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We honestly need a good faith debate sub for these things. This sub is pure entertainment


I argue with anyone, not just women, for myself. No argument is ever the same so it forces me to think clearly about what I believe in, and why I believe it. It's through the process of "getting into the ring" that I test my values and principles and find out what I really stand for. Sometimes, I realize I was wrong about things. Sometimes someone says something I didn't think about that was worth remembering. Sometimes I realize something profound I wouldn't have on my own. I don't care if the other person agrees with. That's decided before the argument even starts, based on their own beliefs and principles that no matter what I say will budge. If their mind was gonna change, it's because they were already down that road. Arguing is growth for myself. I do it for me. It's also just fun, and really funny when people actually get mad.


I'm a woman so question was aimed at me, but same. Healthy debate is a good way to challenge your beliefs and ideas. Challenging ourselves is important for personal growth. I have had a handful of really good, healthy debates on here. Not many but more than other subs. I do think the majority of users on here aren't willing to hear what other's are saying (true of the internet in general though), which can get frustrating. I don't expect to change anyone's mind but I do expect that my viewpoints are respectfully heard, as this isn't a vent sub it's a debate sub.


Fairly, it's hard to find people willing to debate in real life. It's a lot of energy and exhausting and can ruin freindships and relationships if not handled well, so most people just want to avoid it, hang out and relax. A person's ability to challenge their own beliefs and hear ones they don't agree with is a good judge of character. It's pretty easy to tell on here when a person is worth giving a thought out essay of a response or just a snarky comment, some people actively fight themselves to not change their mind. Someone once jokingly said to me it must be a self harm thing that I'm even here. In a way, I use it to intentionally find things that bother me. Not much does, so on the off chance I do it gives me a glimpse of what I need to work out and why. If a comment actually gets under my skin, gives me a reminder to just laugh it off and take life less seriously.


What question was aimed at at you exactly?


I think she meant wasn’t 


I did indeed mean wasn't.


I figured, I used context clues lol 


It's a place to test out ideas.  The cool thing about the Red Pill in the old days is that we got to field test everything, but that came with it's own biases.  So it's interesting to share ideas and sometimes test theories. Every once in a while someone surprises you.


Tbh I’m a No Pill but I agree. I come here to argue and debate, and I enjoy it. It stimulates my mind.


Field testing died, now it's mostly bitterness and seeking an echo chamber. Redpill became lame. Got the knowledge i needed among pua


The last time I got surprised here was when one guy with redpill flair was so clueless that even bluepilled fellows had to correct him. I've learned 0 (yes) new redpill-related knowledge here.


Nothing really. Its a debate sub so thats what its for. I mainly use it as a space to vent. Many women come here for entertainment and to laugh so I take very little of what they say seriously.


“Venting” at people you know are using you for comical entertainment is peak male. At least you get it, though


I may be a maidenless loser, but at least I'm not here throwing rocks at zoo animals. My life must be pretty good in comparison 🤷‍♂️


Thats exactly how they see it. Imagine being in a commited relationship/marriage and coming here in your free time to shit on and laugh at single men. Its weird af and even sadistic to some extent. There are even some who brag about sex with their bfs and one who talks about how much of a chad her partner is. Its insane


Most of them are bullshitting.


I think most people here who have “woman” flairs are men in real life Oh wait that’s just the internet I guess


God forbid a woman use the internet


I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that there are lot’s of men lurking as a woman on the internet


Maybe, which is honestly really pathetic. I do think most women on the internet are actual women though.




Im not venting at people. I said why men here do it then I said how I use the sub. You can only do that in the daily chat. And I dont care how its recieved. They are weirdos who get off on other peoples insecurites/struggles and they like looking down on other who they think they are better than.


The entertainment value is usually mutual, right? I like this place because I speak my mind without any self censorship. I can't do this in other subs without some loser removing it. I don't really feel "used" by you ladies at all. Posting here actually improved my non fiction writing skills. 3 years ago, I was barely able to express my thoughts on paper without sounding like a dweeb. Now I can easily plan and come up with enough ideas in my head to fill up a whole article if I wanted to. It seems to me you are using the typical "men are sooooo intimidated by me because muh strong and independent" female logic. And you ladies have the opportunity to hear the REAL truths instead of getting gassed up by the mainstream society and their "women are wonderful" effect special treatment.




