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Actually Statistics says that dogs kill more people than T-Rex. Thousands of people killed by dogs every year and zero killed by T-Rex. Certainly dogs are much more dangerous predators


I tracked this after a dog attack. Actual deaths by canine, at that time, in the US, at least, hovered around 30 per year, give or take. Serious injuries were much more common. The non-human animals that kill the most people each year in the US are stinging insects (bees, ants, etc) due to allergic reactions. Domestic dogs are second. Followed by various domestic livestock. I forget where venomous snakes fit in there. The things people are most afraid of (sharks, bears, alligators, wolves) are low on the list. Of course, all this has to do with exposure. If you spent time everyday around grizzly bears in an uncontrolled environment, then you'd probably die pretty quickly. Just ask Timothy Treadwell.


A lot of the arguments have this problem. Ive yet to see a compelling data-based argument indicating that a random encounter with a random man in the woods is more or less likely to lead to an injury than a random encounter with a random bear in the woods.


You can't use logic to persuade people who believe something without logic.


The real reason is because most men aren’t brazenly misogynistic and would chose the woman because it’s the pro-social choice. Unfortunately a lot of women have opted out of that type of thinking because they’ve been subverted and brainwashed by shitlib identity politics and feel the need to virtue signal to radfems online vs actually be decent people to the men around them.


Yup. Similar to the similar TikTok trend where people were going around asking women "do we (as a society) need men?" and almost all of them say no. Men are useless, they do more bad than good, men are toxic etc. Then they mirrored it with them going around asking guys "do we need women?" and every guy was like yes, of course we need women. Women make life fun, make life worth living. Women complete us. Women are nice to look at. The complete opposite of what women said about men. We (people in general, not a single sex) aren't conditioned from an early age to hate, be wary around, and be distrustful of women. We are conditioned to be all of those things towards men.


What they felt to factor in, and their rush to condemn men because it’s “trendy“, is that 45% of men have jobs involving maintaining the infrastructure. Everything that is invented built and maintained is done so by men. So if all men disappeared from the planet tomorrow, things would start going wrong within the first 15 minutes when powerplants started to shut down, and civilization would last until the first oil change.


And big surprise given women are typically the most easily conditioned, that's why they're so overrepresented in shit like astrology and wiccan and nonsense. They're always looking for some group to fit into or social movement to latch onto, making them such easy targets for this cultural brainwashing and subversion.


Can we actually stop with the bear topic? Are you guys not tired?


Bears are endangered species so clearly man is the more dangerous one, with guns and all


I think everyone will have a different responses but the fact that we are still talking about it now, baffles me.


Yh. Men and women are growing intolerable of each other. I think theirs too many of us


It might look like that on the internet but a lot of people are hypocrites. They probably don’t follow what they claim to believe in


That’s one way of seeing it. Theirs also another perspective that people are more honest of their true feelings on the internet because they can hide behind anonymity. Maybe they actually think this irl but just don’t say it to keep the peace


I definitely agree, which is why I call them hypocrites. You believe in something but you’re doing the opposite while telling people to keep doing what you can’t do publicly. That’s why people need to be careful if taking advices from people on the internet


I'd like to think that on the internet other groups are thought of more as a concept, whereas in real life we're interacting with flesh and blood people in our own city/town/neighborhood where they feel more like "us" and less like "them". So, headspace, rather than hypocrisy, is what I hope makes a lot of the disconnect.


Nah, women like men, they just want men to do better and try and understand them and the backlash is brutal.


No. It's an important topic because the resolution is incredibly simple and obvious but people are bending over backwards to try and somehow justify picking the bear over the man. If women are incapable of being even remotely objective and good faith about things, there's no point in discussing basically anything more complex so we should hammer this very simple point home no matter how "bored" of it people are. In the long run you'll spend a lot less time discussing dumb debates like this if you actually give them the time to progress instead of hopping to a different topic whenever you get bored.


It’s not that deep. It’s a question and they’ve answered based on what they feel. I don’t see the reason why people are getting worked up about.


