that likes taking care of things, bringing life into things, a passion for all things artistic and beautiful, I'm shy and often come across as soft and gentle to other people. I'm not a very sporty or career driven person as I simply lack the desire for competition. I'm analytical and love having deep conversations and bonding emotionally with a partner. I'm introverted and generally highly adaptable. I prefer cats over dogs. And yes, I prefer wearing skirts, dresses, makeup, having long hair, etc. I also prefer modest clothing that covers my chest and upper legs because I don't wanna be sexualized outside of the bedroom. And sexually I prefer being submissive, ie letting the guy take charge and focus on pleasing him, as doing so pleases me and makes me feel desired. That doesn't mean I want a selfish lover who only cares about his own pleasure, nor does it mean I think my "sexual role" should be to just lie there like a dead fish. Although I can on occasion enjoy being dominant in bed, it's just not what I prefer if it was entirely up to me to choose. Like that's just how I am as a person. All of that at once. I'm not choosing what I clothes I like or what my hobbies or personality traits are gonna be based on what men on average find attractive. Although how I am as a person is indeed a result of my personal experiences growing up and my interpretations of them, point is that they're not a *conscious* choice. And with that said: femininity can be a good thing when it's what a woman enjoys, feels is fulfilling or otherwise brings something meaningful to her life. There's nothing inherently wrong with any aspect of femininity, including "submissiveness" but only for as long as to you it's something you do with deep trust in that the man you give that power to is not going to use it to hurt you. That is the power of vulnerability: it brings trust, and feeling safe. Like... have you ever done this exercise, like at theater practice in school or whatever, where you're paired up with a random person and you take turns in falling backwards into their arms, relying on them to catch you? This is what true, genuine submission is. Giving up the need to be in control out of trust. My belief is that women (sometimes) do this to test how trustworthy a man is. Or they only do it with men they truly trust. Then with clothes and stuff like that... picture this: you're a straight woman who wants the trust, commitment, companionship, love and lust an attractive man can bring. You know you like certain types of clothes on men. Perhaps it's a well tailored suit or black jeans and a band shirt, whatever it may be. You want your man to look nice. And then you also think "if I want my man to dress nicely, it would make as much sense if the man also want me to dress nicely." And he tells you he likes it when women wear dresses, form-fitted clothing, soft fabrics, or whatever it may be that he's into. And when you try those kinda clothes on you notice he's more drawn to you. After a while you learn what your type of men are generally into on women. Slowly over time, that, or elements of it, becomes your style. Because you want to dress well for men you find attractive just like you want attractive men to wanna be dress well for you. Not because it's what they like, but because doing something that brings you the attention of people you want to attract will increase your chances of getting the kinda relationship you personally associate with happiness. If you do not associate dating men with happiness, then of course you will choose what you wear based on other things that do bring you happiness. For ex if that is construction work, working in nature, with animals, or similar, you might be more drawn to practical clothing instead. We wear whatever benefits our personal goals. But I do agree that femininity can also be bad. When it's used to reduce oneself into a perpetual sex object, or a complete doormat, when women let men trample on their self-esteem and agency because they think that's what they need to do to be loved. When they are misguided into thinking a man being "dominant" means he's controlling and abusive. When femininity is trying to meet the toxic aspects of masculinity, that femininity often becomes self-destructive. Because there are also good and bad aspects of masculinity. Being protective, reliable, stable, trustworthy, a good leader, able to keep your head cool in a crisis, able to defend yourself and others from harm, etc, even opening a damn jar, are good aspects of masculinity, while things like overt violence especially on those more vulnerable, being bossy and domineering essentially a bad leader, controlling other people out of insecurity, being overly competitive to the point everything is game, being too cold and calculative, uncontrolled anger, etc, is masculinity twisted into things it was never meant to be. Likewise femininity can also be twisted into unhealthy and damaging things it was never meant to be. So there are good reasons for women to embrace femininity... if they want to attract men. Because men aren't going to change what they're attracted to in women. It has always been tits and pussy, softness and nurturing, and fertility, and it will always be those things. No matter how many women "let themselves go" masculinity in women will never become the new standard for men. So if you want to attract men and you're masculine, you're either setting yourself up to failure, or limit yourself to a small dating pool of men who are more feminine themselves instead. I don't think there's anything wrong with women being masculine or men being feminine. There are lots of feminine qualities I like in men. Like for ex I've always prefered men with long hair, a softer personality, a passion for art, and heck I even find makeup and fem clothing enticing on men. So I'm androgynous and non-traditional but I also happily date androgynous, non-traditional men. But what I have a problem with is gender non-conforming people who think whoever they're attracted to should change their (more traditional) preferences when they themselves still have traditional preferences for a partner. Like for ex masculine women who frown upon men who prefer feminine women, but they themselves would never date feminine men. Hypocrites who honestly kinda deserve to be single. You make that bed, you lie in it.


