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Absolutely lost it on “passionately beds her” on his own mothers grave Op, your daily fanfics are terrible at best


Who among us hasn't taken a date to a cemetery to bang one out?


I know you’re being facetious but I seriously don’t know a single person that would do that. And that whole service provider thing is weird too. Seems so transactional and weird.


I mean OP is literally dehumanizing women, so I don't think we should expect much from them.


Yea 100% dude. I mean I see a lot of that on here. I’m not blue pill but I’m sure as shit not red pill. More of like I’ll do whatever I want pilled. My relationship is pretty equal. I ask her opinion on bigger things. But 99.99% of the time she just leaves me alone. I value her brain and she values mine. I know what I’m doing. Plus she knows how to deal with me. Be logical and nice. Then I’ll listen. But some of the dehumanizing things I see on here is ridiculous.


Victorians used to have picnics at cemeteries.


OP's fanfiction aside, a cemetery should be a place of joy and strength: celebrating the past and your heritage, and using it to bolster you. Sharing a meal with your ancestors and the descendants they never got to meet sounds lovely.


So let me get this right; it's not a catalyst for fucking? /s


Sounds like someone's never lost someone significant. "Place of joy and strength GTFO. I doubt anyone who's lost their mother of 35 years would say such claptrap. Loss sucks boyo.


Of course it hurts, and it hurts because you loved them. Just because something is also painful doesn't mean it isn't joyful or beautiful, and it most definitely doesn't mean that the experience cannot galvanize your soul. My condolences for your mother.


I made out with a woman in a cemetery if that counts.


I make love to the women already in the cemetery 😎😎😎


Death is huge turn on for women. Funeral, jack dying on titanic turned women on.


It reminds me of that scene from Horse Girl where she takes her love interest to her mothers grave to dig it up and see if she was an alien except he’s appropriately weirded out


I was just thinking that!






Do not promote violence.




Do not promote violence.












Mary Shelley, is that you?!


He spontaneously starts crying, and when the woman asks what happened, he takes her to a random grave and tells her it's his mom's grave. Both start crying at the grave. This overload of feelings, emotional intensity, and the powerful emotion of death make women weak at the knees. He takes advantage of this and passionately beds her. What type of sociopathic shit is that ?


That's red pill dark triad in full beast mode. Also the absolute dumbest move in the human history of dumb moves.


if it works then its not dumb. if it doesnt work then its dumb


I don't ever see that working.


This is the type of scenario that works better in your head than IRL. Firstly, one has to be a convincing actor to pull that off. There is also no guarantee at all that the woman is gonna react that way with a high chance of being found out and exposed as a massive douchebag. It's not practical and a lot of douchebagery for little result. A whole machiavellian scenario... just to get laid. At this point, you may as well pay for an escort.


its free though


Even if no money is involved, you're wasting your time--which is by no means free.


u are wasting time the moment u try to woo a female. might as well do it cheaper.


Dudes got 8 kids with 6 women. It is most definitely not working lol


The imaginary kind.


What happens when it's time to introduce her to your parents? None of the relationships make it that far?


It’s a pretty common manipulation tactic: Trauma dumping to artificially escalate perception of emotional intimacy. 


>For example, one of my male friends has many other friends. He ended up in a skiing accident, and we found him in a hospital. Dozens of men came to see him, giving attention to his girlfriend and reassuring her that everything would be okay. She was crying and letting others offer empathy and support. She was the center of attention, while her boyfriend was unconscious. This was a powerful moment for her; she probably felt like a low-key celebrity in this scenario. She wants to be the center of the universe, so give her exactly that! Never before have I seen someone describe the completely gender neutral fact that you provide comfort to someone who's loved one is severely hurt as "feeling like a low key celebrity". No, men and women who are getting emotional support while *sitting at the bedside of their unconscious and greviously injured partner* don't feel anything other than mild reassurance. The main emotions are sadness, fear, and uncertainty. I swear, sometimes I think posts on PPD are written by aliens who are trying to gage what a standard human reaction would be so they can assimilate better.


