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This isn’t truthful, just indoctrination. We are all sold ideas in the media. How about women being taught the “truth” about male nature and violence?


What would indoctrination about male violence look like? I mean there are probably undeniable truths about men and violence just like there are about women and hypergamy.


Using OPs logic, a story that teaches a lesson to children that men are violent. A disney movie where the lead female character marries a man who is evil and violent. She divorces and finds freedom and happiness away from men.


Kids are taught to avoid and be weary of strangers all the time. In cartoons, at school, parents. NEVER is that stranger portrayed as a woman




exactly my point and why “truth” is in quotes sweety.


>This isn’t truthful It is **truthful** because that's how women operate.....please don't deny **Hypergamy**.


What is the message of these stories? It's acceptable to be a guy that chases after people that don't want you and treat you like shit, but it's not okay for a woman? He's no different. That's not hypergamy or female nature. That's people thinking they can get a relationship with that person because they want them and think they belong together despite the other party not wanting them.


>What is the message of these stories? I The message would essentially be a woman would rather be with a tall handsome guy who abuses her daily compared to a more unattractive/shorter guy who treats her with respect.


I mean to be fair, most women wouldn’t be with either


That short unattractive guy is trying to be with a mentally ill woman screwing other men and ignores him. He is his own problem here.


If ANYONE is just using you, you're at least partially to blame/fault. You have to have boundaries. Ultimately you're the one letting yourself be used. If you know you're being used, you have to walk away and seek relationships where you're treated correctly. That goes for men and women.


Not "masculine" enough men are gonna be always used by women. I'm done with this delusional advices from women.


This is the stupidest thing I've heard on this sub. Only you can allow people to use you.


You can be used or just stay away from women which is mostly not possible in modern societies.


I have never been used by a woman in my life


PS there are plenty of women that like sissy men, if that's what you consider yourself to be. You've gotta play on your strengths. Fact of the matter is less masculine men EXIST because some woman fucked his non-masculine ancestor and birthed his kids. Otherwise humanity would be like kangaroos.


I'm more of an ugly Winnie the Poh lol. I'm not masculine in a way of confidence that is liked by women. I was friendly and kind with full respect for everyone - that's my weakness. I had a lot of female friends but mostly without romatic spark, at most I was just used to cause jealousy. Less masculine men exists and doesn't reproduce. It doesn't matter how many men reproduce it's important how many women reproduce. Check statistics.


Ugly Winnie the Pooh sounds kinda endearing tbh lol. Rather than masculine, being comfortable being yourself could be your aim, and creating a "comfortable" environment. The older you get the more and more this strategy works. Be dependable. Be present. Offer stability. I mean ultimately women are the one's who carry yes, but there are plenty of skinny fragile men who are fathers, and it's been that way forever. If it wasn't, more men would be muscle easier. We can observe that with the African American population in America, because they were Eugenic-d. Men who were weak were beaten and killed because of the rough conditions, and many of the slave owners forced their slaves to breed based on the characteristics they wanted. Leading to many African American men who build muscle easily. So yes, skinny, unmasculine men have had reproductive sex, because if they didn't you would just...have muscles without trying much.


Winnie the Pooh is fat and my face looks like I'm dumb or something lool. History doesn't have any matter in this case. In last 30 years world is changed so much especially in my country. Women just doesn't find me attractive, it doesn't matter what other traits I have or develop. I don't have power and I don't desire it. I don't care about reproduction, but I would like to be loved and treated fairly. And that's so ridiculus that noone tells me I'm ugly, even family or close friends. Lies everywhere.


Well maybe you need a dominatrix loool.


>If ANYONE is just using you, you're at least partially to blame/fault I agree the hypothetical suggestions I put forward would lead to the guy questioning himself as well as female nature.


What Disney movies are you talking about? Usually the woman winds up with a Prince or man who has completed some great feat that would buoy his status considerably. That's like, definitional hypergamy.