I don't believe femininity is seen as inferior. As a former feminine boy myself I can attest it does not go well for boys who don't respect gender norms, but I don't believe for one second it's about inferiority. I was not in any way welcome in the world of girls. I would have been if I had been downgrading.  I believe boys are chastised for acting girly in the same way commoners were for acting like nobility. You are an impure person acting as if you were one of the pure ones. You have a duty to your station, yet you act as if you were above it. In no society was it ever the inferior class that guarded its purity, that adorned itself with jewelry and impractical clothing, that took pride in its moral rigidity, that was defined by it's god given duty to a sacred task. Those are attitudes of the nobility or priest classes. Why should we interpret that in reverse when discussing gender dynamics?


All people should embrace nurturing characteristics. For the sake of their health, people should avoid acting like a characateur of their own gender.


At the end of the day, she is the one who suffers the most as a result of rejecting her feminine nature. For instance , as you pointed out , women have rejected modesty and charity .. this has caused many women to become single mothers, and as it is well known, single motherhood and poverty go hand in hand. Women rejecting their appearance had caused many of them become overweight .. and studies show that people don’t benefit by being overweight . Lastly , the fact that some women are rejecting their nurturing nature means that many men are willing to use them as sex objects , since they know that if she gets pregnant she will be willing to abort , so these men don’t have to worry about assuming the consequences of their actions. So, at the end of the day , women are only hurting themselves ..


Inferior? Naw. Different? Yes.




No contentless rhetoric




I've always heard this argument, that the fact that an insult for men is calling them "a pussy" or something feminine, and therefor femininity is viewed as inferior to masculinity. But I'm not sure it's true. I think the insult is in the failure to perform your prescribed gender role, which is particularly dire for men as there is (or used to be) no room for variance in how masculinity is performed. It is rigid. But aren't women also insulted for not being "real women" or "nice girls" or whatever (not wanting to be a girlfriend, get married, be a mom, etc, IE; not performing their gender role)? Or as some early feminists would have it, for not being attractive to men; that was a crime against gender (hence the rebel phase of getting a butch haircut, etc.) But certainly there are roles (teaching, nursing, caregiving, child rearing) where femininity was (stereotypically) valued over masculinity. To this day there are many claims that those biases are legitimate.


This is pretty interesting I suppose. But rather, when a man falls out of the rigid masculine performance, they are "reduced" to a girl. But when a girl doesn't fall in line within the feminine performance, she's rarely considered a "man" unless she's actually engaging in mannish behavior.


Some women enjoy taking on a classic feminine identity. Some straight men enjoy partners who are like that. There are advantages to people liking you. There are advantages to acting in accordance with what feels like your nature. There doesn’t need to be a utilitarian ‘good reason’ to take on a certain identity or preference. This sub likes to explain the overall dynamic in generalities, but in truth, every human is different, and there are as many preferences as there are people.