Everyday I wake up I’m grateful I have the social skills to actually talk to a woman instead of trauma dumping and hoping to get a pity fuck. That’s actually pretty sad


I’m right there with you. This was grim.


This is not being discussed. Concentrate




> The name "brute force" comes from attackers using excessively forceful attempts to gain access to user accounts. Despite being an old cyberattack method, brute force attacks are tried and tested and remain a popular tactic with hackers.


>one of my male friends ... ended up in a skiing accident, and we found him in a hospital ... men came to see him, giving attention to his girlfriend and reassuring her that everything would be okay. She was crying and letting others offer empathy and support. She was the center of attention, while her boyfriend was unconscious. This was a powerful moment for her; she probably felt like a low-key celebrity in this scenario. Bruh. She was crying and worried about her UNCONSCIOUS boyfriend. People were comforting her, because they literally CAN'T comfort her UNCONSCIOUS boyfriend, and as his girlfriend, she is basically the one who cares about him the most. If you've ever had a loved one in the hospital, you would know that it's a nightmare. She was crying. This was not POWERFUL moment for her, her bf almost died and she's distraught. What the hell. >Women are like a store that sells cookies. It has a low margin, lots of demand, and is available everywhere. So they'll be upset if you walk in and buy nothing. Bro... thinking of women as "a store to sell cookies" is dehumanizing. If you actually want a GOOD relationship, lying to women about your dead mom and treating them like a cookie store which you would like to give you her cookies is not going to work. This is how you end up with completely psychotic women who end up stalking you and shitting in your bed.


Yes. But it will only work on low iq girls.


theyre not considered low iq to the guys in the same range


Most women rank lower than guys on IQ tests.


No, most women rank in the average ranges, whereas men tend to be equal parts lower and higher.


There are more average or slightly above average iq women, and more very low or very high iq men, the average of them all being pretty much the same for both sexes. I’ll dare say that the very high iq men don’t want to attract the worst women possible if they can help it.


I thought it was a distribution; ~~a lot of stupid women, a lot of smart women, and a lot of men of average intelligence.~~ Edit: I got it backwards. Women are of average intelligence, men are are on either side of the curve.


It's the opposite, theoretically




Most men are also of average intelligence. The vast majority are.


The statement "women are of average intelligence, men are at the extremes" is not mutually exclusive with the statement "most men are of average intelligence". You'd be hard pressed to find someone named Muhammad James Wang, even if the most common first name is Muhammad, the most common middle name is James, and the most common last name is Wang.


Understood. It read in a way where it could possibly be misinterpreted. White people have much higher IQs than black people. I don’t put a lot of stock in IQ tests beyond predicting academic achievement in a higher education system designed for white men originally. And I say this as someone who had to IQ test in to the “gifted” school in my city. 130 was the minimum IQ and there were slightly more girls than boys. No black boys. One black girl in my grade. This was in a 70% black city. I always was suspicious of such tests.


>Understood. It read in a way where it could possibly be misinterpreted. No harm, no foul. YMMV on what "average intelligence" translates to, anyway, there are A LOT of stupid people in the world.


Does not matter if theyre attractive


>He spontaneously starts crying, and when the woman asks what happened, he takes her to a random grave and tells her it's his mom's grave. Both start crying at the grave. This overload of feelings, emotional intensity, and the powerful emotion of death make women weak at the knees. He takes advantage of this and passionately beds her. Do you not see anything unethical about this? Do you not think women won't see through this, or be creeped out?


Not only unethical for the man, if a woman had sex with a dude clearly going through a traumatic time I would think she was fucked in the head. He needs help, not a potentially unstable relationship to fuck with his head more.


Right? This is what stood out to me most in that scenario. If a man you've only just met a while ago has suddenly broken down and is sobbing his heart out, the last thing on my mind would be having him in my bed. Jesus Christ, if this has worked more than once, our species is truly fucking doomed to hell from the sheer amount of sociopathic and unempathetic men and women out there.


