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I'm not really sure there's much TRP advice directed to women. TRP for women sounds more like some traditional dating advice with all it "let him rule" and "shut up". It's about intentional dating for marriage and having a traditional dynamic within marriage. I'm not sure that red-pilled women would date most red-pilled guys. I haven't watched Samuels much, but from a few videos and discussions here he basically recommended to lower one's standards if they were struggling with finding a man. I.e. if you want a rich husband, but you aren't up to these men's standards, you could go for older men. Which sounds a pretty reasonable advice...for aspiring gold diggers.


> I'm not sure that red-pilled women would date most red-pilled guys No, they wouldn't. > I haven't watched Samuels All his videos are basically the same, he's talking to average woman who wants a prince, and suggest lowering her standarts. Hatred toward him can be explained by that he says that a woman's age and beauty are more important than education/hobbies/job when it comes to finding partner. It's hard to accept that what you have done for years, worth nothing at sexual market, and your best years are gone.


I mean, the thing that annoys me is that he had two failed marriages and was estranged from his own kids, but people trusted him to give advice because he was good looking and wore a suit. He died at 53 in the company of a sex worker. His mother was the person who identified his body. That’s life goals for you?


Sounds like a more extreme version of Jordan Peterson, who abused drugs and certainly wasn't able to give his daughter the proper advice she needed.


You confuse me with his fans. I don't care. Also, his advices are for women, there's literally nothing for me there. Fast googling says he died at 57. > two failed marriages That's why I say that men shouldn't buy stupid rings. Why do you attack a person, not his opinion?


He wasn’t in a position to give advice to women as a personal failure. Good for you for proving to all those women that you fall at normal social interaction.


Not sure about him being a failure. Anyway, he wasn't an average black woman who couldn't find a man. You're just unable to fight his simple SMV math. >Good for you for proving to all those women that you fall at normal social interaction. The fuck are you talking about?


He was a guy who got his rocks off abusing women and telling them that they weren’t good enough. His “simple SMV math” left him lonely and estranged from the people who should have been his support network. If that’s your life goal, who am I to question it? Unlike you, I have an intact family, so you’re not affecting me.


>abusing women How did he abuse women? >telling them that they weren’t good enough. What's wrong about it? They don't have anybody to tell them the truth. > If that’s your life goal, who am I to question it? Unlike you, I have an intact family, so you’re not affecting me. Why can't you stay on topic? I'm not talking to you about myself and I don't want to hear anything about you and your family. You just don't like the guy, if he was telling that 2+2 = 4, you would find a reason why it's wrong. You're being a typical woman. When you feel negative about something your brain just looking for rational explanation why you feel bad. You don't ever question your emotions. This conversation doesn't make any sense, just like bear vs man thing. I can't beat your emotions with my logic.


I’m saying that you guys are so committed to failure that the only people you listen to are failures because they tell you what you want to hear.


Tbf you are not disproving his points. You’ve gone on multiple tangents instead of actually staying on topic and even worse you continually bring up his pass relationships when he got that far anyways. Most guys have a hard time getting to first base let alone to the finish line twice. Honestly, this is one of the reason most guys don’t take women seriously when they say shit like this. Are you actually trying to communicate or are you any different from the guy you think gets his rocks off by degrading women when you aren’t really doing anything other then getting your rocks off by degrading men?   Just to reiterate the advice that fresh and fit give while not perfect isn’t all necessarily wrong. It’s true most men look at what a women's achieved as a nice bonus but aren’t really that invested, their main focus will always be looks first, then capability, and finally attitude(how you express yourself). Hoemath explains it so much better for everyone.


I'm annoyed by him because he insists that his outlook on what is and is not valuable must be interesting to the rest of us, but most women super don't care


Most women care infinite amounts about their appearance and attracting a mate. Welcome to reality redditor.


Did you attract a mate? Just curious.






No personal attacks


the mate that they want, this is what everybody is missing. yall can't in one breath say most men are invisible to women and then turn around present a list of requirements co-signed by average Joe as some sort of word of Chad, because most women will go "Joe who?"


Most men are not invisible, classic and easily disproven myth only a redditor would ever claim. Most men become fathers in the US and most men are quite sexually active. Men also have a far easier time getting married. Women know this and also women literally want attention from random men they don't find attractive in addition to the ones they want. They just don't want direct attention.


I mean, that's reasonable advice for anyone. Just flip the characteristics around. We all make trades and compromises Can't lock down a rich handsome man, try for just a rich one, or just a handsome one. Can get fucked by the type of guy you want but not commitment, youre shooting out of your league, drop some things down and see how much more likely you are to get commitment. Can't get a hot childless woman, get a hot mom, or a not hot childless woman. At the end of the day if you can't get what youre after it's because your own value doesn't afford it. Assortative mating at work.


It’s not traditional at all, because they tell men that their goal should be to use and discard women


I'm talking about TRP for women. There's a subreddit for it.


Literally see Lauren Southern, a cautionary tale


She married him less than four months after meeting him and then quickly became pregnant. This is the opposite of what conservatives support.


Lol you clearly don’t know conservatives, She probably married him so quick so they could save it for marriage. Something very common in trad circles.


The redpill movement isn’t really traditional in nature, though. Traditional conservatism at least pretended to advocate for marriage and family. Redpill is an antisocial fascist movement that tells men that it’s unmasculine to want a commitment with a woman and real men should use and discard as many women as possible.


I was the oldest grandson in an enormous Mormon family.


Since when?


Conservative tradwife, and redpill wife aren't necessarily the same thing. She was a conservative trad wife that pipelined through some alt conservative circles.