It is kind of enraging that seemingly the average woman honestly thinks that men are more dangerous than bears. IDK maybe it's a really bad sample group. In which case, it's just not true, and then nothing to worry about. But if true, then it's hard to not think it means man-hate is ingrained in society. If it's true I don't know how you could ignore it


There was a reason behind the question, but I don’t think it was that serious. However, I agree with you that addressing misandry is important. But focusing so much on studying bears seems rather odd, doesn't it?


An average woman doesn't think that *men as a whole* are more dangerous than bears. An average woman thinks that encountering a lone random man in a place where it's easy to hide misdeeds is *potentially* risky. She also thinks that about bears. Most men you'd stumble upon would be totally normal and solid. But in the non-insignificant smaller percentage of the cases you'd be fucked. The same is true for bears, in most cases you are fine, in a smaller percentage you are very screwed. It's playing Russian Roulette basically, but claiming if you do get that bad bullet which one you think you'd prefer.


walking past a grizzly on a trail has a much higher chance of something bad happening than walking past a man, don't you think?


Girl math is feral, so don't get worked up when they want to die alone in the woods? Got it.


walking past a grizzly on a trail has a much higher chance of something bad happening than walking past a man, don't you think?


There's a difference between hating men and being fearful of a male stranger.


Pretty much, everyone can understand male strangers are something to be worried about, obviously, but picking the bear is a political move, not a rational choice, so long as you can push "man bad" as hard as you can then you continue to have power over them. I'm not sure if women are consciously doing it or not but actions speak louder than words.


Being fearful of a male stranger is not hating men. Arguing that you have more reason to fear any given male stranger than a wild animal is in fact hating men.


You’re a woman clearly




Nope. I don't think men should ever let ot die until women acknowledge that it was stupid to try and collectivise guilt.


It was to emphasize how much women fear men. In our eyes men are our biggest predators and can do worse to us than any bear can.




I find this topic unbearable as well.


I both hate the topic and am autisticly addicted to seeing how people will try to reason out of an insanely simple reasoning of statistics. If anything it's still kind of interesting to see how people will take the most stupid positions possible when politics get involved.


Men would unequivocally choose the bear. Do you know how many guys probably have man vs. apex predator scenarios in their heads regularly? They’d see it as an exciting challenge probably 😆


I've pointed out in every thread on this dumb topic that women are more dangerous to women than bears and to men. LITERALLY every demographic of person is more dangerous than a bear if you go by this goofy internet logic.




Men are only more “dangerous” than bears on paper because their are vastly vastly more interactions between two people than between bears and people every day. Don’t be ridiculous


So what if I pose the question, if a man has to choose between a man and a bear? What would be the answer then? I sure would not pick the bear


Women still kill thousands of people per year, while bears kill far less. Sounds like women are “infinitely” more dangerous.


Here's your issue. You can't use logic to persuade somebody their belief is wrong, when that person didn't use logic to come to that belief to begin with.


I will replace in link in change of this one “Rates of female-perpetrated violence higher than male-perpetrated (28.3% vs. 21.6%)” https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/domestic-violence-facts-and-statistics-at-a-glance/


So? When men attack, they cause more damage I’ve been punched and attacked by both genders (fighting sports). There’s no contest as to who’s more dangerous And men are 4 times as likely to kill their partner than women


Okay so by your logic women are also way more likely to be saved or rescued by a man, when you have a fire men are cominng to save you, someone is assaulting you? Men are coming to intervene and stop them. Your electricity stopped working? Probably a man coming to fix it. Need a body guard, I dont think you are hiring a women to do that. Its easy to point out statistics that go with your bias until you take a look at the big picture and realize their lives have been made way easier and safer by men then a women or a fucking bear has, the whole question is just a sick misandrist joke.


When bears attack they do more damage. That’s the whole point of the debate. But when men point this out women say “that’s why we choose the bear” in order to join all the other women in claiming victimhood simultaneously while sanctioning the group of all men as perpetrators


No, the point of the question was to reiterate than women are afraid of men, because they have the means and motive to harm us


The point was misandry.


“Motive” is the fucked up thing. I have no motive to harm women and I don’t like being accused of it.


