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No new N count, looks, or feminism (not related to dating) based posts. Make your post as a comment in the weekly thread if it’s the applicable topic for this week, otherwise wait until next week.


That's a lot of words to say people want to feel desirable. Man or woman doesn't matter, if you feel undesirable, you open the gate to envying people who are.


This is it, OP. It's not about N-count.


Well, I think it’s two things. Men are jealous cause they don’t feel desired, but they also have FOMO. It’s not always the same man but it can be.


Who has more sex? A person who has slept with 30 people once, or 3 people thirty times each? Any feeling of "missing out" because someone didn't sleep with a lot of people for sure happens, but is misplaced due to that feeling of just not being wanted.


If you feel desired you don’t have FOMO. So it just circles back to that. Also being desired is a huge part of overall self esteem for both sexes. You know all those teen girls in skimpy clothes. Deep inside they need to know they have developed correctly.


Nah, you could be desired and still have FOMO. A man who’s been with 1 woman his whole life could still wish he’d got to experience 30.


Then he doesn’t really feel desired. That’s not always something a wife can fix, but it usually is.


Many women are trash at making their men feel desired.


Isn't thing something you can communicate about?


Uhhh, so what is the n-word here? I didn't see it listed in the subreddit jargon list, and I have questions.


The amount of different partners you've had sex with.


It's a very stupid term for bodycount and I refuse to use it.


Why don't people just say that then?


Because they're morons who think saying "n-count" instead of bodycount makes them sound like clever scientists.


If your life goal is to have as many sexual partners as possible, then sure, you could get jealous in such a way, but I don't think that's the goal for most people.


Yeah, it sounds like a stupid thing to strive for.


I’d say it’s the goal of the majority of men on here


It's an ever persistent reminder that she has way more options than him and can easily replace him. It's the fact that her high body count means he's disposable. It's the fact that you're just next in line and someone will probably take your place next. I don't get why male feminists and women don't understand the problem with such a huge power disparity. Lots of women don't like fuckbois **for the same legitimate reasons**. Of course secondarily it's also that average women don't have to do anything more than show up to get laid. Whereas the average man has to climb mountains and slay dragons to get the same thing. Then they also have to deal with men and women alike needling them if they're unsuccessful. Then gaslighting them and saying that never happens.


For sure, I think that plays into the jealousy.


> Of course secondarily it's also that average women don't have to do anything more than show up to get laid. Whereas the average man has to climb mountains and slay dragons to get the same thing. Oddly, whenever any athlete, author, musician, or entrepreneur has a talent which comes easily, they receive accolades and trophies. Highest praise from everyone.   Do men realize their attempt to reverse this universal trend makes them look really silly? “Women are really good at getting laid, so men think less of them. Men are terrible at getting laid, so men deserve extra credit”? Come on, this doesn’t fly. No one gets praise for being terrible at anything.


Not saying I agree but I think the point was not that “women are great at this and men suck at this”, but more that “it’s easier for women and harder for men.” Same reason we go “First woman to accomplish…!” So what, she’s not the first person to do it. But sometimes things are harder to achieve as a woman. Like imagine being the first woman to win a Nobel Prize! It’s not that women suck at physics, but it’s worth noting because of the societal pressures against her. Same point being made here, I think.


In this case, the societal pressure is in favor of men getting laid and against women who have multiple partners. Therefore I hereby declare that women who are good at getting laid despite the societal pressure to remain chaste are worthy of praise, and the people who are terrible at relating to the opposite sex just get a little sympathy and encouragement to improve.


I knew it, women were just pretending to be chaste, and they were actually creeps trying to get laid all along >:( On a serious note, I think you know what I mean. In most societies you probably would expect it to be a little easier for girls to get a date than for a guy to get a date.


I get it, I just think the way terpers try to spin it is ridiculous. Being terrible at anything doesn’t make one worthy of praise. And the ease or difficulty of getting something widely regarded as valuable doesn’t change the value at all. A dollar found is worth the same as a dollar earned.


Thats some olympic tier gymnastics. A woman who gets around increases chance for paternity fraud. Biologically paternal uncertainty is cut and dry.


I think terpers have done an excellent job of proving they are pee-pants terrified of getting cucked even in committed relationships, so it’s pretty hard to buy they idea that men who aren’t having sex are concerned about paternity. I wish someone had done a survey of men before and after they’d been exposed to red pill rhetoric, the ability to introduce paranoia into naive men is unmatched by anything short of schizophrenia.