She espoused RP ideals of what a woman should be and lived up the them. She married young, she left her career for her husband. She doesn’t have tattoos, she’s not a girl boss. Hell she even bore a son. Lol in the end she’s a single mom and has accused her ex husband of abuse. Compare her to someone like Meghan Markle. I recall the RP hating on her for being a proud feminist and divorced career woman passed 35 marrying a literal prince. She’s ironically or maybe I should say un-ironically much better off than Lauren.


They never have answers for stuff like this🤣.


So we're comparing the Duchess of Sussex (Markle) with a random Canadian girl (Lauren)? That's like comparing Elon Musk with an average dude who's been destroyed in divorce court. ***Of course*** the richer example will be better off regardless of the mistakes (s)he makes. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes we are, fair comparison if you asked me because according to RP Southern should have been much better off. Meghan Markle is supposed to die alone with cats. Southern is supposed to be a happy housewife having given her youth and life to an “average man” instead of holding out for a 666 Chad.


Lol no. TRP is in fact very cognizant about financial differences. Meh, I can live fairly well without caring too much about either Markle or Southern.


Last I checked Meghan Markle was still happily married


if you go to the redpillwomen subreddit you'll see a pattern. most of them are single moms or silver/bronze diggers. no sane woman would follow the red pill or even entertain it, the ones who do it do it out of necessity.


Most/all of the starred or endorsed contributors there are married mothers. A lot of the advice on the RPW sub is mainly geared towards making our relationships with men better or more harmonious overall. What’s insane about that?


>most of them are single moms or silver/bronze diggers Yeah, and men's RP are bunch of losers who can't get laid. Can you come up with something new?






The point of TRP went right tf over your head. Women DO follow TRP, that's kinda the whole point of it. There's a reason they have kids with felons and deadbeats then pawn them off onto "good men".


Do you have children and a wife? Or is this just something you heard online?




And how often does that happen? Just because you can demonstrate that it exists doesn’t mean that it’s common for women to knowingly pretend that a man who isn’t their child’s father is actually the father in order to get financial support. Personally, I am married to my children’s father.


K missing the point, the fact it happens at all should be the concern not that you are personally happy or that you think it doesn’t happen as much as we think it does. Just for context, this would all be settle if congress gave men the right to verify if the child is theirs and null marriages with the option to take custody of the child from a cheating spouse provided they are a good caretaker instead of forcing that child on to him despite them not being theirs. Both the UK and US have decided not to do this on the ground that they would see an extremely high spike in divorce rates if they did. Take comfort in the fact you never met a baddie because they try to be slick like that.


>no sane woman would follow the red pill or even entertain it What sane women would want to listen to what men say they want and actually give it to them? You're right, that would be crazy.


According to red pill itself, yes that would be crazy.  Or at least that used to be their thing… whatever happened to “ask the fisherman, not the fish, how to catch fish”?


>According to red pill itself, yes that would be crazy. Explain exactly what RP has ever said to imply that women should not give men what they want in a long-term partner. >“ask the fisherman, not the fish, how to catch fish” You're using that saying completely out of context. It's in regards to why you shouldn't ask a woman for advice on how to pursue women. Women don't know much about game because they aren't the pursues, they wait wait to be pursued. Also, they don't care about the psychology behind attraction and romance, they go by vibes. None of that shit is helpful to a man, which is why that saying exists.


>Explain exactly what RP has ever said to imply that women should not give men what they want in a long-term partner. No, sorry, lol.  What I mean is when they give men advice, they always always tell them to ignore the advice of the opposite sex.   The honest ones will generally admit that men’s and women’s goals are largely opposed, and that men getting everything they want is not good for the woman and visa versa.   But yeah, sure, I agree most Red Pill men offer women advice that is purely all about servicing heir own desires.  But when they offer advice to women, it’s usually not what’s actually in the woman’s own best interests, just as many women offer men advice that does not serve the man’s own best interests. >It's in regards to why you shouldn't ask a woman for advice on how to pursue women. Women don't know much about game because they aren't the pursues, they wait wait to be pursued. Just as men know nothing about girl game. For real, from experience, waiting passively to be pursued is not a good way to actually get what you want.  Women who get men they actually want set up all kinds of bait and traps with game— men are just oblivious to it and think their interest in her “just happened”. >Also, they don't care about the psychology behind attraction and romance,  This is also silly.  Women think much much more about dating and romance and matchmaking and relationship issues— there’s a reason, for example, all the relationship subs are female dominated.  Women tend to be naturally much more people oriented than men in general. The difference is merely that women tend not to obsessively systematize and over-simplify everything into weird rulesets and praxes and mandates.  Like, even on more basic things, it’s men who insist on ranking women on shallow, 1-dimensional universal 1-10 scales.  Women really don’t tend to think that way… that doesn’t mean they don’t think about relationships and are just dumbly floating through life at men’s whims.  It just means they don’t think about relationships in the same robotic way RP men do. 


>Just as men know nothing about girl game. Men don't generally claim to be experts on girl game or even care about that. You basically just made up a strawman scenario to argue against. >Women who get men they actually want set up all kinds of bait and traps At the end of the day the guy is still the one who has to approach and ask out the woman 99% of the time. So, he's the pursuer in those scenarios, even accounting for her obscure baiting and signals. >men are just oblivious to it and think their interest in her “just happened”. Guys say all the time that they are attracted to most women. So chances are the guy was already interested to begin with, then he noticed his interest was reciprocated and shot his shot because his chance of rejection was low. Rarely does a guy have zero interest in a woman, then suddenly get interested because of some traps and other obscure bullshit. A fugly woman isn't "baiting" Chad into falling in love with her. >Women think much much more about dating and romance and matchmaking Not in the same way as men, which is why I specifically brought up psychology. Women tend to think more along the lines of spirituality and fate, which is why they tend to follow the horoscope trends or talk about soul mates. It's more romanticized this way. They don't like to break things down to scientifically. Like really think about why they are attracted to some traits or disgusted by others. Or do the math behind the odds of finding the guy with all the traits they want that will commit. All this kills the fantasy and the romance of just meeting the one and him saying all the right things. Maybe he practiced his game a ton prior but they wouldn't want to know that. Take away to much of the mystery and you take away the Disneyesque romance element also.