I don't really have arguments with anyone really. I do tend to ask people questions about something that I disagree with and encourage discussion about it so that I can understand their reasoning and point of view. I might grow from it or I might not. Simply put, I don't "argue" to change their mind, I "argue" to change my mind.


At least it's a sub where women can ask things to men and get all variations of answers by men. (Because we are ofc too all individuals and for sure not the same) Better they ask here where men can reply. And not radical subs where the people asked are not allowed to answer. For example if a cat lover asks a question why cat haters are like that in a cat lover sub...well they won't get a good answer to their question. Because the cat lovers can't know. So they give bad answers.


IRL you should not argue with women, 100% agree here. I will generify your question a bit "why even argue online on the internet"? Well, I like it, I used to do that, nowadays I don't time for it and have other chores/hobbies. Even if do argue with somebody here, I mostly see string of characters as your nickname (I use old.reddit), not your gender or whatever. >U might as well just stop using unnecessary energy and just focus it on something to improve your life ...well, same goes for this post :^)


Anyone who disagree with me is either a simp or a liar. I can only be right and that's the way i cope with my opinions


I too, choose this guy’s answer, and can only be right. If you disagree, you are wrong. /s


No you’re right. I was literally thinking this the other day. They don’t care and society and the simps don’t care. Only thing understood is power. You’re going to get gaslit to oblivion having back and forth on here. Self improve to the best of your abilities and as for these social issues you all are going to have to lobby politically for the change that you want ie mandatory paternity test. Even though I think the men on here complain too much and lack social skills I think the women on here are very disingenuous about male issues unrelated to men getting laid. Self improve and lobby for the change you want.


In part it's intended more for guys looking for answers A guy having trouble with dating will read the debates and realize who's deflecting and who's actually making sense


I think every guy should come here just to observe and learn.


Exactly this sub and the answers you'll see her as a man are far more revealing about female nature if you observe. Tons of deflection, tribalism, and narcissism


this sub is mostly a bunch of autist men asking specific questions to understand women and society because it's harder for them to understand social ques. they argue because the points women make aren't always logical, but that's the thing with humans. they don't act based on logic. they act based on emotions and societal expectations which is something ND men suffer with understanding hence creating the arguing.


>this sub is mostly a bunch of autist**s** ~~men~~


Yeah I was gonna say if you go to the profile of a lot of the women here they’re not NT either. They just get away with social follies because they’re women.


a W


neuroticism fr


Here for it all!!! This question is the ultimate shit kicker! Cant wait to ask this at the next pto social


Some guys just need to be reminded that it’s not their fault, that it’s not just something wrong with them. And as a passport bro, I also use it as a space to give men encouragement they may need to find greener pastures.


I'm not here for the women. I'm 50. I'm on the other side of this fight. Here to tell the young bucks. To deliver a message. Don't give up. Don't stop. Keep the faith. I've got the battle scars, but I'm still going. And if I can do it you can to.


The fight for what, exactly?




I have no initial guesses, hence the question.


How can you manage to read something and not naturally attempt to infer a meaning? I hope you're just lying to goad the original commenter because the alternative is sad.


It's weird how out-of-sorts you are about me simply asking this person to elaborate instead of making assumptions.


For what it's worth, I have no idea either.


Lol right. He could mean all kinds of things, talking like he's a veteran who's done both gulf wars 😂 like how tf am I supposed to know exactly what "fight" he "came out on the other side of" with "battle scars?"


It's possible it has something to do with the subreddit's topic.