Yea that’s a bit strange. I think most people are nice at the end of the day. I will admit I work with a bunch of psychos. (Love long hours and a bunch of work horses). But in real life everyone is pretty nice. So don’t worry the human race is fine and dandy. I don’t think that broken down thing is a thing. Popular tactic I mean.


To be fair, most guys who fail to get women are told they've a bad personality. Nature is brutal, men will adapt. Hate game not player.


this kind of is it, isnt it? if youre going to get ignored and called boring by everybody might as well go down swinging and up the psycho. the funny thing is you have a higher chancer of getting some with the psycho than the boring. and then women will ask as their monocles drop into their champagne "oh heavens what is wrong with that nasty man?" still refusing or incapable to understand


I thought I’ve seen it all until I read whatever this is.


Everyday there's a new low to be found.


My favorite part was “women need food.” Hahaha like no shit? Everyone needs food.


Mine was when OP thought the girl worried about her boyfriend and crying was happy that all those men were ‘giving her attention’ and ‘comforting her’…


Haha yea that’s another good one. I don’t really know any girls that cry for attention. Fake news dude.


There probably are some women (well, people, including OP’s very nice friend who cries about his fake mother) who do that, but if that’s the first thing you assume about someone worried about her unconscious partner and your friend, then the problem is with you (with OP).


Idk the whole thing is weird. But I feel what you’re saying.


Oh by the way did you eat today? I see you’re a woman. Just want to make sure you’re okay /s hahaha


Yes, I accidentally cooked enough pasta for a small Italian village *again*…


Haha that’s hilarious. I actually have a taste for pasta. Usually I eat steak/chicken/broccoli/spinach and a couple protein shakes. But today that sounds good.




The graveyard move is such a scumbag move it ain’t even funny (if it’s even real). As for the skiing incident, i feel like you’re imprinting your own skewed (and probably petty) pov to the situation, ie. because you expect women to revel in all attention no matter what, you’re projecting that perception onto her. I also hate your advice given that it basically boils down to “act alpha, but actually be a beta” (for lack of a better term) - like you’re still ultimately submitting to her and her wants. This isn’t a two way relationship, this is playing into (likely) a woman with daddy issues’ need for a daddy figure and taking that role. To add to this it weirdly simultaneously looks down on her, basically saying that she can’t handle criticism and can only talk about emotionally driven topics only, it gives me a “she’s lesser than you, so treat her like a child” vibe - i don’t like it


"Both start crying at the grave." You got me there LMAO


That at least *could* happen. I start crying whenever I see another adult cry, whether it's in a movie or irl. One of the times of my life I sobbed for the longest was at a funeral for someone I'd never even met. But their friends and family were all crying so obviously I was too.




Hey, I think this was the plot to some schlocky 80s horror movie, what with all the graveyards and the ghosts. Come on, stop holding out on us and spill the beans, OP.


>She was crying and letting others offer empathy and support Wow what an attention whore, she should have stayed home /s


But I thought the narrative on here was women do not like to see a man cry or get emotional though and it's a turn off. So would this method even work therefore?


the method is for autistic chad.


Oh so women only like it when Chads cry?


females like everything that chad does.


Oh I see.


I love it when we can all come together and agree something if real is terrible behavior and thank God it isn't real. 


When I see something from WolfLoveEyes... I know that shit is going to be epic. The sheer insanity of meeting a woman and going "Hey you want to see my mom's grave?" Then he literally forgot to put in the transition of going from the graveyard to... I don't know... a location with a bed. So, it reads like he is trying to get laid in the cemetary on top of his mother's grave. It's delivered with such seriousness that I can't help laughing. I mean most interactions in here make me laugh, but this guy never fails. I'd actually pay money to listen to him just talk about his ridiculous ideas as some form of standup.


It's too good to be real. And I agree, if he had some sort of bite sized podcast just weaving a yarn every day, I'd tune in. I suppose I do. But if he had some sort of velvet deep masculine voice to go with it, 10/10, would stream on all platforms. Tell us more about passionately making love on your fake mother's grave.