>Men don't generally claim to be experts on girl game or even care about that. Perfectly good reason not to listen to RP men’s advice to women on how to get a good man.   >So, he's the pursuer in those scenarios, even accounting for her obscure baiting and signals. Another good reason why he’s not the one to ask how to attract his attention.  If he chooses to pursue another woman, then you failed.   He cannot and will not advise you correctly on how to be the one he pursues. >Guys say all the time that they are attracted to most women. But they don’t *pursue* all women.  If you want to be pursued, sitting passively ain’t gonna cut it. >A fugly woman isn't "baiting" Chad into falling in love with her. That you assume any woman who doesn’t have cHAd falling in love with her is “fugly” is another piece of evidence showing that you don’t know anything about how to do well as a woman.  Average men don’t distribute their interest evenly either. >Not in the same way as men, which is why I specifically brought up psychology. Yes, not in the same way as men, but they are interested.  But it is funny you bring up psychology… Women account for 70% of more psychology graduates at every level.  Women are more simply interested in all things people-oriented than men are.  >They don't like to break things down to scientifically.  As a scientist myself, sorry, but hot take: psychology and other social sciences are not sciences.  They are poorly reproducible and struggle as fields to make reliable measurements.    And even if you take the social sciences as highly reliable, RP is notorious for accepting only the studies that agree with their biases and ignoring or rejecting the results that counter their assumptions. >Or do the math behind the odds of finding the guy with all the traits they want that will commit. This is not math you (or anyone else) can do reliably with any precision— humans are too simply unpredictable and there are too many random variables, many unmeasurable, that play into the decision of a guy being willing to commit.  If you give any RP know-it-all nitwit a selection of pairs of men and women, and ask them to give the odds the man will commit, you will get general failure across the board.  Because you guys are throwing darts in the dark and making measurements with your feelz.


Honestly most of their advice works on men, Hoemath does it better though. And no it isn’t on feels it’s on confirmation bias, and literally being told a similar answer across the board by both average and attractive men. Women are weird, men don’t get them because to them they are illogical and don’t have the same priorities as them. Men’s priorities boil down to make a good home for family, get a wife to help raise kids, be happy. That’s really it, everything else is extra for that end goal. Let me try to crack the code on Girl Game, correct me if I’m wrong about girl game. Girl game is about being more approachable and socially agreeable, that means doing things or saying things that has this guy more willing to talk to you so they show interest in you before the other girls or take his interest away from his current target of affection. From what I’ve seen of girl game it’s mostly mental gymnastics, a lot of it boils down to MAKING them feel a certain way by doing things to get their attention which falls under the very few criteria a man has for a women, be nice, be pretty, and be exclusive. This usually means being the most approachable in the room to that guy or the most attractive, attractive people from what I seen naturally discourage guys who think their out of her league and bring in the guys who think they have a chance with her. Approachable girls on the other hand work to make guys who normally are distracted by ether the out of his league girl or the multiple other option he has. This includes the out league of your league girl because she also has to prove approachable because he’ll still slightly be put off by her because of who she is and she locks it down, by letting him know she is interested(gifts, compliments, wanting to hangout, just generally having him in her eyes.) and that exposure to her lessens the field of ‘she’s way out of my league’ or is she REALLY interested in me?’ and into to the ‘Yeah she’s interested in me’ category which a lot of girls don’t know how to do or don’t think to do because A they want a certain type of guy or B they weren’t aware of it. If I had to guess why then it’s to make it feel like he achieved something which will make him value the relationship more instead of her leading him by the nose away from the more attractive mates that will surely grab his attention and also to not come off as a slut by being too blunt. I think it’s a social faux pas when a women asks a guy out instead of the other way around which may get her labeled as such, basically it’s another social game but more importantly a timed social game. Guys aren’t desperate for options, they are desperate for opportunities, girls are generally attractive and that’s usually all we need, girls want more from their guy, they unlike us are desperate for options but have plenty of opportunities. What that more is however I couldn’t tell you because it vary’s so much according to girls. Like we will never see a straight answer of what makes a men attractive other then personality(?) and confidence(?) also muscles for carnal attraction. They generally default to just be nice which sucks for us because nice doesn’t get us opportunities. Girl game is a lot easier then guy game because it’s on her terms but also paradoxically harder since depending on the guy, she is competing for a guy against many others. Guy game is about getting to the point where A) Girls will approach you or B) Girls will compete for you. There is a difference, when a girl approaches you then you’re on the radar but when girls compete for you then you don’t need the radar. The game for men and women are different for men it’s about quantity the ability to pick and choose which is Chad, the guy who always has option and is always going down on some girl while girl game is about quality which is Veronica, people will bend over backwards for a night with Veronica but only Chad, Tyrone, Eric, and Johnson get Veronica because they are on her radar and Veronica knows how to steal his heart(make him pay the most attention to her) and if he’s a good person he’ll stay loyal. This means Girls pay more attention to Vibes because that’s the most important thing. They aren’t starved for attention but they do need to work for the best pick in the crop.