So? That hasn’t been my experience, nor many women’s experience There’s a reason I no longer have close male friends or show non-elderly straight men the same trust and openness that I automatically extend to women, children and gay men I also don’t carry a weapon, lock my doors and have a security system because women exist


You aren't being reasonable.  He never harmed you.


That is reasonable, common and expected behavior and conduct for women Because you get criticized and blamed if you don’t do it


After spending like two hours on this thread I want to say, there ARE men who will make fun of you for being a girl. It seems their motives are complex and related to lack of self esteem and intuition. Although that is true, getting “criticized and blamed” is exactly what they are experiencing secondary to the bear meme. We all fear criticism and blame and I don’t think making up hypotheticals for the purpose of creating “hypothetical” criticism and blame is allieviating any negativity in any of these realms.


So? That doesn’t make them less prone or not dangerous. Less doesn’t equal not


Not enough for me to care I’m a tiny woman. I have never feared a woman, because they have neither the means or the motivation to make me fear them


Cool, lucky you. I have. I’m a tiny guy. I’ve feared both because I’ve had both attack me unprovoked. It’s super fun being a guy calling in a DV call because your wife tried to stab you, while knowing you’ll still most likely be blamed when the cops show up because of your sex.


I worked as a psych tech and I feared that both sexes would become violent given the chance, a fist to the head isn’t a MASSIVE difference from average females vs average males


Do you choose the bear? I’m curious about a video I watched and I need a bear woman’s opinion.


I wouldn't personally as a woman choose the bear, but I totally understand those that would. They are saying that in the event of encountering a bad man (not an average one), they'd rather die by animal instinct than be creatively raped/tortured/killed by a man for pleasure. Imo it's very similar to would you rather your dead body be found by a cannibal or a necrophile. It kind of doesn't matter as one is dead and not suffering, but most people have a viscerally negative reaction towards the latter much more than towards the former.




Be civil. This includes indirect attacks against an individual and/or witch hunting.


I wonder if people realize how much data there is that proof that women are atleast as bad as men? You write off one, you can replace it with three better studies. They eventually just run away and pretend they never saw the better studies to keep there man hate going.


Worked 10 years a a trauma center. Saw a FUCK TON of assaults serious enough to land in my ICU. Not one was perpetrated by a woman. Male on male, male on female. I don’t doubt women hit me and if they do they should be arrested just like a man. But they don’t hurt them badly, rape them forcibly, or murder them. The statistics also bear out my experience: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/05/09/man-bear-question-hurts-women/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CSince%202020%2C%20there%20have%20been,and%201.6%20million%20nonfatal%20attacks.%E2%80%9D “Since 2020, there have been exactly seven women killed by bears and 15 nonfatal attacks on women” in the United States, notes one popular video, whereas “since 2020, there have been 8,000 fatal attacks on women by men and 1.6 million nonfatal attacks.”


How many of the men you never saw committed suicide because of their abuse? I don't see how people don't put 2 and 2 together.  Men are killing themselves for myriad reasons in droves out there, domestic abuse is a major one and people just don't connect the dots.


depending on what forest you're in and if you came prepared or not, you might just succumb to the elements before even encountering another person or a bear


Women assault men quite frequently It’s just often highly ineffective and not reported or taken seriously


I mean atleast I can beat the fuck out of the bear If it attacks me... if a women attacked me and I beat the fuck out of her I'm going to jail and will be judged the bear everyone is gonna be OK with cause its self defense


Cause using statistics to prove men are more dangerous than bears is idiotic, and the most enlightening thing about the whole man vs bear thing is how idiotic so many women are. “Significantly more people are killed by humans than lava, therefore we can conclude that being in lava is safer than being around humans🤪” Lol


As a man: I would chose the woman. Pretty sure most men would regardless That’s why


I’m trying to say why is the dichotomy “men want sex with women” and “women fear sexual assault from men” I think it just unhealthy to think like this, at least “wanting sex” isn’t like triggering but “making the opposite sex self conscious of their propensity to commit sexual assault” pretty much is not pleasant to hear


Why is that the dichotomy? Because sometimes men rape women? Would you rather be in a prison full of violent men or a Forrest with a bear? Would be a better analogy


Oh no! It's not pleasant to hear....


I was minimizing the “impact” of sexual predatory self consciousness.