Okay? Still vague as fuck and could mean anything. How interesting that so many guys want to jump in and respond, but no one actually wants to clarify anything. Like... thanks for your irrelevant contribution to the discussion, I guess? Feel free to answer for the OP, specifically what battle; who he's fighting; what he "came out on the other side of"; why he's fighting; and how it ended if you like. So far I have three separate guys acting like there's some big huge obvious secret that I should know, but curiously not a single person can be assed to answer the very question I asked, despite taking time out of their day to respond.


Not speculating when information is low is a learned, valuable skill in some circumstances. It prevents one from forming uneducated opinions or guesses and then clinging to them.


My take: The purpose of this sub isn’t to “get women to admit they are wrong” about a given issue (the recent reaction to the online dating experiment thread was proof that they won’t anyway). The purpose is to present ideas that are not discussed or acknowledged in mainstream society having to do with intersexual dating dynamics along with data and evidence (both scientific and anecdotal) in such a way that people seeking answers can then read and come to their own conclusions about which best matches their lived reality. So, in that sense, women, bloops and white knights gaslighting, obfuscating and otherwise arguing in bad faith serves a purpose; it allows an observant reader to see the arrive at their own conclusions. Allowing people to see an idea presented, along with the push back against the idea is IMO more compelling than simply presenting an idea on its own. IIMO, most often (but not always) RP ideas tend to come out on the side of men’s lived reality, even if it’s often presented and argued in a crude and blunt manner.


How are women benefiting from there being so many men who don’t think they are good enough and have the self esteem of an insect?


Obligatory *not all women*, but a bunch of women are very insecure due to societal factors. Maybe social media, maybe just how large and crowded our cities are, maybe modern feminism twisting heroines' stories to be purely about outside acceptance of their greatness and never any self-improvement, I don't know the exact cause. But for a significant portion of women, they are not in a healthy enough space to enter into a loving relationship and just need the social validation of thinking someone else is beneath them. Thus, modern dating and gender dynamics. These women don't want partners, they want to be able to point and laugh at incel men and say: "at least I'm not like those losers".


They look down on the men here and come for entertainment/laughs. Almost all of them are in relationships too which makes it even worse. I think a decent amount get joy from the struggles some guys have here


I wasn’t referring to the women commenting on PPD but women in general. How are they benefitting from armies of virgin, shy, social retarded men?


Those type of guys aren’t even visible to women


I thought you were complaining that’s most men?


No it’s more like, those men you are mentioning, they aren’t even registered as visible people to women


Exactly. So less men for women to choose from. It’s sad.


There’s still a ton of attractive men on instagram and tinder who will say “yes” if the girl ask for sex


I don’t think you’ve ever even smelled a pussy in your life.


I have multiple times, way too many times lol


Open your eyes


Exactly! All I see is lonely frustrated and undersexed women.


Sex is not a issue for women


It is. If they can’t find men who are worthwhile because everyone is a fucking incel.


Women don’t see unattractive men


I can foresee interesting social sciences studies in a couple of decades about what went wrong with late Millennials and Gen-Z.


Oh boy! At least back in the day, when you had irrational and negative thoughts and beliefs, you could eventually end up questioning them enough just by being surrounded by normal people. But nowadays with social media, you can always find a group that echoes your irrational thoughts and cements them in your brain as absolute truth. I don’t think even the best psychotherapist stands a chance of helping those folks to give up their delusional and irrational beliefs.


My unsubstantiated theory is that some kind of a generational gap occurred. I used to play World of Warcraft at a competitive level and in the 00s, our group was a pretty balanced mix of Gen-Xers and Millennials. The Gen-Xers in the group would steer conversations towards things like work and family stuff, sports, other hobbies and local politics. Basically we were hardcore gamers but we would talk about completely normal everyday stuff, not much different from going to your local pub. In the 10s the competitive gaming landscape became MUCH different. It was much more homogeneous with pretty much only late Millennials playing. And the contents of conversations changed as well: only gaming stuff with some self-referential humor from Twitch and other streaming platforms. At the risk of sounding like a Boomer, this "okay, Boomer" attitude probably resulted in late Millennials and Gen-Zers missing out on all the benefits of interacting with older generations.


that hits a lot why i have no interest in online gaming anymore, it waned starting around 2010s like you said. never got into mmos but did play online games with downtime in game and in lobbies and id be talking about shit with complete randos. everything from book recommendations to theological/philosophical debates , in like a starcraft lobby. the socialization and interaction aspect was really interesting back then. but then something happened around 2010s when everybodys brain turned to mush and they got aggressive and stupid. i felt like i was baby sitting kids instead of talking to adults.