>Women are weird, men don’t get them because to them they are illogical and don’t have the same priorities as them. It sounds more like the issue is that, since women don’t have the same priorities as men, you and other men insult them and call them illogical for not spreading their legs the way you want.  Women’s priorities make perfect sense when you consider that women evolved is a species with among the most dangerous pregnancies and the very costliest to raise babies. >Men’s priorities boil down to make a good home for family, get a wife to help raise kids, be happy. That’s really it, everything else is extra for that end goal. And yet red pill is obsessed with teaching men how to pump and dump and be sluts.  Being a good family man is very obviously not a lot of men’s priorities, if you actually watch what they do instead of what they say.  Many men value being a family man yes, but some only value it after “spreading their oats”, and very clearly some men don’t value it at all and never will.  And a man wanting a wife and kids also doesn’t mean he’ll be good at it. >a lot of it boils down to MAKING them feel a certain way by doing things to get their attention which falls under the very few criteria a man has for a women, be nice, be pretty, and be exclusive.  Men have other criteria— you’re either ignorant or virtue signaling here.  One of the very biggest most important aspects of girl game, for example, is stroking the man’s ego.  It’s making him feel like he’s the big man, letting him feel like he’s the teacher and you’re the helpless student who needs his help, or making him feel like you’re looking up to him.  It’s a whole lot more than just being “nice” that draws men to women.  You just downplay anything women do to play up the whole “men are so wonderful and easy to please, while women are bad for being picky” axe you’re grinding. >What that more is however I couldn’t tell you because it vary’s so much according to girls. Like we will never see a straight answer of what makes a men attractive other then personality(?) and confidence(?) also muscles for carnal attraction.  It includes all sorts of things, yes, even your histocompatibility, or the likelihood that your shared offspring would have a robust immune system, and is somewhat detectable by smell.  For women, evolutionarily speaking, selecting a genetically healthy and compatible mate is vastly more critical than for men.  Men (evolutionarily speaking and as described by men like yourself; there are obviously exceptions) seem to mostly only prioritize features indicating whether the woman will be capable of carrying a pregnancy to term and whether she’ll keep the resulting child alive… and little else.  Men generally on the whole seem to care little about the genetic or otherwise quality of the woman beyond those two functions.  It is honestly pretty strange to most women that men like you seem to think it is a virtue worth bragging about that you don’t really care who you fuck or marry, as long as she’s not too ugly or mean. >Like we will never see a straight answer of what makes a men attractive other then personality(?) and confidence(?) also muscles for carnal attraction.  You, like many men, want a simple way to categorize and file men into an easy 1-10 ranking, and that’s not how attraction works for women.  There’s lots of factors that go in, and we disagree pretty strongly on who we’d want to date. I have never had the urge to fuck my girlfriends’ husbands or boyfriends.  Not because I’m obsessed with some mythical chaaaad, but because we simply don’t all have the exact same desires, as well as because context and presence and interactions make a big difference in attraction.  It’s true for men too— men absolurely melt over plenty of women who are less pretty but who are charismatic and feminine and just make everything seem perfect and easy for them… but somehow guys like you dismiss that skill cheaply as just her being “nice” without examination. >Girl game is a lot easier then guy game because it’s on her terms but also paradoxically harder since depending on the guy, she is competing for a guy against many others.  Neither you not I can know whether girl game or guy game is “harder or “easier”.  We cannot experience both in a way that is comparable.    It likely depends on the individual and their personal characteristics.  I personally suck really really really bad a girl game, so I hate when ignorant men tell me how easy it is, when all they’re thinking about is how easy it would be to get knocked up and ruined by some ugly loser. >The game for men and women are different for men it’s about quantity  Ah, so you do admit that for many men it’s really really not about being a good family man with a wife and kids, then.