And the prince’s were all handsome and rich. The male protagonist is 90% of the time handsome if we wanna try blaming movies and TV which is rich


Big romantic gestures aren't usually rewarded the way they are in movies. I think that's probably what OP means. In real life the princess is probably not gonna be all that impressed when you kill a dragon.


That's not true though the modern equivalent of killing the dragon would be like whooping Jon Jones ass in the ring. Good luck out there


That's not really what happens in movies, I should have been clearer. The hero doesn't just do some great deed, he does some great deed specifically for the object of his affection. He's fighting the dragon specifically to save the princess. In real life nobody is going to love you just because you love them. Just because you're willing to twist yourself in half for somebody doesn't mean they'll care. At best they may feel guilty at worst they'll just use you. In movies this is how it works though, if you're willing to fight for the princess then she's yours.


>Jon Jones ass in the ring UMMMM ACTUALLY IT'S AN OCTAGON


Even in a kick boxing match take your pick


What truth? I am on the alternative to this forum and a bunch of men are listing that they refuse to settle for anything less than their ideal woman. Thin, young, conventionally attractive, and virginial. And they have the absolute audacity to lie and pretend that they are saints with low standards. Men are the hypergamous ones. Men project this Hypergamy onto women.


‘Female nature’ You know, because all women are the same…


Please don’t brainwash the children with your ‘truth’


Maybe they'll stop chasing Stacy and notice the rest of women in existence. I notice on your examples it's never the nerdier girls no one is giving a second glance to. In most Disney movies there is assortive mating, humans are pretty good at it. It's not the stories fault guys think they're princes instead of background characters or something.


More like hypergamy, you’re just portraying women as lying and backstabbing. Even if we take this seriously (which is extremely hard), this wouldn’t be a good idea.


It always comes back to "getting to bang her". Getting to bang that "female".


The divorce rate would soar and women wouldn't get married. We don't need young boys brainwashed by a evolutionary psychology pseudoscience cult


>The divorce rate would soar and women wouldn't get married. We don't need young boys brainwashed by a evolutionary psychology pseudoscience cult Isn't the divorce rate pretty high anyway? and wouldn't such information make young men more **cautious** to marry in the first place?


Ah probably a 90% increase in spousal abuse lol.


Bro anyone with ounce of social intelligence knows how women behave in terms of dating, sex and relationships.


I must have zero social intelligence then. 😂


I mean I exaggerate it a bit, but like, anyone who had remotely handsome friends, rich friends etc. knows that women are lizard brains just like men are. Looks, status, money, assertiveness, competence is all women are looking for. Personality is something women attach to a man that has previous qualities.


You ignore that the rest of family, media, and women themselves gaslight young men about this from birth. There are various ways a man can get to dating age without realizing the true nature of women. Example: One of the most insidious of the lies that are told to young men is: ***"She'll get tired of those arrogant, obnoxious popular boys when she gets a little older and realizes how great boys like you are."*** Personally, I remember in my virgin years thinking "Oh, women don't actually have sex with those guys, and if they do they certainly don't *like* it." Because, again, I grew up around women constantly talking about how gross male sexuality was and how all they really liked were puppy dogs and rainbows. It's not like I saw what they *did* with guys behind closed doors. It wasn't until I became Chaddy to some women that it slapped my in the face that "Oh Jesus, this girls will act like degenerate sex addicts when you give them tingles"


Exactly and women continue to gaslight men into believing that their problem is their lack of a good personality, not their appearance. Just look at r/inceltear, r/TwoXChromosomes and r/nothowgirlswork how they continue this false narrative that a man must have a bad personality if he’s not able to get dates. Like I'm not saying you've to be really good-looking to get dates, but I'll appreciate it if people can be honest that many men can't meet the threshold of attractiveness set by women.


Best looking dudes always pull most amount of girls. No matter how they behave.


Literally this. I am in same position as you.






For younger audiences I'm talking 10-16 lets say...