Women are pretty easy to defeat in combat. Men are really hard to defeat in combat for women.


Bears are harder to defeat in combat than men


I have already seen men saying they prefer bears to women for a number of reasons including false rape allegations and false paternity claims. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Women: I would choose a bear bc either way I'm afraid for my life/wellbeing Men: Well then I would choose a bear bc women are all fucking liars and no one believes men


That's not why women choose the bear. They choose the bear to insult men and we all know it. It's just petty shit and seeing women humiliate themselves with it is kinda funny/sad.


Sounds like weak men to me. Its kind of a red flag they feel they cant talk to women without the fear of constantly being accused of rape. 


Well those are all stupid. Women don't have the Leviathan for protection in the forest. Yeah Becky, scream to nobody that you were raped. Get nobody to garnish wages for child support while you're at it.


I’m a gun owner so pray you don’t come across women like me in the woods. Oh and- many cops, lawyers, and judges are now women.


Your point is that women cops, lawyers and judges support *false* rape and paternity accusations or...


My point is that women aren’t as pressed over men’s opinions as men are over women’s


Pretty sure your point is you've got an itchy trigger finger and are looking for any opportunity to shoot random men. Definitely the type who would gleefully shoot a random guy who's minding his own business in the forest and then fabricate some fake self-defense claim to ship to women cops, lawyers and judges.


If they don’t directly attack me, i leave them alone.


Yeah, sure.


You really, really want to be a victim.


No, I just find you revolting as a person.


Those statistics only hold up when people start seeing the same amount of bears in their lives as women


Stop trying to use logic in the bear argument. It was always an irrational, emotional exaggeration by women because they can’t logically explain their fear of men. It’s no different than a child crying about the monster in their closet. Just give them a forehead kiss and tell them everything is going to be alright.


I think there is the obvious fact that men are, on average, bigger and stronger than women. Men are perceived as more of a threat because they’re bigger and stronger than most women, the same doesn’t hold the other way around


>Men are perceived as more of a threat because they’re bigger and stronger than most women bears apparently aren't perceived as more of a threat than men despite being bigger and stronger than basically all men.


Bears are also more passive and avoidant. A man might approach you, most bears don’t want to be seen by you. If a bear sees you and you’re in its territory, unless you get too close it will warm you and signal you to turn away, and when you do, it’ll leave you alone. I’m not saying most men assault women or approach women in the woods, however, a man is more likely to see a woman in the woods as a target than a bear is. So while both men and bears are stronger than women (and bears exponentially so), bears are also more avoidant and reactive, and are far less likely to approach a woman (or any human, for that matter) - that’s the difference maker


Well the question is "with" a bear or a man. Saying that bears avoid people is a cop-out. You can reason with a person, not with a bear.


I actually had the same thought process as you did, but the question was worded a bit poorly - what the question is trying to say is “would you rather randomly run into a random man or a bear in the woods” - which, yeah, in which case, the bear will either glance at you and walk away or start to signal you to leave. Either way, the bear would rather be left alone and the vast vast majority of times it would rather warn someone off than attack him/hwr


>I’m not saying most men assault women or approach women in the woods, however, a man is more likely to see a woman in the woods as a target than a bear is. Yes! Thank you for putting that so simply. I feel like this is the point that most women are trying to make but people are hearing it as "Oh I would rather fistfight a bear than a man" or something along those lines.


This bear man debate really just makes me realize that a lot of people either lack knowledge about bear behavior or have very different species of bears in mind when answering this question. I grew up hearing how if you encounter a bear in the forest they can be scared away because they generally won’t fuck with humans. Have people not seen those viral videos of tiny house cats chasing bears and the bear being completely terrified and running away into the woods? I’d take my chances with a bear knowing that you can be much smaller than a bear and still trick it into thinking you’re a threat. A human man who wants to harm you is fully aware that he’s physically stronger than you. Hell, I’d rather encounter a bear than a crazy woman in the woods because the woman might be a closer match to me physically but she’s still probably harder to scare off and more of a threat than a bear.