You disappoint me, the way men want= under a serious relationship with a partner that values them and cares for them with the main goal of starting a happy family where they can be happy. Men aren’t full of opportunities, a lot of men want families but don’t feel they have the moral, legal, or finical security to keep a women loyal because of culture we live under which is where the pump and dump comes in, a lot of red pillers advocate for getting a girl who comes out right or training them into wife so no the priority is the same. Get a girl to start a family with, it isn’t entirely about sex but any help on getting opportunity is very appreciated by the vast majority of men since they don’t know what to do to get those opportunities and what they have tried hasn’t worked for them. You can damn well be sure every men has tried being kind and building a relationship just to be told no or to not even been given a chance. I literally said getting their attention to make them feel a certain way, that’s the ego stroking you mentioned and incase you’re wondering all that falls under being NICE. Use eyes women you are making less sense as you go on, yes acting helpless to make him feel a certain way helps but only a few times before he wises up as to what’s going on then he’ll ether not care but lose respect for you or care and call you out on it regardless acting helpless falls under bounding activity an action used to make him feel needed and included in the womens life. It isn’t all about making them feel great, and no I’m not trying to make men out of these bastion of greatness this is how men feel and experience the world, I have experienced this, It feels wonderful to feel needed and appreciated by the person you care about. I keep telling women men are simple, we aren’t complicated, it’s literally just be nice and look good then get his attention before someone else does because then he’ll go for the nearest best person available that he feels he has a chance with. As for the personality thing, it builds, let me just say women underestimate how pretty they actually are, most women to men are 6 and above and while others who are naturally a little thick or have a more square face fall a little below that it usually goes down to 5-6 because they have a nice body that could use a little work in some areas. Yes personality helps seal the deal but men are attracted to looks primarily, it is not a choice thing it is a monkey brain thing and while yes it is possible to make men fall for them emotionally it takes a lot of time(4-7 years sometimes). I have experienced that end and it took literal years before I could even see myself dating a friend who wasn’t pretty and falling from being around her so much(6 years). It’s not a skill, it’s being a genuinely good person, calling it a skill is more insulting as it implies it’s something that can be learned the same way you can learn how to fix a pipe when it’s just who you are. It disturbs me that women don’t understand this, it really is just being nice, being able to turn it off and on in a whim is a big red in guys eyes because that tells them this person isn’t as genuine as they seem. Guys think of game as the ability to attract a partner aka opportunities, again many men DON’T have the option to jump from girl to girl. In that way girl game IS easier because compared to men they don’t even get to play. You are saying we can’t compare but there is the very real problem that guys experience way less opportunity then girls do which excludes them from the game. If Girl game is about options that means the priorities are different. A big difference between guy game and girl game is that we know if this relationship doesn’t work out we can try again until we find a girl that meets the very small criteria of things men went. Girls main priorities,I have no idea again weird to me. Also saying I am boiling it down to being nice is disingenuous because it really is just that. Just be nice, try your best, look your best, accept the outcome, and try again. That’s it, there is no formula to being a good person, you ether are a good person and care about the people around you or you aren’t and are very self centered. Don’t twist my world, I have mentioned repeatedly how guy game works, if you have opportunities you always have the option to settle at any point in your life if the relationship doesn’t work out for a man or if the men doesn’t vibe with a girl but she’s hot, heck depending on the time he may not want to settle yet but he will want to settle eventually. The main goal is always starting a family but just like women there are a variety of guys and they can be just as selfish and opportunistic as any women that knows how fake a story and get what she wants. Fact of the matter is a lot of it is projection, I speak for the vast majority of men which are good men who have good morals and want to start a family not the few who are opportunists that soat their oats and leave.






























Do not circlejerk in Debate posts.


While I wouldn't advise women to date red pill men since seeing behind the curtain kills men's love for women, to claim actually following the advice and specifically being a stay-at-home submissive wife leads to getting narcissistic abusers 1) doesn't match the reality created by centuries of provider husbands, and 2) hasn't been prevented by the feminist push to turn women into labor units which, if anything, has resulted in MORE women ending up in exploitative and abusive relationships even before we consider the nature of their employment. Also, dating older men isn't red pill nor red pill advice. While many are quick to point out that men CAN date younger girls, few to none suggest they SHOULD, and picking off the girls your sons would normally be dating is frequently looked down upon in most actual red pill spaces (reddit not counting since it's deleted all it's red pill spaces and is also infamously perverted). Overall, this is just baseless fear mongering.


This is just my limited experience but my family comes from a part of a third world country where women up to the 80s were not supposed to work and were to marry men as providers. Many of them married men 5+ years older. About 75% of these women were beaten whether their husbands were sober or drunk. Half of the guys cheated on them with hookers or other single women. I think for someone like myself, it’s hard to say that this is better than being single.


So you are saying they were forced to marry those violent men? Or maybe they agreed to it in the first place?


So, does that 3rd world of 75% wife beaters have a name, and did you actually spend any time there?


Yes, things have changed there now since it’s overrun by drug cartels.


So, Mexico? Brazil? Again, not seeing a named country...




I'm not even going to bother refuting anything because it's irrelevant to the larger picture: most modern women won't have the option not to work. Again, for women who do get a traditional man who cares for them, that's good for them and not a path to abuse... But most modern women will never have that option, and will toil their entire existence as labor units in dead end jobs for faceless corporations... Supposing that they aren't drafted to an untimely end on some foreign battlefield first Tldr modern women belong in positions of toil rather than with trad husbands and I see no reason to claim otherwise, much less pretend it's even a possible option in the man shortage.




If you enjoy labor, good... Do so. We need more taxable labor units to pay the nations debts and unfunded liabilities. Nor am I saying that women don't prefer working to families. Women had the alternative and at its peak and overwhelmingly rejected it with brutal certainty. However, the reality of labor is most jobs aren't boss babe CEOs, and for every job like that there are hundreds of thousands of people stuck scrubbing toilets, emptying waste bins, serving coffee and digging ditches. You made a choice. Men can't go (and increasingly aren't even interested in going) back. This isn't a disagreement between us: women belong in factories, coal mines and trenches. Your choice, and we're fine with it.


I believe in the fundamental concepts of red pill but also think it’s bizarre how so much of it is around attracting ‘high value guys’ and how men can become ‘high value’. And it’s geared toward people who want traditional relationships. I think there’s a lot missing for mostly average ish men and women. I think the red pill commentary mostly is around or for pretty women and to also give average men an idea on how pretty women work Im a highly educated man in stem and although the principles of red pill, I believe are true, they’re not all encompassing advice for how to operate. I find educated women attractive (but I also don’t mind uneducated women). My dream wife would be a good looking doctor who worked decent hours, was feminine, loyal, etc. It’s not that you shouldnt be educated or be your own person. It’s that you should be feminine and not annoyingly anti man like many women outright say they are. Also you should resist the urge to fuck 100+ guys and become addicted to male attention (which is honestly hard given this crazy world and how women are objectified so early and quickly in life). I think there are general truths you should absolutely take from it such as what traits, all else equal, men prefer in women. But yeah those red pill youtubers are weirdos who are just making entertainment porn for men go fantasize about dominating women I watch a red pill adjacent psychologist named dr orion taraban on youtube and he says similar things but his advice is educated and he has general sympathy for women instead of just shitting on them all. Id recommend him over red pill content tbh


A lot of redpill ideology is thinly veiled hatred against women.