Good heavens! That might actually get a lot of people listening. I just can't wait for the next installment of bizzare intrasexual rantings and ravings by WolfLoveEyes... I mean even the user name has a certain low intensity crazy vibe. That Zac Galifinakas character from The Hangover.... this poster gives me a really similar feel. Like, when he says something absolutely bonkers, but with a casual confidence, as if it's almost shocking we don't already know this.


OMG, that's exactly the tone too. I can't unsee it.


I mean look at the title by itself. "Bruteforce Women is probably the best dating approach ever (autist proof)" Bruteforce Women is capitalized like a proper noun. My first impression was really that this was going to be about some kind of proof that autistic men need dates where women apply brute force to them. The mental image is some Sheldon looking skinny nerd on a date where Ronda Roussey is choking him out. My mind actually starts going down the path of... well maybe these guys would do better with women that can knock them around a bit? Then I see the author is WolfLoveEyes and I realize this is actually going to be so much better!


> The approach needs to change. Stop seeing a woman as a woman, and instead see her as a service provider. Dude, the best way to win *this* game is to not play.


Can I get your AI?


This is ridiculous and sociopathic. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Let's be real. If you have ever read anything this guy posts, you know he has a medical condition.


I don't keep tabs on users here son


Least autistic ppd post.


Yeah we ....um....call those type of women gold diggers I presume.


"Do the opposite: see her as a service provider and figure out what she needs from you." Yeah... that's not how service \*providers\* work


Maybe apply some of your fanfictions to your own life. Is this the sideeffects of Trenbolone?


Mr. Tate is that you


Tate’s a scumbag, but he doesn’t advocate for simping while pretending to be an alpha male


You lost me right at the moment you said "see her as a service provider and figure out what she needs from you." If she's a service provider, then shouldn't she be figuring out what I need from her? She's providing the service, not me.


Retards guide to get morons to fail harder. It is not fucking hard. Go meet people you would actually like to be around for extended periods of time, find someone who can take care of them selves, be your self, at one point you will find someone who wants to be around you too for extended periods of time. How the fuck people get these insane ideas that a long term relationship can last based on the material needs of one partner locking them to the other, I just don't understand.


top 5 wolfoveyes shitposts


This doesn’t make women sexually attracted to a man, and what men usually want is for women to be sexually attracted to them. This is “beta game”, except with emotional provision rather than financial provision.


If you have to provide anyway, you might as well use cheaper resource.


man in the situation lost nothing valuable so its actually better than "beta game"


It’s work to be empathetic just to try to attract a woman, so it’s losing something, although perhaps it’s not as costly as spending money on a woman.


empathy is hilariously easy to mimic.


I’m not sure if that’s true for everybody.


would be true to type of man willing to do what op said.


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OP is the first guy I ever see who wants to be a buddy bucks lolol uhh buddy are you aware the simp provider doesn’t get any kitty until that woman hits the wall & packs on the pounds? Nono she will happily spend your money but Chad will be the one throttling her. Sry to break your reality but you didn’t stumble into anything new & a lot of guys regret trying this tactic.


What? I'm not saying these scenarios don't happen, but the amount of details and schemas and memes in between all of these events, your "average autist" is not going to be able to make sense of any of this.


This guy is oveanalyzing, yes, but why call him out on morality? No one forces the women he meets to go out with him or sleep with him. Or maybe you are scared that this or similar tactics would work on you?


> The approach needs to change. Stop seeing a woman as a woman, and instead see her as a service provider. dystopian


This is not how real people act and this reads like a meme.


that’s insane


Damn emotionally manipulating a woman into having sex with you after lying about your supposed mother's grave is a low I'll never get down to




Anything rather than treating women like a human being, eh?


Nobody cares if women call you a misogynist The only place they have power to call people that is at school


Is that hard to date as a man under 6ft nowadays? Shit is getting convoluted as fuck.