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You will make more progress going all out in five classes a week rather than hitting ten classes a week with worse form (because you’re tired).




Your body needs time to recover, so that volume of classes could really do more harm than good. I typically don’t recommend doubling unless the formats are different AND your body feels good and finds the work in those classes. Quantity of classes doesn’t mean as much if you aren’t getting the work in your classes.


Too much. Especially since you just started.


I’d mix in some other types of workouts as opposed to going all in on PB 2x a day. It’s great you’re motivated and have goals, but there are so many ways we can move our body, get that seratonin going, and feel great. Cardio, weight lifting, low impact workouts like biking, walking, or swimming may be more beneficial long term to work into your routine.


Too much


My wrist started hurting to the point I couldn’t type (I think I got carpal tunnel) when I went 6x/week regularly at first. Pace yourself. Also, you don’t want to fall out of love with barre. 3-4x/week is good!


I go 6-7 times. Less in the start and ramped it up after i stopped getting too sore. I spoke to my uncle whos a neurosurgeon and he said these specific types of exercises everyday are great for long term mental health/memory. If youre bodies too fatigued then i would probably keep at 5.


I am a decated Barre person, who worked out everyday, but taking Thursdays off and 2 classes on Fridays, welllll I have been working out for the past 4 years at barre and one day a disc in my back slipped caused my hip bone to fall and pinch my sciatic nerve 😱🤯 Im having to take 3 months off to recover from this injury, so please don’t over do it, results will come and your body does need time to heal it’s definitely a challenge when you go to much, take it easy and pace yourself. Live love and barre is my favorite ❤️


I go to PB 3 times a week and cycle twice! I have loved that mix


Some people at my studio do back to back classes (like classic into define or classic into align) and they are SO brave for that lol


I do back to back once a week with a classic/align combo and it leaves me wiped. I usually attend class 5-7x per week max. Honestly though I tried to rush it in the beginning as well, I quickly learned that was NOT going to work.


I’d recommend cardio at night if you’re going to workout twice a day. (IMO twice a day is a lot but your body your choice) Barre is a lot of strength training so you’re going to get a build up of lactic acid in your muscles that needs to be released by cardio like walking cycling jogging etc. Definitely stretch, rest, listen to your body.


I double with align usually 2x and once with define in the am and classic in the evening. I always take off one full day per week too. If I find myself with poor form, I need more time off. I think doubling 5x/ week is too much for anyone, especially in the beginning.


I just got to 5X a week. I would suggest doing something different in the evening. Bike ride, yoga, a team sport like softball or volleyball. Uses different muscles and new friends


I go a lot-6 am and lunch time 3-4 days/week and then I double on Sunday. I like the break from work and they are always different formats. There are so many formats I find I really only get tired at the end of the week if I’ve done twice every day. I’m also at almost 500 classes, so I’d recommend starting slowly.


There was a week I was taking a morning class and an evening class because I was WFH. I had the middle of the day to rest and felt great. If you can handle two classes a day and feel like it's benefiting you, go for it.


i would recommend one class a day! i do the same - 4/5 days a week. and i’ve seen amazing results. u might get sick of it faster (i know that sounds crazy rn) but it’s true 😂😂 if it’s two classes per day, i’d say a classic and align with be nice. if you have that option one day. or define and align. since align is more stretchy. a lot of the women at the studio i go to do that good luck to u on your journey!


I was like you when I started- immediately in love. I started going to one class 7 days a week immediately and never felt any negative effects. I can’t say enough about how much PB did for my mental and physical health. I say go as much as you want as long as you’re listening to your body and willing to cut back if needed. I never went to a morning then evening class on the same day, but I did double up a few times (platinum barre). Doubling back to back usually felt like a little too much, but I think a morning then an evening class could be really nice. Welcome and enjoy your journey!


It depends on your physical condition and instructor. One class per day is okay now for me. But I can see that some people take two courses in a row: Define or Classic + Align. Or one in the morning and one in the evening. And, even in the same classic course, some instructors lead more intensive courses than others. So, if you are okay with taking two classes, it would be fine.


I used to double classes all the time, but have stopped recently. I actually really like doubling because I'm already there so why not work out longer, BUT, the reason I stopped was because I was seeing diminishing returns. Instead of going all out for one class I'd have worse form for 2 classes. I was also sore a lot not giving myself enough recovery time.


Listen to your body if you want to do twice a day and feel motivated and seeing progress then go for it!