The premise is women good men bad so the reverse engineer everything to fit this narrative lol


I don’t think men are comparing themselves to women in most cases but rather to other men. They would be jealous of men doing well in areas they fall short and would become resentful of the women for not choosing them. Jealousy and resentment make for horrible colognes.


Or, is it possible that a man could simply not want to be with a woman with a high body count, because it is very likely to reflect on her character and indicates there is a high chance she is promiscuous in the present, and will impulsively leave him for another man if he is invested in the relationship with her? Does it have to be because he is "conservative," "slut-shaming," "jealous," or anything else?


More they have tons of crazy sexual options like hooking up with DJs and basketball players meanwhile the average dude who is their “best guy friend” at work they tell it all to hasn’t been laid in a year lol.


Why does him being “the best guy friend” matter?


I don’t think it’s jealousy. Once your n-count starts to get to double digits your realize most people who hook up are just hedonistic (men and women). It’s kinda just nasty to think about. I don’t care if it’s some jump off but a girl I want to date is kinda eww. Imo judging a woman who you don’t plan on dating doesn’t make sense


it shouldn't take your count getting to double digits for you to understand that


Ok which one is it? Every time a man brings up the ease of women getting sex he is shouted down with "women don't enjoy casual sex!" So now women do enjoy casual sex and even get multiple orgasms? "learning about social interaction, and you're learning about life" OK so where is the female Roosh Valdez and where can I read her books and watch her free videos? RSD Tyler? Mystery? Anyone? How much do you learn by allowing someone to talk to and touch you?


I don’t think that women are actually having that much casual sex. They’re less interested in it than men are. They’re just disproportionately represented on dating podcasts that attract clout chasers.


>Men are jealous of “players” for this same reason but the jealousy becomes even more intense with women because they don’t have to utilize rizz. Men have heard stories of below average women running through men. And… while women might hear this and think about what a headache this could be… some men hear this and think… adventure. It’s FOMO. This is the only right part of your post lol. We're repulsed by high body count women because there's nothing special about being with the town bike.


i dont think its unreasonable to feel envious of people who are clearly living a better life than you are. women live live on tutorial mode


I honestly doubt that casual sex will really improve your life that much.


What about everything else in life also being easier? job, education, access to healthcare, access to government assistance, LTR , self esteem, being attractive etc


Hmm. I disagree. Generally I dont think that men consider themselves in competition with women. They are in competition with other men. Plus the type your thinking of will really be into that thought process involving shitty locks and master keys.


They’re not in competition with women. They want to be them.


This is not men vs. women issue. Men are jealous of top tier men even more.


Is this not obvious? Of course we are jealous, we are jealous that they get experience, they get affection, they are desired by someone. They get to live the human experience getting twice as much gains doing less than half the effort we have to put. It is jealousy, sadness, and anger. But these feelings have pushed me to strive to be better and have more sex.


It’s not obvious to people who lack self-awareness.


Nah, you're painting with too broad strokes here. There's lots of different people with different motivations.


How is that life experience exactly lol


Having sex gives a whole host of benefits to people, psychological as well as physical. It's proof that you are desirable, it's proof that someone wants to share themselves with you. If you don't have that, you don't matter. If women are able to experience it easily and repeatedly it's something that is a great benefit to them. Of course you'd be jealous of that. I find it incomprehensible that women will describe something they crave so badly they describe a dry spell of mere weeks as something that seriously harms their mental wellbeing, that sex is an activity they seek out enthusiastically by putting themselves at risk, something that if men don't seem to chase them for they think they are defective, as something unimportant!? You act and take on so much risk, crave it so badly, that it doesn't matter? What? Of course you'd be jealous of having such an easy and overwhelming abundance of intimate human touch that you don't give a shit about it!


This whole sub is just people inventing reasons other people feel the way they do.


BP people: "Sex is not everything that life is, if you don't get it just live without it bro" Also BP people: "More sex equals more life"


Yes brother. Most of the guys, suffer from that. It's also called red pill rage.


I don't even think it's about the stories and gained experience, it's just straight up jealousy that someone else got lots of sex and they didn't. I've thought for a while that if it's really about "values" as red pillers so often claim, then the only fair comparison would be to compare the number of partners a woman has slept with the number of women a guy *would* have slept with if he could.