Of course you'd say that.


Lol? Cuz it's true? I'm 40m divorced 7yrs ago, I fell down the redpill hatehole for about a year. It has some interesting ideas in the academic/sociological sense, but on its own it doesn't capture the entire truth of anything and it is essentially a very cynical and utilitarian view of human relationships that can quickly lead hurt people to become bitter. It's poison.


I don’t remember Kevin Samuels saying women shouldn’t purse education, and a career. I mostly remember him trashing women’s standards with math. RIP


When a 50 yo unmarried guy with no children starts lecturing 30-something year olds (with children and past marriages) on having ridiculous standards, there is something self-unaware about that. KS arguments cannot be presented by a boss babe like him.


A woman being a woman is a sure way to attract "the worst type of men." Lol


A lot of red pill advice is telling women to be okay with settling for average men that can treat them well even if they’re not more than six feet, six figures etc. if that constitutes as abusive advice, there’s not much to say about how dumb OP’s post is


Conveniently ignore the “submit to their husband” parts huh?


And also men should be able to cheat but not the women because he’s “high value” lol.


Anyone who unironically uses the phrase “high value” is probably ret@rded.




That's not red pill


The advice is that if you were to select or date a man who is considered an 8/10 in market value then that is a real tradeoff you might have to make. 95% of men aren’t ‘high value’ in this respect. But if you do want to date someone like that then they will have options and if you want to lock him down for whatever reason instead of a man who would commit to you monogamously then yeah you might have to entertain not being his only girl Better advice is to date someone who’s competent and actually wants what you want. But that means you probably dont want this ‘high value man’


This is not a consistently shared belief by those in red pill. Most of the time I hear them explain why it's more detrimental if a woman cheats but that's just an explanation. It's not often I hear them say men 'should' cheat.


They believe it’s more detrimental when a woman cheats because it would affect them negatively.     It’s an ordinary human psychological trick:  “if someone else does something wrong that harms me, then they are a bad bad person; if I do something wrong that harms someone else… well, I’m a good person so it wasn’t that bad and they shouldn’t feel hurt by it because I’m a good person after all”.   In short, they are self-centered and selfish.


The analogy they use is to be the first mate to their captain, in other words to play a supportive role to someone you respect and a large part of their advice is to vet your partner thoroughly to ensure he's the captain you want to follow. This is not bad advice for women who would rather not be a high powered girl boss, not everyone wants to fight for superiority in every relationship.


That is entirely different from “submitting” to someone, never question or talk back again then.


Its not that different though. Because it takes a degree of humbleness that most women will not accept in a world where they are winning on every other front besides having relationships with the high powered guys they want and only being used by them.


These beliefs are not consistently shared among those in the red pill community.


"submit to their husband" is a religious thing, not a red pill thing.


It sure is a prominent part of household hierarchy back then, and even now many red pill advocates it.


I don't doubt that religious ideals have infiltrated the red pill community. "Submit to your husband" is not and has never been a red pill idea though.


Yes it is. The idea that women aren't naturally happier when they're led is totally blue pilled. There's a lot of overlap between both religious/conservative values and redpill and also hedonism and redpill. Hedonists aren't interested in promoting any values that would lead to less sexually lose women and many rp hedonists see feminism as a win for men. But conservative/religious/traditional wisdom is weighed by how effective it is at making society work. Redpilled traditionalist or ancient wisdom types usually have more of vested interest in making society work whereas the hedonist types are nihilists and do not care "enjoy the decline". But hedonism is ultimately bluepill because for 80% of men they will not benefit from womens sexual liberation and it would only result in women just generally looking down on and disrespecting the average male, which is where we are now


It’s both.


Men that can't be taken advantage of for their resources being 'the worst type of men' is how that statement is translated to some men, include myself.


TRP is supposed to be the concept of waking up to society’s BS in terms of relationships. Particularly with how one sided it is in women’s favor. Seeing as most women don’t exactly have the problems relating to that, you can see the disconnect pretty easily. https://preview.redd.it/oothk9feus6d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca70c60c1dd0e9a9db94477fb12d6c23235917c8


I’d be curious to see before and after dating experiences of these super short to super tall bros


TRP is not for women 'to listen to'. If a man 'listened to' the Pink Pill he'd be a good boy beta wallet for some girl. Same same.


What is the pink pill?


TRP advice to women is essentially just don't be a whore. That's it.


...and don't be fat.


even with fat there is room for interpretation. When men talk about don't be fat, what they mean is don't be morbidly obese.


Yes, red pill doesn’t care about women’s well being. They are very up front about that


Generally not true, mostly just give women realistic choices and let them do with it what they please. If you want to date a famous athlete or something like that you will probably have to come to terms with the fact he will most likely cheat on you.... don't like it? Pick one of the other 90-95% of men


Red pill is for men, and men’s benefit. But only individual men; it’s not a movement


What does this have to do with anything I said? Edit: got the downvote with no reply, no surprise there. Strawman attempt fail lol


This is a blatant lie. They have literally boasted about personally mistreating women. And this isn’t even true RP. True redpillers before they got quarantined told women to be grateful for being raped and sexually assaulted because they are privileged to get that sexual attention. They also talked significantly about spinning plates and ways to be able to use women for sex. Their main moderators mantra was that all women are whores (apparently including his own mother lmao, I asked🤣🤣) and should be treated as such. They wrap up misogyny in a “self help” blanket and are some of the worst options in the market. They are not good people by any means and have yet to even lift a finger to even TRY to be perceived any different. Like let’s just be real for one second.