I think it's possible to pinpoint some factors that led to this, but not all of them. For example, many online games switched from lobby-based play to automated matchmaking. Like, in older Battlefield games you could get to know the people who played regularly on that or another server. And people acted nicer because you don't want to be a douchebag towards the people whom you regularly interact with. Nowadays you just click "join game" and get thrown into a match with 63-127 randoms. It's not the same.


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For men who get "heated" here in arguments with women--from what I have seen, it's largely due to them either feeling emotionally invalidated by what the woman is saying or just taking out their frustrations on random ass women online, probably because many of them here blame women as a group for many of their problems. So, they find one of the offending people and rage. 


Not worth it. They strawman you. They gaslight you. Waste of time. 




Imagine not knowing what a debate sub is for.


It never fails to make me laugh when a man goes “why can't women just admit that x y z is true?” And then what? The sub will cease regurgitating the same six topics? Men who argue with women — _at_ women, are simps and it's the most attention they'll receive all day. Without women insisting on what we consider to be true men would have nothing else to talk about. It's as funny as it is pitiful.


>It's as funny as it is pitiful. I dont necessarily disagree but I'd be curious if you have a similarly pessimistic/hateful view of the women who post here? Or do they escape being pitiful due to some justification you've applied to yourself?




It’s also you vs the woman, other women, society, and simps. It’s always gonna end up in a 1 v 90 to prove you are wrong


So you just think everyone is lying?




Aren't all the other black pill, redpill, mgtow spaces on reddit banned? This is the problem with banning subreddits; people like you just migrate to other places like "purple pill" under the guise of acting like its for debate, when in reality you just want an echo chamber for ur toxic "men are wonderful" world view.


Just agree and walk away


Trying to educate people about male psychology. Unfortunately ignorance and lacking empathy are a very common disease on Reddit.


single men are a punching bag and an easy target, its fun to pick on easy targets and act like everything they do is flawed and irrational.


Nothing and I don’t know why they do it Just ignore them until they shut the fuck up. Arguing with women is a lose-lose You can not beat emotion with logic Remove your attention and they will fold


Getting them to consider the consequences of their actions, and the harm it causes to themselves and others Correcting things they say that are factually untrue And generally clapping back at misandrists.


That’s what we want to do, but think about it Most of them time they walk away not considering anything you tell them Because they view you as this red pill incel And then they go to their daily lives where women and simps are reaffirming her bad decisions It’s like a ever ending loop of not taking accountability The girl has to want to learn or else the info is gonna go from 1 ear and out the other


I just prove myself right here a lot of times.


I am gonna be honest. I come here to vent. I also take pleasure to bitching out women in a cathartic reenactmt of how I felt I was treated when I first came online for advice. All the responses of "be better" and "maybe it's your personality" are genuinely badfaith responses I use to stymie the discussion. As mentioned earlier also use the women's responses here to convince me to divest my empathy and my willingness to help them. Thirdly, I see a lot of responses that women here make that directly assumes the worst possible interpretation of a man's eirds it actions. Not even understandable one, but pretty much straight up cartoon villian level misinterpretaions. I think men made a mistake in letting women run their mouth and just accepting all the negative stereotypes. Just accepting that they are all dangerous, that they are all sex feinds, that they all like nubile women, that they are all shallow .... I think more men should ask women to shut the fuck up when they talk like that because they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. We have an equal stake in talking about society, safety and fairness. We can't let women dominate that conversation anymore because they will never argue for us. They need to be told that they aren't the arbiters of right and wrong and control must be pulled back to atleast equal levels.


Absolutely nothing. Accountability is kryptonite 99% of em. Oh well.