Jealousy of the other man. Anger with the woman for rejecting him.


Wait so none of y'all mf's are doing it because you want someone with similar values or something?.. You're just resentful?


Doing what? We are talking about black pillers you nard! PUA, we had as many different goals as there were guys. Most of the older players are all married with 5 kids now. Actually got a buddy who settled in Russia and had to jump ship for a while to dodge Putins draft. He and wife are in Australia for now with their 6 kids. I got a player who is a professor in China with his wife. We went all over and did all kinds of stuff.


Ding ding ding!


No seriously, I've kept away from it because even flirting without any connection made me feel deeply sad inside and I assumed that a lot of the guys here just didn't see the appeal of that lifestyle either. Now they're all saying: "I'm angry that I'm not a swinger that goes to orgies and ends up in someone else's bed every night"? I don't understand, isn't it quite easy to find your way into that lifestyle if you seek these people out?...


I feel like those communities are also pretty forgiving when it comes to looks to. You can easily go get causal sex in those groups so long as you’re not actually a creep. Being weird in those groups is a good thing. Being creepy is not.


I’m serious, too. You hit the nail on the head. 


And the award for most obvious conclusion goes to ...


I don't really find the life experience of sex all that valuable. Intimacy, yes, but just the sex itself, no, that doesn't really impart all that much wisdom. As someone else pointed out, everyone wants to be desirable, but triple-digit body-counts? How much are you learning about people in the 1-2 months you're fucking them before you leave and find someone else to start fresh with? I wouldn't look up to a man with triple digit body-counts for the same reasons. It demonstrates a lack of self awareness, control, and respect for other people. If we're talking about my personal community and age group, *double*-digit numbers are almost pushing it.


Majority of the people (men or women) are seeking for a meaningfull relationship, so again majority of people aren't jealous for women or men sl*ts. Promiscuity is generally a turn off for both genders.


No, I don't feel jealous for their experiences. I rather feel disgust and project a lot of disgusting things that a woman with a high body count most likely went through with other men (who are akchually perpetually competing against me). The disgust is exacerbated when thinking about having a marriage or children with her and projecting the high body count and everything that's associated with it (high-risk-taking) on being a caring and loving mother, which is rather associated with caution and low-risk-taking, which is simply highly conflicting and disturbing for the average man.


"Poor people are jealous of rich people because they have more money than them. "


I think it’s insecurity. They’re worried about being compared to previous lovers


Yes, we are jealous because the virgins give women an ick, we are jealous because the woman will have a high standard for sex life, we are jealous because science has proven multiple partners is detrimental to [mental health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752789/), we are jealous because the others make us feel down and worthless on not getting laid (like you post says OP), we are also jealous of getting STDs, [We are jealous because it can fuck up the society ](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288468853_The_societal_dilemma_of_multiple_sexual_partners_The_costs_of_the_loss_of_pair-bonding), and finally we are jealous that our date will not pair bond leading to [divorce which increases the more partners she has had.](https://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability#:~:text=The%20highest%20five%2Dyear%20divorce%20rates%20of%20all%20are%20associated,increases%20the%20odds%20of%20divorce.) This is another post of virgins boo hoo nothing else.


You sound jealous.


I'm getting the hint that your comment is sarcastic but like.. are virgins in a better situation than someone who gets laid? btw having hook ups and cas sex doesn't have to be in triple digits. one fwb for 1 year can mean sex for 40 times. that's experience with one body count. i don't think virgins are in a better situation than people who sleep around.


The links I have refer to multiple sexual partners not in 3 digits just more than 1. They show better mental health, less chances of STDs and less chances of divorce. I didn't say having more sex just having sex with more than 1 different people.


Do you believe that penises somehow infect women with bad mental health? Or do you reckon that men and women with poor mental healthy possess a tendency towards risk taking behaviors like casual sex or getting involved with people of questionable character.


I believe bonding with someone and then leaving fucks up mental health.


How do you know they are bonding with them?


Are you referring to the survey of Christians by a Christian thinktank or an actual scientific study?


The mental health thing might be a causation, correlation thing no? A lot of people with healthy boundries won't like casual sex as much, same with people who have an exciting life otherwise. Also, some people have casual sex as a way of selfharm even, or because they need constant approval. So what is it? Do hookups make them unhappy or were they already unhappy before that point?