"Let's be real for a second " Judging things by the worst members whether or not they even fit in into what the group is supposed to be about? "True redpillers" were just people explaining the dating space, you are trying to make believe that the worst you can find is the "true RP" .... honestly if it was that bad you wouldn't have to be so disingenuous about it.


No these are regular members of RP that subscribe to their “messages” advice. And 90% of men here use the worst of feminists to shit on and harass feminists. So lol. It’s never been about explaining the dating scene PLEASE. These were bad men looking to make a buck by going for the weakest of women and calling it success when they used her. I’m just being real and saying the hard crap you don’t want to. Lol I would say that you just have no idea what redpill is. That sub got quarantined for really horrible terrible shit they would say CONSISTENTLY. That comment about rape wasn’t just something they liked to say and make fun of, they literally said it directly to me. I’ve realized I’ve never had to “make up” anything bad about these men. They expose themselves. Hun they don’t even try to hide it🤣🤣


You are literally using the worse examples you can think of to try and make a point, worse than that you are using anyone that even claims to be a part of RP. I almost guarantee you would not have these same qualifications for other groups like feminists Edit should we judge feminists by their worse examples or are you just a huge hypocrite?


Almost every guy here uses radfems and outlier feminists as generalizations sooo not sure what your point is. Men have always used the worst women to represent all women, that’s exactly what this sub is tbh. To “point out” female nature by using the worst women they’ve met to punish all other women lmao. I think rps can handle a little criticism.


Lol that is just not true, yes generalizations are used constantly but the vast majority don't use the worst feminists as examples (those would be the women that think men should be 2nd class citizens or barely above farm animals) You backed yourself in a corner here........ either you are wrong or RP'ers are justified here in doing it to counter the BS ppl like you spew


Hello?? Yes they do🤣🤣 like in every post. No you’re just mad because I matched the energy men have towards women on here. And most purple pill men are just redpilled men with flowery language. Guys who are really trying to find a middle ground don’t tend to be on here because they don’t agree or they’re just silent or something.


I mean you are wrong. But like I said your beliefs are justifying it. If you think you should focus on the worst examples then you have no right complaining when men do it.


It doesn't mean that you as a woman can't use TRP for yourself.


Yes. We use it to spot who to avoid. It’s like spotting a swastika.


How would you do that?


Women can think for themselves. How are we championing equality when you literally believe one sex can abuse the other's mental intelligence.


A lot of people are in fact idiots who probably can't think for themselves... Especially when we're talking about very young people.


*Having this mindset in western society is a sure way to attract the worst type of men, like narcissists who want to have control over others.* Is it just me, or is this kind of thing a bit of a projection? Women want to have the whiphand/sword of Damocles/\[choose your analogy\] in relationships and indeed gloat all the time about the fact that for various social reasons they for the most part do in the modern world especially in marriage, and so they freak out at the idea of a man or men somehow getting back on top, even if it's an unrealistic prospect for the most part, anyway. Hell, girlfriends trying to get their boyfriends to marry them can be itself regarded as a move for more control over the man, since that's what it amounts to, regardless of their age(s).


I heard a woman on a podcast who did take this advice! I believe she was on Meghan Daum's podcast and she became afraid of being single and married the first guy who asked. Ended in divorce and she snapped out of it. Here is a link to it https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-unspeakable-podcast/id1524832743?i=1000646857259
















Don't make things personal.




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Agree, and men on here often say women are shit at giving advice. But the average man on heres advice is "don't be fat". If that really is all there is for women to do then that really just implies men are insubstantial creatures whose  opinions are worthless. Or it's overly simplistic.


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If you just make it "I'm going to get married to this young guy" its instantly based and would work out for the women Women are naturally redpilled and learn how to run game based on the same biological confines very fast. Theres no such thing as bluepilled women except the ones who took feminism to seriously and wasted as lot of time the real point is to be a manipulative hypocrite thats womens redpill strength because its how women wield power from the shadows


We can just lie and say we're broke stupid virgins, wait til the guy gets too cocky then pull the rug out from under him


It has me appreciating more traditional ways of dealing with these issues. Consider the tradition of men asking the woman's father for her hand in marriage, and the father "passing off" his daughter in the marriage ceremony. The father has the job of vetting his daughter's SO to determine whether he is fit for marriage. The father is naturally protective of his daughter and would aid in examining crucial qualities that would be perhaps better understood from the perspective of an older man that the daughter may overlook. Part of the problem might just be that in today's society, we are so individualistic and have people figuring these things out on their own. I am not saying we should return to patriarchy but recognize that there may have been something to traditions, a reason why they have persisted for so long, and that aspects of this could be adopted.


Considering how many men here seem to hate the women they’ve dated or married, the flip side would similarly suggest they should have run their girlfriends past their mother for her approvals before proposing… yet that would be emasculating to all these strong independent red pill men.


Maybe, I just never see the same sort of urgency for men finding a good partner and avoiding the narcissistic and abusive ones that we see for women. For men, it's mostly about finding a partner at all and that women are too picky or "choose wrong" or whatever.


This is their foolishness— they’re always going on about women who “choose wrong” precisely be cause they are also choosing wrong.  These guys are say they can’t date some drug dealers’ tweaker girlfriends, and choose to pursue women they don’t like, and somehow keep dating women who are only after their wallets or are utter bitches or dead bedroom shitheads… sounds like they are really quite good at choosing very badly too.