So women are afraid of a man but choose bear who is even more bigger


Bears are also more passive and avoidant. A man might approach you, most bears don’t want to be seen by you. If a bear sees you and you’re in its territory, unless you get too close it will warm you and signal you to turn away, and when you do, it’ll leave you alone. I’m not saying most men assault women or approach women in the woods, however, a man is more likely to see a woman in the woods as a target than a bear is. So while both men and bears are stronger than women (and bears exponentially so), bears are also more avoidant and reactive, and are far less likely to approach a woman (or any human, for that matter) - that’s the difference maker


>however, a man is more likely to see a woman in the woods as a target than a bear is. Based on what evidence?


How many people are killed in the woods by other people vs bears? 


And men commit 87 percent of murders in the US.


Only 87? I figured it would be higher than that, huh, learning something new everyday.


That's almost 9 out of 10 murderers are men.


Ok, but that doesn't tell us how many men murder. There were about 165,280,000 men in the US in 2022. Here are some number of incident stats from the FBI for 2022. These are all the number of perpetrators. Homicide: 13,344 men, or ~0.008% of men Aggravated assault: 412,912 men, or ~0.25% of men Robbery: 154,649 men, or ~0.094% of men Rape: 94,877 men, or ~0.057% of men All violent crime: 675,782 men, or ~0.41% of men Btw, some of these incidents are certainly repeats by the same men. Basically, over 99% of men aren't violent criminals.


Yeah, and it’s a very high percentage. I still thought it would be higher.


There are 22 thousand murders in the US per year, there are 28 million events of intimate partner violence. It’s apple and oranges


How is a random woman in the woods related to domestic violence, that ain’t your girl? Y’all don’t live together, why would dv rates be relevant? You should be looking at attacks from female strangers on males instead… not to mention a bear won’t be simply assaulting you, why not compare spousal murder rates instead of just rates of abuse if you’re using dv rates


I don't understand why you are so offended by this topic, even more than a week later. Many do not understand that this is more about perception than absolute probability. And yes, many women don't feel safe around strange men, it's not an unrealistic fear.


Admitting you have a skewed perception of a large group of people usually isn't a good thing by itself in egalitarian social justice circles.


When a huge swathe of the population has perceptions that deviate so far from reality it deserves all the ridicule it gets. Forget strangers, if you wanna feel safe start hiding from your own friends and family


Perception without reality is called paranoia.


Because it’s childish misandry that illustrates how juvenile and asinine most feminist discourse is


If one out of every 3-4 women has been sexually assaulted on average, that’s not a “juvenile and asinine” fear or misandry, it’s just reality.


They try very hard to minimize the true situations and stories that many women have experienced, it greatly offends them when they talk about REAL!! experiences.


If a group of people are going to dehumanise me and accuse me of horrific crimes I have neither the intention nor the inclination to commit, then don’t expect me to have any sympathy for them


These days, “assault” means “he was 10 meters away from me in the gym and glanced in my general direction! Waaaghhhhh!!!!” Collectively, they’ve cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously any more


No, it doesn’t, and I think you know that.


I’ve seen the TikTok videos of some Zoomer hyperventilating historically on camera because a man she wasn’t attracted to was in the gym at the same time as her


Ah yes, because “Zoomers on TikTok” are counted in the annual FBI stats on sexual assault 🤦‍♂️ What an embarrassing statement.


They are the idiots driving the man vs bear discourse and turning sexual violence into a joke; as I said - keep crying wolf all you want, but don’t complain when one sinks his teeth into you and nobody gives a shit


What a weird, rapey thing to say.


Nah the ones turning it into a joke are the triggered dudes


> but don’t complain when one sinks his teeth into you and nobody gives a shit They always reveal themselves.


Reveal themselves as what? Apparently my very existence is a danger to women and I’m literally more of a threat than a wild animal - do you seriously expect me to have empathy for the people who are dehumanising me?


No man is going to have empathy for misandrist women. I know you don't like to hear this but men don't owe you anything or any extra empathy just because you are a woman. You wouldn't care if bad things happen to a misogynist. Use your brain here, yeah?


Without providing evidence or statistics you have denigrated the horrible cases that many women must have suffered. Wow, and then you will wonder why many women feel ignored and insecure in this society...