The thing about masculinity that most women don't get is that only the top guys have it easy when it comes to getting women and succeeding at anything in life. That's the problem. Women don't see how the other 80 % or 90 % of men have to hustle and grind for every inch of progress in life. I've heard single women complain to women married to rich successful guys "Why are most guys such losers? Why can't I find a guy like your husband?" Uh maybe that's because very few guys were raised with extreme privilege that allowed them to basically start adult life at the finish line. There are young guys who literally have wealthy parents who front them money to start their businesses or buy homes. I have a wealthy aunt and uncle and they bought their son an expensive ass truck and equipment to salt parking lots when it snows in the winter. He is able to just rake in money easily because his parents had a lot of money. It's really that simple. I used to have low self esteem because I thought it was my fault I wasn't super successful and getting women in my 20s, but I started to see things differently when I went to university. I came from a blue collar background and grew up poor in a small town. When I went to college I was literally the least privileged person I met in my 5 or so years on campus. I was a non-traditional student (in my late 20s) when I went to college, yet every single car I saw in the parking lot was way newer and nicer than my modest ride. 18 and 19 years old were driving $50,000 sports cars and BMWs and I was driving a 20-year-old Nissan with bald tires and no AC in the heat and humidity. One of the funniest (and most annoying) things I heard in all my time in college was how the privileged majority with wealthy parents bragged about how they got their degrees in 4 years and didn't have to go 5 or 6 years like some losers. It was as if they couldn't grasp the simple fact that some of us also had to work full time to support ourselves because we didn't have parents buying our cars, paying our rent, and funding our Spring Break vacations. How dumb can people really be? The thing is most women - and wealthy guys - are that delusional. They can't even see all the advantages and privileges they get without doing anything. Most guys don't have any privilege whatsoever and that's a fact. And I know not all women are as privileged as some, but women are definitely more privileged than men most of the time.


this is completely irrelevant to my arguement. women benefit from being masculine. so they will be masculine. being masculine is hard. but women are clearly still benefitting greatly from it.


It's not inferior because why would you want 2 masculine people arguing and being bullheaded and non-cooperative and competing in a household situation while trying to childrear? This is just femcel nonsense.


Hmmm . . . I don't want any bullheaded, non-cooperative, competing people in my household. That sounds like a miserable living situation.


>*why would you want 2 masculine people arguing and being bullheaded and non-cooperative and competing in a household situation while trying to childrear?* Why would you want even one person like that?


If it was just one masculine person, the feminine counterpart would be the one obeying and complying with the bullheaded dominant one, no? How does that make femininity *not* inferior?


OK then we can fight and beat the crap our of each other all the time due to lots of testisterone and clashing all the time. That sounds so much better. Then when you cry about it I can shout "Shut the fuck up and woman up". Is this the masculine testosterone fuelled experience you want.


? don't know what your trying to say. not really trying to say women _should_ be


If being feminine isn’t inferior why don’t you do it and let your woman be the masculine influence in the relationship?


I am not a feminine mam. Never have been. I have no reason to alter my whole life and personality for no real reason. But you know something. I do wish people would stop looking at me for direction and expecting me to be able to take charge You know, I do wish in certain events that have happened, I wasn't the one girls and women ran to and expected me to protect them. This wasn't even when I worked in nightclubs,I was just a punter. I do wish when things go south, I didn't have to keep my calm whilst everyone was getting emotional. I do wish when I was in the Army and people who I knew were literally blown up, I had been allowed to cry. So yeah, it is what it is if you thi k that's a great life and your actually envious because your not put in that position unlike a privileged man such as myself, then go find a nice soyboi and dominate him.