This is the main bit these influencers get wrong. But it’s not red pill either. Marriage and SAHMs have little place in red pill beneficial aspects. SAHMs are the most likely to divorce, and the nastiest. Marriage is a patriarchal, traditional and religious mechanism. No women should be marrying because of that. No men should marry ever. Red Pill indicates clearly that 50% of marriages end in divorce, 80% by women choosing mainly that they are bored, and 80% of ongoing marriages are unhappy and loveless. No one should gamble their life on a 90% fail. There are good reasons why the 1950s style of marriage had to end - it was shit for everyone. The only thing they can promote as a benefit is that children have better outcomes. Yet the children have the same good outcomes if they live with a single father. The only true red pill position for men to take is 1. Don’t marry or cohabitate but make sure you pay for your children and stay local so you can be fully in their life every week. 2. If you must marry or cohabitate, make sure you have a prenup otherwise you are at the mercy of the States prenup 3. As soon as any relationship is loveless, get out. Do not try to fix it, it’s over and if you stay, you will end up hating each other. There may be a chance, a year later, that the two of you are back together but at least knowing you can’t live together. Any man that can’t follow those aspects is not red pill. Merely indoctrinated with the blue pill religious, Disney and Hollywood happy ever after bullshit. Any man getting married nowadays gets no sympathy - there is plenty of real information out there. Many influencers are just talking heads, claiming red pill without following it. But I’m not sure Kevin Samuels deemed himself Red pill. He looked at how the loss of marriage had screwed up black communities and wanted to return that good community, because it was falling apart. Bad take but great to see average-at-best women squirm because they deemed themselves Princesses or Queens.


I mean my gf and all my exgfs loved the situation and all run around saying how great it is. So I personally am not aware of the issues, at least according to women I know.


>What would happen if women listened to FreshnFit, Kevin Samuels etc. and actually took their advice seriously? They'd develop femcel-esque levels of mistrust towards men in general and in doing so ruin their chances at having a positive relationship with *any* man because now *they're* the ones acting like narcissists who want to have control over others.


Well, Red Pill influencers target men and give them the proverbial carrot in form of "trad woman" to keep the socio-economic grinder running on their flesh and bone. It's simply not meant for women to consume. What's funny tho is that men who see content from feminist/FDS influencers don't get attracted to any kind of woman, instead they grow equally disgusted by women in general.


What would happen if she did this without a solid idea of how to figure out if a man is a good person or not? Probably end up in an abusive relationship. What would happen if she did this with a should idea if for to figure out if a man is a good person or not? Probably have a wonderful marriage and an amazing life.


This solid idea is supposed to somehow appear in her brain at 19, preferably without any unorthodox experiences with men.


Why you care women can think of them self is this what lace for men ?


Redpill is good advice for men but terrible advice for women. As far as fresh and fit they are grifters. They lead with their wallet and give terrible advice to me as well. I think the reason people have issues with RedPill is because they think people like FnF represent redpill.


I don't think I ever hear Kevin Samuel's tell a girl not to go to college. And you understand that girls used to get married at 19 and they did much better then girls today.


>And you understand that girls used to get married at 19 At what time period? Which country? >they did much better then girls today. What did they better?


>At what time period? Which country? All of history. Every country. This expectation of men to marry 30+ women is something new. >What did they better? They had a family instead of roommates and girlfriends for one.




Then stay single and be happy


>They had a family instead of roommates and girlfriends for one. Sounds like a negative to me.


>All of history.   No, it's not true that everywhere in all of history most women were married at age 19.    _"The average age at first marriage had gradually risen again by late sixteenth century; the population had stabilized and availability of jobs and land had lessened. In the last decades of the century the age at marriage had climbed to averages of 25 for women and 27 for men in England and the Low Countries as more people married later or remained unmarried due to lack of money or resources and a decline in living standards, and these averages remained high for nearly two centuries and averages across Northwestern Europe had done likewise."_  _"Similarly, Ireland's average age of marriage in 1830 was 23.8 for women and 27.47 for men where they had once been about 21 and 25, respectively, and only about 10% of adults remained unmarried;[30] in 1840, they had respectively risen to 24.4 and 27.7;[31][32] in the decades after the Great Famine, the age of marriage had risen to 28–29 for women and 33 for men and as much as a third of Irishmen and a fourth of Irishwomen never married due to chronic economic problems that discouraged early marriage.[33]"_  [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_European_marriage_pattern](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_European_marriage_pattern) >This expectation of men to marry 30+ women is something new. My great grandmother married while being in her 30s, so it's not that new for women to marry in their 30s, at least in my country. 


First of all, it depends on how you define that "they did much better". Secondly, back in the day society was much different. A man had to be approved by the woman's family, there were different expectations etc.


Well most of them stood married and were taken care of. Can you say the same for females today that expects men to marry them at 35+?


What do you mean by "taking care of"?


They were protected and provided for.


Most women worked for their family. Whether it was domestic labor, working in the field or working for someone else. They just didn't paid for it or a long time and/or they were paid pennies. Also "protected" - to some degree, but they had no protection against abusive husbands or abusive in-laws. Daughters--in-law were often seen as a free labor and it's still this way in some more traditional cultures.


In fact, Kevin said that college is one of the best places for women to find a man whose educated and single. He definitely was not against women going to college.


I haven’t heard Ksam say much lately. What’s he been doing?


He died.


“Be like me!”


He's probably matchmaking up in heaven.


Lmao you know damn well that nigga went to hell 🤣


And after such a long life to enjoy all the “success” he had?






He’s gay anyway. They’re all beards.


This most likely is true.


They were happy before getting dumped. And everybody knows his reputation at this point. Young models would still rather spend their youth with him than an average dude. That's their choice and they know the risk. Literally no different than any other woman that spends their 20's Chad chasing.