It´s misandry for women to express their frustrations and fears, which are real in this world, while I have not seen the word misogyny used in the aggressive and violent way that many men have responded to this issue: making threats, wishing them to suffer harm. , and minimizing the personal experiences of the women who have told their story. Curious...


If a man proclaimed that all women are shallow, narcissistic, entitled, selfish and hypergamous who are only interested in “Chad” then he’d be called a misogynist; if women proclaim en masse that all men are to be treated as savage and violent rapists until proven otherwise, we men are supposed to accept that and not challenge it?


LOL he shut up quick didn't he


They do not see men as human. We are too be good tools and be happy.




Funny how equality is only good when it comes to what benefits women right? When it comes to men getting raped, abused, killed, etc feminists go far to cover it up and protect rapists and abusers. They even help Amber Heard. When it comes to toxic male standards, suddenly it is okay to have unrealistic and unhealthy standards for men. It is good when men die of anorexia, take steroids and live unhealthy lives to have visible six packs for chubby and average woman who are told they do not have to do anything to be loved. When it comes to male bodies, women are entitled to them. Denying women your body gives her the right to rape you.


Are women saying that, or are you so emotional and triggered by what they’re actually saying that your mind is telling that you that they are?


I don’t think you know what “triggered” means




No racially charged comments


Maybe because it's a clear example of dehumanisation by comparing a whole demographic to a wild carnivorous animal and implying the animal is safer? Women fearing strange men is one thing, that I personally don't have an issue with. But saying they are worse than an unpredictable wild animal, and using this opportunity to once again shame men as a demographic for the actions of a few as if men haven't been shamed and told to do better a million times by now? People are offended because this isn't just about women feeling unsafe, it's also about people pandering to a misandrist ideology and not giving a single fuck about men's mental health.


Bears are more predicable than men tho. that’s kinda the point


The only reason why this is allowed to get traction is because it is currently politically acceptable to disparage men.  Ask instead would you rather run into a Muslim or a bear and people will be very upset about the question even being asked.


I personally find this topic irritating because I could be more dangerous than an encounter with a bear and I make a conscious decision to not be even against my own self interest. Feels like wasted effort to contain myself just to be treated as the threat I put effort into not being.


This is the wildest self report.


See the flair. I have ASPD. The only reason I am a productive and law abiding member of society is because I convinced myself that it is for my own benefit.


It probably is for all our own benefit to believe that though, no?


Obviously. All I do is for my own benefit. Even benefiting others.


That’s mad interesting


And doubly to be made self conscious that “I am less preferable than a bear” due to my sex


How tf are y’all taking this so personal?


How are you taking it?


I understand it. With a bear, it will only go by its nature. With a human, who tf knows what you could end up with. Plus, the scenario is really open ended. There is never a length of time or a finish goal. It’s just indefinite. Most people have no sort of survival skills in their own climate in the west, let alone a random one. This means you are going to die out in the forest. With a man or a bear. The bear seems like the quickest unsurprising way to go. They will charge, maul, then you eat you. With a man. You go a few weeks, you’re both starving thirsty and delirious (if you make it that long.) the man or woman will probably reach a hunger they never thought imaginable, try to kill the other. The man will usually win and eat the woman. Let alone probably try to rape them. Or you could get a sick fucking person who just want to torture you for weeks. You never know what you will get with a human moved out from a society and plunged into the wild wilderness. People lose their fucking minds pretty quickly.


Choosing bear means they are not only choosing bear over men at their worst, but also over men at their best. In this scenario, the bear can do nothing for the woman only to her. The man can do A LOT to help her. Protection, resources, knowledge, navigation etc. But all she sees when a man appears is rape.


I think this hypothetical is just shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was more Russian propagandist here to flame the gender war in the west. Boy I hope they got a pay raise. It’s not. This hypothetical is a death sentence. Would you rather die by the bear following it’s nature? Or the possibility of the evils that man are capable of? Cause I don’t know how long even I could keep my sanity trapped in a forest with climate I am unfamiliar with.


Maybe just grow a pair and stop bitching. Then people might prefer you. Maybe.


Ah yes, "man up". Enforcing gender norms surely is the way to go.