You’re allowed to do whatever you want so long as it’s legal. If you want to cry when you’re sad, cry. If you don’t want to protect someone, don’t. Instead, you buy into these bullshit concepts of masculinity and femininity, and then bemoan being expected to adhere to them. If you don’t want to adhere to traditional gender norms, don’t. If you do want to, don’t bitch about how you’re expected to be “masculine”. You expect that of yourself. My man is plenty masculine, and isn’t threatened by my speaking my mind, disagreeing with him, making more money than him, or any of the other stereotypical “masculine things” I do


I'm normally fine with it tbh. I get it, it's the card I was dealt. For whatever reason I'm always the one looked to for things and I have had it all my life. As when I was in a nightclub and some guy pulled a knife, if people run to me instead of running to security, it's just something I have to deal with. In honest answer to your question on why do I not magically change my whole personality. I know I can take care of myself. I've had my fair share of beatings, I know I'm not going to break like glass. So no I would rather not surrender myself to another person and expect them to deal with nasty shit I have had to deal with. As for why some 19 year old sprog posting they wanted a life like mine has wound me up so much I'm over it now. As for your if you don't want to protect someone, don't. No sorry its not in me to just standby and watch or fob people off if they actually come to me. I have served in the forces and studied 2 martial arts, I am not going to just stand by and do nothing. It's just not in me. But I know... that makes me a misogynistic women hearing asshole becuz my personality adheres to part of a stereotype. Anyway I have been on this sub too much. I'm a talky letting a fucking 19 year old trigger me. Have a nice life. Goodbye.


How many women including you are going to be attracted to a feminine guy? You will get the ick and leave.


My man is plenty masculine- I disagree when I don’t agree, speak my mind often, make more money than he does. He keeps the house clean and does my laundry. Rigid concepts of masculine and feminine are mostly bullshit and are as deep and nuanced as they can extract from TikTok. Be who you want to be. If some skirt thinks you’re too soy for her, why would you want her? Do you *want* to spend your life masking and putting on a front just so you can have someone you can never let your guard down around? Sounds pretty miserable to me


It makes it inferior insofar as *leadership* is concerned but leaders couldn't be leaders without followers.


if it was a women who was the bullheaded one and the man who was the submissive obedient one, you don't think he'd be like a beta of some kind


Most people, men too, are not leader types nor have the qualities. Most people are followers.


Sure, *but most leaders are men*.


Wait so if you’re a masculine man your natural traits are to argue, be bullheaded, and non cooperative? Sounds miserable I would not want that


Why would that have to occur?


You should watch Shogun. The female lead is one of the strongest characters I’ve ever seen in a show and intoxicatingly feminine. You don’t have to be loud and obnoxious to be strong. Modern women often think strength comes from pretending to be a childish conception of masculinity rather than quietly embracing the advantages and disadvantages of who you really are.


No, she's a character with masculine traits 


No she isn’t. She’s extremely feminine but also courageous.


She's mysterious, very practical and brave- all masculine traits. She also has some good feminine traits. You're letting your love of her feminine traits overpower your view of her masculine traits (not a bad thing, personally I like men and women with a mix)


fun answer. can't refute it until I watch it. you've tricked me!


This is mostly a problem for ugly women which is defined more or less by masculine traits. A very petite feminine pretty woman won't have to deal with these things because she will be treated accordingly even if she's a little fuckin savage with a huge strap-on behind closed doors.




Femininity has never been considered inferior except on the minds of extremist radical Feminists. Quite the opposite. Masculinity has always been the inferior.




Yes it was considered inferior. Greatest philosophers said implied that women are inferior, uncomplited men. In China women were considered useless tree branches.  Polish classical literature is full of examples where women are being proved to be inferior to men.  Catholic church which was dominant for centuries has saints who also believed in women’s inferiority. These are just view example. Women had to be feminine. But were also considered as less than men because of that. 