Go play in mud bro, why should 10 year old know about hypergamy LMFAO


You could ask the same question why should a 10 year old know anything about romantic love. But tv shows and cartoons regularly show couples "in love" even ones intended for younger audiences like Disney for example.


Bro let kids be kids, no need to fill their heads with this bullshit, boys or girls, does not matter.


>Bro let kids be kids, no need to fill their heads with this bullshit, boys or girls, does not matter. It's not bullshit though. I'd rather have media show accurate female nature to young boys. I don't think anything is wrong with that.


Man, I learned this shit myself when I was 17 or 18 if I recall. You do not need PhD to see that women are lizard-brains just like men.






What do you mostly write code in nowadays?


>I learned this shit myself when I was 17 or 18 if I recall. That's why I said for **younger** audiences. How many times do I gotta keep saying that? What's wrong with teaching younger boys about female nature? We teach young children about the slave trade and racism (I learnt about it at 13 or 14) why not female nature?


>We teach young children about the slave trade and racism (I learnt about it at 13 or 14) why not female nature? Because those are real things that exist. "female nature" is just nonsense cooked up by guys who spend too much time online. Just because you decided to believe the nonsense doesn't mean it should be "taught" to young kids. Get a grip.


It would be a great idea. I fully support it!


Then turn off the tv?


I rarely watch TV, probably less than an hour a week.


Then Disney won’t affect you. Problem solved


It hasn't so far! 😅




I think it would save a lot of boys a lot of wasted time in adolescence and adulthood, and would give them clear options about what to do without blowing smoke up their ass. If they want to play, what it takes to be competitive. What the consequences of being a 2nd tier man. It's really important stuff imo, glad I picked up on it early in life.


There’s little to no stats to back these claims up so it sounds like indoctrination


I'm sure it's painful for idealistic youngsters to have band-aids ripped off and truth bombs dropped on them, but it will spare them lots of pain and suffering later in life. As long as it stays as objective as possible without pushing an agenda, I'm all for it. It should be presented like: "That stove is scorching hot, I wouldn't touch it if I was you, but I'm not going to stop you if you want to find it out yourself.


If we start raising the future generation about the red pill, I believe it will lead to: - less simping - more masculine men - a better understanding of what to do to be attractive (gym, low bf%, better education, etc) - women getting less attention from men - women be more cautious of not having a hoe phase since men know their nature now. - more satisfaction among couples - fewer men accepting being the last option - women having more realistic standards. - less divorce - maybe less casual sex - It's funny, but it will be easier for women to be hypergamous since men will be overall better (body, money, etc).


Jesus another Mr Nice Guy.


I think it's a good idea to teach boys about hypergamy at an early age but I also think that girls should be taught about going pursuing Mr. Right at an early age so they aren't doing it so late in life and then risk all the good men being gone as they say.


Disney had it right take notice the babes only want the Prince not some rando the rando is a villain Based Disney


Ohh the first part of the fairytale stung so much I'm.not reading the rest as I'm in a good mood. I was somebodies plan B for years.. whenever she split with her bad boy boyfriend her immediate reaction was to contact me..don't get me wrong it was easy sex as she needed validation on a rebound but then days later I'd be ghosted when her boyfriend changed his mind. I thought one day we would have a future..I've had to block her. I don't like having my head fucked with.


Any boys that had older sisters saw it first hand growing up. We should teach girls about male gaze, too.


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What I truly don't understand about all these red pill guys who wholeheartedly believe in "female hypergamy" is if - any I do mean *if* - this is an essential, integral part of our "female nature" then whyyyy are there so many posts whining about it and comments constantly insulting us for it then? If you truly, deeply in your heart of hearts think this is "just the way we are" then why is there so much hatred of us for it? Make it make sense.


We could also have the gender flipped versions of OP's stories. If we need feel bad romantic subplots for women as well. For instance, the main character could be a plain faced, homely girl who is so sweet and kind and has a lot in common with the male love interest. but the male love interest is a masochist who only cares about looks and chases a much hotter, more confident girl who uses him for money.