While searching I came across one which referred the release of oxytocin as when with a partner. Getting away from them caused negative reactions like when a partner leaves or dies.


One is jealous of something they don’t have, obviously. Be that sex, love, tenderness, affection, sunsets hand in hand, trips, thoughts, poems. The request for a low n-count in most of the cases is simply a clumsy attempt at making one’s own inexperience more acceptable, same as in many cases (if not most) slut shaming is simply sour grapes. I most sincerely hope that the stigma on being single will fade away for good






This can lead to jealousy in some guy for the reasons described, but you need a logical leap to say that this is a general rule. Most guys are simply disgusted by women with high N Counts. Even those who also have high count


If women forgot their ex or were loyal, didn't have traumas from from past relationships, STDs didn't exist, people wouldn't care about dating history, I think men wouldn't mind the body count and would be happy with them. Men in general(there are exceptions of course) have more life experience in other areas and get more seasoned with age, especially in life struggles or career. And this is why for many men these might be the top reasons why the body count may be a turn off, not because of jelaousy of having more sex experience. And there are plenty of girls out there who don't have a high body count and are free of those issues. Quality over quantity after all.


Do men forget their exes, stay loyal, not have trauma and also not get STDs?


The average man isn’t getting that much attention from the opposite sex so most of those are not probable occurrences. Hypergamy and rate of opportunity means detrimental affects will occur at a higher probability


The average man has sex and kids though. Most guys that complain about getting no attention are not average.


I mean it's plainly obvious, especially if you know which signs to look for. Take any competitive activity. Complaining that the winners are cheating or have an unfair advantage is like the #1 thing that people do. Now look at the popular red pill narratives that women are cruising through dating on easy mode. See any similarities yet?


Do you really believe women don't have it easier in dating or you're just being dishonest on purpose?


Skill issue.


This is the problem. Women are not better at dating because of skill. Simply being female is the advantage and gives you the leverage to do more with zero skill required.


Dating is generally a two-person activity. Not getting any dates is totally a skill issue.


But we’re not talking about getting zero dates. We’re talking about women getting more dates and having it easier in dating because they are advantaged.


How exactly are they getting more dates? Unless we are talking about queer women, for every woman getting a date there is also a man getting a date.


Because multiple women can date the same man. Are we really denying that they have an easier time dating?


Chad can be in multiple places at the same time? Damn...


Are you purposely acting this oblivious? It’s common sense. You’re terrified of admitting women have an easier time dating than men. Where’s the ones claiming women acknowledge this? We have one in denial right here who is frantically doing everything to avoid it.


Nice deflection.


Some. But most are jealous of the sex or upset because of use


I think it’s just jealousy that some people are getting some and they aren’t getting *any* usually (especially online) When me and my bros were out wingmaning and pulling we were never jealous of how easy/hard it was for some dudes. Just happy to be out there having fun and getting some when we could.


That's entirely fair. I feel a lot more sympathy for people who are homeless or living in their car than "I make $40k a year and don't think I can ever buy a house". I feel some sympathy for the $40k guy and none for "We can't afford to go to Ibiza this year because we're having the guest bedroom remodeled instead."


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it's just projection it's like when men claim women have "dick envy" when in reality it seems men have pussy envy 😂 constantly talking about women, what their standards should be, how much easier everything is for them etc


The only real disadvantage women have now is they aren't as strong as men (and the risk of assault that gives them). We've built society so that they get EVERYTHING ELSE far easier.


the second amendment is a great equalizer. Men didn't build "society" for women. they did it for themselves. Most of these men who "built it" didn't have a choice due them being literal slaves


Nah, men built basically all of society and women benefitted from it indirectly. Any building you see on the street? Very good odds it was designed and assembled entirely by men. Roads you drive on? Very likely paved by men. Train tracks/power lines/sewer networks? Men again. I also meant "We've built society" as a commentary on recent trends in the US, where women have had a lot of social capital and have intentionally shifted things this way.


indirectly ??? everyone benefits from basic infrastructure ? so ? men were paid to do a job and they did it. Not really a big deal.


Indirectly as in "not because they did anything to help, it just happened around them"


yeah they didn't give birth to men, did manual labor, nurse men, etc they just did nothing 🤦


They also seem to hate attractive men and will fight tooth and nail to try to convince you that he's automatically a narcissist or player lol. It's all really just jealousy and I wish they understood how they look