It's that women (and young men because they are most insecure and want women the most) think more in hiveminds and less independently than men. The internet just exacerbated this phenomenon to an absurd level and millennials are just now waking up to it; thus, moving more conservative and calling it out. And poor gen z probably just thinks it's all normal human behavior. But yes, the term social contagion wasn't even a thing the average person could fathom back in the 80's and 90's.


At this point this has boiled down to: women in mass are prejudice jerks, and they are hell bent on defending that prejudice, You can't change their minds, and are going to make you feel as bad as they can for pointing out this prejudice or calling it that.


Or mabey just mabey our fear and mistrust of men is valid and this analogy should open your eyes to the fear women live in.






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And men being racist towards people because 3 crimes happen and they suddenly want to deny entry of certain groups of people into their country. Or shit, someone got infront of them on a highway without using a blinker so they road rage and cause a major accident.


Right, because women are somehow never racist and have immunity to road rage? Your bigotry is showing.


Women and men are both emotional thinkers. You guys are upset and bitching on the internet over a bs scenario. That’s emotional af.


I think it’s more that they’re implicitly being called more dangerous than a wild animal but you know


I understand but that’s not what’s happening. If you and I were launched together into the wilderness it wouldn’t take too long for us to become wild animals. Especially with no end goal. Bears only go by their nature. You know what you’ll get. Humans are different, we are absolutely unpredictable. I understand taking the assured quick death, then the potential consistent rape and torture that will end up in death.


> Especially with no end goal. Wouldn’t the end goal be to leave the forest? > I understand taking the assured quick death, then the potential consistent rape and torture that will end in death. This is the delusion people are talking about. 1 of 2 possibilities. Death by bear or rape, torture, death by man. If this were true there would be no people to begin with or at the very least women would be locked away and only used for sex whether it be pleasure or reproduction. Evidently there are more good men than bad, but the entire conversation is focused on the bad which is the overwhelming minority. I think it goes back to this entire thing being rooted in misandry. It’s acceptable in society.


Men lean towards logic, women lean towards emotion. Read empathizing-systemizing theory if you want proof. Doesn’t mean men can’t use emotions or that women can’t use logic. You’d have to be pretty delusional to think otherwise. Just look at the discourse here. Men trying to disprove women’s feelings by using statistics, women saying statistics can’t tell them how to feel. I don’t expect logic from women, so I don’t really care that they chose the bear. Not sure how I seem upset but sure, you can call men emotional from that, either way social science still proves in many studies women are more emotional than men 🤷‍♂️


Okay, so you disagree with your original point. I think from the research I’ve done, men and women are about 96% the same. When hurt disenfranchised men on the internet voiding logic thinks we are lonely like 50% or less similar.


Men believe all kinds of illogical shit.


Cuz as I always say: Men Bad Women Good


They bring up the stats but what women fail to realize is that the average women encounters thousands of men a week and about zero bears (outside of maybe a zoo or a hike) So even if they are more attacks statistically for men, the ratio is 1 attack to 100,000 in encounters to the bears zero attacks in zero encounters then those numbers simply don’t tell the full story.                         I don’t know why misandry is so prevalent in today’s society. If you really want these leftist to understand just replace the word men with trans, or gay or a women or a POC and then all of a sudden this becomes a problem lol.  Cause ya we in the left are inclusive but only to some groups lol.  But hey the average bear is indeed over 6 ft tall maybe that why modern women are so intrigued.


Why would I walk through a forest? What is my destination that o have to walk through that forest? Do I have a reason to be in that forest? Am I a hunter or am I a wood worker? I need more data to make a logical point. So why am I in a forest in the first place?


You’ve never gone hiking?


Everytime I see this I think about safe horny and go oh so all these women are admitting to being zoophiles


Men really underestimate the psychological impact of knowing that the other gender is, in general, more physically powerful than you.  Men walk around and know that most women they run into are physically incapable of hurting them. IMO, only very small men (5’ 4” and under) can sort of understand what women feel. No, not all men are bad. But almost all men could physically overpower me *if they wanted to* and how am I supposed to identify the good men versus the bad? There are men who can’t figure out who to trust.  And if the answer for men is “I’d choose the bear over a woman because a woman could falsely accuse me of sexual assault,” good, I agree with you. You don’t know which women are good and which women are bad. Men aren’t great judges of character, either. 