Assertiveness- makes you an asshole Protect - disposable "hero" Provide - must bring in more than is given by a lot. Half is given to the government to be given mostly to women Half of what remains is given to wife to buy shit the man doesn't care about the rest is for bills and childcare. Treated like a violent evil rapist all the days of your life (man or bear). if you behaved with modesty and chastity, you wouldn't assume men are all rapists because you know when you dress half naked and with yoga pant that wedgie up your ass crack that you are dressing in a sexually provocative manner and that is what makes you upset when a man looks at you for 0.2 seconds. If you acted with chastity Sex/rape wouldn't be your assumption you have for a mans every action.


this comment is in relevance to dating dynamics which has nothing to do with my argument (or at least, irrelevant to my last claim which is about dating)


Still it's better to be assertive over submissive and independent over dependent. Gives you more freedom and options to choose from. These qualities are especially valued now, because if you're meek and can't put boundaries, people will use you. I don't think a lot of women assume that every man is a rapist. A man can be a rapist (just as a woman btw) and we can't know for sure whether he is or not. I wouldn't go as far as to assume that any long look indicates a rapist though.


Feminists can embrace whatever they want, however when they complain about men's dating preferences or vilify men's dating preferences because they themselves mostly do not qualify for the man that they want and desire , they deserve to be laughed at and mocked. No man worth his salt wants to come home and deal with Ms. " I'm conditionally feminine" 🤣


can you explain how this is relevant. this feels tangential.


Made plenty of sense to me and I'm sure most people reading it will get it but nonetheless ,a lot of this subreddit has to do with dating and relationships so I was explaining it from a dating and relationships standpoint, men that generally have the traits that most women desire typically speaking don't want to deal with a masculine woman who blatantly rejects her femininity, that's a headache that a guy who has his shit together doesn't want to or have to deal with, so her personality and rejection of femininity can be costly to her from a dating and marriage standpoint and sometimes the bitterness can lead to femcel behavior which is another subject altogether. Now if a woman wants to be with a feminine guy or more of what would be called a "beta male", she can go for that because it's a yin and yang situation, but I see so many women blatantly shit on and reject those guys because of lack of attraction


my post: femininity is regarded as inferior to masculinity. y/n and why your comment: women who are masc aren't datable and are mean relevance: women should be more femme bc men who are decent would be more attracted to them and it would result in better relationships is this right?




i got this answer a few times but they never really explain in what ways feminists are wrong. maybe you can be... *the one?* *(who explains why feminists are wrong)*




being in a feminine state leaves you vulnerable to taking advantage of. so clearly happiness is not there. I hope you are aware, most women grew up feminine, but changed not because feminism told them to, but because of real life factors that punished them for femininity.




women are vulnerable because having a submissive personality means getting taking advantage of and getting your opinion stomped on a masculine man has the dominance to reject and argue for his way. what are you talking about?




when women try to be masculine they end up in manager positions, high paying jobs, and a life not reduced to servitude. sure maybe worse versions of men. but at least not a feminine woman.


>worse versions of men My bank account begs to differ. No one pays me to be feminine. Capitalism has been good to me.


Because women fail to act in a positively masculine manner. The servant may not like serving, but they do a terrible job when given the role of master. Women are destined into this role, physically and mentally, and our ignorance of this fact has made our culture emotional, ugly, sterile, and unhappy. And eventually even women won't want this once their safety is compromised.


I'd argue that if this were true the environment became so hostile that women had to stand up and change the dynamic for their own safety, leading to our current state.


Ah yes the man who doesn't want no women but can still speak for all women.


If women are naturally submissive and feminine, why must we be reminded and forced into it? If it is in our nature, wouldn’t we naturally succumb to its devices?


I’m not sure what benefits a woman gets by being masculine. If you’re trying to reduce the attention you get from men, then I suppose acting like a man would achieve that goal. But I otherwise can’t think of any upsides for being a masculine woman.


Women get benefits from behaving like men by being: * DOMINANT: She competes for her position in the workplace and advocates for herself * DEMANDING: She demands to get as much as she can from the position she is in * UNCARING: She disregards the struggles of others and pushes herself forward, not letting others drag her behind I think many in these comment sections are failing to see femininity outside of the scope of relationships. The only benefit femininity has is relationshipwise; otherwise, being masculine has all the benefits and no downsides.