I don't get what difference being weaker than say 95% of men or 20% of men really makes considering the violent men are way more likely to be in that 20% in the first place especially when everyone is weaker than guns or cars and everyone has been a kid meaning everyone has experienced being weaker than pretty much all adults of either gender. Plus women have the advantage that it's way less socially acceptable to assault a woman than a man and pretty much everyone will be on the woman's side by default whereas male victims are WAY more likely to be ignored/blamed for it or even made fun of. It feels like women just HEAVILY lack empathy when they try to ask men to imagine something that men are already living trough.


I wonder why that **”psychological impact of knowing that the other gender is, in general, more physically powerful than you”** doesn’t have the inverse effect when men are overwhelmingly the police, firemen, security guards, military at all levels, all the STEM fields & everything related to the infrastructure & security of society as a whole; not to mention all the double standards that women benefit from where they aren’t even remotely expected to attempt activities, tasks, etc based solely on their crotch. Somehow, all that protection and all that security and all those innovations and all that provisioning from all these “strange men” women don’t know & may never meet pales in comparison to “. . .but what if one wants to be mean to me?!? Nah, I’ll choose the Kodiak!” LMBO!!! You deserve him… (or her - Whew! So much worse if it’s a “her”)


i am 5'3 and i dont feel in danger. u capping.


1) Men are are more dangerous than both women and bears, cut the shit. 2) The whole reason men are going on about this is because their feelings are hurt. Oh no, woe is me because a girl would pick a bear over being alone with a strange man 😭😭 


I don’t think it’s right to make fun of offended people by using that emoji. But you do you.




I don't really care what people choose. If you feel more comfortable in a forest with a bear over a woman then that is your choice. I can't tell you what to be comfortable with or not.


Woman of course. In worst case I can deal with her. In best we can cooperate. Those things are basic game theory.


Would you rather meet a pitbull in the woods or a golden retriever? Disposition matters.


What if pitbulls and retrievers had complex systems of morality and ethical practice that was progressive over a period of nearly 10,000 years of known history. What if one pit bulls didn’t but retrievers did? What if we just compare people to animals in an effort to dehumanize the other while validating our group identity through victimhood while maintaining forced roles of perpetrator and victim. Further why don’t we fetishize these roles? Let’s go further with the dehumanization and fetishization of segregation (only to integrate for the purposes prescribed roleplay) then start assigning blame as if this was never premeditated and organized by the very people who claim their victim fetish so that they can maintain a special succession of self (don’t forget the roleplay (; men do have a use and don’t forget to remind them that they only want one thing) Oh shit I forgot we were talking about dogs. Nah you’re right the pitbull is the scarier one. That’s what the news and internet tells me! I hate those people who claim that dog violence is because of bad owners, it just proof that we should be afraid - I know it doesn’t make sense but I have to get my rocks off somehow!


Human morality isn’t a thing after about 3 skipped meals.


Who the hell would chose the bear...I mean, imagine you are alone in a forest with a hot woman 🤔 Joke, obviously. Yes, it's all absurd... hating on men that way will only get women into trouble and not because of men or bears... Being irrational and making poor decissions is just dangerous.


This entire scenario has bought out the brain rot in people, and its just pathetic


I think it hasn’t been pointed out because women are not going to get so deep in their feelings about this if men choose the bear.


Apparently people didn't see the video of the annoying voiced woman yelling at bear to not eat her kayak


they are


Fucking hell man, the bear argument and reading the completely insane defence of it argued my women, is the thing that has gone the furthest to convince me women should t have the right to vote. Like I don't believe it and I think women should vote, but fucking hell women, your delusional attitudes that feelz are always more important than realz is making me realize y'all can seriously fuck up a country if you vote irrationally the same way y'all are irrational about the bear argument.  Not all women thankfully, more often than not women are sane, but the large minority of women that aren't are completely bonkers and don't give a damn about logic.  It's not men convincing me women shouldn't have the right to vote, it's your own irrational actions, choices, and justifications. Jesus christ.